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SBi-Guidelines 233

Protection against Radon

in new buildings

1st edition 2011

Protection against Radon in new buildings
Protection against Radon in new buildings

Torben Valdbjørn Rasmussen

SBi-guidelines 233
The Danish Building Research Institute, Aalborg University, 2011
Title Protection against Radon in new buildings
Series SBi-guidelines 233
Format Printed paper
Edition 1st edition
Published 2011
Author Torben Valdbjørn Rasmussen
Editing Lise Lotte Beck Raunkjær
Language English
Translation Karsten Lundager
Pages 48
References Pages 46-47
Key words Radon, securing against radon, earth gases, radon suction, suction layer, tightness,
membrane, moisture barrier, ground slab, basements, construction details

ISBN 978-87-563-1498-5

Layout Finn Gattmann

Drawings Bo Amstrup Vestergaard, Lise Lotta Beck Raunkjær
Fotos Icopal a/s
illustration Mai-Britt Amsler

Printers Oberthur

Publisher The Danish Building Research Institute, Aalborg University

Dr. Neergaards Ve] 15,2970 Hørsholm

Reproduction of this publication fall within the Copyright Act


Foreword ......................................................................................................... 6
Introduction...................................................................................................... 8
1 Radon penetration into buildings .................................................................. 10
1.1 Soil gas penetration – effect on indoor air ............................................. 10
1.2 Soil gas penetration – typical causes
2 Protection against radon .............................................................................. 12
2.1 Radon penetration must be reduced..................................................... 12
2.2 Design.................................................................................................. 13
2.3 Suitable materials and solutions ........................................................... 14
3 Sealing structures resting on the ground ...................................................... 17
3.1 Ground slabs ............................................................................................ 17
3.2 Basement walls and basement floor.......................................................... 18
3.3 Ground slab and heavy external wall ........................................................ 20
3.4 Ground slab and light external wall ........................................................... 23
3.5 Ground slab and internal wall .................................................................... 26
3.6 Radon barrier under the building ............................................................... 29
3.7 Penetration of pipe systems and other installations in
ground slabs and basement walls .......................................................... 31
3.8 Running pipes and cables through a ground slab...................................... 31
3.9 Running pipes and cables through basement walls ................................... 35
4 Reducing pressure difference....................................................................... 37
4.1 Radon suction .......................................................................................... 37
4.2 Distribution of suction in suction layer ....................................................... 39
4.3 Ventilation of suction layer........................................................................ 41
4.4 Branch drain ............................................................................................. 41
5 Ventilation .................................................................................................... 43
5.1 Natural ventilation ..................................................................................... 44
5.2 Mechanical ventilation............................................................................... 44
5.3 Reduced underpressure in the building ..................................................... 44
References ...................................................................................................... 46
Appendice A. Symbols and colours on illustrations .......................................... 48

As of late the Building Regulations have changed requirements on indoor climate,

which has led to increased focus on the concentration of radon in indoor air. In doing
so, the Building Regulations 2010 follow the recommendations from WHO (World
Health Organisation) stating that the maximum allowed concentration of radioactivity
in buildings from natural sources should be kept below 100 Becquerel per cubic meter
air (Bq/m3). In countries where this goal (for practical reasons) cannot be met, WHO
recommends that the permitted radioactivity does not exceed 300 Bq/m3. In this way,
WHO follows the recommendations from the health authorities in the Nordic
Countries (including the Danish health authorities). The radiation from natural
sources mainly comes from radon. As a consequence, buildings must be constructed
in such a way that the radon content in the indoor air does not exceed 100 Bq/m3
As a result of the sharpened requirements on radon concentration in the indoor
air, and in order to secure against the penetration of soil gases, clients, designers and
builders must have increased focus on the design of the building envelope - in
particular where the envelope is in contact with the soil.
These guidelines are primarily targeted towards engineers, architects and
builders in order to assist them in the planning and in the execution of work.
The purpose is to give the reader such professional insight as is required for the
planning and execution of buildings where the concentration of radon in the indoor air
does not exceed 100 Bq/m3. The guidelines show examples of how buildings can be
protected against radon penetration. The examples are based on solutions already
used today. It is, however, recommended to continue research and testing of new
solutions in certain areas
The guidelines are associated with SBi-guidelines232, Radon – sources and
measuring (Rasmussen & Wraber, 2010), accounting for the radon problems and
showing methods for radon testing in buildings.
The guidelines have been elaborated by The Danish Building Research Institute,
Aalborg University with financial support from the Danish Business Authority. SBi
would like to express its gratitude for this support.
The below listed persons have commented on the the book during its
Bjarne Pedersen, lcopal Denmark a/s
Claus Erik Andersen, Risø, DTU
Claus Jørgensen, Sundolitt as
Erik Busch, Saint-Gobain Weber A/S
Jens Brendstrup, COWI A/S
Jesper Bruun Petersen, NIRAS A/S
Jørgen Munch-Andersen, Træinformation
Kaare Ulbak, Danish Health and Medicines Authority
Kim Rafen Jensen, Icopal/Monarflex
Mette Neerup, NIRAS A/S
Michael Petersen, Saint-Gobain Isover A/S
Niels Strange, The Danish Construction Association

SBi would like to thank for the cooperation.

The Danish Building Research Institute, Aalborg University

Department of Construction and Health, December 2010

Niels-Jørgen Aagaard
Research chief

The World Health Organisation- WHO - considers radon to be the number two most
important cause of lung cancer in many countries - smoking is still considered to be
the most important cause. Based on this assumption WHO decided in 2009 to reduce
the recommended concentration of radioactivity from natural sources in indoor air by
50% to a level of maximum 100 Bq/m3. This recommendation is incorporated in the
Building Regulations 2010 (BR10).
Radon is a radioactive gas found in the soil and it is the main source for
radioactivity in the indoor air in buildings. It is not possible to see, smell, hear or feel
These SBi-guidelines contain the latest knowledge with regard to the
construction of safe and sound buildings fulfilling the BR10 requirements concerning
the content of radon in indoor air.
The guidelines have been prepared mainly for use by engineers, architects and
builders. They may also be useful for building owners who can find exact
information about radon and how to ensure that the radon content in indoor air in new
buildings is low and fulfil requirements in the Building Regulations.
The guidelines recommend technical solutions based on a combination of the
below listed three main focus areas:

- Sealing structures against the soil - possibly combined with a radon stopping
plane under the building.
- Reduction of the pressure difference between the outside and the inside of
structures built against the soil.
- Ventilation of the building using outdoor air.

Sealing structures and reduction of the pressure difference between the outer and
the inner side of structures built against the soil are technical solutions both of which
prevent the entering of radon. Applying both solutions ensures an effective
precaution against the penetration of radon, which, in combination with ventilation of
the building, will secure low radon content in the indoor air.
If a suction layer is established it will be possible for the building owner, in a
relatively simple way, to monitor and reduce the accumulation of radon in the indoor
air and at the same time observing low consumption of energy. In this way the
building owner can comply with future change of use of the building or comply with
changes in radon concentration demands in the indoor air.
The recommendations given require new technical solutions which must be
introduced to the Danish building tradition. The need for an effective control of radon
in the indoor air derives from the fact that at present no lower limit for radon content
causing health hazard has been documented.
Thus, it is desirable to reduce the radon content in the indoor air as much as possible.
It is therefore recommended to choose such technical solutions which prevent the
penetration of radon into the building.
In 2008 SBi published a survey showing the test results of the radon content in the
indoor air of 200 recently constructed detached single family houses in areas in Denmark
where the radon concentration in the subsoil was high. The survey showed that 1% of the
dwellings tested had a radon content in the indoor air exceeding 200 Bq/m3, and that 7
% of the tested dwellings had a radon content in the indoor air exceeding 100 Bq/m3. Air
exchange was also measured in those 10 % of the dwellings with the highest radon
content in the indoor air. The mean value of air exchange was measured and found to be
0.38 times/hour. In the case of detached single family houses, The Building Regulations
recommend that every habitable room and the building as such is supplied with outdoor
air at a rate of minimum 0.3 l/s per m2 heated floor area, which corresponds to
approximately 0.5 times per hour.
In the country as a whole, the radon content in the ground varies considerably - the
highest concentration is found in areas with rocky ground and cracked rich clay - the
lowest in sandy soils. The radon content in the ground is described in more details in
SBi-Guidelines 232, Radon – sources and and measuring (Rasmussen & Wraber,
Radon enters a building through cracks and crevices most often because the
pressure inside the building is lower than the pressure below the building. The radon
content in indoor air will always be higher than the content in outdoor air. The radon
problem is particularly connected to rooms with walls and floor constructions directly
against the ground, i.e. basements or the ground floor in buildings with ground slabs.
A reduction of the radon content in indoor air can be achieved by fulfilling the
ventilation requirements as stated in the Building Regulations.
The radon content in indoor air is primarily controlled by the four parameters listed below:

- The radon content in the soil gas and permeability conditions in the soil.
- Leaks in constructions against the ground.
- Pressure and temperature differences above the floor construction.
- Air exchange with outdoor air.

