Strategic Leadership Within An Organizational Context

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Understanding of Strategic leadership within an organizational context.

Table of Contents
Task 1: Introduction and Strategic leadership Purpose.......................................................................3

Task 2: Historical Perspective of Strategic leadership in the organization........................................3

Task 3: Strategic leadership within the fold of corporate governance in the UK firms.....................3

Task 4: Type of Level of strategic leaders in the organization..............................................................3

Task 5: Organizational structure and Culture in the UK firms...........................................................4

Task 6: Corporate Social Responsibility in the UK..............................................................................4

Task 7: Stakeholder management in UK firms:...................................................................................4

Task 8: Conclusion................................................................................................................................4


Task 1: Introduction and Strategic leadership Purpose
Leadership is an ability that comes after the responsibility of work or task in person or leader.
Being able to lead within the organization makes you a decent leader, but the most important
quality is having leadership abilities that fundamentally alter the organizational structure and
behavior. Since strategic leaders are responsible for a wide range of stakeholders, it's critical
to gauge their effectiveness and influence in relation to the values they foster for each group
(Coursehero, 2022).
Task 2: Historical Perspective of Strategic leadership in the organization
Strategic leaders are valuable assets to the organization. Honesty, responsibility, duty
allocation, adaptability, and time management are distinctive qualities of a strategic leader.
When we look at its historical context, we see that it began in the 1950s, when notable leaders
like Peter Drucker, Alfred Chandler, and Igor Ansoff arrived. Both as leaders and as strategists,
they excelled. Most businesses have leaders, but few have strategists. Only 8% of people,
according to a PwC case study, are strategic leaders. For the business, this is a very complicated
issue and a cause for concern.

Task 3: Strategic leadership within the fold of corporate governance in the UK firms
Strategic leaders are accountable for the formulation and implementation of strategies within
the organization. Strategic leaders must have the skills of good governance. These skills are
transparency, honesty, trust, and inclined toward role and responsibility. Managing conflict
among subordinates and superiors is an excellent governance skill Ready to identify key
stakeholders who are accountable for decision-making and ethical practices. The UK has an
influential model of corporate governance which is imitated by many European countries.

Task 4: Type of Level of strategic leaders in the organization

Executives are less logical than strategists at the leadership level. With conventional
leadership, top management develops a plan, and middle management is prepared to
analyze it constructively.

The traditional employment pyramid model shows a hierarchy with the CEO at the top,
presidents at the second level, vice presidents at the third level, middle management at the
fourth level, team leaders and supervisors at the fifth level, and entry-level workers at the
very bottom (typically with very little opportunity for upward progression). This paradigm
has been a structural norm in many businesses and organizations for a long time (Cait Flood,
Task 5: Organizational structure and Culture in the UK firms

A successful leader is created by a strongly outlined organizational culture, and a good

organizational culture is created by an effective leader. A leader is recognized for his actions,
his field of competence, and most critically, his character, beliefs, and ideals. A strategist
leader's effectiveness is also influenced by organizational culture. The unique hierarchy norm
that UK businesses adhere to is no longer relevant. Employers are attempting to increase
employee cooperation. Strategic directors ought to be aware of how to bargain within a
British organization. Strategic leaders are now following the rules of participative
management all over the world.
Task 6: Corporate Social Responsibility in the UK
Both leaders and organizations must work for corporate social responsibility.
Environmental and social factors are essential for the growth and development of society.
UK companies may be allocating more resources to corporate responsibility than is generally
realized, with more than half claiming to spend between five and ten percent of their turnover
on social and environmental measures (Super Admin, 2007).
So according to the above claim, strategic leaders and organizations need to maintain these
rules of CSR.
Task 7: Stakeholder management in UK firms:
Stakeholders are those who have an interest in the organization and influence the whole
The firm, includes owners, managers, customers, etc. Stakeholder management is
indispensable for the company, managing stakeholders’ interests is mandatory for the
company it has five steps recognizing stakeholders, searching for reasoning, communicating
with them, executing strategy, and receiving feedback from stakeholders.

Task 8: Conclusion: Based on the above discussion, we can conclude that strategic leaders
play a major role in finding the goal of UK organizations. These leaders are the backbone of
the company in terms of performance and productivity. Leadership brings huge
accountability, decision making ability and keeping cultural values in the organization.


Cait Flood, 2021. INVISTA. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 10 August 2022].

Coursehero, 2022. Coursehero. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 10 August 2022].

Super Admin, 2007. Triple Pundit. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 11 August 2022].

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