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Republic of the Philippines

P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna



A Research Paper
Presented To
The Faculty of the Senior High School
Biñan Integrated National High School
Sto. Domingo, Biñan City, Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Subject
Practical Research 1


Alag, Marc Ernest Angelo Gabriel AC.

Amar, Pauline Joy D.
Capuz, Shiela Marie
Concepcion, Angel M.
Frejas, Ivy S.
Layacan, Carl John M.
Manrique, Charles David P.
Marce, Jomarie R.
Rivera, Shiela Mae P.
Tupaz, Chitao
Villareal, Dean Mark P.

July 2021
Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

Chapter 1


The issue of education accessibility has been plaguing the Philippines for the longest time

now. Most families struggle to meet the excruciating demand of sending their children to school –

and actually have them finish it. With the Philippines as a developing country, this is not a rare

sight. Being a working student is a desperate response to this hunger for attainable education.

Majority of the Filipinos from middle-class down to those on the poverty line have once struggled

juggling a job and their academic responsibilities.

Furthermore, working students have come to be expected; otherwise, young people would

only seal their fate in the poverty they were born into. But poverty is not the only 'qualification' for

one to be a working student. One also needs to be doggedly determined and of solid personal

qualities to be able to face up to the challenge. A working student necessarily lives two lives all at

the same time - as worker and as student.

According to The Working Student (2016), Filipino students are struggling because they

have to meet the standards in their work so that they will not lose their job. Simultaneously, it is

important for the student to do well, too, in order to justify the hard-earned money spent in his or

her studies. Around 216,000 understudies in the Philippines are right now juggling school and

work, the most recent information from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).

As stated to a major study from Walden University (2021), nearly 30% of high school
Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

students are employed in a job for at least a portion of the school year. For many, working a job

provides spending money for a social life. Whereas, other students working to help the family make

ends meet or to save for college. Many studies show that the advantage of being working students

is they are more likely confident and possess better time-management skills than students who are

not employed. In addition to offering a paycheck, some independence, and satisfaction, a part-time

job can provide both training and experience.

As reported by Raychrudhury (2020), high school is a precious period in life when people

get to explore their interests and find out new parts of their identities. It consists of many steps that

lead towards finding a true calling or discovering something. By becoming a part-time student, they

can experience all of this while ensuring not overwhelmed by the transition to a new environment.

It can be a less stressful way to step into an unknown life phase.

In contradiction, experts agree that students who work more than 15 to 20 hours per week

often experience decreased school success, which can lead to dropping out entirely. Working long

hours can also limit opportunities to build friendships and explore interests that enhance intellectual

and emotional development.

In Rajeev Darolia’s study, there was a correlation between number of credits completed and

number of hours worked per week. This study states that 80 percent of students work at some point

in their undergraduate program and numbers of hours worked per week increases each year. Some

students take fewer credits due to work commitments. Part-time and full-time students tend to

spend less time studying (Darolia, 2014).

However, the continuing threats of the COVID-19 pandemic, students in the country were

forced to attend classes remotely. It enables the students to continue their studies, move up to the
Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

next level, graduate, and seek employment amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. It serves as an open

door for the students who want to earn money while studying without too much conflict. Due to the

problems or concerns encountered, the researchers are motivated to conduct an explicit in-depth

study about the lived experience of the working students. The said study also aims to investigate

and identify student’s experiences while working under the new normal learning system.

Statement of the Problem

This research aimed at providing an in-depth description and understanding of the

experiences of Senior High School students who work while studying under the new normal

learning system. Specifically, this research answered two central questions:

1. What have the participants experienced in working while studying during pandemic?

2. How have the participants experienced working while studying during pandemic?

Scope and Delimitation

         The study primarily focused on understanding and describing the lived experiences of Senior

High School students who work while studying. The researcher also created a correlation between

participants' perception of their experiences in managing the changes in the environment that they

are exposed to.

