Woody Biomass As A Potential Feedstock F

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World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (2021) 37:134



Woody biomass as a potential feedstock for fermentative gaseous

biofuel production
Suren L. J. Wijeyekoon1  · Alankar A. Vaidya1

Received: 30 April 2021 / Accepted: 1 July 2021 / Published online: 14 July 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2021

Biogas and biohydrogen are compatible gaseous biofuels that can be blended with natural gas for reticulated fuel supply to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainably grown woody biomass is emerging as a potential feedstock in the production
of biofuels. Woody biomass is widely available, uses non-arable land for plantation, does not require synthetic fertilisers to
grow and acts as a carbon sink. The cellulose and hemicellulose fractions of wood are renewable sources of sugars that can
be used for fermentative production of gaseous biofuels. However, widespread use of wood as a gaseous biofuel feedstock is
constrained due to the recalcitrant nature of wood to enzymatic hydrolysis. Pretreatment makes cellulose and hemicellulose
accessible to microbial enzymes to produce fermentable sugars. Here we review wood composition, its structure and differ-
ent pretreatment techniques in the context of their effects on deconstruction of wood to improve hydrolysis and fermentative
gaseous fuel production. The anaerobic digestion of pretreated wood for biogas and dark fermentation for biohydrogen pro-
duction are discussed with reference to gas yields. Key advancements in lab-scale research are described for pretreatments
and for pure, co- and mixed culture fermentations. Limitations to yield improvements are identified and future perspectives
and prospects of gaseous biofuel production from woody biomass are discussed, with reference to new developments in
engineered biocatalysts and process integration.

Keywords Anaerobic digestion · Biogas · Biohydrogen · Biomethane · Dark fermentation · Pretreatment · Woody biomass

Introduction promising alternative, with an estimated potential generation

of up to 25% of global energy requirements by 2035 (Kopetz
Owing to surging world population, rapid industrialisation 2013). Second generation biofuels based on lignocellulosic
and economic growth, global energy demand is predicted to biomass are under development. These feedstocks are abun-
increase from 5.5 × 105 PJ in 2010 to 6.6 × 105 PJ in 2020. dant, carbon neutral and do not compete with food sources
It is estimated that this demand will reach 8.6 × 105 PJ in (Balat and Balat 2009).
2040 (Guo et al. 2015). World energy supply is dominated From different lignocellulosic options, wood repre-
by non-renewable fossil fuels, which are limited in supply. sents an abundant, non-food resource which is intensively
At current consumption rates, supplies of petroleum, natural researched as a feedstock for renewable energy. As of 2020,
gas, and coal will only last for another 45, 60, and 120 years, the worldwide growing stock of forests, a primary source of
respectively (International Energy Agency 2020). The wood, is about 557 billion m3 and from this stock approxi-
dwindling supply and volatile prices of fossil fuels, along mately 4.3 billion m3 of wood is harvested annually (FAO
with global climate change, necessitate development and 2020). Almost 75% of a tree is utilised as sawn timber, with
utilization of renewable energy alternatives. Biofuels are a the remaining sawdust, fine particles, slabs, edgings and
off-cuts being classed as wood waste. This waste wood is
* Alankar A. Vaidya a potential resource for biofuel production that can have
Alankar.vaidya@scionresearch.com a significant impact on profitability throughout the forest
Suren L. J. Wijeyekoon value chain (Klitkou et al. 2019). A complimentary source of
Suren.wijeyekoon@scionresearch.com wood residue also comes from thinning and cutting needed
to increase the production of quality timber as well as the
Scion, Te Papa Tipu Innovation Park, 49 Sala Street, thinning of forest stands to reduce the danger of fire. The
Rotorua 3046, New Zealand

134 Page 2 of 15 World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (2021) 37:134

amount of dry wood that could be recovered from forest produce electricity and mechanical energy. Hydrogen has
thinning is significant. Production of bioenergy from under- several advantages as a fuel that make it of great interest
utilised woody feedstock will help to diversify the product as an emerging energy carrier, such as zero carbon, high
portfolio of the forestry industry, offsetting the rapid decline energy content and good combustion kinetics (Koroneos
of traditional wood-based industries such as pulp and paper et al. 2004).
(Kalyani et al. 2017). Although there are many reviews on lignocellulosic bio-
The large-scale combustion of wood to extract energy mass conversion to gaseous biofuels, there were no reviews
is no longer deemed to be an efficient and environmentally dedicated to woody biomass, which is one of the major
desirable choice and other pathways for bioenergy and bio- lignocellulosic feedstocks currently used for commercial-
fuels must be developed (Ingersoll 2020). Two very promis- scale liquid biofuel production. This manuscript seeks to:
ing pathways for renewable gaseous biofuel production from (1) review the potential of woody biomass as a fermentation
wood are microbial fermentation to produce biohydrogen feedstock for gaseous biofuel production; (2) discuss pre-
and biomethane by dark fermentation (Levin et al. 2006; treatment technologies and low-energy-intensive fermenta-
Xiao et al. 2010; Monlau et al. 2011) and anaerobic diges- tion processes for conversion of wood-derived substrates and
tion (AD) (Odhner et al. 2012; Salehian et al. 2013; Shafiei the challenges involved; (3) identify future research needs
et al. 2014; Mulat et al. 2018; Li et al. 2019) respectively. for sustainable gaseous biofuel production from woody
This process is shown schematically in Fig. 1. biomass.
In order to expedite microbial fermentation of wood,
appropriate pretreatment is necessary as a first step to facili-
tate generation of C5 and C6 sugars by enzymatic hydroly- Wood composition
sis. These simple sugars are transformed by AD to meth-
ane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). After stripping CO2 The main components of wood are cellulose, hemicellu-
from this biogas, the biomethane can be used to partially lose, lignin, minerals, extractives and water. Their percent-
replace natural gas, with no requirement to upgrade existing age vary with the type of wood as shown in the Table 1.
physical and logistical infrastructures (Tasca et al. 2019). Cellulose is the largest component in wood. It is a linear
The AD process can be switched toward dark fermentation polysaccharide of glucose made up of cellobiose units. The
to produce hydrogen (H2) instead of CH4, by controlling cellulose chains are packed by hydrogen bonds in so-called
operational parameters such as pH and retention time to ‘elementary microfibrils’. These fibrils are attached to each
inhibit methanogenesis (Monlau et al. 2011). Biohydrogen other by hemicelluloses, amorphous polymers of different
can be used in fuel cells and internal combustion engines to sugars, as well as other polymers such as pectin, and covered

