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Picture Analysis:

1. The act of aiding the sick person while being aware that you could contract their sickness exemplifies
love and holiness. One of the most devoted individuals I know is a health ally; they are selfless and
empathetic. They always consider how they may make each patient they care for better.

2. The image demonstrates that everyone is capable of exhibiting compassion by straightforward deeds;
after all, even a modest act of kindness may have a big impact.

3. Through their labor and efforts, the farmers demonstrate love and sanctity. Every day from sunset till
morning, they labor to ensure that everyone receives top-notch local goods.

4. For me, the image represents reaching the depths of your well-being by connecting with your inner
self. By allowing ourselves the opportunity to meditate alone, we may express our love for ourselves.
We will be able to comprehend ourselves more emotionally, cognitively, and spiritually once we achieve

5. A path to love and holiness is cooperating with others and meeting their needs.

II. Complete the following statements:

1. Some functions of the intellect are making ensuring everything is in its proper place, sharing their
expertise to reach a larger audience, and providing a healthy workspace for everyone are some
functions of the intellect.

2. Courage means when you are certain that you can complete the work at hand, you have the courage
to step forward. The capacity to accept your mistakes, shortfalls, and wrongdoings is another sign of
courage. Additionally, it implies that you are committed to improving yourself.

3. Love means building your own limits and surrounding yourself with others who can respect them are
signs of love. Because love is a comforting emotion, it must constantly make you feel appreciated and

4. Compassion and empathy are important in human relationship because, in human relationships,
compassion and empathy are crucial because they serve as the cornerstone around which trust is built.
A person with whom you can't genuinely have a good connection is one who doesn't understand you. If
you can't develop compassion, people won't want to build relationships with you either.

5. Friendship should be guided by the intellect because it will keep your friendship on the proper path,
friendship should be directed by intelligence. It will also assist you in maintaining a solid friendship.

III. Journal
In what way do you see the lesson relevant in strengthening your Perpetualite Character?

This lesson is pertinent because its goal is to teach us, as Perpetualites, the value of compassion and
empathy—two attributes that a person will require for character development. UPHSD's guiding concept
is "Character building is Nation building." By showing me how much more of a better person I will be if I
learn to comprehend other people's sentiments, this helps to improve my eternal character. Empathy is
different from understanding, which is one thing. I learned from this lesson that empathy and
compassion go hand in hand. Recognize people's emotions, then assist them if they require company or

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