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Animal Products Processing Enterprise

Name/s:____Jim Aldrix C. Rollon_________________________

Student Number(s): ____201910177____________ __________

Laboratory Exercise No. 1

Meat Characteristics: Sources, Components, Histology and pH


Meat is one of the most important, nutritious and energy-rich natural foods that

humans use to meet their normal physical needs. It is considered very important in

maintaining a healthy, balanced diet that is essential for optimal human growth and

development. Animals provide many foods that humans enjoy. Meat, milk and eggs are

examples of foods

animal origin. In order to properly process these products, it is necessary to understand their

basic properties in terms of Meat sources, chemical composition and properties, basic units,

and the effect of pH on it. Meat quality and consistency are important in ensuring consumer

satisfaction. Quality of meat is affected by the genetic propensity of the animal, how the

animal is reared, and the nutritional status during production.



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Guide Questions

1. What are the generally accepted sources of meat in the Philippines?

- The leading meat products consumed in the country are chicken and pork based.
In 2021, the pork consumption per capita in the Philippines was about 10.66
kilograms per person, while 14.05 kilograms of poultry meat per capita were
consumed per person.

2. Provide the general characteristics of meat in terms of color, pH, texture and
characteristics smell for each species.
- In terms of color The more myoglobin there is in the cells, the redder, or darker,
the meat. When dark meat is cooked, myoglobin's color changes depending on
what the meat's interior temperature is.
- While the pH of meat can range from 5.2 to 7.0. The highest quality products tend
to fall in the pH range of 5.7 to 6.0. Both the rate and extent of post-mortem pH
fall will influence pork quality characteristics.
- The main textural characteristics of meat are firmness (toughness or degree
of tenderness), cohesiveness and juiciness.
- Fresh meat, like fresh fish, has no smell. While bad meat will have a sour smell,
almost like spoiled milk.

3. Provide the chemical components of meat.

- Meat composition consists of approximately 75% of water, 19% of protein, 2.5%
of fat, 1.2% of carbohydrates and 1.65% of nitrogen compounds.

4. Illustrate and characterize the histology of muscle.

- Muscle is classified into three types according to their structure and
function: Skeletal muscle cells - striated, voluntary control. Cardiac muscle cells -
striated, involuntary control. Smooth muscle cells - nonstriated, involuntary

5. Discuss the changes in meat pH: Compare and Contrast - PSE and DFD.

- PSE is said to have occurred when the pH of meat is < 6 at 45 minutes after
- DFD (also known as dark cutting in beef) is when the ultimate pH post mortem
measured after 12 – 48 hours is ≥ 6.

PSE and DFD meat conditions are described in relation to the characteristics of
normal meat. Nowadays, it can be suggested that both conditions occur in all species
depending on how animals are handled pre-slaughter. They are defined in connection
with the pH of meat at a specific time after slaughter
R.K. Miller (2002). Factors affecting the quality of raw meat, meat processing.

Rabia Shabir Ahmad (2018). Nutritional Composition of Meat, In book: Meat Science and

Adzitey, F. and *Nurul, H. (2011). Pale soft exudative (PSE) and dark firm dry (DFD) meats:
……..causes and measures to reduce these incidences - a mini review, Fish and Meat
……..Processing Laboratory, Food Technology Programme, School of Industrial
……..Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Minden, 11800, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

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