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of wood to gaseous biofuel

World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (2021) 37:134 Page 3 of 15 134

Table 1 Major constituent Type of wood Cellulose Hemicellulose Lignin Extractives References
compositions (wt%) in different
types of wood Softwood 38–52 15–28 25–39 1–24 (Sella Kapu and Trajano 2014)
Hardwood 40–55 24–40 18–25 0.1–7.7 (Chandra and Saddler 2012)
Bamboo 38–51 20–29 21–31 6–13 (Sella Kapu and Trajano 2014)
Palm 32–65 9–33 13–48 1–9 (Li et al. 2020)
Larch 38–53 15–36 22–26 3–5.6 (Bergstedt and Lyck 2007)

by lignin. The microfibrils are often associated in the form Wood pretreatment
of bundles or ‘macrofibrils’. This special and complicated
structure makes cellulose in wood resistant to both biologi- Wood is highly resistant to microbial degradation due to
cal and chemical treatments (Taherzadeh and Karimi 2008). the crystallinity of cellulose, its accessible surface area
Hemicellulose is the second largest component, consisting and protection by lignin and hemicellulose, the degree
18–30% of dry wood. It is made up of different monomeric of cellulose polymerization and degree of acetylation of
sugars, namely xylose, mannose, galactose, rhamnose, and hemicelluloses (Taherzadeh and Karimi 2008). In fact,
arabinose (Monlau et al. 2011). Lignin is the polyaromatic, there is no known single microorganism that can directly
hydrophobic and biologically recalcitrant component of the decompose wood in its natural form and extract its energy
wood. The phenolic composition of lignin differs markedly content. In order to expedite microbial fermentation of
between softwoods and hardwoods and is responsible for the wood, appropriate pretreatment is necessary as a first
higher calorific value of softwood (Demirbaş and Demirbaş step to facilitate the action of enzymes on cellulose and
2004; Monlau et al. 2011). hemicellulose to generate simple C5 and C6 sugars. These
The chemical composition of wood varies from species to simple sugars are assimilated and transformed through
species. On average, wood is made up of carbon (C) (50%), microbial AD to produce CH4 and CO2. To make wood
oxygen (O) (42%), hydrogen (H) (6%) and nitrogen (N) (1%) amenable to hydrolysis, various pretreatments are required
with the remaining 1% containing macro-elements (calcium, to remove or alter lignin, increase the pore volume and
potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, and manganese) and internal surface area of lignocellulosic substrates and
micro-elements (sulfur, chlorine, silicon, phosphorus and reduce the degree of polymerization and crystallinity of
others) (Ingersoll 2020). The C:N ratio of 50 makes wood a the cellulose. To be effective and economical, pretreatment
nitrogen-limited feedstock for biological processing (a ratio should: (a) produce reactive cellulose for enzymatic attack
of around 30 is required for AD). Wood is heavily oxygen- (b) reduce destruction of hemicellulose and cellulose, (c)
ated, with a C:H ratio of around 8 compared to the ratio of avoid the formation of inhibitors of hydrolytic enzymes
3 for CH4, suggesting it is also a hydrogen-poor feedstock. and fermenting microorganisms (d) minimize energy
However, in biological processing, wood fractions are hydro- demand (e) reduce the cost of size reduction of feedstocks
lysed to reduce its C:H ratio. (f) require minimal input of chemicals (Taherzadeh and
Wood has moderate calorific values (HHV) ranging from Karimi 2008; Chen et al. 2013).
17 to 26 MJ/kg depending on composition and oxygen con- Pretreatment will be effective only when it achieves a
tent; cellulose has an HHV of 18 MJ/kg and lignin ~ 25 MJ/ high yield of reducing sugars after enzymatic hydrolysis
kg (Demirbaş and Demirbaş 2004). Wood may also con- (Wyman et al. 2005). The type and concentration of reducing
tain up to 5% of low molecular weight compounds such as sugars (monosaccharides and oligosaccharides) produced by
extractives. Extractives are organic compounds (fatty acids, enzymatic hydrolysis are different for different feedstocks
terpenes, resins, waxes and tannins), none of which are read- and pretreatment methods, and this ultimately affects the rate
ily biodegradable. Fresh wood contains almost 60% bound and yield of biogas production. Under severe pretreatment
water, making direct combustion of wood for energy produc- conditions, some monosaccharides and soluble lignin frag-
tion inefficient and requiring wood to be dried to reduce its ments are degraded or transformed into inhibitor compounds
water content. However, for biohydrogen and biogas produc- such as 2-furaldehyde (furfural, F) and 5-hydroxymethyl-
tion the wood need not be dried; in fact, wood-associated 2-furaldehyde (hydoxymethyl furfural, 5HMF), aliphatic
water is required for microbial fermentation, which elimi- acids such as formic, acetic and propionic and phenolic
nates the cost of drying the wood when fermentation is the compounds. These inhibitors can interfere with the functions
preferred process. In biogas fermentation both cellulose and or osmotic pressure of microbial cells, directly inhibiting
hemicellulose are metabolized by mixed microbial cultures the fermentation pathway (Chen et al. 2013). Fine tuning of
(Xiao et al. 2010; Monlau et al. 2011). pretreatment conditions is required to achieve the highest
biogas and biohydrogen productivity.