   The participants of the study consisted of 12 students from Grade 11 and Grade 12 Senior

High School students of Biñan Integrated National High School who were enrolled during the

academic year 2020-2021. These students are struggling in studies because they have to meet the

standards in their work so that they will not lose their job (The working student, 2016). 
Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

Significance of the Study

The result of the research may help students on how they can be able to work while

focusing on their studies. Aside from that research may give them tips on how they can enhance

their time management skills.

The research could provide parents’ ideas about the hardship of being a working student

which may help them to assume working to provide the needs of their child.

The findings of the research may be an eye-opener for the teachers to see the difficulties of

the students who work while studying. Therefore, they can teach their students in maximizing their

time to avoid dropping out of school.

The result of the study may open the mind of the School Administrators to be more

understanding of the lived experiences of being a worker student thus may suggest them to give

consideration to their students.

The findings in the study may help the employer to understand the lives of student-worker.

Therefore, they might change something in their workplace that the students can fit. Moreover, this

study may help them to create tasks that may improve the skills and talents of every working

student that they employed.

The research may help the future researcher to use this research as a basis in their study as

well as they can get information and avail it as a same study. 

The result of the research may satisfy the researcher in conducting this kind of research for

working students. Also, this research answers the puzzle questions in the mind of the researcher

thus fulfills their curiosity about this study.

Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

Chapter 2

This chapter reviews the related literature which support and give credence to the details of

this research. The researcher anchored this comprehensive study to different viewpoints and

perspectives to present a thorough treatment of the problem. Concepts, findings, theories, and

notions, from scholarly researches and articles related to the lived experienced of being a

working student are presented to provide an extensive background of the study and to justify the

researchers’ objective in undertaking it. This also provides a synthesis of related literature which

later on may be confirmed, negated, or improved by the new knowledge that this study provided.

State of the Art

The researcher presented both local and foreign literature and studies to provide a

comprehensive background of the problem under study. Concepts, findings, theories, and notions

from scholarly researches and articles presented was fortified, negated, or improved by the

additional knowledge that this study provided.

Lived Experiences of Working Students

Working does not just give an individual a firsthand experience in the field. However it

likewise empowers inventiveness and profitability in school, since working aides in building up a

superior comprehension of what is being instructed (Haqifa, 2013). In any case, a few specialists

have revealed that the additional time an understudy commits to work; the less the individual in

question has for all things considered scholastic or social exercises. This investigation tries to

Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

investigate the battles and challenges of understudies who study, simultaneously, work nearby.

Their confidence, scholastic execution, and time on the board are additionally considered,

regardless of whether these elements are influenced by their status as nearby working understudies.

Working as a student is possibly stressful because it requires juggling your social life,

family time, education, and work. Managing the tension that comes with being a working

undergrad and ensuring that you have at least one night off every week will reduce the stress levels

tenfold (Mitchell, 2016). In addition, Filipino students are suffering because they must follow work

expectations in order to keep their jobs and maintain academic success in order to avoid receiving a

failing grade.

  Furthermore, students who choose to work while studying do so for a variety of reasons,

including financial concerns, life experiences, networking, and a variety of other factors. As the

cost of living and studying rises, students require more and more financial assistance to cover their

living and educational expenses. Caldwell (2017), believes that there are some huge advantages

that work gives to understudies are relatable working experience, time management abilities,

independence from obligation, and better scholarly execution. Working in a specific spot

additionally gives freedom to understudies to grow their informal organization. Nonetheless, when

understudies give their time as well as a lot to outside work, it can divert them from consideration,

cause them to feel lost en route, and exacerbate their scholarly presentation (Lucier, 2012).

According to the latest data from the Commission on Higher Education, about 216,000

students in the country are currently juggling school and job (CHED).This represents around 8% of

the country's total number of college students. Aside from their ordinary stretches as library and

examination collaborators, working understudies these days are fundamentally engaged with food

Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

administration, diversion, and deals. As indicated by CHED (2010), just 50% of the utilized

understudies can complete school, as many can't focus on their investigations, while others have

chronic frailty, and others surrender in light of monetary issues. 

