Grade 11 - HUMSS - PerDev - Assessment Tool - TOS - Answerkey - Second Sem

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Name: _________________________ Score: _______________

Year & Section: _________________ Date: ________________

Direction: Read the following items carefully. Choose and write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided before each number.

____1. What do you call the image that we have developed over time, based on what we
have learned and experienced? This includes components of what our parents
have taught us, what we admire in others, what our society promotes, and what we
think is in our best interest.
a. Actual Self
b. Ideal Self
c. Real Self- Image
d. Social Image
____ 2. Allan spends a great deal of time working and trying to establish his career. He has
also been thinking about how his personal relationship is going and considering
whether it could be long-term and lead to establishing a family. Is Allan most likely
a. Adolescence
b. Adulthood
c. Childhood
d. Early Adulthood
____ 3. Which of the following activities is the MOST LIKELY thing a child in the formal
operational thought stage of cognitive development would do?
a. writing an essay about patriotism
b. drawing pictures of a family using stick figures
c. writing a story about a clown who wants to leave the circus
d. using building blocks to determine how houses are constructed
____ 4. What do you call the awareness of yourself?
a. Self-actualization
b. Self-concept
c. Self-evaluation
d. Self-identity
____ 5. What do you call the process in which people reflect upon themselves, understand
who they are, accept what they discover about themselves, and learn (or unlearn)
new sets of values, attitudes, behaviors, and thinking skills to reach their fullest
potential as human beings?
a. Human Development
b. Personal Development
c. Personality Development
d. Physical Development

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Department of Education

____ 6. What is the stage in life where an individual is now capable of reasoning about
abstract concepts and problems and has become more inquisitive about things like
philosophy, religion, and politics?
a. Adolescence
b. Adulthood
c. Childhood
d. Early Adulthood
____7. What does Erik Erikson's theory emphasize?
a. Changes in children's thinking as they mature
b. Developmental change throughout the human life span
c. Repeated resolutions of unconscious conflicts about sexual energy
d. The influence of sensitive periods in the various stages of biological maturation
____ 8. What do you call the development that brings about noticeable transformation and
improvements in one's personality?
a. Human Development
b. Personal Development
c. Personality Development
d. Physical Development
____ 9. Sally is a straight A student who always gets her work done. She is also the
president of her class and likes to be friends with everybody. On the other hand,
John is the "think-pair-share" partner of Sally. He is always assisted by Sally on
their academic subjects. Sally and John exhibit what kind of psychosocial
a. Identity vs. Role Confusion
b. Industry vs. Inferiority
c. Integrity vs. Despair
d. Intimacy vs. Isolation
____ 10. How do you call the stress that takes a step back to look at the situation that is
causing the stress and assess it?
a. Stress as a behavior
b. Stress as a relational
c. Stress as a response
d. Stress as a stimulus
____ 11. This refers to a situation where you see yourself in a manner that your friends keep
on describing. What do you call the image that you projected?
a. Actual Self
b. Ideal Self
c. Real Self Image
d. Social Image
____ 12. In what particular development can we observe changes in how adolescents set
their goals and think in terms of the future?
a. Emotional Development
b. Mental Development
c. Physical Development
d. Social Development

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Department of Education

____ 13. Which of the following is NOT an element of a healthy relationship?

a. Trust one another.
b. Respect one another.
c. Open and honest communication
d. One person makes all the decisions.
____14. How do you call the situations, people, events, or experiences that are life-
threatening or life-changing that we encounter in our life?
a. Experience
b. Learning
c. Stress
d. Stressors
____ 15. What do you call the emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension?
a. Fearfulness
b. Hatred
c. Stress
d. Tense
____ 16. What do you call the "stress hormone" that results from the interactions between
the hormones, glands, and nervous system where the adrenal gland drives?
a. Cortisol
b. Norepinephrine
c. Glucocorticoid
d. Fasciculate
____ 17. Therese started to seek more friends to share the same beliefs, values, and
interests as herself. She was under what development as an adolescent?
a. Emotional Development
b. Mental Development
c. Physical Development
d. Social Development
____18. Both Janna’s father and mother are doctors. After graduating from junior high, she
felt the strain of choosing and deciding what strand she would take. Her family is
telling her to choose STEM, but she is more interested in ABM. What kind of
stressor is this?
a. College life
b. Demands of Social Life
c. School Demands and Expectations
d. Selecting a School, College Course, or career
____ 19. Bill has been having family issues lately. This is because of his unexplainable
actions towards other people. He found himself interested in the same sex. Bill is
illustrating which of the following psychosocial stages?
a. Integrity vs. Despair
b. Industry vs. Inferiority
c. Intimacy vs. Isolation
d. Identity vs. Role Confusion