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Pretreatment methods can be divided into mechanical, cellulose and hemicellulose. Generally, these pretreatments
biological, thermal and physico-chemical methods. A com- do not generate any compounds that are toxic or inhibitory
bination of two or more different pretreatments are often to enzymatic hydrolysis or fermentation. However, milling
used for woody biomass to make the overall process effi- is a very energy intensive process and difficult to implement
cient and economical (Kim et al. 2016). The efficiency of on an industrial scale. For woody biomass, wet ball milling
pretreatment depends on the source and type of biomass is the most effective method (Vaidya et al. 2016). When a
and there is no universal standard pretreatment method that combination of mechanical refining and thermal/chemical
can be applied to every or any type of feedstock. The major pretreatment is used, the aim of mechanical pretreatment is
pretreatment methods applied to wood in the production of to decrease the severity of the following thermal/chemical
gaseous biofuels are summarised in Fig. 2. pretreatment.

Mechanical pretreatments Thermal pretreatments

Mechanical pretreatment such as chipping, grinding, shred- Hot water (hydrothermal, solvolysis, hydrothermolysis,
ding or milling is the first pretreatment applied to woody aqueous fractionation, aquasolv)
biomass. The focus here is to reduce the particle size, fibril-
late fibres to increase the surface area of the biomass and Wood at about 1–8% of dry matter is heated in the presence
reduce the degree of crystallinity and polymerization of of water to a high-temperature (160–230 °C) for a few min-
utes to hours. Under high pressure, water in liquid form pen-
etrates the biomass, increasing the internal surface area and
causing hydrolysis of hemicellulose and lignin (35–60%)
with some cellulose losses (4–22%) (Monlau et al. 2011).
Three reactor configurations are possible depending on the
direction of the flow of hot water on the biomass: co-current,
counter-current and flow-through. These pretreatments do
not require washing or neutralization steps as no chemicals
are used. However, it is an energy and water intensive pro-
cess with a large loss of solubilized reducing sugars and
hydrolysed hemicellulose and lignin in the liquid phase. The
recovery of waste heat from the pretreatment reactor is criti-
cal for energy efficiency of the whole process.

Steam/steam explosion (SE)/autohydrolysis

Biomass, after mechanical size reduction, is heated rapidly

with saturated steam to a high temperature (160–260 °C)
and pressure (0.7–4.8 MPa) and held under these conditions
for several seconds to a few minutes to promote hemicel-
lulose hydrolysis and transformation of lignin. A varia-
tion of steam pretreatment is a hydrothermal pretreatment
which involves initial steaming of wood chips at 173 °C for
3–72 min without addition of chemicals. The steamed chips
are then passed through a compression screw to squeeze out
water-solubilised hemicelluloses. The pressed chips are then
disc-refined and ball-milled to produce easily hydrolysable
substrate (Suckling et al. 2017).
In SE, the pressure is suddenly released, allowing water
molecules to escape in an explosive manner. This opens the
wood cell walls and increases the surface area and hence
enzymatic hydrolysis of the biomass. Sometimes, incom-
plete disruption of the lignin-carbohydrate complex can lead
Fig. 2 Major pretreatment methods applied to wood in the production to reduced enzymatic hydrolysis. This limitation has been
of gaseous biofuels overcome for Pinus radiata by a combined pretreatment

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of SE followed by fungal (Trametes versicolor) exposure inhibitors. This pretreatment necessitates expensive reactor
resulting in higher (almost 25%) conversion of cellulose to construction materials due to the corrosive nature of acids.
glucose compared to SE treatment alone. The combined SE In bioethanol industry, cost of material of construction for
and fungal pretreatment increased the relative porosity of the pretreatment reactors is estimated to be 16–19% of the total
substrate and reduced its lignin content (Singh et al. 2016). material cost (Aden et al. 2002) and this cost needs to be
reduced substantially. This is also expected to be true for
Physico‑chemical pretreatments fermentative biogas production if acid pretreatments are
Acidic pretreatment employs inorganic acids such as hydro-
chloric (HCl), sulphuric (H2SO4), phosphoric (H3PO4) and
CO2 explosion
nitric (HNO3), or organic acids such as citric, malic and
oxalic acids. Alkaline pretreatment uses sodium hydroxide
This process is like SE and AFEX in which wet biomass
(NaOH), potassium hydroxide (KOH), calcium hydroxide
is exposed to CO2 at high pressure and moderate tempera-
(Ca(OH)2), ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) and anhydrous
ture. The gas penetrates the small pores in the biomass and
ammonia (NH3).
the sudden release of pressure causes explosive disruption
of the biomass, increasing the accessible surface area. The
Alkaline—ammonia fibre explosion (AFEX)/ammonia
CO2 forms carbonic acid when dissolved in water, which
recycle percolation (ARP) and soaking aqueous ammonia
assists in the hydrolysis of hemicellulose without creating
sugar degradation products. The high cost of equipment to
Alkaline pretreatments can be carried out at high pressure
withstand high pressure conditions is a major limitation for
and low temperature (~ 90 °C) for up to 10–60 days. At
scale-up of this process to industrial scale.
higher temperatures (150–190 °C) the effect of ammonia
is rapid and the duration of pretreatment can be reduced to
10–90 min. AFEX causes swelling and phase change of cel- Organosolv
lulose causing reduction in cellulose crystallinity. A small
amount of hemicellulose is solubilized in an oligomeric form This is a very selective method yielding three separate frac-
(Mosier et al. 2005) in addition to the alteration and removal tions: (1) lignin—pure, sulphur free, low molecular weight
of lignin. Overall, this pretreatment increases the reactivity solid (2) hemicellulose—an aqueous semi-pure fraction (3)
of the carbohydrates. The residual nitrogen remains in the cellulose—a relatively pure solid fraction. The mechanical
substrate at the end of pretreatment and can be used as a size reduction of wood is not necessary and a variety of
N source in anaerobic and dark fermentations. Safety and organic or aqueous-organic solvent mixtures, with or with-
environmental concerns with ammonia have prevented these out a catalyst such as HCl or H2SO4, have been used in this
pretreatments from progressing to industrial scale. pretreatment. The process is conducted at high temperatures
The use of NaOH, KOH, and Ca(OH)2 lead to cleavage (100–250 °C) using low boiling solvents (methanol and etha-
of ester bonds in phenolic-carbohydrate complexes, swelling nol) or high boiling alcohols (ethylene glycol, glycerol, tet-
of fibers and an increase in pore size, facilitating the dif- rahydrofurfuryl alcohol). The alcohol removes lignin and
fusion of hydrolytic enzymes into the substrate. Generally, dissolves hemicellulose by—(1) hydrolysing internal lignin
alkaline pretreatments are effective on herbaceous plants, bonds and ether and 4-O-methylglucuronic acids ester bonds
agricultural residues, municipal solid waste and hardwoods between lignin and hemicellulose and (2) hydrolysing gly-
but less effective on biomass with a high lignin content such cosidic bonds in hemicellulose and partially in cellulose,
as softwoods. depending on the process severity.
The addition of acid catalyst is not necessary at high tem-
Acid peratures (> 185 °C) because organic acids such as acetic
acid, uronic acid etc. produced in situ from the biomass will
Dilute H2SO4 (0.4–2%) is the acid of choice at temperatures act as a catalyst to rupture the lignin-carbohydrate complex.
of 160–220 °C and treatment times of a few minutes. This However, acid catalysed degradation of monosaccharides
pretreatment releases oligomeric and monomeric sugars can generate the inhibitors F and 5-HMF. Delignification
from carbohydrates and the resulting product is more ame- kinetics vary with the solvent used during pretreatment. At
nable to enzymatic hydrolysis. Improvement in hydrolysis is the end of the process, solvents can be recovered via evapo-
caused by the reduction in hemicellulose and lignin content, condensation and recycled to reduce costs. A commercial
decrease in the crystallinity of cellulose and increase in the example of organosolv pretreatment is the Lignol process
accessible surface area. At high process severity, the sugars (Zhao et al. 2009). Residual organic solvents left in the pre-
are converted to F and HMF which are known fermentation treated substrate may be inhibitory to enzymatic hydrolysis