As numerous investigations proposed, in reality a mix of full-time contemplating and low

maintenance working can cause a harming impact on the physical and emotional well-being of

understudies. It can have an adverse consequence on scholastic execution (Hovdhaugen et al.,

2014). Also, there is evidence that the relationship between working hours and academic success is

not linear. In other words, both working long hours and not working at all can be associated with

poorer academic performance (Hovdhaugen, et al., 2013).

As mentioned by Kavarra, (2013) tracked down that an increment in the quantity of

full-time understudy who are utilized can be ascribed to want to limit credits and obligations.

Understudies wanted to restrict their getting and in this way procure a greater amount of the

educational cost. It likewise accepted that such a demeanor mirrors the capacities of difficult work

and assurance in individuals, which are characteristics that each firm for the most part searches for. 

Whether it is about financial considerations or future employability prospects, Alli (2010)

emphasized that the combination of working and studying together is the key to success and the

pillar on which one's future and career is built.

Reasons to Work While Studying

There are many college and high school students who are also a worker. Every day, they

work two jobs: as students and as employees of an institution or corporation. Because of the

complexities in balancing those things, it is often considered risky to run them together. However,

there are several reasons why student-workers bravely continue to work rather than concentrating

Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

solely on their studies (Pratiwi, 2015).

The first justification is to assist parents in meeting the tuition costs and needs of

student-workers. It is widely accepted that obtaining a higher education level is difficult today since

each student must spend a significant amount of money to fund their studies. Furthermore, not all

students come from a wealthy family (Pratiwi, 2015).

According to upstartHR arcticle (2019), the second reason is to enrich valuable experiences.

Since one of the things today's employers look for is experience. Furthermore, a proverb states that

“experience is the greatest teacher.” In the other words, by having a lot of experiences in various

circumstances, people, including working students, will be easier to survive in their real lives

(Riani, 2011).

The third factor is to earn a time management skills. Since time management is one of the

most difficult tasks that today's student’s face. In high school and college, there are many ways to

waste time. It is common for students to miss assignments or spend too much time chatting with

friends. On the other hand, students who have employment are far more time-conscious and

responsible. They learned which activities are most important and the quickest ways to adapt to life

outside of school (upstartHR arcticle, 2019).

In summary, there are three major explanations why student-workers bravely take the risk of

working rather than concentrating solely on their studies. These three factors are to cover school

fees and living costs, to broaden their experience, and to improve their time management skills.

Working students, on the other hand, are still students. They have a primary responsibility to

concentrate on their studies because that is why they went to school in the first place. As time

Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

passes, the student-workers may become more exhausted as a result of juggling both studying and

working, but this is the price they must pay. In short, it is important to strike a balance between

studying and working. The student-workers can easily enjoy such things as long as they have a

commitment to them (Pratiwi, 2015).

Advantage of Being Working Students

 A working student is someone who works and studies at the same time. It necessitates a

significant amount of effort and time. Thus, working students must study in the morning and work

in the evening, or vice versa, and this forces them to consider any situation. Hence, the most

popular benefit of working as a student is that it teaches someone how to handle time and be more

efficient because every second counts (Brooks, 2019).

Academics and work are not mutually exclusive. Students told to go to college and get a

good job afterward, and know plenty of people who manage to juggle a part-time job with for

studies. As stated in the Daughters of Africa (2019) Article, making money is one of the reasons

that students in high school or college take on work. For others, the money they receive from jobs

is the main source of education funding. Therefore, students who work have the opportunity to

themselves whether in school allowance and personal needs. 

According to the OZ assignments articles, working as a student has both advantages and

disadvantages in terms of daily life. Further, education has become a critical component of one's

personality in today's changing environment. Also, Education aids in the development of a person's

character. Additionally, working alongside studies may aid in the development of a strong

character. It aids in the formation of new relationships that can be used in the future. These job

references may be used in a person's resume. It will not only improve students’ odds of having the

Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

same profile job, but it will also improve overall impression (OZ Assignments, 2020).

As stated by Zambas (2019), it seems that working while learning is a complete pain. Yet

after attending classes for over eight hours a day, the last thing that a person wants to do is commit

themselves to a four-hour shift, but there are many benefits of working a part-time job as a student.

