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Personal Development

WEEK #4 : SSLM #4

Activity 3. Picture Analysis

Instruction: Look at the pictures below. Describe each (in a paragraph form) of the
pictures by answering these questions:
1. What messages do these ads give to middle adolescents like you?
2. How have these ads affected your lifestyle, self-esteem, and values?
3. How has this lesson changed your perception about ads?

Media Influences (How Ads Affected My Self-Esteem)


- In my own perspective, this advertisement wants to convey the message that we

should give importance to basic sanitation because it can adversely affect our health.
Due to the fact that this certain problem can cause a huge impact in one’s life, it
instantly affects my lifestyle, self-esteem, and values. For instance, today it made me
realize that I should give more value and appreciate my health by  practicing hygienic
behaviors and maintain an adequate access to safe drinking water. In addition, it
changed my perspectives toward ads because at first I thought that all advertisement
only gives us new information for their own benefits but this advertisement helped me
to build a positive actions and perception.

- I strongly believe that the message of this advertisement is to show us that most
people believe that the fast-food recipes of McDonald's are very delicious since it has
already 99 billion served and it is also known as one of the largest and most
successful fast-food chains. As a person who’s not fond of fast food cuisine, this
advertisement affects me. I have three main reasons for this. Firstly, it affects my
lifestyle because it made me think that trying something different or something new
can give me progress and allow me to learn and discover change, new experiences,
and new possibilities. Secondly, it affects my self-esteem by boosting it since it made
me feel delighted. Lastly, it affects my values by making it more clear and helping me
to develop my appreciation. Hence, for me, it altered my perception of ads because
this advertisement makes me feel associated with happiness.


- In this advertisement, there are countless signs from styles to facial expressions that
are attempting to convey a message. We know that nowadays most people tend to
follow popular things. Therefore, this kind of advertisement truly affects my self-
esteem. This advertisement sets a standard of luxury, beauty, and pleasure. They
promise to fulfill our desire through using their products. If we don’t follow them, we
feel that we are automatically rejected and different. Thus, I became more self-
conscious. This advertisement is deliberately targeting adolescence like me because
we are the most susceptible to self-esteem issues, thereby making us the perfect
customer at the expense of making us feel even worse about ourselves.

- Each year, vape shops are spending and investing their money in promoting their
products to make it more popular to many adolescents. Therefore, they want to show
us that they believe that their product can produce a strong influence. As an
adolescent, I go through developmental changes, forming my own identities and
taking more risks. I also begin to pay more attention to being accepted by friends and
this vape shop advertisement somehow makes me feel like smoking would make me
popular, sophisticated, attractive, and tough. But I strongly believe that I don’t need to
be like them to make myself happy, satisfied, and proud. This lesson enlightened my
mind that some advertisements are good for us. On the other hand, they can be also
the cause of harm.


-The message of this advertisement is to tell us that we must be careful and

responsible for every action that we will do, especially on social media. This
advertisement affects my lifestyle, self-esteem, and values. I started thinking before I
click and continued to spread kindness. This lesson made me realize that these
advertisements can also provide various information that can be useful not just for
them but also for us.

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