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and/or fermentation. This pretreatment is expensive due to fermentation are formed. In addition to hydrolysis, biologi-
solvent and catalyst costs and recyclability issues. cal pretreatments can also improve the quality of the sub-
strate by eliminating compounds that reduce the efficiency
Ionic liquids (IL) of the AD process. In Table 2 the effect of different pretreat-
ments on biogas production from various types of wood is
These are solvents with low melting points (< 100  °C), given.
high polarities, high thermal stabilities and negligible
vapour pressure consisting entirely of ions (cations and
anions). Most ILs used in biomass pretreatment are imida- Fermentative gaseous biofuel production
zonium salts such as 1-allyl-3-methylimidazonium chloride
(AMIMCl) and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazonium chloride Biogas from anaerobic digestion of wood
(BMIMCl). ILs can dissolve cellulose from wood which
can be reprecipitated in water, ethanol or acetone. In the Anaerobic digestion is well described in the scientific lit-
Lyocell process, N-methylmorpholine N-oxide (NMMO), is erature and the technology is established at scale as a waste
used to generate cellulose fibres (Perepelkin 2007). NMMO management option and for renewable energy production
increases wood porosity and water swelling capacity and (Matsakas et al. 2016). The process comprises four key
considerably reduces cellulose crystallinity as well as reduc- steps: hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis, and methano-
ing lignin on the wood surface (Shafiei et al. 2014). The genesis. A mixed culture of microorganisms acts symbioti-
use of IL as a wood pretreatment appears to be attractive cally to convert complex organic substrates into biogas and
but the solvents are expensive and need to be recovered and other reduced products. The cellulose and hemicellulose
reused by pervaporation, reverse osmosis, salting out and fractions of wood are hydrolysed into soluble sugars. These
ion exchange, which can add considerably to process costs. sugars are then transformed into volatile fatty acids (VFA)
in the acidogenesis stage. During the subsequent stage of
Biological acetogenesis, the VFAs are converted into acetate, CO2 and
H2. Finally, these compounds are fully reduced to biogas by
Industrial enzymes such as hemicellulases and/or lignin methanogenesis. The biogas from AD consists mainly of
hydrolysing enzymes (laccase, lignin and manganese per- CH4 (55–75%) and CO2 (25–45%) along with other trace
oxidase) are used to break down hemicellulose and lignin. gases depending on the substrates and co-substrates used.
The high cost of industrial enzymes is the main concern; The advantage of using a woody substrate is that contami-
this can be overcome by producing in-house extracellular nant gases such as hydrogen sulphide and ammonia will not
enzymes from brown-, white-, and soft rot-fungi. White rot compromise the quality of the biogas.
degrades lignin by secreting various enzymes such as per-
oxidases or laccases. The optimum pH for growth of ligni- Process conditions
nolytic white rot fungus is between 4 and 5. Uncontrolled
pH deviations from the optimum pH reduce the production Anaerobic digestion occurs over a wide range of tempera-
of laccase enzymes and efficiency of microbial pretreatment. tures; from 10 to 20 °C (psychrophilic), through the more
Biological pretreatment is considered environmentally safe common 30–40 °C (mesophilic) to 50–60 °C (thermophilic)
and energy-saving process as it is performed at ambient range. The active microbial community structure at each
temperature and pressure without requiring any chemicals temperature range is different (Goswami et al. 2016). There
or sophisticated apparatus. However, due to low reaction is a rate advantage at thermophilic temperatures arising from
rates, biological pretreatments must be combined with other the higher hydrolysis coefficients and faster reaction kinetics
pretreatment methods. Another major concern is the loss of (Ferrer et al. 2010; Bolzonella et al. 2012). The acidogenesis
carbohydrates used in the growth and metabolism of enzyme step of AD is favoured at acidic pH values of 4.5–6 due to
producing microbes. Microbial consortia can be an effec- VFA formation. The optimum pH range for methanogenesis
tive method to improve biomass degradation performance. is between 7.0 and 8.0. Another key process parameter par-
A microbial consortium contains various fungal and bacte- ticularly relevant for woody substrates is the C:N ratio of the
rial species with different biomass degradation efficiencies, feedstock. The optimum range of C:N for AD is between 20
functioning under a range of environmental conditions using and 35; this requires N rich co-substrates or ammonia-based
a variety of biomass degradation mechanisms. It possesses alkaline pretreatment of the woody biomass to achieve this
an enhanced ability to colonize wood compared to individual ratio. Many other trace elements such as Na, Ni, Co, Fe,
microbial species. Zn, Mg, Ca and K as cations and molybdate, tungstate and
Biological pretreatment strategies are compatible and phosphate as anions are required for synthesis of enzymes,
synergistic with AD, as no potential inhibitors of anaerobic prosthetic groups, and coenzymes (Goswami et al. 2016).