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Department of Education

____ 20. Which of the following is NOT a stress coping reduction method?
a. Face your problem alone
b. Learn to manage your time
c. Seek ground or social support
d. Conduct creative imagery of the problem
____ 21. Andrea suffers from depression. She is concerned about academic, family, and
even personal issues in her life that make her feel under pressure. What stress-
coping methods would you suggest to Andrea if you were a friend of hers?
a. Escape the problem
b. Pass the problem to other people
c. Analyze, understand, and deal with stress
d. Isolate yourself and be off with other people
____ 22. Mark feels miserable because of the pressure of the upcoming examination week.
He easily feels irritated and uncomfortable, but he managed to calm himself by
uttering a prayer silently. What kind of personal aspect does Mark portray?
a. Emotional
b. Mental
c. Physical
d. Spiritual
____ 23. Which of the following eating disorders has a real fear of weight gain and a distorted
view of their body size and shape?
a. Anorexia
b. Anxiety
c. Bulimia
d. Stress
____ 24. What type of eating disorder shows the practice of eating large amounts of junk
a. Anorexia
b. Anxiety
c. Bulimia
d. Stress
____ 25. Crisha has an eating disorder that involves the relentless pursuit of thinness
through starvation, which ultimately may lead to her death. What common
adolescent challenges does it fall under?
a. Health and nutrition
b. Material Poverty
c. Relationships
d. Other Challenges
____ 26. What do you call one of the easiest to report because it can be communicated
exactly as it occurs to you in your stream of consciousness?
a. Attitude
b. Behavior
c. Feelings
d. Thoughts

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Department of Education

____ 27. The easiest of the three channels is known as ________________ because it can
be identified by your actions and is only observable. What is the missing word?
a. Attitude
b. Behavior
c. Feelings
d. Thoughts
____ 28. What skills do you need to make healthy decisions in a relationship?
a. Passive communication
b. Ability to persuade others
c. Intelligence, memory, ability to do public speaking
d. Assertive communication, active listening, and negotiation skills
____ 29. A group of young leader establishes a foundation that will help the less fortunate
senior citizens in their community. This kind of act reflects what kind of virtues?
a. Objective, Fair
b. Peaceful, Calm
c. Respectful, Civil
d. Loving, Compassionate
____ 30. Alex aspires to graduate with the highest honor despite emerging obstacles, such
as financial problems. He managed to find a part-time job that could support him
with his finances. What is the personal effectiveness skill that Aldrin shows? What
characteristics does Alex possess that show how he prepared for his adult life?
a. Artistic
b. Creative
c. Persistence
d. Self-confidence
____31. What do you call the jelly-like mass that sits on top of the spinal cord and sends
electrical signals to the hand, telling it how to move as it coordinates sensation,
intellectual, and nervous activity?
a. Brain
b. Heart
c. Liver
d. Lungs
____ 32. What do you call the illustration use to represent ideas or information branching
from a central key word or idea?
a. Mind idea
b. Mind dotting
c. Mind concept
d. Mind mapping
____ 33. What do you call the single most important skill necessary for getting along with
others—so important that the lack of it could be considered the primary cause of
conflict and misbehavior?
a. Encouragement
b. Guidance
c. Love
d. Mentoring

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Department of Education

____ 34. Angel and Mike have been in a relationship for a year now. Lately, there are always
misunderstandings, and they keep on arguing with one another. If you are in that
situation, what is the best way you can do in order to save your relationship?
a. Why bother, blame each other
b. Establish an open communication
c. If it is not healthy, we need to separate ways
d. I will keep distant to his/her until he decided to end our relationship
____ 35. Andrea suffers from depression. She is concerned about academic, family, and
even personal issues in her life that make her feel under pressure to the point that
she cannot control her emotions. If you are a friend of Andrea, what is the best
advice you are going to give her to help her control her emotions?
a. Let your emotions out and escape the problem
b. Be mad to others and pass the problem to other people
c. Communicate with others then analyze, understand, and deal with the problem
d. Isolate yourself, do not talk to anyone, and cry all the time until the problem
goes away
____ 36. Sarah calls her best friend Chichi in a panic. She has a date with Jake, someone
she has wanted to date for months, but now she has a blemish on her forehead,
which she knows Jake and everyone else will notice. Do you think Sarah’s concern
is valid?
a. No, nobody cares.
b. No, we are all pretty.
c. Yes, Jake may make fun of her.
d. Yes, we have our own perception, and all emotions are valid.
____37. What do you call the close connections between people formed by emotional
bonds and interactions?
a. Societal relationship
b. Personal relationship
c. Romantic relationship
d. Environmental relationship
____ 38. Among the given choices below, what do you think are the basic essentials to make
the family members firmer and gentler with each other?
a. Misery, agony, vain, disrespect
b. Patience, honesty, kindness, respect
c. Aggressiveness, timid, laziness, boastful
d. None of the above
____ 39. What is the series of activities or the ongoing lifelong process of developing one’s
work, profession, occupation, or vocation?
a. Journey
b. Life goals
c. Career development
d. Personal development