Building materials with increased radon content, such as light weight concrete based on
alum slate, often referred to as ‘blue concrete’ has been used extensively in Sweden, but
is no longer produced. Today, it is mainly the radon found in the ground in the form of soil
gas that causes a problem. A smaller portion of radon enters the building by diffusion. .
The radon content in treated ground water is insignificant. It is, however, necessary to
take into consideration the radon found in water from private boreholes in some areas of
Additional costs related to the construction of a house with low radon content in
the indoor air are in most cases insignificant. Focus should be placed on the right
choice of solutions and correct workmanship.
1 Radon penetration into buildings

When talking about indoor climate it is essential to focus on radon-222, colloquially

referred to as radon. Radon is formed in the uranium-238 decay chain.
Radon-220 (also called thoron) is formed in the thorium-232-decay chain. It is
radon-222 and to a lesser degree radon-220, which are dangerous to humans. The
decay chain for radon as well as aspects related to health are described in
SBi-Guidelines 232, Radon – sources and measuring, 2 Radon and health
(Rasmussen & Wraber, 2010).
Radon primarily mixes with the indoor air as soil gas containing radon. The Radon
content in soil gas is not constant over time and varies regionally. Whether or not the
protection against radon complies with building regulation requirements therefore
depends on location and current exposure as well as designed and implemented
solutions. It is desirable to aim for a concentration of radon in the indoor air as low as
possible. It is recommended to use technical solutions which not only prevent the
ingress of radon but also reduce the difference in pressure between soil gas and
indoor air.

1.1 Soil gas penetration – effect on indoor air

As of present it is not possible to get a full picture of soil gas penetration through the
part of the building envelope in contact with the ground as with respect to failure in
airtightness and pressure equalization. The amount of soil gas penetrating through
significant or insignificant failures and cracks in individual joints, structures or building
components is not known. Likewise, no data exist concerning the amount of soil gas
penetration when applying different principles of suction layers. Also, no research
results are known concerning the sufficiency of different methods used to achieve
airtightness and their influence on the total radon content in indoor air.
The radon content in indoor air in a building may be reduced by the supply of
outdoor air. Supplying outdoor air also contributes to ensuring a good indoor climate.
When the soil gas has high radon content, even insignificant leaks in the building
envelope against the ground may greatly influence the radon content in indoor air.
Methods for the reduction of radon content in indoor air in Danish single family
houses is researched and described in ‘Radon-95, (Andersen, Bergsøe, Brendstrup,
Damkjær, Gravesen & Ulbak, 1997).
1.2 Soil gas penetration – typical causes
Experience from existing buildings indicate that the most frequent causes for
increased radon content in indoor air are:

- Insufficiently airtight ground slab allowing for the penetration of of radon saturated
soil gas. The soil gas is propelled by convection or advection.
- Leaks around installations penetrating the air barrier system against the ground
such as cable penetrations and penetrations for water and energy supply. This
applies to heavy constructions as well as light constructions.
- Insufficient sealing of joints between building components facing the ground,
such as joints between ground slab and foundations – external as well as internal.
- Insufficient sealing between air barrier and other building components such as
door threshold under external doors.

Convection is the movement in fluids and gasses, usually provoked by a difference in

temperature combined with heat expansion and gravity. As the density of hot air is less
than that of cold air, the thermal buoyancy will result in hot air moving upwards and cool
air moving downwards
Advection is the movement in fluids and gasses usually controlled by a difference in
Figure 1 shows what factors influence the content of radon in indoor air.

1. Joint between floor

slab and wall.
2. Leaks in penetrations in
the floor, foundation and
basement wall, such as
water supply, floor drains
cleaning wells, cables and
energy supply lines in the
form of natural gas or
district heating.
3. Cracks and crevices in
floor slab and walls caused
by settling or material
contraction for example
caused by drying up
4. Air flow through porous
building materials such as
lightweight clinker
concrete blocks or cracks in
plaster on masonry
foundations. Masonry
foundations are seldom
Figure 1. Elements contributing to radon penetration plastered below ground
5. Radon from water.
5. Radon from building

2 Protection against radon

The ingress of radon may be reduced primarily by hindering the penetration of soil
gases and to a lesser degree by hindering transport by diffusion.
Transport by diffusion of 50 mm in water and 2 meters in dry sand will cause
disintegration of radon down to a level of 10% of its initial radiation. (Clavensjo &
Akerblom, 2004).

2.1 Radon penetration must be reduced

Radon penetration through soil gas ingress may be reduced/hindered by establishing

airtight constructions against the ground. The penetration may be further
reduced/hindered by pressure equalization on the underside of the ground slab
construction (pipe connection to the outside of the building). Pressure equalization
reduces the pressure below the floor construction and hence the pressure difference
between soil gas and indoor air. It is assessed that the best way to protect against
radon is a combination of airtight constructions against the ground and pressure
equalization. Also, building regulation requirements concerning ventilation of the
building must be observed. It is thus recommended to carry out both solutions
mentioned, i.e. airtight constructions and pressure equalization between soil gas and
indoor air. In doing so it is possible to achieve an effective precaution against radon
penetration which, in combination with ventilation of the building, ensures low radon
content in the indoor air.
Figure 2 shows technical solutions recommended to ensure low radon content in
indoor air.


Radon seal

Figure 2. Airtight constructions against the ground and pressure equalization

between soil gas and indoor air combined with ventilation of the building ensures low
radon content in indoor air.
The total radon load depends on the where the building is erected - on soil with a high
radon concentration or on soil with a low concentration. When built on soil with a high
concentration, special care must be taken in order to avoid the penetration of soil gas into
the building.

2.1.1 Sealing
Sealing of foundations, ground slabs, basement floors and basement external walls may
be achieved by the insertion of membranes, see subsections 3.1 to 3.5 in section 3,
‘Sealing of structures resting on the ground’. The use of membranes can reduce the
radon load. In practice this is done by placing a membrane under the entire building, see
section 3,6, ‘Radon stopping membrane under the building’. In addition to this it is
required to establish a seal around all pipes and installations, see section 3.7 to 3.9
concerning the sealing of constructions against the ground.

2.1.2 Suction layer

It is recommended to establish a suction layer below the ground slab. A suction layer
facilitates a possible future need to reduce the radon concentration in indoor air even
further, for example in instances where it turns out that the technical solutions are
insufficient. In doing so, it is possible to prevent radon penetration into the building for
example through cracks caused by settling, aging or drying up. Pressure equalization is
established in the suction layer, see section 4.1, ‘Radon suction’. Ground slabs are
floor constructions resting directly on the ground. A ground slab is typically constructed
as follows: Bottommost, a capillary break layer followed by an insulating layer and a
pressure distributing layer and finally a floor covering. The suction layer may be
established in the capillary break layer. In cases where pressure resistant insulation is
used as a capillary break layer, the suction layer must be established below the pressure
resistant insulation. The suction layer may be established using pebble gravel, shingles
or coated loose light weight clinkers. In order to distribute the suction in the entire planet
under the building it it recommended to place ’ventilation drains’ inside the capillary break
layer and to connect these centrally under the concrete slab - using closed pipes or
connect them to a sealed sump outside the building. At a later stage it is possible to
establish the pressure equalization in the suction layer.
Suction may be passive in the form of a pipe leading from the suction layer to a level
above the roof, see figure 23. Thermal buoyancy and wind pressure will constitute the
propelling forces creating a partial vacuum and thus reducing the pressure in the suction
layer below the floor construction. Suction may also be active in which case a ventilator
creates the pressure reduction, see section 4.1, ‘Radon suction’. The supply of outdoor
air propels air change in the suction layer, and in this way ventilating the suction layer,
see section 4.3, ‘Ventilating the suction layer’.