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Table 2 Effect of various pretreatments on conversion of wood to gaseous biofuels

Pretreatment Feedstock Pretreatment condition Increase in yield compared References
to control

Ionic liquid (a) spruce (a) NMMO at 130 °C for (a) 66 to 245 mL CH4/g VS (a) (Teghammar et al. 2012)
(b) pine 15 h (b) 66 to 224 mL CH4/g VS (b) (Shafiei et al. 2014)
(c) mixed forest residue (b) 85% NMMO at 120 °C (c) 53 to 92 mL CH4/g VS (c) (Aslanzadeh et al. 2014)
for 30 min
(c) 75% NMMO at 120 °C
for 15 h
Alkaline (a) pine (a) 8% NaOH for 60 min at (a) 33 to 107 mL CH4/g VS (a) (Salehian and Karimi
(b) birch 0 °C or 10 min at 100 °C (b) 250 to 460 mL CH4/g VS 2013; Salehian et al. 2013)
(c) poplar (b) 7% NaOH for 2 h at (c) 127 to 272 mL CH4/g VS (b) (Mirahmadi et al. 2010)
(d) Eucalyptus globules 100 °C (d) 14 to 134 mL CH4/g TS (c) (Yao et al. 2013)
(c) 5% NaOH for 96 h at (d) (Nakamura and Mtui
ambient temp 2003)
(d) 1% NaOH for 20 min at
125 °C
Organosolv (a) forest residue (a) 50% C2H5OH or CH3OH (a) 50 to 340 mL CH4/g VS (a) (Kabir et al. 2015)
(b) pine with 1% H2SO4 at 190 °C (b) 38.7 to 71.4 mL CH4/g (b) (Mirmohamadsadeghi
for 1 h carbohydrate et al. 2014)
(b) 75% aqueous C2H5OH
with 1% H2SO4 at a solid-
to-liquid ratio of 1:8 at
180 °C for 60 min
Aq. Ammonia willow 80 to 155 mL CH4/g VS (Jurado et al. 2013)
Acid (a) pine (a) 32% w/w at 25 °C for (a) 25 to 35 mL CH4/g VS (Mirmohamadsadeghi et al.
(b) poplar 72 h (b) and C) H3PO4 (b) reduces from 32 to 2016)
(c) berry (85%) at 60 °C for 45 min 22 mL CH4/g VS
followed by C2H5OH and (c) reduces from 80 to
water wash. Neutralisation 44 mL CH4/g VS
with 2 M Na2CO3
Hydrothermal with SO2 (a) birch, spruce and pine (a) SO2 at 212 °C for 4 to (a) 40 to 276 mL CH4/g VS (a) (Matsakas et al. 2015)
(b) spruce 8 min at pH 1.6 to 1.8 (b) 304 mL CH4/g VS (b) (Janzon et al. 2014)
(b) steam refining with SO2
 Hot water (a) Norway spruce (a) water extraction at (a) 210 mL CH4/g COD (a) (Ghimire et al. 2021)
(b) Eucalyptus globules 140 °C for 5 h (b) 14 to 124 mL CH4/g TS (b) (Nakamura and Mtui
(b) hot water extraction at 2003)
125 °C, 20 min
Steam explosion (a) Japanese cedar (a) 258 °C for 5 min (a) 45 to 180 mL CH4/g VS (a) (Take et al. 2006)
(b) birch (b) 220 °C for 10 min (b) 250 to 369 mL CH4/g VS (b) (Vivekanand et al. 2013)
(c) birch (c) 210 °C for 10 min (c) maximum production (c) (Mulat et al. 2018)
(d) bamboo followed by Caldicellulo- rate increased from 4 to 9 (d) (Dai et al. 2021)
(e) Eucalyptus globules siruptor bescii treatment –14 mL CH4/g VS/day (e) (Nakamura and Mtui
at 62 °C (d) 204.4 mL H2/L culture 2003)
(d) 0.8% H2SO4 at 230 °C for SE to 1055.8 mL H2/L
for 3 min culture for SE + acid
(e) at 25 atm, 3 min (e) 14 to 194 mL CH4/g TS
Milling + enzyme Cedar 10% slurry + 200 mL 253 mL CH4/g wood (Navarro et al. 2020)
enzyme cocktail at 50 °C
for 4 h

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Table 2 (continued)
Pretreatment Feedstock Pretreatment condition Increase in yield compared References
to control

