Since I Was in Elementary

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Since I was in elementary, mathematics is my favorite subject among all.

I find it
really interesting because it gives us the ability to view the world in a way nothing else
can. As time passes by, the lesson in this subject goes deeper and deeper than I
expected, to the point that sometimes I just want to give up and accept that I can’t
answer some math problems, but giving up is not actually in my vocabulary. I really
want to be challenge and I love thrills in life.
And now, that I’m in college I expect that this subject will be more challenging
and harder than I thought. I’m also looking forward to know if there is a big difference
between the traditional mathematics than modern mathematics, I don’t have any idea
in which among the two is more challenging. One thing that I will expect is, it will surely
make me cry. I’m also expecting that this subject will help me to improve more my
mathematical skills. Mathematical skills such as critical and analytical thinking, and the
ability to easily solve math problems. Lastly, I’m looking forward that this subject will be
memorable to me not because I will fail, but because of the learnings that I will receive.

And to my dearest instructor, I know that she is already great and

knowledgeable. But I expect that she can make even the most difficult lesson into an
easy one that everyone will understand and absorb. I also expect that she will be strict
throughout the semester. I actually don’t have any problem with her being strict,
because it will surely help us to be more discipline and responsible student. Nowadays,
I noticed that most of the strict instructors are really a great and inspiring person, I
know that there is always a reason why they act like that, and I know that they just
doing what is the best for their beloved students. I hope that we will have a good
relationship and memorable experience and learnings with our instructor.

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