2.2 Design
The stringent measures in the building regulations concerning the radon content in indoor air in a building
increase the demand to prevent soil gas penetration. Airtight seals and pressure equalization may prevent
The ingress of soil gas. It is therefore recommended to apply both solutions during
design work, which in combination with building ventilation will ensure a low radon
concentration in the indoor air. The airtightness of the building against the ground is
an integrated part of establishing an airtight building envelope, see SBi-guidelines
214, ‘Airtight Building Envelope’ (Rasmussen & Nicolajsen, 2007). The increased
airtightness of constructions against the ground involves tightening design demands
and correct workmanship. Pressure equalization involves changing building

2.2.1 Buildable solutions

The designer of airtight solutions must constantly think about buildabilty, i.e. is it
possible to carry out the proposed solution in practice. Keeping this in mind it is
important – already during the design process – to decide the position of the airtight
shell and also to decide exactly how the airtightness between different building
components is ensured. The placement of the air barrier system and principles used
for airtightness must be defined during the design process and must be stated in the
tender documents.
During the design process the designer may be instrumental in creating buildable
solutions by considering establishment of a good work environment at the building
site. Simple and sturdy solutions should be given priority when planning pipe runs
and other building service installations – especially in relation to the placement of the
air barrier system. Radon sealing should be an integrated part of sealing the
building envelope against the ground. The requirements concerning radon content in
indoor air require strict demands to the the use of airtight materials and airtight joints
between building components facing the ground – more so than between any other
building components in the building envelope.
When designing the radon seal the building designer may combine various
technical solutions such as the sealing of structures against the ground, pressure
equalizing when establishing a suction layer, and ventilating the building by the
supply of outdoor air.

2.3 Suitable materials and solutions.

A wide range of materials may be chosen when designing solutions preventing the
ingress of soil gases. However, all materials chosen must be appropriate for the
purpose, be indissoluble and chemically compatible. The materials must also be
environmentally friendly throughout the entire process, i. e. from initial storing,
through handling and later during use and finally during demolition and removal. All
materials used must be compatible with respect to changes in shape and size caused
by changes in temperature and moisture conditions that may occur during and after
construction of the building. Also they must be able to fulfil their function throughout
the entire lifetime of the building.
It is also important that the materials chosen are sufficiently strong to be able to
withstand the handling on a building site without being damaged. The manufacturers
guidelines should be observed.

2.3.1 Materials suitable for making airtight seals

A wide range of materials may be used for the establishment of airtightness against
the ground. A common demand for these materials is that they must be sufficiently
airtight and remain so throughout the entire life of the building. Also the joints between
different materials must be sufficiently airtight. Materials used for making airtight
seals between airtight building components must possess similar qualities of
airtightness as those of the adjoining building components and must be able to adhere
to the surfaces/materials used in order to secure sufficiently tight seals
Certain materials are considered to be airtight on their own and able to prevent the
ingress of radon, for example non-cracked plaster as well as liquid membranes based on
asphalt, bitumen or materials with hydraulic setting binders. The airtightness is
proportional to layer thickness and is product-specific. It is possible to use liquid
membranes in larger areas in order to reduce the number of joints. Corner joints are
vulnerable to subsequent works and it is therefore recommended to use prefabricated
moulded corners, especially where roll membranes require multiple folds, which may
result in several layers. Non-cracked masonry, concrete and lightweight concrete with a
density above 1600 kg/m2 and with a thickness of minimum 100 mm are considered to
airtight against radon.
The concrete ground slab is normally cast in situ. The concrete slab may constitute
the airtight shell against soil gas with radon. It is considered to sufficiently tight when it
consists of minimum 100 mm concrete 20 or better, reinforced with ø 5 mm reinforcement
mesh with a grid spacing of 150 mm placed in the centre of the slab. The mesh must
overlap by minimum 150 mm at joints.
The use of reinforcement mesh reduces the risk of shrinkage as well as cracks
caused by settling in the concrete slab, but it is still important to ensure a stable
substratum and to cover newly cast concrete in order to secure a slow hardening
The concrete slab must maintain airtightness - also in the event of possible
shrinkage cracks that may occur sooner or later. It is therefore recommendable to
reduce the area of the slab by the use of dilatation joints in order to reduce the risk of
shrinkage cracks occurring.
Membranes based on polyethylene are considered to be airtight. One should,
however, be aware of the vulnerability of such membranes during subsequent works
where care should be taken to prevent puncturing or penetration by sharp objects.
Polyethylene membranes used as radon barriers must have a thickness of not less than
0.2 mm. It is important to establish airtight seals by gluing overlaps and sealing
penetrations. It is possible to make the membrane sturdier by choosing a greater
thickness or by choosing a reinforced membrane. The membrane may also be protected
by the use of fibre textile. The fibre textile may be used to protect the upper and/or the
underside of the membrane.
In cases where membranes are used it is important to ensure that all joints are
airtight. A joint is considered to be airtight only by membrane overlap, i.e. without
welding or gluing for example by the use of tape or butyl sealant strip. The
membranes must have a generous overlap, 100-150 mm. It is required to establish
airtight seals between sections of non-cracked masonry, concrete or lightweight
concrete considered to be airtight against radon, as well as along foundations. The
seal may be established by the gluing of bitumen felt across joints.
Membranes must be firmly applied to the substratum and have the correct
dimension. It is important that the surfaces are clean in order to ensure good
adherence between the materials. Membranes must be joined on top of a rigid
substrate unless manufacturer’s guidelines direct otherwise.
Materials used as membranes must, among other qualities, possess flexibility,
strength and have sufficiently low air permeability. The membranes must possess
such tensile strength, toughness and elasticity that they do not easily break, tear or
pierce during installation and subsequent works. It is important to avoid delamination
of the membrane and the joints as this may result in the collapse of the airtight shell.

2.3.2 Materials suitable for making suction layers

A wide range of materials may be used for the establishment of a suction layer. A
common demand for these materials is that they must be able to ensure pressure
equalization, i.e.underpressure or suction via one or more suction ducts under the
entire building and throughout the entire life of the building.
A range of materials is considered capable of ensuring a suitable porous suction
layer. The materials do not need to be porous on their own, but must be able to ensure
sufficient air permeability and strength when used in a stratum under the floor. The
layer must have an adequate thickness and may consist of pebbles, shingles or
coated loose clinkers. A homogeneous suction layer consisting of loose lightweight
clinkers and with a thickness of minimum 100 mm, is considered adequate. It is, of
course, important that the suction layer continues uninterrupted under the entire
building and that it is not being blocked by, for example, internal wall foundations
taken down to the load carrying stratum. Lightweight clinker blocks under internal
walls are not considered to be airtight, but may reduce the free movement of air. It is
recommended to leave out the mortar in every second header joint between light
weight clinker blocks in the suction layer in order to allow the free passage of air. The
free passage of air is important, especially in cases where outdoor air at a later stage
will be led into the suction layer. .
Supply of outdoor air in the suction layer may take place through gratings in the
foundation or through pipes connected to the suction layer and led above ground
level. During cold periods one should be aware that the cold outdoor air may lower the
temperature in the suction layer, see section 4.2 Distribution of suction in suction
The insertion of drainage pipes in the suction layer may be used for suction as well
as for the supply of outdoor air in the suction layer.
3 Sealing structures resting on the ground

The sealing of structures resting on the ground, constructed with radon suction and
ventilation, may effectively reduce or hinder the penetration of radon to indoor air.

3.1 Ground slabs

The area of the concrete slab should be reduced by the use of dilatation joints in
order to reduce the occurrence of shrinkage cracks. .
The dilatation joints may be placed below internal walls and thus reducing field
sizes to 25-30 m2. The joints must be sealed, for example by gluing or welding a
membrane across the joint. It is often possible to replace the membrane on top of the
concrete by the insertion of bitumen felt under the concrete on top of the insulation,
before casting the concrete. This, of course, requires that the insulation constitutes a
rigid and plane substrate, for example using pressure resistant batts laid with
staggered joints.
Concrete liberates construction moisture for a considerable time after casting. It is
therefore required to place a foil, for example PE-foil, acting as a moisture barrier on top
of the concrete slab in instances where moisture sensitive floor coverings such as
wooden floors on battens or floating floors containing wood or wood based panels. The
moisture barrier could also be in the form of a roll membrane where strips overlap and
must be glued in the overlap see figure 3.
It is recommended to let membranes act as a moisture barrier and thereby also act as
an additional measure ensuring tightness of the airtight shell against the ingress of soil
gas containing radon. Consequently, it is recommended to choose a membrane which is
suitable as radon barrier and which is of such quality that it will not be easily perforated
during subsequent construction work. Suitable membranes are described in section
2.3.1, Materials suitable for making airtight seals. Membrane joints must be glued using a
filling and covering material. They must have sufficient overlap and must be glued with
great care. It is an advantage to use an elastic single or double sided tape that does not
fold, or alternatively use butyl sealant strip inside the overlap. The membrane must be
placed flat on the surface and it is a good idea to fix it to the substrate in order to prevent
it from sliding or from being pulled askew during subsequent works. When it comes to
subsequent works, the membrane is very vulnerable. It is therefore required to observe
and carefully follow instructions given the supplier to make sure that the membrane will
effectively act as an additional protection against the ingress of radon. The airtight
shell may also be established by the use of liquid membranes in which case the number
of joints can be reduced.
Figure 3. Membrane under moisture sensitive floor. The membrane acts as a moisture
barrier and radon barrier at the same time and must be fixed tightly and in close contact
with the substrate and should have adequate dimension. It is important to ensure that
surfaces are clean in order to secure good bonding in membrane joints. Joints must be
carried out on a firm substrate unless otherwise instructed by the supplier and carefully
glued. It is recommended to use a filling glue. The membrane joints must have
adequate overlap, minimum 100-150 mm, and the membrane must cover the entire
floor area.