For instance, students who work are more likely don’t have to worry about financial attribution like

basic essentials and school allowance. As well as students who earn money are taught how to invest

wisely. They will be less likely to waste hard-earned money on unnecessary purchases and instead

learn to postpone gratification in order to compensate for essentials including textbooks and rent.

They will save for non-essential expenses, such as a vehicle, at the same time.

Moreover, taking on a part-time job while pursuing a degree is difficult. However, the

rewards are always worth more than the salary. Since they must apply their time-management skills

in daily lives, students who work during college careers can learn better time-management skills

than ordinary students.  As mentioned by Cunha (2018), students who work part-time can earn

more money than they would if they did not. Earning an income as they enter adulthood will

improve self-esteem and encourage having some fun inside the confines of paychecks. Aside from

that, some students must work during the school day in order to pay for school tuition fee. While,

others will save the money to pay off their student loans. Nonetheless, the funds will be used as

they see fit.

Disadvantage of Being a Working Student

Working students appreciate the challenges, responsibilities, and personal fulfillment that

come with becoming a respected employee. Working from a young age looks great on a resume

because it demonstrates maturity, dependability, and target orientation to employers (Dowd, 2019).

Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

Meanwhile, managing time and having the energy to do two things at once is extremely difficult.

Taking online classes and working at the same time can have many disadvantages (Alvarez, 2020).

One of the most significant drawbacks of working while studying is the potential for stress

and fatigue (Dowd, 2019). Working alongside their studies provides opportunities, but it can also

raise their stress level. There are days when student-workers have to do so much work, which

makes it difficult for a student to focus on his studies (OZ Assignments, 2020).

Simultaneously, a part-time job can be less of a benefit and more of a distraction for the

typical student (Dowd, 2019). Working and studying take up a lot of the time. It can cause to

working students to lose focus on their studies, which can lead to a variety of problems. Working

under stress can also lead to a variety of health problems (OZ Assignments, 2020).

Thus, working students might experience lack of concentration. Considering all aspects of

working together, there can be times when students have deadlines and tests at the same time.

Perhaps they can pay attention to their studies, but their work will pile up, which is unprofessional

(OZ Assignments, 2020).

Lastly, it can lead to bad grades. Working requires time, which interferes with student’s

primary goal in life, namely, their studies. That might result to lower grades and means of failure in

studying. Student-workers might experience mood swings as a result of their failure to pay

attention to both (OZ Assignments, 2020).

Working part-time has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Every story has two

sides, so if students decide to work part-time, they should carefully consider both the benefits and

drawbacks. Since each person has their own set of priorities, it is up to them to decide whether to

work full-time or part-time. A simple reminder to student-workers is to be content and enjoy

Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

whatever they do, no matter what they choose (Reddy, 2021).

Time Management

Time management can be a challenge when a person is juggling many tasks. When an

individual is balancing work and education, time management can be difficult. Managing time in

professional and academic lives is no easy task, particularly when people have additional

commitments vying for time. The problem is not a lack of time— it is how people manage that time

that matters the most (Cooper, 2020).

Nevertheless, the good news is that time management is not about seeking more hours in the

day; rather, it is about making the most of the ones person already have. Building study time into an

already hectic schedule necessitates meticulous preparation and strategy; however it is possible

(Time Management for Working Students, 2019).

In addition, good time management is linked to improved academic performance and lower

anxiety levels in students (Adams, 2019). Also, realistic time management and organization

techniques can improve productivity and quality of life (Jackson. 2010).

Therefore, working students must create their schedule. It will help student-workers to feel

more in charge to their tasks and learn how maximize time for it (RMIT Online, 2018). This will

offer student-workers a better idea of what they are up to when it comes to scheduling study time

and taking care of other duties. This seemingly basic piece of advice may be overlooked due to its

simplicity, but it is one of the most important things anyone can do; simply adhere to the schedule

that created as closely as possible (Cooper, 2020).

Furthermore, working student should know right away that school comes first. This means

that working students can begin their time management plan by addressing the school schedule.

Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

Examine their calendar to ensure that all relevant school dates are noted (McVicker, 2018).