Microbial (a) sawdust (a) 12 mg dry microbial (a) 232 to 312 mL CH4/g VS (a) (Ali et al. 2017)
(b) albizia consortium/g sawdust at (b) 4.4 to 10.8 mL CH4/g VS (b) (Ge et al. 2015)
(c) Japanese cedar 30 °C for 10 days (c) 0 to 43 mL CH4/g TS (c) (Take et al. 2006)
(b) 5.18 g of chips/mL of
Ceriporiopsis subvermis-
(c) different Basidiomycete
fungi incubated stationary
for 20 days at 37 °C
Chemo- Enzymatic oil palm 0.3 g lime/g palm trunk at 749 to 2249 mL H2/L sub- (Sitthikitpanya et al. 2017)
121 °C for 120 min fol- strate (2.04 mol/mol sugar
lowed by CTec2 treatment consumed)
at 30 FPU/g substrate at
50 °C for 72 h

VS volatile solids, COD chemical oxygen demand, NMMO N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide, SE steam explosion, TS total solids

Microbiology Biomethane yield

Key bacterial groups are responsible for the conversion of Under appropriate conditions anaerobic digestion can con-
substrates at each stage. Homoacetogens produce acetate vert cellulose, starch and hemicellulose (nearly 70% of
from CO2 and H2. CO2 and H2 are also transformed into the woody material) into CH4, a greater energy yield than
CH4 by hydrogenophilic methanogens. The acetoclastic bioethanol fermentation where only cellulose is used as
methanogens are Archaebacteria which transform acetate a substrate. Even inhibitory compounds such as F, HMF
into methane (Goswami et al. 2016). Firmicutes are the and soluble lignin generated during pretreatment can be
dominant bacterial phyla in the thermophilic digestion transformed into CH4, if not highly concentrated (Fox et al.
of both pretreated and untreated birch wood (Mulat et al. 2003). The theoretical methane yield based on the elemental
2018). Members of Firmicutes, found in the human gut as composition of the substrate (CaHbOcNd), assuming 100%
one of the dominant bacterial phyla (Magne et al. 2020), conversion, can be estimated by the following equation
are also dominant in anaerobic digesters along with (Lübken et al. 2010).
Bacteroidetes (Solli et al. 2014; Abendroth et al. 2015;
YTheoretical CH4 (L∕g VS) = 22.4 (4a + b − 2c − 3d)÷
Stolze et al. 2016). The hydrogenotrophic Methanobacte- (1)
riaceae is the most dominant methanogen in thermophilic 8 (12a + b + 16c + 14d)
anaerobic digesters with birch wood as a substrate, rather
Based on Eq. (1), the theoretical CH4 yields from ligno-
than the common acetoclastic methanogens (Mulat et al.
cellulosic biomass (C5H9O2.5NS0.025) and woody biomass
2018). Another study, investigating the natural micro-
(molecular weight 217.8 g/mol) are estimated as 480 (Frigon
bial flora anaerobically decomposing poplar wood chips,
and Guiot 2010) and 470 mL/g VS respectively. Table 2
found Firmicutes (46%) and Proteobacteria (32%) to be
shows CH4 yields obtained from untreated and pretreated
the most abundant microbial phyla, followed by the Bac-
woody biomass at laboratory scale. Methane yields from
teroidetes (9.9%) (van der Lelie et al. 2012). Clostridia
untreated wood are very low due to the recalcitrance of wood
was the most abundant class of Firmicutes in the bacterial
to anaerobic microorganisms. Significant improvements to
community. The dominant Proteobacteria was Alphapro-
CH4 yields after various pretreatments have been reported
teobacteria; of this, the family Rhodospirillaceae made
(Table 2). CH4 yields can be as low as 30% of theoretical
up 21.1% and the genus Magnetospirillum 19.9%, making
for wood due to non-biodegradable lignin, peptidoglycan
this the most abundant genus in the community. The Bac-
and insoluble cellulose, hemicellulose and protein polymers
teroidetes were the third most abundant group of microor-
(Frigon and Guiot 2010). Unless lignin is separated from
ganisms, representing nearly 10% of the total community.
biomass by pretreatment, it can limit holocellulose access to
No methane formation was reported in this process and no
enzymes through enmeshment and inhibit the holocellulose
Archaea community analysis was presented.

World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (2021) 37:134 Page 9 of 15 134