3.2 Basement walls and basement floors

External basement walls are usually made of cast-in-situ concrete or built with light
weight clinker blocks set on a concrete foundation, see figure 4.
As a consequence of the sharpened requirements for linear loss it will be difficult in
the future to use concrete external walls in connection with heated basements
Basement floors are made of concrete. External basement walls and the basement
floor constitute the airtight shell against soil gas penetration. External basement walls
are sealed by applying a liquid membrane on the outer side facing the soil. In order to
ensure airtightness of walls made of blocks, it is recommended to add an additional
membrane on the inside, for example plaster. The joint between the basement floor
and external basement wall must also be secured against the ingress of soil gases.
Figure 4. External basement wall made of light weight clinker blocks set on a concrete
foundation. A suction well is placed in the suction layer and connected to a ventilation pipe
with the purpose of equalizing pressure.

3.3 Ground slab and heavy external wall

The external wall construction and the ground slab meet at the foundation.
Traditionally, a foundation consists of lightweight clinker blocks with core insulation
and additional edge insulation between the concrete slab and lightweight clinker
blocks. Knowing that the lightweight clinker blocks are not airtight, it is necessary
to extend the airtight shell by the use of a membrane. It is recommendable to use
prefabricated moulded corners, for example made of polyethylene in the corners
and next to external doors and to use liquid membranes on larger surfaces in order
to avoid joints. As a minimum requirement, the membrane must flush with the outer
side of the inner leaf. The inner leaf constitutes the airtight shell above ground level.
Alternatively the membrane may extend across the foundation to be flush with the
façade and possibly glue fixed to the upper side of the foundation, see figures 5 and

Figure 5. Sealing by the use of a membrane glued to the slab. The membrane
extends across the upper side of the foundation and may be glued to this. In order to
ensure good adherence between the materials it is important to make sure that the
surfaced are well cleaned. The membrane joins the moisture barrier which, in this
case, constitutes an additional radon barrier. Joints in the moisture barrier must
have a generous overlap (100-150mm) and should be carefully glued
Figure 6. Sealing with a membrane under the slab. The membrane extends across the
upper side of the foundation and may be glued to this. In order to ensure good adherence
between the materials it is important to make sure that the surfaces are well cleaned. The
concrete is cast on top of the membrane.

Water may penetrate the outer leaf. In order to make sure that the water is discharged on
the outer side of the foundation, it is necessary to place an additional membrane running
from the outer side of the inner leaf to the outer side of the foundation
In cases where the concrete slab constitutes the airtight shell, it is required to secure
the joint between the slab and the external wall by the use of a membrane. The membrane
is joined to the slab and also seals the lightweight clinker blocks against penetration of soil
In floor constructions with moisture sensitive materials, and where the concrete slab
would normally constitute the airtight shell, it is recommended to let the moisture barrier
also act as radon barrier and in this way add additional security against the ingress of soil
gases containing radon. In cases where the airtight shell is constituted by the moisture
barrier on top of the concrete slab, it is required to use a suitable membrane and all joints
between membrane strips must be glued, see figure 5. It is important to allow a generous
overlap at membrane joints. The glue used must be compatible with the chosen
membrane material.
In cases where the floor covering is non-moisture sensitive, for example ceramic
clinkers, the membrane may be placed on the upper side or on the underside of the
concrete slab. It is recommended to place the membrane on the underside of the
concrete because the membrane itself has a certain thickness and also has a different
surface which may make it difficult to fix the tiles properly. The concrete is cast on top of
the membrane, see figure 6. It is recommended to fix the membrane, for example by gluing
it to the foundation prior to casting the concrete. Is case the membrane is placed on top of
the concrete slab, it may be flush with the upper side of the foundation, which simplifies the
work process (since it is not necessary to bend the membrane).
The membrane overlaps the concrete slab by approximately 50 mm - in order to
ensure adherence of the clinkers to the concrete slab. The membrane is blued to the
slab, see figure 7.

Figure 7. Sealing by the use of a membrane glued to the concrete slab. The
membrane extends across the upper side of the foundation and may be glued to this.
In order to ensure good adherence between the materials it is important to make sure
that the surfaced are well cleaned. The membrane flushes with the upper side of the
foundation, which simplifies the work process. The membrane overlaps the concrete
slab by approximately 50 mm - in order to ensure adherence of the clinkers to the
concrete slab.

Figure 8. Alternatively the membrane may placed along the outer side of the inner
leaf in which case it must be glued to the leaf.
In order to reduce level differences between the inside and the outside it is possible to
place the membrane at different levels under outer and inner leaf, see figure 8. When the
concrete slab rests on the foundation, it is recommended to place a membrane as shown
in figure 8. Presuming that the inner leaf will only ’leak’ at the contact point under the
wooden floor, it is possible to seal the inside corner by leading the membrane up along
the wall and glue to the wall behind the skirting board. The membrane, also acting as a
moisture barrier, gives additional security against the ingress of soil gases, see figure 9.
In cases where the moisture barrier is used as a barrier against radon penetration it is
required to use a suitable membrane. Such membranes are described in section 2.3.1,
Materials suitable for making airtight seals.

Figure 9. In cases where the concrete slab rests on the foundation, a moisture barrier
should be placed under the inner leaf. In this case the moisture barrier constitutes
the primary radon seal. Presuming that the inner leaf will only ’leak’ at the contact
point under the wooden floor, it is possible to seal the inside corner by extending the
membrane up along the wall and glue to the wall behind the skirting board. In this
example, the membrane under the wooden floor constitutes an additional airtight shell
against radon penetration.

3.4 Ground slab and light external wall.

The external wall construction and the ground slab meet at the upper side of the
foundation. A foundation made of lightweight clinker blocks may not be considered as
airtight. It is possible to extend the airtight shell along the foundation by the use of a
The damp proof membrane in the external wall, and the membrane on the floor
which constitutes the radon barrier, overlap on the edge of the sole plate, where the
joint is glued and clamped behind a counter batten.
The membrane runs vertically and meets the upper side of the concrete slab where it
is glued. Typically, the concrete slab constitutes the airtight shell against the ingress
of soil gases. A moisture barrier is placed on top of the concrete slab in cases where
a moisture sensitive floor covering is used, see section 3.1, Ground slab. Section
3.1 also describes the use of a moisture barrier as an additional security against the
ingress of radon.
In cases where the moisture barrier on top of the concrete slab constitutes an
additional airtight plan against the ingress of soil gases, it is required to glue the
membrane to the concrete slab. The damp proof membrane in the external wall,
which acts as an airtight shell in the wall has been extended by yet another strip of
membrane and is joined to the membrane on the floor by gluing, see figure 10.
In cases where the moisture barrier is used as additional radon barrier, it is
required to use a suitable membrane. Such membranes are described in section
2.3.1, Materials suitable for making airtight seals.

Figure 10. The damp proof membrane in external wall which acts as the airtight shell
in the wall is extended by use of a membrane strip and joined by gluing. The
membrane is glued to the concrete slab. The moisture barrier which is made of a
suitable material and which constitutes an additional airtight shell against the ingress
of soil gases is placed on top of the concrete slab and glued. A moisture barrier has
been placed under the sole plate in the external wall.