Subsequently, working students must be realistic. Since unexpected events may occur at

work, they can miss a deadline due to other obligations. But working students should justify their

condition to school’s officers. They recognize that the majority of online students are also juggling

jobs, so they are sympathetic and willing to help (RMIT Online, 2018).

Lastly, student- workers should learn to sacrifice. They work hard and deserve to unwind

and relax, whether it is by tuning out and watching a few episodes of their favorite TV shows or

taking a long bath. It is essential part of succeeding, particularly to avoid burnouts (Cooper, 2020).

Physical and Mental Well-being of Working Students

Being a student is difficult enough, but juggling school work and other commitments when

suffering from mental illness can be much more difficult. However, half of all full-time college

students work outside of the classroom. Aside from that, when it comes to part-time students, this

figure rises to 80%. According to one report, 70% of students are concerned about their financial

situation. Therefore, many students struggle to balance and prioritize the various aspects of their

lives, with work, school, hobbies, and friends all vying for their attention (Mental Health America,


According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), one out of every five

teenagers aged 13 to 18 has a mental health problem and 75 percent of people with mental illnesses

experience them before the age of 24. Mental health issues can be crippling and frightening,

prompting some students to withdraw rather than seek support. Students, guardians, and educators

are on the lookout for new ideas. As well as students first recognize a mental health problem in

Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

themselves, they are always afraid of not being able to find out where it came from.

Moreover, working part-time is necessary for many students for a variety of reasons,

including paying off debts, gaining experience and exposure to various working environments, and

even earning some extra cash. While working part-time while a full-time student has advantages

such as gaining experience and earning income, it also has disadvantages. Also, many students

struggle to balance their academic and social lives, which could be a contributing factor to mental

health issues. Adding one's work life to the equation will quickly exacerbate these difficulties.

As mentioned by Karik (2020), being working students can affect one’s mental health

because it is difficult to maximize time management in school, in other commitments, and in part

time jobs. Thus studying and working at the same time can be overwhelming. Particularly if one's

responsibilities as a student and a worker cannot be met. Hence, students' energy levels, attention,

dependability, mental ability, and optimism can all be affected by mental health issues, resulting in

poor results. According to research, depression is linked to lower grade point averages, and

co-occurring depression and anxiety may exacerbate this connection.

As indicated On the American College Health Association (2015) survey, university

students identified the following intellectual fitness issues as having a negative effect on their

academic success in the previous year. Thirty percent of college students are stressed, and 22

percent are likely to be anxious right now. 30% of college students are experiencing strain and 22%

right here is probably experiencing Anxiety. Just introduced the proportion of these college students

who are experiencing Sleep problems and worst lead to Depression.

Furthermore, working while studying can be stressful because it necessitates balancing

social life, family time, school, job, and healthy lifestyle. Despite the fact that students who work

Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

while studying have less time to look after themselves, an unhealthy diet (high levels of saturated

fat, refined carbohydrates, and processed food) is related to poorer mental health, according to a

systematic study conducted by O'Neil et al. (2014). In addition, the high level of stress is not good

for students' health. Regardless of the rising rate of anxiety, depression, and other mental health

issues on college campuses across the country is no longer good for students as stated by the

Mental Health of America (MHA).

Pressure and Stress

Stress is an unavoidable aspect of high school. Stress is beneficial because it motivates

students to conquer obstacles. However, too much tension may have a negative effect on a student's

mind and body, leading to a number of problems (The Haven at College, 2019). It's a dynamic but

immediate reaction that everyone has to deal with on a daily basis. It's also something that

Americans have struggled with statistically for years, and recent research shows that teens are the

ones carrying the biggest loads—and it's taking a serious toll (McDowell, 2017).

Students are subjected to a variety of stressors. It is possible to get exhausted when going

through difficult academic courses and juggling schedules, as well as taking care of a family and a

career in between (The University of Arizona Global Campus, 2020).

However, students who try to balance studying and working, suffer psychological and

physical consequences. When they work and go to school, stress is a major setback for them, and it

has an impact on their academic success. Pressure was discovered to be the primary cause of

emotional and physical exhaustion in a study involving 225 working students (Chang et al., 2015).

