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An Undergraduate Thesis presented to the

Faculty of the College of Education
CITI Global College

In the partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the Degree of
Information and Communications Technology

Presented By:

Edrian Señar, Bonde.

Dellosa, John Robert Bacanto.

Jodie Ashley Alvarez, Mangilit.

Quirong, Renalyn Maestro

Zolete, Lhife Anne Villanueva.

Bulahan, John Aaron

Juri, John Mark Flores.

Villanueva, Jyan

Gerylle, Palibino

Cañeta, Ericka

Bariccan, Erica

A.Y 2021-2022
Chapter 1

Background of the Study


The advent and development of technology brings many things which may either ease or make life
of people more difficult and complicated. One of results of this development is the opening of online
gaming through the internet which has become addictive and one of the widely used leisure
activities by many people and teenagers. Online gaming is a technology rather than a genre; a
mechanism for connecting players together rather than a particular pattern of game play. Online
games are played over some form of computer network, now typically on the Internet. Research
into online gaming has steadily increased over the last decade, but this research will focus on the
addiction of students on online gaming and relate with their academic performances or in studies.
21st century students are learners that live using of internet browser; it’s already been part of their
lives. Internet is a very useful tool to everyone especially to students, and because of internet
browsing; they can easily access information or get data that can help them in their studies.
Considering that because of internet they can share files, documents, picture, videos, apps
(applications) and especially online games easier. But now days, student are playing online games in
a long period of time they are more temp to play online games that causes different major
destruction in holistic fitness. In addition, online game refers to games that are played over some
form of computer network, most often the internet. Online games can range from simple text-based
games to games incorporating complex graphics and virtual worlds populated by many players
simultaneously. Also internet games are games that are played online via Internet, they are distinct
from video and computer games in that they are normally platform independent. Addiction is a
condition that results when a person ingests a substance or engages in an activity that can be
pleasurable but the continued use/act of which becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary
life responsibilities, such as study and work. Related to the learning or cognitive development,
Griffiths, M.D. (2010) playing online games such as Clash of Clans (COC) and other online game,
there is typically no end to the game. Children and adolescents can potentially play endlessly
against (and with) other real people. This is opposed to offline video games, where games can be
paused and/or saved. Online games can be immensely rewarding and psychologically engrossing.
Drawing inspiration from these source, this research would like to look into the online gamers and
to know the reason or survey the thoughts of other people about online games. All through the years
in the history, only small number of people are using the internet properly and also excessive online
gaming may lead to symptoms commonly experienced by substance addicts. This paper look into
the effects of being addicted on online games, and also to describe and determine the main cause of


To much online games can affect their health that cause physical damage and increase
anxiety,depression,and probably consider a cause of death.Senior high student who have to much
time on playing online games can affect or worsened learning abilities.Like concentration problem,
poor academic performance and also decrease interaction with other people,there also positive
effect that helps our basic version,and also can enhance memory,brain speed,and concentration also
learned how to multi-tasking. Also online games as such of concentration shape that enchancing the
development of cognitive skills, when Senior High School student that playing online game they
have a skill to focus on the game.But they have a still a negative on senior high student,that
particular go through the violence,and also anti-social tendencies behavior or being aggressive
though and feeling.


The study aims to determine the Effects of Online Games On Academic Performance Of Grade 11
ICT Students In CITI Global College Biñan City Laguna Academic Year 2022-2023. Also this study
well seek answer to the following question:

1.What is the profile of respondents in terms of:


1.2 Gender

1.3 Online games commonly played

1.4Lenght of time the respondents play online games in a week or in terms of hour

2.What types of games do the selected students play in majority?

2.1 Mobile Legend (ML)

2.2 League Of Legend

2.3Call Of Duty (COD)

2.4 Rules Of Survival

3.What are the physical effects of playing online games to the Academic Performance Of Grade 11
ICT Students In CITI Global College Biñan

3.1 Migraines

3.2 Sleep Disturbances

3.3 Poor And Personal Hygine

3.4 Anxiety And Depression

3.5 Eating Regularities

4.What if the affects of online games to their Academic Performance at School?

4.1Class Participation

4.2 Number of absences in class

4.3 Number of hours spent in studying

5.What is the impact of online games on academic performance in grade 11?

6. How students utilized online games to the academic performances?

7.What are the causes of playing online games?


The study cover to the effects of Online Games on the Academic Performance of Grade 11 ICT
students in CITI Global College Biñan.This study will limited to the onlines games like mobile
legend (ML), League of legend, LOL,Call of Duty,(COD) and Rules Of Survival the researcher will
gathered information about the possible effects of selected online games on the said selected
student's academic performance. A survey that will be conducted about the evaluated of the
respondents regarding in the study of the effects of this online games on the Academic Performance
Of Grade 11 ICT Students In CITI Global College Biñan in a random order and will be giving
questonnaire to get information that will be needed in our study.This study will be conducted to
determine the effects of online gaming to the selected students on their academic performance.


Academic Performance -Is the measurement of student achievement across various academic
subjects, by taking written and oral tests,performing presentations,turning in homework and
participating in class activities and discussions.Teachers evaluate in the form of letter or number
grades and side notes,to describe how well a student has done. Online Games- Refer to games that
are played over some form of computer network,most often the internet .Any games that is played
online, based online or has a majority of tis content or play games online. Online games can range
from simple text based games incorporating graphics conplex or virtual words populated by many
players simultaneously. Gamer- Is a person who plays a game or games, typhically a participant in
a computer or roll- playing games. Game Addiction- Is an excessive or cumpulsive use of computer
games or video games, which interferes with a person everday life. Technology-Is refers to methods,
system and devices which are the result scientific knowledge being used for partical purposes.
Computer- Is an electronic devices that manipulates information data it has the ability to store,
retrieve and process data.You may also already know that you can use a computer to type
documents, send email,play games and browse the web.


Review of Related Literature


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