The airtight shell may be placed on top of or below the concrete slab where
non-moisture sensitive materials are used as floor covering. When placed on top of
the concrete, the airtight shell is extended by the use of a membrane strip connecting
the dpm in the wall to the membrane on the floor. The joints are glued, see figure 10.
When the floor covering is made of ceramic tiles it is an advantage to run the
membrane below the concrete slab because the membrane has a certain thickness and
it may also be difficult to ensure adequate adherence of the tiles to the membrane.
Before casting the concrete slab the membrane is placed on the concrete slab substrate
and it is positioned along the inner side of the insulation in the foundation where it is bent
at a 90 degree angle and extended some 100-150 mm above the upper level of the
concrete slab, see figure 11. It is a good idea to fix the membrane to the concrete
substrate before casting the concrete. Subsequently, the membrane overlaps with the
dpm in the external and the joint is glued and clamped by a counter batten along the
edge of the sole plate. The dpm and the membrane must have a generous overlap and
utmost care must be taken to carry out good workmanship.
Constructions and methods used are described in ‘WOOD 56, Timber frame
houses’. ‘WOOD 56’ provides basic information about construction principles and
workmanship related to timber frame houses (Munch-Andersen, 2008).

Figure 11. In the case of ground slabs with non-moisture sensitive floor coverings like
for example ceramic clinkers it is recommended to place the membrane under the
concrete slab, because the membrane has a certain thickness and because it may be
difficult to ensure adequate adherence between the membrane and the ceramic
clinkers. Prior to casting the slab, the membrane is placed on the slab substrate and
taken up along the insulation in the foundation to a level some 100-150 mm above
the upper side of the slab. Subsequently, the membrane is glued to the airtight
building envelope above ground level, i.e. the dpm in light external wall. A moisture
barrier (dpc) is placed under the sole plate/the external wall.
3.5 Ground slab and internal wall

Ground slabs must be properly sealed against the ingress of soil gases along internal
walls. The foundation under load carrying and non-load carrying internal walls on
ground slabs may have different designs. Load bearing walls normally have their own
foundation, see figures 12 and 13.
The airtight seal may be carried out by placing and gluing a membrane on top of
the concrete slab or by running the membrane across the foundation to the underside
of the concrete slab on either side of the foundation. In case a membrane has been
placed across the entire area of the concrete slab, the membrane will make it up for
moisture barrier and radon barrier at the same time, wherefore the membrane must
be joined membranes running across foundations including foundatins under internal
walls. All joints must be glued.

Figure 12. Load bearing internal walls normally have their own foundation. The
membrane is placed under the wall and glued to the concrete slab. In case a
membrane is placed across the entire area of the concrete slab – acting as radon
barrier, it is required to join this membrane with the membrane sitting across the
internal foundation using glue. The membrane acts as an additional security against
the ingress of soil gases and as a moisture barrier when moisture sensitive floor
coverings are used.
Figure 13. In the case of ground slabs with non-moisture sensitive floor coverings like for
example ceramic clinkers it is recommended to place the membrane under the concrete
slab, because the membrane has a certain thickness and because it may be difficult to
ensure adequate adherence between the membrane and the ceramic clinkers. Prior to
casting the slab, the membrane is placed across the foundation under the load bearing
wall and on top of the concrete slab substrate stretching out on both sides of the
foundation. The membrane must have a generous overlap and the joint must be
properly leveled. It is recommended to fix the the membrane to the concrete slab substrate
before casting the concrete.

Non-lad carrying walls are often placed directly on top of the concrete slab. The concrete
slab must be able to accept the loads, including loads loads from bracing internal walls.
Non-load carrying internal walls may also have their own foundation. Needs may also arise
to replace the floor coverings adjoining an internal wall placed on top of a casting joint or a
dilatation joint in the concrete slab. In such instances care must be taken to properly seal
the casting joint or the dilatation joint by gluing or welding a membrane to the concrete slab
on either side of the joint. In cases where a moisture sensitive floor covering is used, the
moisture barrier, which also constitutes the radon barrier is placed across the entire
surface and is glued to the membrane placed across the joint, see figure 14a.Suitable
membranes are described in section 2.3.1, Materials suitable for making airtight seals.
Figure 14. Sealing ground slabs against the ingress of soil gases. a) The solution on
the right side of the internal wall is similar to the solution recommended along an
external wall, see figure 8. The left side shows a seal where the membrane stretches
across a casting or dilatation joint. b) Sealing a casting or dilatation joint under internal
wall without foundation. c) Sealing foundation under internal wall.

Section 3.1, Ground slabs, describes ground slabs with a moisture sensitive floor
covering. Section 3.1 also describes how a membrane may function as a moisture
barrier and radon barrier at the same time.
Prior to erecting the internal wall, a membrane is placed on the concrete slab or on
top of the foundation under the internal wall.
In cases where the concrete slab constitutes the airtight shell, the membrane is
glued to the slab. I case the moisture barrier on the concrete slab constitutes the seal
against radon penetration, the moisture barrier must be glued to the membrane under
the wall and to the slab, for example by the use of butyl sealant strip, see figure 12. It
is important to use a glut that is compatible with the membranes used as well as the
concrete slab.
In ground slabs where the concrete slab constitutes the airtight shell and where
the floor covering is non-moisture sensitive, it is required to place membranes in all
such places where the concrete slab is penetrated, for example on top of casting and
dilatation joints and on top of foundations for load-carrying internal walls.The
membrane must be glued to the concrete slab.
In the case of ceramic tile floor covering it is recommended to place the membrane
below the concrete slab. In such cases the membrane may be placed across the
foundation stretching down and under the slab – and placed before casting the
concrete slab, see figure 13.The internal wall is placed across the membrane and, by
doing so, normally on top dilatation joints. In cases where dilatation joints are placed
elsewhere, and thereby penetrating the concrete slab, they must be covered with a
membrane glued to the concrete slab.
Membranes serving to secure against radon penetration may also be placed
immediately below the concrete slab or inside the insulating layer in the ground slab.
It is recommended to place the membrane below the centerline of the insulation in the
ground slab. By doing so, a complete barrier is established across the whole of the
building. It is important to adjust the membrane where it meets internal corners and
foundations, see figure 15. It is recommended to use prefabricated moulded corner
joints. The membrane must extend all the way across the external wall foundations
reaching the facade and preferably glued to the upper side of the foundation. The
membrane must be placed in such a way that moisture problems are avoided.
Depressions in the membrane may capture moisture and may add to the risk of
accumulated construction moisture. Also note that there is a risk that the
membrane may act as dpm on the cold side of the insulation along the foundation. This,
however, is not a problem when foundation blocks with core insulation are used in the
upper courses of the foundation

Figure 15. The membrane may be placed directly below the concrete slab or
inside the insulating layer as a lining - well adjusted to internal corners and
foundations. The membrane stretches across the entire building and
extends across the external wall foundations where it may be glue fixed.
Care must be taken to avoid depressions where moisture may be captured
on top of the membrane.

3.6 Radon barrier below the building

Radon penetration may be stopped by placing a membrane below the entire building.
The membrane may be made on the basis of bituminous products, possibly with an
aluminium foil or it may consist of a reinforced polyethylene membrane. The
membrane must be airtight throughout the entire area of the building and have such
size that soil gas does not get sucked inside the building on top of the membrane. In
cases where the membrane is roll type it is important to seal all joints by gluing.
Hence, the joints must have a generous overlap and be glued or welded meticulously.
The membrane must be properly levelled out without folding and must not be pulled
askew or be perforated during subsequent construction work. In cases where
shallow wall foundations are used combined with external terrain insulation for the
protection of frost sensitive soil strata under the foundation, the membrane may be
placed on a sand bed under the building, see figure 16.

Foundation conditions are described in SBi-guidelines 231, Foundation in small
buildings, 7.6 Shallow foundations (Pedersen, 2011). In cases where external terrain
insulation is used in order to protect frost sensitive strata below the foundation it is
important to work out a solution that is sufficiently strong and reliable in order to protect
the insulation throughout the entire life of the building, see BR10, section 4.1 (3)
(Danish Business Authority, 2010). It is also important to secure the solution against
attacks from rats and other vermin, see BR10, section 4.1 (1).
Membranes are vulnerable against subsequent building works and care must be
taken not to penetrate or damage the membranes. It is recommended to choose a
membrane that is particularly resistant to stress and penetration. Additionally, the
membrane can be further protected by the use of a fibre cloth cover. Fibre cloth may be
used as protection above and/or below the membrane.
Joints, overlaps and penetrations must be airtight. A joint is not considered to be
airtight by using simple overlap, without a weld joint or without the use of glue, such as
butyl sealant strip. Membranes must have a generous overlap, some 100-150 mm.
The membranes must be glued at the overlaps and overlaps must be placed on a plane
The membrane is placed on a solid bed, for example a sand bed. Below
foundations, a sand bed is placed on top of the membrane. The sand bed is carried out
as described in SBi-guidelines 231, Foundation in small buildings, 7.4 Foundations on
sand bed. (Pedersen, 2011). Below ground slabs the membrane is placed below the
suction layer. The suction layer ensures pressure equalisation below the floor
construction, see section 2.1,2, Suction layer, and section 2.3.2, Materials suitable for
making suction layers.
Care must be taken to allow for transfer of vertical as well as horizontal loads by the
membrane without causing damages to the building or to the membrane itself.