Furthermore, according to St. Amour (2020), almost 70% of people missed classes,

activities, study groups, and team meetings due to their work. Another 71% said they had missed at

Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

least one thing because of work, such as meeting with a professor, engaging in a campus program,

or getting tutorial help. Lastly, 63 percent of respondents said they are stressed out as a result of this

challenging balance, and 40% said they have considered dropping out of college.

As a result, excessive academic stress can lead to a rise in the occurrence of psychological

and physical problems like depression, anxiety, nervousness, and stress-related disorders, both of

which can have a negative effect on their academic performance and employment status (Thakkar,


It is critical to recognize and accept that certain aspects of a student's schedule, especially

class times and workdays, will be rigid. Working students, on the other hand, can use PTO,

changing shifts, and have flexible hours to complete their homework. Working students should

anticipate late-night tasks, unwanted work demands, and other unforeseen circumstances. It's

impossible to avoid the stress that comes with having dual responsibilities as a student and an

employee (FNU, 2019).

Parent's Responsibility To Their Child

Children have the right to be healthy, to be loved, to be taught, to receive medical treatment,

and to be shielded from cruelty and violence. Parents have the duty to protect their children’s rights

until they are old enough to make their own way in the world (Communities and Justice, 2019).

According to Brooks (2019), parents play a crucial role in developing every detail in the

children’s lives. According to the National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education,

“students with active parents are more likely to have higher grades and test scores, attend school

regularly, have better social skills, display improved attitudes, and respond well to school,

regardless of their income or background.” This means that their children's education is heavily

Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

influenced by the encouragement they receive from them (Brooks, 2019).

However, parents' responsibilities in education extend beyond just bringing their children to

and from the bus stop in a safe manner. Research shows that parental engagement in education

contributes to greater student achievement and trust, according to the National PTA (2019).

In an article written by Delgado (2019), parental engagement is critical for student success

and provides several benefits. This is confirmed by a study from Johns Hopkins University (2019),

which claims that effective contact between parents and teachers reduces student absenteeism by

24%. Furthermore, it improves students' academic achievement and classroom attitudes, and the

ability to sustain this brings benefits to people of all ages.

Additionally, it is the duty of every parent to conform to the basic necessities of life,

including food, clothing, and shelter. They are responsible for the growth and development of their

children and ensure that they are able to reach their desires and goal in life by showing their

parental support to whatever path that they take (The Gufford Law Firm, 2021).

Teachers’ Views on Working Students

Teachers frequently make do with what they have and are content with whatever credit they

are given. Besides, teachers are not in it for the money or the fame. They simply want to be

recognized for making a difference. Teachers' roles are difficult, but there are a number of things

that others can do to help them. Aside from that, teachers expect a variety of things from students,

parents, administrators, other teachers, and the community at large (Meador, 2019).

Most high school students in the United States are working part-time or full-time. While

there is a large body of research on the relationship between youth work and individual academic

and socioeconomic outcomes, little is known about how schools and teachers have reacted

Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

to students’ increased work involvement. Additionally, the effect of student work on classroom

organization and success, as well as teachers' perspectives on working high school students, were


Teachers' attitudes and actions toward working students are shaped by school

characteristics, teacher and personal experiences, and context characteristics, according to a mail

survey sent to 311 educators. Depending on the results, teachers are concerned about student jobs,

yet there is no evidence that they alter their classroom actions to accommodate working students.

They found a few positive results as well as a few negative effects of working on students'

classroom success and actions (PsycINFO Database Record, 2016).

Educators often concentrate on increasing parental involvement, but student engagement is

just as important. Also, when it comes to learning to read, the more self-motivated a student is, the

better prepared they would be to achieve future full potential.  In addition, students who have

previously had unpleasant relationships with adults may have had difficulty trusting teachers. Thus,

building positive teacher-student relationships is one of the strongest ways to promote this

(Wordford Org., 2019).