degradation (Monlau et al. 2011). However, there is evi- reduced space requirement makes dark fermentation 340
dence that parts of lignin or pseudo-lignin are used as sub- times cheaper than photosynthetic production (Atif et al.
strates for biogas production when birch is pretreated by SE 2005).
at a specific severity (Vivekanand et al. 2013).
Significant differences exist between softwood and hard- Feedstocks and conversion chemistry
wood CH4 yields. Softwood (pine), semi softwood (poplar)
and hardwood (berry) have been compared for CH4 produc- A variety of organic wastes such as agricultural, food,
tion potential in solid state AD (Mirmohamadsadeghi et al. sewage sludge and municipal wastewaters have been used
2016). Untreated hardwood produced consistently higher for biohydrogen production, but only a few studies have
CH4 yields to that of softwood. The effect of hydrothermal explored the utilization of woody biomass (Islam et  al.
and alkaline pretreatments on CH4 yield is also different 2021). Carbohydrate rich feedstocks produce better H2 yields
depending on the wood type. Pretreated hardwood (birch) than protein and lipid rich feedstocks (Osman et al. 2020).
had higher CH4 yields than softwood (pine and spruce) The carbohydrate rich holocellulose in lignocellulosic bio-
(Mirahmadi et al. 2010; Matsakas et al. 2015). This has mass is proven as an effective substrate for biohydrogen pro-
been attributed to the higher lignin content of softwood and duction, making woody biomass a potential future candidate
the different types of lignin present in softwoods and hard- (Demirel et al. 2010; Guo et al. 2010).
woods. Hardwood lignin contains a mixture of guaiacyl and The cellulose and hemicellulose portion of wood can be
syringyl units and softwood lignin contains mainly guaia- hydrolysed to produce C5 and C6 sugars for fermentation.
cyl units. Alkaline pretreated birch wood produced 460 mL These sugars, when dark fermented, produce H2 and CO2
CH4/g volatile solids (Mirahmadi et  al. 2010), which is and organic acids and alcohols in the liquid phase. Theo-
comparable to CH4 yields from many other lignocellulosic retically, 12 mol of H2 can be produced from a mole of
feedstocks (Martínez-Gutiérrez 2018). glucose (Eq. 2). However, glycolysis under dark fermen-
Besides pretreatment, co-digestion can be an option for tation produces acetic, propionic and butyric acids as by-
improving methane yields from wood. Co-digestion is the products, limiting H2 production from glucose to 1—4 mols
simultaneous digestion of a homogenous mixture of two (Eqs. 3–5). Equations 3–5 show that more H2 is produced
or more substrates. The use of co-substrates can improve from the acetic acid pathway than from the butyric and pro-
biogas yield due to the synergism established in the diges- pionic acid pathways. Similarly, more H2 is produced from
tion process, providing a better nutritional balance and glucose than from xylose (Eqs. 3–7) (Antonopoulou et al.
moisture content of the digester feed. The co-digestion of 2008; Kongjan et al. 2009; Osman et al. 2020). Therefore,
manure and woody biomass is an example of utilization of efficient pretreatments and enzymatic hydrolysis that break
two substrates in an AD process (Li et al. 2019). Together down complex woody biomass to simple sugars are critical
the materials complement each other and the risk of inhi- in improving H2 yield from wood.
bition from an uncontrolled C:N ratio and high ammonia
concentration decreases. The manure fraction helps balance C6 H12 O6 + 6H2 O → 6CO2 + 12H2 (2)
the C:N ratio of the feedstock and provides a wide range of
nutrients (Ingersoll 2020). The combination of wood pre- C6 H12 O6 + H2 O → 2CH3 COOH + 2CO2 + 4H2 (3)
treatment and co-digestion with animal manure results in a
remarkable increase (76%) in methane yield (Li et al. 2019). C6 H12 O6 → CH3 CH2 CH2 COOH + 2CO2 + 2H2 (4)

Biohydrogen from dark fermentation of wood C6 H12 O6 → CH3 COOH + CH3 CH2 COOH + CO2 + H2
Dark fermentation to produce biohydrogen is the most
C5 H10 O5 + 1.67H2 O → 1.67CH3 COOH + 1.67CO2 + 3.33H2
widely studied fermentation based H2 production process,
with a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 7 (Islam
et al. 2021). Dark fermentation to produce H2 is like the C5 H10 O5 → 0.83CH3 CH2 CH2 COOH + 1.67CO2 + 1.67H2
acidogenic fermentation phase of AD but carried out in (7)
the absence of light. Dark fermentation requires the least
amount of energy input of the H2 production pathways of Process microbiology and yields
electrochemical (electrolysis), thermochemical (gasification)
and biological (biophotolysis, photo and dark fermentation, Biohydrogen production from biomass via dark fermen-
microbial electrolysis) (Wang et al. 2008; Islam et al. 2021). tation is carried out by facultative and anaerobic micro-
The production of biohydrogen from cellulose, hemicel- organisms (Rittmann and Herwig 2012). Enterobacter,
lulose and starch without the need for photoenergy and a Bacillus (facultative) and Clostridium (anaerobic) are