Figure 16. In cases of shallow foundation it is required to carry out external insulation to
make provisions against attacks from rats and other vermin.
1. Subsoil containing radon.
2. Sand bed.
3. Radon barrier.
4. Capillary break layer /suction layer
5. Insulation.
6. Concrete.
7. Suction.
The membrane should have a downward sloping gradient towards the exterior of the
building so as to prevent moisture problems. Penetrations may be avoided by running
installations above the membrane. In case it is required to run building service
installations through the membrane, it is required to carry out such penetrations using
airtight seals or connections, see section 3.8, Running pipes and cables through a
ground slab.

3. 7 Penetration of pipe systems and other installations

in ground slabs and basement walls

In order to prevent the ingress of soil gases, the airtight shell must, so far as possible, be
extended across all building constructions against the ground. In case penetrations of
the airtight shell are required they must be carried out with the use of airtight joints or
connections against the airtight shell. In ground slabs the airtight shell may be
constituted by the concrete slab or it may be established by the use of membranes, see
section 3.1, Ground slabs. In basement walls the airtight shell can be established by the
use of concrete or walls build of blocks, for example light weight clinker blocks
supplemented with a membrane, for example a sufficiently thick layer of plaster or
suitable hydraulically solidifying materials, see section 3.2, Baseement walls and
basement floors. It is important that the airtight shell and connections to the airtight shell
in the form of membranes, concrete or plaster work remain intact and airtight and thus
preventing the ingress of soil gases. As a consequence of the tightened requirements for
linear loss it is doubtful whether external concrete basement walls may be suitable in
connection with heated basements in the future.

3.8 Running pipes and cables through a ground slab

Buildings should be so designed that building service installations such as electric

cables, pipes for hot and cold water as well as heating pipes can run without penetrating
the airtight shell in the building envelope, see SBi-guidelines 214, Airtightness of the
building envelope (Rasmussen & Nicolajsen, 2007). Special care should be taken in
cases where building service installations run through the airtight shell against the
ground. It is important to ensure that such penetrations do not cause ingress of soil
Section 3.1, Ground slabs, describes ground slabs with moisture sensitive floor
coverings. The section also describes how a membrane may constitute a moisture
barrier and provide additional protection against the ingress of soil gases.


Figure 17. Prefabricated pipe collar where the diameter of the elastic part fits with the
penetrating pipe running through the airtight shell. The elastic part of the collar must
have a tight fit on every penetration and must be glued to the the membrane on the
upper side of the concrete slab. It is recommended to glue the connection between
the upper edge of the pipe collar and the pipe.

When running building service installations through the membrane, the penetration
must be carried out using airtight joints or connections. It is recommended to use pipe
or cable collars which consist of an elastic part with a tight fit around the cable or the
pipe and a flat part which can be glued to the membrane, see figure 18. When such
prefabricated cable or pipe collars are used, it is important to use collars where the
diameter corresponds to the diameter of the cable or pipe penetrating the airtight
shell, see figure 17. Cable collars for the penetration of several cables are available.
The elastic part of the the collar must have a tight fit around each cable. In cases
where the concrete slab constitutes the airtight shell it is possible to place the collars
on pipes and cables and attach the flat part to the substrate on which the concrete will
be cast. This, however, requires that the substrate is even and sturdy, for example
rigid insulation boards placed with staggered joints. It is important to keep the collar
fixed throughout the casting phase.
Figure18. In cases where moisture sensitive floor coverings such as
wooden floors on battens are used, it is always required to place a moisture
barrier on top of the concrete slab. A membrane can function as a moisture
barrier and at the same time as an airtight shell against the ingress of soil
gases. A cable or pipe collar may be used to ensure airtightness in
connection with penetrations. A cable or pipe collar consists of an elastic
part with a tight fit around the cable or the pipe and a flat part which can be
glued to the membrane. It is recommended to glue the connection between
the upper edge of the pipe collar and the pipe.

When a concrete slab is cast in situ on top of a capillary break layer and a heat
insulating layer - being the substrate for a non-moisture sensitive floor covering - the
slab often constitutes the airtight shell in the ground slab. Provided correct
workmanship is being observed, the concrete slab is considered to be airtight against
the ingress of soil gases, see section 3.1, Ground slab, and section 2.3.1, Materials
suitable for making airtight seals. Any penetration of the concrete slab must be carried
out securing airtightness, for example by the use of cable or pipe collars, see above.
The number of recesses in the concrete slab should be minimized in order to reduce
the risk of shrinkage cracks. A suitable casting compound should be used for
permanent seal around penetrations. The compound is cast in situ – flush with the top
level of concrete slab. In case several cables and pipes run through the same
recess, it is required that the casting compound fills all cavities between the pipes and
cables. This may be ensured by observing a distance of minimum 40 mm between
cables and pipes. When the floor around is cast in the utility room – after the
installation of cables and pipes, it is important to adjust the distance between pipes
and cables in accordance with the type of casting compound used, for example
concrete or mortar.
The compound used for casting shall be an unshrinkable mortar or concrete type
which flows easily between pipes and cables in order to fill all cavities. In places where
it is not possible to use cable or pipe collars the casting is carried out in such a way
that the casting compound does not entirely fill up the area around the cables/pipes.
Subsequent sealing is carried out using a liquid membrane; see section 2.3.1,
Materials suitable for making airtight seals. A slightly expanding concrete or mortar is
used in order to minimize the risk of shrinkage cracks during curing.
Drainage systems inside a building are normally carried out using PVC pipes.
Penetrations may be carried out using custom made socket pipes allowing for minor
movements. In this type of penetrations the seal consists of a rubber gasket with a
tight fit on the pipe dimension in question, see figure 19.

Figure 19. Penetration of PVC drainage pipe through concrete deck inside a building.
Penetrations may be carried out using custom made socket pipes allowing for minor
movements. The solution on the left hand side shows penetration using an embedded
gasket. The solution on the right hand side shows a penetration where an elastic
rubber gasket has been used.

Floor drains are sealed using an elastic rubber gasket placed around the gully
somewhere below the surface of the concrete securing sufficient airtightness between
the gully and the concrete. In cases where an elastic sealing compound is used (as an
alternative to the rubber gasket), attention is drawn to the fact that sealing compounds
have limited durability and therefore require more frequent replacement. Attention is
also drawn to the fact that the floor drain joint must remain airtight – also in the event
of possible shrinkage cracks in the concrete. It is recommended to use gullies
supplied with a factory mounted rubber seal, see figure 20.
Figure 20. Floor drains in concrete slab where the concrete slab constitutes the
airtight shell in the ground slab. All penetrations of the concrete slab must be
carried out using airtight joints, for example by the use of gullies with a
pre-mounted rubber seal. The elastic seal is placed somewhere below the
surface of the concrete securing sufficient airtightness between the gully and the

3.9 Running pipes and cables through basement walls

Basement walls constitute the airtight shell against the ground preventing the ingress of
soil gases. Basement walls made of concrete or plastered blocks supplied with a
membrane are described in section 3, Basement walls and basement floors. It is
important to ensure that the membrane remains intact towards the ingress of soil gases.
Special care must be observed when building service installations penetrate the
It may be an advantage to establish the membrane subsequent to running the
building service installations. The membrane must cover all service runs and must have
an airtight seal around all penetrations. It is therefore required to use pipes, cables and
conduit boxes which are airtight and establish an airtight connection with the membrane.
It is possible to run individual or bundled cables through the wall by the use of an elastic
In order to ensure airtightness the penetration should be covered by the membrane,
see figure 21. In the event of permanent sealing, it is possible to substitute the plug
with a suitable casting compound, for example concrete or mortar, see section 3.8,
Running pipes and cables through a ground slab.

Figure 21. Cable penetration. The cables run through the wall inside elastic plugs . In order to
secure against the ingress of soil gases the penetration is covered by a membrane, for example
plaster or a liquid membrane based on bitumen or hydraulically solidifying materials. The quality of
the seal is proportional to the thickness of the layer and is product-specific. However, plaster
cannot entirely prevent the ingress of soil gases, reference is also made to figure 4
4 Reducing pressure difference

Radon penetration can be effectively reduced or eliminated provided the radon is

stopped or removed outside the building by establishing a radon stopping shell under the
building, see section 3.6 or by lowering the pressure under the ground slab in a suction
layer. Radon suction is considered to be the most effective method in order to prevent
the ingress of radon into buildings.