According to Wordford Org article (2019), the teacher's impact on students will linger long

after the school year has ended. Aside from that, if a student has a meaningful relationship with the

teacher, they are more likely to develop similar relationships in the future. These relationships must

be nurtured in school because they will provide students with the encouragement and help they

need to develop and thrive.

Furthermore, teachers will be present to ensure that students are taught and schools reopen,

Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

which is important for economic recovery, based on previous experience. Policymakers and

educational leaders will need to collaborate to ensure that teachers have the working environments

and resources they need to fulfill vital positions as educators, which will take on new meaning in

the wake of the pandemic (Garcia et al., 2020).

Therefore, when assessing working students, teachers took into account a variety of

personal experiences. Teachers' views of working students are influenced by the years of teaching

experience and the experience as a parent of a working teenager.

Roles and Responsibilities of Employers to Working Students

 Taking a job is not a matter of choice for some students, particularly those from historically

underserved communities. They must work in order to save for college or to supplement family's

income. So the value of balance is a key point that students should remember. When working

interferes with completing schoolwork, engaging in extracurricular activities, spending time with

family and friends, or having enough sleep, therefore working may not be a good choice

(CollegeBoard, 2021).

As stated in a major study from the Students Employment Office BU (2021), Getting a

work entails making a commitment. Students are expected to: Create a job schedule that does not

conflict with classes. Also, make changes in work schedule or other obligations that will affect

work availability should be communicated to the boss in advance. As well as, Take the work

seriously and perform to the best of abilities. Treat the boss and co-workers with decency etc. 

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P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

Additionally, there is a law that supports the working students. RA No. 9547, An Act

Amending Act No. 10917, An Act Amending Act No. 9547, An Act Amending Act No (Special

Program for Employment of Students) “Participating employers must notify their SPES workers of

their rights, benefits, and privileges under current regulations, company policies, and job contracts,

in coordination with the PESO.” as claimed by The Salma Angkaya-Kuhutan Law Office

(SAKLAW, 2016).

Victoria State Government Article (2019), stated that the primary duty of an employer is to

ensure that the workplace is safe and that no one working in or visiting the workplace is exposed to

or injured by the job. Furthermore, the employer is required to: Ensure the work areas, machinery,

and equipment are in good working order. Plus organize secure working methods.

Aside from that, employees should be given information, guidance, training, and

supervision so that they can function safely. Further, ascertain that workers are mindful of any

possible risks. And lastly, where hazards cannot be avoided, include protective clothing and

equipment to the employees. 

Synthesis of Reviewed Related Literature

As the researchers conceptualized the study, the aforementioned related literature and

studies which have been conscientiously organized and presented served as their guide. The aim for

conducting the study as Haqifa (2013) said that working does not just give an individual a firsthand

experience in the field, it likewise empowers inventiveness and profitability in school, since

working aides in building up a superior comprehension of what is being instructed. However,

Mitchell (2016) assumes that managing the tension that comes with being a working undergrad and

ensuring that you have at least one night off every week will reduce the stress levels tenfold. As

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well as Caldwell (2017), believes that there are some huge advantages that work gives to

understudies are relatable working experience, time management abilities, independence from

obligation, and better scholarly execution. Nonetheless, when understudies give their time as well

as a lot to outside work, it can divert them from consideration, cause them to feel lost en route, and

exacerbate their scholarly presentation (Lucier, 2012).  As numerous investigations proposed, in

reality a mix of full-time contemplating and low maintenance working can cause a harming impact

on the physical and emotional well-being of understudies. It can have an adverse consequence on

scholastic execution (Hovdhaugen, et al., 2014). Also, there is evidence that the relationship

between working hours and academic success is not linear. In other words, both working long hours

and not working at all can be associated with poorer academic performance (Hovdhaugen, et al.,


            Furthermore, there are several reasons why student-workers bravely continue to work rather

than concentrating solely on their studies (Pratiwi, 2015). The first justification is to assist parents

in meeting the tuition costs and needs of student-workers. Besides, not all students come from a

wealthy family (Pratiwi, 2015).   According to upstartHR article (2019), the second reason is to

enrich valuable experiences. In other words, by having a lot of experiences in various

circumstances, people, including working students, will be easier to survive in their real lives

(Riani, 2011). Lastly, the third factor is to earn time management skills (upstartHR article, 2019).

