NTSE Maths Test - 11 Probability

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10th NTS 11

Duration – 1 Hour. Max. Marks – 35

Q.1 Which of the following is correct for random experiment?

1) All possible results known in advance
2) The results cannot be predicted certainly
3) Both 1 & 2
4) Neither 1 nor 2

Q.2 Which of the following is correct for results of a random experiment?

1) They are known as outcomes
2) There is equal possibility for each result
3) Both 1 and 2
4) Neither 1 nor 2

Q.3 If a die is so formed that a particular face comes up most often then
1) The outcomes are equally likely
2) The die is biased
3) Throwing of this die is random experiment
4) None of these

Q.4 A set of all possible outcomes of an experiment is called

1) Combination 2) Sample point 3) Sample space 4) Compound event

Q.5 When each outcome of a sample space is as likely to occur as any other, the outcome are called
1) Exhaustive 2) Mutually Exclusive 3) Equally likely 4) Not mutually exclusive

Q.6 If A is any event in ‘S’ and A its complement, the P( A ), (Probability of event A ) is equal to
1) Zero 2) Between – 1 & +1 3) 1 4) 1 – P(A)

Q.7 When certainty is involved in a situation, its probability is equal to

1) Zero 2) Between – 1 & 1 3) between 0 & 1 4) One

Q.8 If a sample space S = {1, 2} the number of all possible sub sets are
1) 4 2) 3 3) 1 4) 2

Q.9 When a die and a coin are rolled together, the numbers of all possible outcomes are
1) 6 2) 2 3) 36 4) 12

Q.10 A fair coin is tossed 100 times the expected number of heads is
1) 100 2) 50 3) 30 4) 80

Q.11 Two fair dice are rolled the probability of getting an odd sum is
1) 1 2) ½ 3) 1/6 4) 1/36

Q.12 A letter is chosen at random from the word “STATISTICS”. The probability of getting a vowel is
1) 2/5 2) 2/10 3) 3/10 4) none of these

Q.13 A two digit number is to be formed from the digit 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Repetition of the digits is allowed. Find the
probability that the number so formed is a prime number
1) 3/10 2) 5/18 3) 1/5 4) 2/5

Q.14 The odd against of an event are 5: 7, find the probability of occurrence of this event :
3 7 2 5
1) 2) 3) 4)
8 12 7 12
Q.15 Three dice are thrown. The probability that the same number will appear on each of them is:
1 1 1
1) 2) 3) 4) None of these
6 18 36
Q.16 Two coins and a dice are tossed. The probability that both coins fall heads and the dice shows a 3 or 6 is:
1 1 1
1) 2) 3) 4) None of these
8 12 16
Q.17 One hundred cards are numbered from 1 to 100. The probability that a randomly chosen card has a digit 5 is
1 9 19
1) 2) 3) 4) None of these
100 100 100

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Q.18 Two dice are thrown simultaneously. Find the probability of getting the sum a prime number
12 12 5
1) 2) 3) 4) 1
5 15 12
Q.19 The probability that an ordinary year has 53 Sundays is
1) 1/52 2) 1/53 3) 2/7 4) 1/7

Q.20 What is the probability that a leap year has 53 Sundays?

1) 1/7 2) 2/7 3) 1/52 4) 1/365

Q.21 to Q.24 : One card is drawn from a pack of 52 cards, each of the 52 cards being equally likely to be dawn find the
probability such that

Q.21 The card drawn is either king or a queen:

5 1 2 12
1) 2) 3) 4)
26 13 13 13
Q.22 The card drawn is either a heart, a queen or a king:
17 21 19 9
1) 2) 3) 4)
52 52 52 26
Q.23 The card drawn is neither a spade nor a king:
9 1 4
1) 0 2) 3) 4)
13 2 13
Q.24 The card drawn is neither an ace nor a king:
9 1 2 11
1) 2) 3) 4)
13 2 13 13

Q.25 One ticket is drawn at random from a bag containing 70 tickets mixed up together numbered from 1 to 70. What is
the probability that the ticket has a number which is a multiple of 5 or 7?
1 1 6 11
1) 2) 3) 4)
10 70 70 35
Q.26 If two dice area rolled together, then find the probability that the sum of the numbers on the two dice is less than
or equal to 10.
11 1 7 1
1) 2) 3) 4)
12 12 12 9
Q.27 A 4-digit number is formed by using the digits 1, 2, 4, 8, 9 without repetition. If one number is selected from those
numbers, then what is the probability that it will be an odd number?
1 2 3 4
1) 2) 3) 4)
5 5 5 5
Q.28 An urn contains 9 red balls and ‘p’ green balls. If the probability of picking a red ball is thrice that of picking a
green ball, then ‘p’ is equal to
1) 6 2) 7 3) 2 4) 3

Q.29 Chandu picks up a letter from the English alphabet and finds it to be a vowel. Find the probability that it is either
‘e’ or ‘i’?
2 2 3
1) 2) 3) 4) none of these
5 26 5

Q.30 A number is selected from the set A   x : x  N , x  4 . What is the probability that it will be a root of the
equation x2  6 x  8  0 .
1 2 3 2
1) 2) 3) 4)
3 3 4 4
Q.31 A piggy bank contains hundred 50 paisa coins, fifty Rs.1 coins, twenty Rs. 2 coins and ten Rs. 5 coins. If it is
equally likely that one of the coins will fallout when the bank is turned upside down, what is the probability that
the coin will be of value more than Rs. 1
1 17 5 7
1) 2) 3) 4)
6 18 9 18

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Q.32 Sita throws two different dice together and finds the product of the two numbers obtained. Gita throws a die and
squares the number obtained. Who has the better chance to get the number 25?
1) Sita 2) Gita 3) equal chance 4) none of these

Q.33 On the disc shown below, a player spins the arrow twice. The fraction is formed, where ‘a’ is the number of
the sector where the arrow stops after the first spin and ‘b’ is the number of the sector where the arrow stops after
the second spin. On every spin, each of the numbered sectors has an equal probability of being the sector on which
the arrow stops. What is the probability that the fraction is greater than 1?

11 3 7 5
1) 2) 3) 4)
36 4 12 12

Q.34 A point is selected at random from the interior of the circle. The probability that the point is closer at the center
than the boundary of the circle is:
3 1 1
1) 2) 3) D. none of these
4 2 4
Q.35 A jar contains 54 marbles each of which is blue, green or white. The probability of selecting a blue marble at
random from the jar is 1/3, and the probability of selecting a green of selecting a green marble at random is 4/9.
How many white marbles does the jar contain?
1) 18 2) 24 3) 12 4) none of these

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