4.1 Radon suction

Radon suction is considered to be the most effective method in order to prevent the
ingress of radon into buildings.
Generally there is a pressure difference of up to 0.1 in the atmospheric pressure
above and below the ground slab. This pressure may be equalised by establishing
contact between the outside atmosphere and the suction layer – which may be
constituted by the capillary break layer.
Radon suction below a basement floor is described in more detail in section 3.2
Basement walls and basement floors.
Pressure equalisation may take place by introducing an air permeable suction layer
consisting of shingles pebbles or coated loose lightweight clinkers. The layer may be
pressure equalised through a pipe leading above the roof. Suitable materials for the
establishment of suction layers are described in section 2.1 2, Suction layer, and in
section 2 3.2, Materials suitable for making suction layers.
By establishing suction below the concrete slab in the floor construction, the pressure
difference between the upper side and the underside is reduced and this again results in
a reduced influx of soil gas. It is fairly simple to establish suction in the capillary break
layer below the ground slab, especially when the capillary break layer consists of coated
loose lightweight clinkers; shingles or pebbles. In cases where the capillary break layer
consists of pressure resistant insulation, it is required to establish an additional suction
layer below the insulation. This suction layer may consist of coated loose lightweight
clinkers; shingles or pebbles. Pressure equalisation is carried out by connecting the
suction layer to a vent pipe which again is connected to the outside. The vent pipe may
be directly connected to the suction layer. A singular suction point is considered sufficient
to cover a concrete slab of 120 m2, depending on soil and foundation conditions (Arvela,
2010). The connection between the vent and the suction layer may be established via a
suction sump. When a suction sump is used, the vent is connected to a cavity in the
suction layer from where the suction is distributed in the suction layer. The use of a
suction sump reduces the risk of clogging around the mouth of the vent pipe. Suction
sumps may be prefabricated, for example a plastic box with openings and prepared for
the connection of a vent pipe.
Soil gases containing radon content are sucked from the suction layer into the
container through the holes and led to the vent pipe. Alternatively the suction sump
may be constructed by the use of perforated bricks arranged in such a way that they
allow for the influx of air from the suction layer. The sump is constructed around the
termination of the vent pipe, see figures 22 and 23.

Figure 22. Details of a suction sump for the extraction of soil gases containing radon.
On top: Soil gases containing radon flow into the box and are extracted by the vent
pipe. Below: Perforated bricks arranged in such a way that openings lead into the
cavity. The openings must be secured against clogging .

In case the pressure under the floor is lower than the pressure inside the house there
is a risk that hot moist indoor air will be sucked downwards through leaks in the floor
construction. When the air is cooled down there is a risk of condensation resulting in
the growth of fungi in organic materials. In this situation it is recommended to analyse
any consequences of moisture related problems.
Although light weight clinker blocks are not considered airtight in relation to radon,
they do obstruct the free movement of air. Foundations below internal walls made of
light weight clinker blocks obstructing the suction layer may reduce the function of the
suction layer. It is therefore recommended to leave out the mortar in every second
header joint between light weight clinker blocks in the suction layer in order to allow
the free passage of air.
The suction may be established as passive suction where the vent pipe runs from
the suction layer below the ground slab up and above the roof possibly terminated by
a wind cowl . In doing so the thermal buoyancy caused by temperature difference and
wind will pull the air upwards and thus reduce the pressure below the floor and the
radon penetration into the house.
It is important to keep the vent pipe warm in order to ensure optimal suction, see
figure 23. In case the pipe runs through an unheated place in the building, for example
through a cold and ventilated the attic, it must be insulated. In case passive suction is
insufficient, it is possible to fit a ventilator to the vent pipe. When active suction is
established it is required to monitor and control the functionality of the ventilator at
regular intervals.

Figure 23. Suction connected to the suction layer in the ground slab. The suction may
be established as passive suction, where the vent pipe runs from the capillary break
layer into a point somewhere above the roof. Thermal buoyancy will ”pull” the air out
and thereby reduce the pressure below the building which again will reduce the
amount radon ingress into the house. The closed vent pipe should be insulated when
it runs through unheated spaces in order to avoid condensation. It is important to
ensure that vent pipes are absolutely airtight; otherwise there might be a risk of
sucking soil gases containing radon into the building through the vent pipe itself.

4.2 Distribution of suction in suction layer

In order to ensure more efficient suction underneath the entire building, and in order to
be able to meet possible future demands concerning the adjustment of the pressure
inside the suction layer it is possible to install a system of ventilation drainage pipes. In
cases where a capillary break layer consisting of coated light weight clinkers is used, the
ventilation drainage may be placed inside the suction layer. The drains are placed at a
distance of approximately 2 m. However, the distance from the foundation should not
exceed 1.5 m (in both directions of the drain). The ventilation drainage pipes are joined
and with a sealed fitting to an airtight vent pipe running centrally inside the building to a
point somewhere outside the building, for example above the roof. In larger buildings, for
example multi story buildings, it is recommended to establish several vent pipes
connected to the ventilation drainage . The sealed vent pipe should be insulated against
condensation where it runs through unheated spaces. It is important to ensure that all
connections are carried out with airtight seals in order to avoid suction of radon into the
building via the vent pipe itself, see figure 24.
Figure 24. Placing a ventilation drainage system. Pipes are joined and connected to an airtight
vent pipe placed centrally in the building and protruding above the roof.

In new buildings it is recommended to prepare for the subsequent establishment of pressure

equalisation between the upper and underside of the floor construction by establishing a
suction layer in the capillary break layer consisting of coated light weight clinkers, pebbles or
shingles and to lay and connect ventilation pipes centrally below the concrete slab. At a later
stage the ventilation drainage may be opened by connecting a pipe to a vent pipe running up
through the building. The vent pipe may also run through the plinth and connected to a sealed
sump below terrain outside the building. Subsequently the vent may be connected to a
ventilator in order to create an active suction, see figure 25.

Figure 25. In new constructions it is possible to prepare for subsequent pressure equalisation
between the upper and underside of the floor construction. Ventilation drainage pipes are
placed and connected inside the capillary break layer centrally positioned below the concrete
slab. Ventilation may be established at a later stage by connecting a vent pipe to the ventilation
drainage system. The vent pipe may run up through the building (1). The pipe may also run
through the plinth and connect to a sealed sump below terrain outside the building (2).
Subsequently it is possible to connect a ventilator in order to establish active suction.
4.3 Ventilation of suction layer

It is possible to supply the suction layer with outdoor air. Air exchange is established in
the suction layer by pressure equalisation and supply of outdoor air. By applying a
combination of ventilation and supply of outdoor air, the suction layer will be ventilated
whereby the soil gas will be diluted and ventilated.
The capillary break layer may be connected to the outdoor air by inserting gratings in
the plinth. In order to ensure a more even distribution of outdoor air below the building it is
also possible to supply the ventilation draínage system with outdoor air. The
establishment of distribution pipes connected to a ventilation drainage system is
described in more detail in section 4.2, Distribution of suction in suction layer.
Alternatively, the supply of outdoor air through gratings in the plinth may take place
through branch pipes leading from the outside of the suction layer
In cases where a radon barrier is established below the building as described in
section 3.6, Radon barrier below the building, pressure equalization combined with the
supply of outdoor air through branch pipes from the outside into the suction layer may
reduce the risk of sucking soil gas into the building above the membrane
When the capillary break layer is ventilated by supply of outdoor air it is important to
consider that the temperature of the outdoor air may influence the temperature inside the
suction layer. Ventilation by the supply of outdoor air may lower the temperature in the
suction layer during wintertime.
In new buildings it is recommended to prepare for a subsequent establishment of
ventilation in the suction layer. This is particularly important in cases where it is
desired to ensure the distribution of outdoor air below the building.

4.4 Branch drains

Formerly it was recommended to pressure equalise the capillary break layer below the
ground slab by the use of branch drains. A branch drain connects the capillary break
layer below the ground slab to the perimeter drain outside the foundation. However,
the effect of a branch drain is not unambiguously positive as it may contribute to
increasing the radon concentration below the building. The underpressure established
below the building may cause radon to be sucked in from the perimeter drain. For this
reason it is not recommended to use branch pipes in connection with radon protection.
In areas where the groundwater table is high and where there is no guarantee that
the perimeter drain alone can prevent the flow of water towards the underside of the
building it may in certain instances be necessary to install a branch drain. In such
instances the branch drain should be connected to the sewer. Whether or not it is
necessary to install a branch pipe must be assessed on the basis of geotechnical
analysis of soil conditions. Should it be considered necessary to install a branch drain it
is required to carry out a capillary break layer consisting of coated light weight clinkers
or connected to the perimeter drain via a branch drain. The invert level must always be
lower than the capillary break layer, see figure 26.
Figure 26.A branch drain connects the suction layer below the ground slab to the
perimeter drain outside the foundation. The effect of a branch drain is not
unambiguously positive as it may contribute to increasing the radon concentration
below the building. The underpressure established below the building may cause
radon to be sucked in from the perimeter drain. It is not recommended to use branch
pipes in connection with radon protection.