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Department of Education

____ 40. When Abigail was a kid, she dreamt of becoming a doctor, but during their family
dinner, her mother mentioned her interest in sending her to a business school.
What factor affects her decision in choosing her own career path?
a. Demands in life
b. Family influences
c. Interest and passion
d. School fund and finances
____ 41. Viel opened a bank account and started to save money out of his monthly
allowance. He managed to learn self-control when it comes to his needs and wants
as he prepares for his college life. What kind of factor affects Viel’s career plan?
a. Demands in life
b. Family influences
c. Interest and passion
d. School fund and finances
____ 42. What do you call the close tie between two people that is often built upon mutual
experiences, shared interests, proximity and emotional bonding?
a. Friends
b. Family
c. Partners
d. Relative
____ 43. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Environment has nothing to do.
b. We are all born unique in our own way.
c. We often share personality traits with others, especially members of our own
d. Both a & b
____44. What is the ability to recognize one’s own feelings and emotions?
a. Social awareness
b. Mental awareness
c. Physical awareness
d. Emotional self-awareness
____ 45. Alex believes people are primarily influenced by their environment and learned
experiences, so he believes _______ plays a more powerful role in human
development, complete the sentence.
a. Heredity
b. Maturation
c. Nature
d. Nurture
____ 46. Complete the statement, “Life-span development begins with _______ and ends
with _______”?
a. conception; old age
b. conception; death
c. birth; death
d. infancy; old age
____ 47. Tan requested his parents to attend the awarding of honors. However, Tan’s
parents are both working, and nobody can attend on the recognition day. What is
the best way Tan should do to avoid his disappointment towards his parents?
a. Do not talk to them and let them feel guilty.

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b. Lock himself in the room and make them wonder why he is mad.

c. Keep thinking in a positive way that his parents will keep on working to give him
the best for him.
d. Keep asking himself why his parents cannot make time for him and feel pity
about himself
____48. Jessica and Samuel, both SHS students, failed to attend their third period classes.
What do you think is the best way for Jessica and Samuel to show how responsible
they are for their mistakes?
a. Go home; they are absent anyway.
b. Just enter the room and tell nothing to the teacher.
c. Talk to their classmates, and tell them not to tell their teacher about not
attending their class.
d. Go to the Guidance Office and ask for an admission letter, admitting their
mistakes and promising that they will never do it again.
____ 49. Tims started to look at schools with the highest board passing rate for the course
he wanted to take in college. What do you think is the reason why Tims takes such
a. Tim needs to practice mental health.
b. Tims starts to consider his career plan.
c. Tims is focused on his physical and self-growth.
d. Tims thinks on how he can avoid emotional stress.
____ 50. Considering the changes in adolescence, how shall the statement end, “As a child
matures into adolescence, interest in sexuality: ____________.”?
a. is a risk factor
b. becomes abnormal
c. is considered normal
d. inhibits cognitive development
____ 51. What is a useful tool to gather information about a person’s family?
a. Bar graph
b. Family tree
c. Flow chart
d. Genogram
____ 52. What are the common factors that influence a person's self-esteem?
a. Families and school
b. Puberty and development
c. Media Images and other outside influences
d. All of the given choices
____ 53. At a very young age, Adie experienced an abusive relationship; as a result, she
tends to be a loner and wishes to be on her own all the time. What are the possible
ways to help Adie?
a. Just give Adie a time to recover.
b. Give her inner peace and let her be alone.
c. Bring her to a professional doctor with aspecialty in PTSD.
d. Do not get too close to Adie. She might resort to violence since she wanted to
be alone.

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Department of Education

____ 54. Which part of the brain section is the largest part and responsible for the integration
of complex sensory and neural functions and the initiation and coordination of
voluntary activity in the body?

