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Activity 4

Reflect on Email

In this paragraph I will reflect on my use of email, where I have been using my email very well, since I
always send emails to my colleagues. In my opinion the most important body of the creating an email is
the attention subject line, where an eye-catching subject line is an essential (and crucial) component of a
successful email campaign. After all, the content of your email is pointless if your subject line doesn't
entice them to open it. Write a subject line that will grab your consumers' attention in order to stand
out from the rest of the emails that are flooding their inboxes. In my experience even though the
message are not clear as long as the title is attention grabber, the email would be read since It caught
the eye of the receiver, I have been writing short emails with very eye catchy title, most of it receives
more reply rather than having a long relaying message in my emails. But still I need to improve in
creating emails especially in the manner of relaying message, since I still type a lot of words just to
explain a short thought, to do this I will ensure that my message will be understood by Briefly stating my
purpose for writing in the very beginning of my message, providing the reader with some context and
last is to fix my format of message so that it is easy to read by using white space to visually separate
paragraphs into distinct blocks of text. Bullet important details so that they are easy to pick out, Using
bold face type or capital letters to highlight critical information, such as due dates.  

Reflect on Written Documents

In my opinion the most important in using these communication is the use of language, since it is very
important to use language that fits audience and matches purpose, because Inappropriate language
uses can damage in credibility, undermine of argument, or alienate the audience.  In my experience I
have been writing emails in English, since that is the most appropriate and most used language in
creating email, I’ve created email to passed my documents for my Filipinolohiya subject, in response of
my professor’s to my email, he emailed me to used Filipino language since the subject is in Filipino. In
my situation I had been using Use plain simple English, Write to express, not to impress, I make sure that
I understand a thing before I write about it, I also write writing about a dull subject and everything has a
kernel of interest in it and lastly is I read all my sentences aloud. But I will still need some developments
in this form of communication most of the time I still can’t emphasizes my message very well, I only
write words that I know without thinking deeply, widely, carefully about a specific subject. To attained
my desire development in written documents are I will not limit my thoughts be limited by vocabulary, I
will read a lot to hone my language knowledge.

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