When branch drains are established it is required to install minimum two drains per
building. In cases where the capillary break layer is separated for example by internal
wall foundations it is required to install one branch drain in every field.
5 Ventilation

The ventilation of a building with outdoor air will reduce the radon concentration in the
indoor air. For this reason it is important to supply the building with outdoor air. In the
first place it is recommended to observe compliance with the requirements concerning
supply of outdoor air as stipulated in the Building Regulations (The Danish Business
Authority 2010). In case the requirement is not fulfilled it is required to increase the
supply of outdoor air in order to reduce the radon concentration in the indoor air.
Earlier surveys have shown that detached single family houses (in Denmark) placed in
areas with a high radon concentration in the underground had a concentration of radon
in the indoor air above the accepted limit and an air exchange below the required level.
However, increased ventilation, for example by the use of mechanical extraction may
increase the underpressure inside the building and thereby cause an increased suction
soil gas containing radon into the building. The underpressure at ground level in a
building should not exceed 15 Pa, i.e. 0.15 mBar or 1.5 mm water pressure.
When a building is well insulated it will be factors such as air exchange and supply
of outdoor air that influence the total energy consumption. When mechanical ventilation
and heat exchange systems are used it is important that the sealing of the building
envelope complies with the building regulation requirements concerning airtightness,
see SBi-Guidelines 214, Airtightness of the building envelope (Rasmussen & Nicolajsen,
The supply of outdoor air and mechanically controlled supply of outdoor air without
proper dimensioning may reduce comfort. It is important to ensure an even distribution
of air injection and the systems must be properly maintained. The supply of outdoor air
must not cause airspeeds in excess of 0.15m/s anywhere inside the building which is the
limit above which the air movement will feel like a draught.
In order to secure a good indoor climate it is normal procedure to determine the
amount of outdoor air necessary on the basis of moisture production and contamination
of indoor air. The contamination of indoor air may stem from human activity, degassing
of building materials, furniture and gases carried by soil gas. In case the indoor air has a
high concentration of radon it is required to adjust the supply and distribution in such a
way that the radon concentration is reduced to an acceptable level. In case the need for
supply of outdoor air exceeds the limits stated in the Building Regulations, measures
must be taken in order to reduce the ingress of soil gas into the building. It is imperative
to strive for a radon concentration as low as possible knowing that the health risks are
proportional to the amount of radon to which a person is exposed.
The design of ventilation in a building is basically based on the principle that
outdoor air is supplied to habitable rooms, while indoor air is removed from the rooms
where the major part of moisture and pollution is produced, i.e habitable rooms at
ground level, kitchen, scullery, bathrooms and toilets.
Ventilation, ventilation systems an indoor climate is described in detail in
SBi-Guidelines 196, The indoor climate handbook (Valbjørn, 2000),

5.1 Natural ventilation

Regular air exchange will reduce not only the radon concentration in indoor air but
also the amount of moisture. However, only while the ventilation system is operating.
As soon as the ventilation stops, the radon concentration in the indoor air will increase
again. Natural ventilation is often carried out by the use of vents. The vents allow for a
constant supply of outdoor air into the building. Naturally ventilated buildings typically
have ventilation ducts connected to habitable rooms at ground floor level, kitchens,
scullery, bathrooms and toilets. Natural ventilation may also be controlled via hinged

5.2 Mechanical ventilation

Constant ventilation by the use of mechanical ventilation will reduce the radon
concentration I indoor air as well as the moisture level. Mechanical ventilation must
not cause air speeds in any part of the building which may result in a draught.
Attention is drawn to the fact that it may be difficult to get full advantage of heat
recovery systems in case the air exchange in a building is not controlled via the
ventilation system. In mechanical ventilation systems using heat exchangers the
unintended supply of outdoor air through leaks in the building envelope and through
windows, doors and fresh air vents will result in cold air entering the building and not
passing through the heat exchanger. In this way it is not possible to utilize wasted
heat optimally and this results in increased consumption of energy for ventilation and
Mechanical ventilation may be established as simple mechanical extraction or as
a balanced mechanical system where injection and extraction of air is controlled.

5.3 Reduced underpressure in the building

The establishment of natural ventilation with supply of outdoor air through fresh air
vents will reduce the underpressure inside the building. The underpressure may also
be reduced by establishing a balanced mechanical ventilation system. A balanced
mechanical ventilation system controls injection as well as extraction of air to and
from the building. A balanced mechanical ventilation system must be adjusted
in such a way that the underpressure inside the building is minimized. A balanced
mechanical ventilation system should not be mistaken for a simple mechanical
extraction system.
In a simple mechanical extraction system the air exchange in the building is
controlled by extracting air whereby an underpressure is established causing
outdoor air to be drawn into the building.

Andersen, C. E., Bergsøe, N. C, Brendstrup, J., Damkjær, A., Gravesen, R, & Ulbak,
K. (1997). Radon 95: En undersøgelse af metoder til reduktion af
radonkoncentrationen i danske enfamiliehuse. Roskilde: Forskningscenter
Risø; Bygge- og Boligstyrelsen; Statens Institut for Strålehygiejne. Lokaliseret på:

Andersen, C. E., Ulbak, K., Damkjær, A., & Gravesen, P. (2001). Radon i danske
boliger: Kortlægning af lands-, amts- og kommuneværdier. Herlev:
Sundhedsstyrelsen, Statens Institut for Strå I e hyg I eje ne. Lokaliseret på: la/Sund

Arvela, H,, & Reisbacka, H. (2009). Radonsanering av bostader. Helsinki: STUK.

Lokaliseret på:

Clavensjb, B., & Åkerblom, G. (2004). Radonboken: Fdrebyggande ét-garder i

nya byggnader. Stockholm: Formas.

Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsen. (2010). Bekendtgørelse om offentliggørelse af

bygningsreglement 2010 (BR10). København: Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsen.
Lokaliseret på:

Munch-Andersen, J. (2008). Træskelethuse (1. udg.) (TRÆ 56). Lyngby:


Pedersen, E. S. et al. (2011). Fundering af mindre bygninger (SBi-anvisning 231).

Hørsholm: Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut, Aalborg Universitet. [Udgives primo

Rasmussen, T. V., & Nicolajsen, A. (2007). Klimaskærmens lufttæthed

(SBi-anvlsning 214). Hørsholm: Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut, Aalborg Universitet.
Lokaliseret på: aspx
Rasmussen, T. V., & Wraber, I. (2010). Radon - kilder og måling (SBi-anvisning 232).
Hørsholm: Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut, Aalborg Universitet. Lokaliseret på: og_maaling. aspx

Sundhedsstyrelsen. (2009). Anbefalinger om radon i boliger i de nordiske lande.

København. Lokaliseret på

Valbjørn, O. A. et al. (2000). Indeklimahåndbogen (2. udg.) (SBi-anvis-ning 196).

Hørsholm: Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut. Lokaliseret på:
Appendix A. Symbols and colours used
in illustrations



Overview - colours and symbols used in the illustrations in
this SBI-Guideline.
The B2uilding Regulations , BR10, contain
tightened requirements on indoor climate. As a
consequence buildings must be constructed in
such a way that the radon concentration inside a
building does not exceed 100 Bq/m3. The
tightened requirements are tuned to
recommendations from WHO. The present
guidelines contain directions concerning ways of
constructing the building envelope facing the
ground securing airtightness against soil gas
penetration. The guidelines also account for the
relationship between radon penetration, radon
concentration in indoor air and energy
consumption. A number of illustrations show how
to construct the building envelope facing the
ground and how to establish seals against the
ingress of soil gases in a number of selected
building components. It is also demonstrated how
the airtight shell against the ground is connected
to the airtight shell above ground level. The
guidelines are closely connected to
SBi-Guidelines 232, Radon – Sources and
measuring which account for the radon problem
and demonstrates methods for measuring the
radon level in buildings.
The guidelines are targeted towards clients,
designers and certain trades involved in the
construction of a building.

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