134 Page 10 of 15 World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (2021) 37:134

the common heterotrophic microorganisms responsi- bacteria can lead to no H2 production (Guo et al. 2010;
ble for dark fermentation. Among them Clostridium sp, Ntaikou et al. 2010).
Enterobacter sp and Thermoanaerobacterales (Family Microbial cultures extracted from rotted wood crumbs
III) sp are the most widely studied bacterial species in have been used to produce biohydrogen from wheat straw
pure and mixed culture dark fermentation studies (Monlau (Cao et al. 2013). The enriched culture produced 3.5 mmol
et al. 2011; Rittmann and Herwig 2012). H2 yields from H2/g substrate. Recently (Dai et al. 2021) used bamboo
Clostridium sp and Enterobacter sp are found to be 2 and hydrolysate to produce biohydrogen. The integration of
1 mol H2/mol glucose respectively (Monlau et al. 2011). A acid and steam explosion pretreatments enhanced H2 fer-
H2 yield of 3.6 mmol/g cellulose (~ 0.6 mol H2/mol cellu- mentation efficiency, resulting in a yield of 1056 mL H2/L
lose) was obtained from microcrystalline cellulose using a culture. It is potentially a desirable pretreatment option for
pure culture of Clostridium acetobutylicum as the biocata- large-scale applications. Dilute acid pretreated pine wood
lyst (Ntaikou et al. 2010). Using a co-culture of Clostrid- produced 1629 mL H2/L/d at a yield of 0.99 mL H2/mol
ium acetobutylicum and Ethanoigenens harbinense, an sugar (Gonzales et al. 2016). The rates and yields of H2
improved yield of 8.1 mmol H2/g cellulose (1.3 mol H2/ production from wood were comparable to H2 production
mol cellulose) was obtained in the same study. Levin et al. from empty palm fruit bunch and rice husks. These results
(2006) investigated H2 production from wood fibres using also suggest that inhibitors produced by pretreatment have a
the pure culture strain Clostridium thermocellum. Under significant effect on H2 yield. These studies demonstrate that
controlled laboratory conditions, a H2 yield of 1.6 mol/ woody biomass can be an alternative to other lignocellulosic
mol glucose was obtained, which equates to 40 and 80% biomass feedstocks.
of the theoretical H2 production from acetate and butyrate
pathways, respectively. However, monoculture processes Biohythane from dark fermentation
require aseptic conditions and pure substrates that make and methanogenesis
them expensive to operate and limit the types of feedstocks
that can be used (Li and Chen 2007; Ntaikou et al. 2010). Biohythane is a H2-CH4 blend containing up to 30% H2
Mixed cultures involve multiple H2 producing organ- by volume. Biohythane can be produced from a two-stage
isms that can collectively improve H2 yields beyond the fermentation process like a two-stage AD process that has
theoretical limit (Thauer limit) of 4 mol H2/mol glucose separate dark fermentation and methanogenic stages (Fig. 3).
(or 497.8 mL H2/g-glucose) obtained for single cultures The soluble metabolites produced by dark fermentation are
(Ergal et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2020). By precision design utilized by methanogenic bacteria to produce CH4 and CO2.
of artificial microbial consortia, biohydrogen yield has The separation of the dark fermentation and methanogenesis
been increased beyond the “Thauer limit” indicating that stages reduces fermentation time and allows better process
dark fermentation is a promising pathway along with AD control (Monlau et al. 2011; Liu et al. 2013; Si et al. 2016).
(Ergal et al. 2020). Similarly, mixed culture organisms Although a sequential two-stage process can be used to pro-
can symbiotically break down complex organic substrates, duce biohythane, the two stages require different environ-
allowing increased H2 production together with other co- mental, nutritional and physiological conditions (Kongjan
products. Hydrogen yields of 6.25 mmol H2/g glucose and et al. 2011). The first stage of dark fermentation requires a
3.43 mmol H2/g protein are reported at an initial neutral pH of 5–7 and a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 1–3 days
pH using mixed cultures of microorganisms (Xiao et al. typical of the acidogenic stage of AD. The methanogen-
2010). The limitation, however, was the proliferation of esis stage requires a neutral pH of 7–8 and a longer HRT
non-hydrogen-producing organisms such as methano- of 15–20 days to sustain the slow growing methanogens
gens, homoacetogens and lactic acid bacteria within the (Mamimin et al. 2015).
mixed culture, which produced unwanted by-products and The production of biohythane from a single feedstock
consumed the H2 produced. The homoacetogenic bacte- using a staged fermentation process has been experimentally
ria present in mixed culture glucose fermentations can demonstrated. Staged production of biohydrogen and biom-
consume H2 and CO2 to form acetic acid and water. Both ethane from oil palm trunk yielded 2 mol H2/mol sugar but
H2 production and consumption pathways are thermody- the contribution of biohydrogen to the overall energy yield
namically favourable, but H2 accumulation improves the was less than 1% (Sitthikitpanya et al. 2017). A two-stage
thermodynamic favourability of H2 utilization pathways, biohydrogen and biomethane production system using pop-
requiring the produced H2 to be removed to reduce its par- lar wood waste increased overall energy yield by 33% and
tial pressure (Bhatia et al. 2021). High H2 partial pressures 18% for liquid and solid samples over a single-stage biom-
tend to decrease H 2 production by reducing ferredoxin, ethane production system (Akobi 2016). The H2 in hythane
affecting hydrogenase activity. If the process is not care- gas is reported to improve the combustion characteristics
fully controlled, proliferation of non-hydrogen-producing of CH4. Several countries have initiated testing to blend H2

World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (2021) 37:134 Page 11 of 15 134

Fig. 3 Schematic representation of biohythane production steps

into existing natural gas network with early results indicat- discoveries of fungal species able to hydrolyse a greater
ing up to 20% H2 could be safely added to gas networks fraction of recalcitrant softwood offer prospects for further
without affecting the existing gas distribution infrastructure increasing sugar yields (O’Callahan et al. 2020). Hyper-
(Quarton and Samsatli 2018). This further strengthens the thermophilic fungal hydrolysis is a recent development
case for future production and use of commercial scale bio- with the potential to reduce costs associated with physico-
hythane gas. chemical pretreatments (Ingersoll 2020). Furthermore, dry
fermentations (high solids fermentations) can reduce the
capital cost of fermentation, making AD more affordable.
Future perspectives Current biohydrogen yields from lignocellulosic bio-
mass are a major hindrance to wider adoption and scale up
Although, wood to biogas production is not at the TRL of this process. Radical approaches to increasing rates and
of 9, biogas production from other feedstocks has been yields are needed to make low-energy intensive fermenta-
commercialised in many countries including Germany, tion pathways commercially viable. Process integration to
United Kingdom and Sweden, creating significant biogas improve overall yields by sequential dark and photo fer-
supplies for domestic, industrial and transportation sec- mentation, and dark fermentation with microbial electroly-
tors. Wood is identified as a viable feedstock for pellets sis have been proposed, but technical and scale up issues
and briquettes (solid biofuels) and bio oil (liquid biofuels) need to be resolved to realise their full potential. Further
with commercial operations in many jurisdictions. How- options for improving productivity are through microbial
ever, wood to biogas (gaseous biofuel) production is still inoculum selection, design of artificial microbial consor-
in its infancy, mainly due to techno-economic challenges tia, improved substrate pretreatment and hydrolysis, opti-
associated with pretreatment. Part of the pretreatment mization of process operating parameters and metabolic
costs can be offset by valorising the side streams contain- engineering of biocatalysts. Consolidated bioprocessing
ing lignin, digestate and CO2. Pretreatment technologies with surface display technology can directly convert cellu-
have evolved to support commercial bioethanol produc- lose and hemicellulose to target products without an inter-
tion from lignocellulosic biomass and these technologies mediate enzymatic hydrolysis step (Mbaneme and Chinn,
can be adapted and combined to further improve the rate 2015). Engineering microorganisms to simultaneously
and extent of enzymatic hydrolysis to produce metabo- metabolise cellulose and hemicellulose can significantly
lizable sugars and precursor molecules from wood. New increase H2 production (Xiong et al. 2018).

134 Page 12 of 15 World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (2021) 37:134

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