a. Brain stem
b. Cerebellum
c. Cerebrum
d. Left hemisphere
____ 55. Autism Spectrum disorder makes a change in the way the brain understands the
world. People diagnosed with this disorder can have a hard time talking about their
feelings, understanding other people’s actions, and being social. What is the best
way to enhance brain function in people diagnosed with autism?
a. Force them to get better.
b. Find help and support services.
c. Do not tell anyone about the disorder.
d. Do not give any help you might acquire it.
____ 56. What is the way that your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors affect your life?
a. Mental health
b. Physical health
c. Social health
d. Spiritual health
____ 57. What is the substance that can hinder memory, learning, judgment, and reaction
a. Ecstasy
b. Inhalants
c. Marijuana
d. Steroid
____ 58. What kinds of drugs cause aggression and violent mood swings?
a. Ecstasy
b. Inhalants
c. Marijuana
d. Steroid
____ 59. What are the possible manifestations of stress in your personal and professional
lives that, EXCEPT for one, can be described by the following emotions?
a. Anger
b. Dejection
c. Elation
d. Tension
____ 60. What do you call the system of beliefs that adheres to the highest ideals of human
existence? These ideals create meaning and purpose in a person’s life that often
results in personal happiness and self-fulfillment.
a. Attitudes
b. Behavior
c. Emotions
d. Values

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education



Most Essential No. No. % of Item Specification (Type of Test and Placement)
Learning of of Items Remem- Under- Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Competency Hours Items ( No. bering standing
x 100)
Explain that 3 3 5% 4, 11 1
knowing oneself
can make a person
accept his/her
strengths and
limitations and
dealing with others
Share his/her 2 2 3.33% 22, 50
habits, and
Evaluate his/her 2 1 1.67% 26
own thoughts,
feelings, and
Show the 2 1 1.67% 27
between thoughts,
feelings, and
behaviors in actual
life situations
Discuss 4 5 8.33% 7 2, 6 3, 25
tasks and
challenges being

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Evaluate one’s 3 3 5% 17 9, 19
through the help of
significant people
around him/her
(peers, parents,
siblings, friends,
Identify ways that 2 2 3.33% 48 30
help one become
capable and
prepared for adult
Discuss 3 3 5% 10, 12 59
understanding of
mental health and
well-being to
identify ways to
cope with stress
Identify causes and 4 5 8.33% 14, 15, 18 21
effects of stress in 16
one’s life
Demonstrate 2 2 3.33% 56 20
personal ways to
cope with stress
and maintain
mental health
*Discuss that 4 5 8.33% 23, 24,
understanding the 54,
different parts of 57,58
the brain,
processes and
functions may help
in improving

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Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

thoughts, behavior
and feelings.
Explore ways on 2 2 3.33% 31 53
how to improve
functions for
Develop a personal 2 2 3.33% 32 55
plan to enhance
functions discuss
that understanding
the intensity and
differentiation of
emotions may help
in communicating
Explore one’s 2 1 1.67% 47
positive and
negative emotions
and how one
expresses or hides
Demonstrate and 2 2 3.33% 44 35
create ways to
various emotions
Discuss an 2 1 1.67% 28
understanding of
including the
acceptable and
expressions of
Express his/her 2 1 1.67% 33
ways of showing
attraction, love,
and commitment
Identify ways to 2 2 3.33% 13 34

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Department of Education

responsible in a
Distinguish the 2 2 3.33% 60 29
various roles of
individuals in
society and how
they can influence
people through
their leadership or
Compare one’s 2 2 3.33% 52 36
perception of
and how others see
Conduct a mini 3 2 3.33% 37, 42
survey on Filipino
(family, school,
and community)
appraise one’s
family structure
and the type of
care he/she gives
and receives,
which may help in
Make a genogram 4 4 6.67% 51 43 45, 46
and trace certain
personality, or
attributes through
Prepare a plan on 2 1 1.67% 38
how to make the
family members
firmer and gentler
with each other
Explain that 2 1 1.67% 39

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

different factors,
concepts and
personal life goals
influence career
planning and
decision making.
Identify career 2 1 1.67% 40
options based on
different factors,
concepts and
personal life goals
Prepare a career 2 1 1.67% 41
plan based on the
identified career
options to attain
personal life’s
Explain the factors 2 1 1.67% 49
in personal
development that
may guide him/her
in making
important career
decisions as
Share insights that 4 2 3.33% 5, 8
make him/her
realize the
importance of
development in
making a career
decision as
construct a
visualization of
his/her personal
through of the

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

various stages
he/she went
through, stressors,
influences, and
points, and a
personal profile
Total 70 60 100% 24 7 5 14 7 3

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Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education



1. b 31. a
2. d 32. d
3. d 33. c
4. b 34. b
5. b 35. c
6. a 36. d
7. b 37. a
8. c 38. b
9. b 39. c
10. b 40. b
11. d 41. d
12. b 42. b
13. d 43. d
14. d 44. d
15. c 45. d
16. a 46. b
17. d 47. c
18. d 48. d
19. d 49. b
20. a 50. c
21. c 51. d
22. d 52. d
23. a 53. c
24. c 54. c
25. a 55. b
26. d 56. a
27. b 57. c
28. d 58. d
29. d 59. c
30. d 60. d

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Department of Education





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