  According to the OZ assignments articles (2020), working as a student has both advantages

and disadvantages in terms of daily life. Further, making money is one of the reasons that students

in high school or college take on work. For others, the money they receive from jobs is the main

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source of education funding. Therefore, students who work have the opportunity to themselves

whether in school allowance and personal needs (Daughters of Africa, 2019).

           In contrast, a part-time job can be less of a benefit and more of a distraction for the typical

student (Dowd, 2019). Working and studying take up a lot of the time. It can cause working

students to lose focus on their studies, which can lead to a variety of problems. Working under

stress can also lead to a variety of health problems (OZ Assignments, 2020). 

          As stated by Adams (2019), good time management is linked to improved academic

performance and lower anxiety levels in students. Also, realistic time management and organization

techniques can improve productivity and quality of life (Jackson. 2010). Therefore, working

students must create their schedule and it will help student-workers to feel more in charge of their

tasks and learn how to maximize time for it (RMIT Online, 2018). 

          In addition, being a student is difficult enough, but juggling school work and other

commitments when suffering from mental illness can be much more difficult. According to one

report, 70% of students are concerned about their financial situation. Therefore, many students

struggle to balance and prioritize the various aspects of their lives, with work, school, hobbies, and

friends all vying for their attention (Mental Health America, 2021). As mentioned by Karik (2020),

being working students can affect one’s mental health because it is difficult to maximize time

management in school, in other commitments, and in part time jobs thus studying and working at

the same time can be overwhelming. Despite the fact that students who work while studying have

less time to look after themselves, an unhealthy diet (high levels of saturated fat, refined

carbohydrates, and processed food) is related to poorer mental health, according to a systematic

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study conducted by O'Neil et al. (2014).

         As indicated in the study of The Haven at College, (2019) that Stress is beneficial because it

motivates students to conquer obstacles. However, too much tension may have a negative effect on

a student's mind and body, leading to a number of problems. Additionally, students are subjected to

a variety of stressors. It is possible to get exhausted when going through difficult academic courses

and juggling schedules, as well as taking care of a family and a career in between (The University

of Arizona Global Campus, 2020). Yet, Pressure was discovered to be the primary cause of

emotional and physical exhaustion in a study involving 225 working students (Chang et al., 2015).

           Moreover, parents have the duty to protect their children’s rights until they are old enough to

make their own way in the world (Communities and Justice, 2019). Nevertheless, parents'

responsibilities in education extend beyond just bringing their children to and from the bus stop in a

safe manner. Research shows that parental engagement in education contributes to greater student

achievement and trust, according to the National PTA (2019).In an article written by Delgado

(2019), parental engagement is critical for student success and provides several benefits. This is

confirmed by a study from Johns Hopkins University (2019), which claims that effective contact

between parents and teachers reduces student absenteeism by 24%. Moreover, it improves students'

academic achievement and classroom attitudes, and the ability to sustain this brings benefits to

people of all ages. 

           Along with the result of a mail survey sent to 311 educators, teachers are concerned about

student jobs, yet there is no evidence that they alter their classroom actions to accommodate

working students. They found a few positive results as well as a few negative effects of working on

students' classroom success and actions (PsycINFO Database Record, 2016). Consequently, when

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assessing working students, teachers took into account a variety of personal experiences. Teachers'

views of working students are influenced by the years of teaching experience and the experience as

a parent of a working teenager.

The latter part of the literature review explained the roles and responsibilities of Employers

to Working Students, to which this study is anchored, as initially proposed by the CollegeBoard,

(2021) and further elaborated by the Students Employment Office BU (2021), with reference to the

studies of the Salma Angkaya-Kuhutan Law Office (SAKLAW, 2016), and Victoria State

Government Article (2019).

Gaps Bridged by the Present Study

            From the review of the related literature and studies formerly presented in this chapter, it

was found out that even though the pressure and stress of being a working student have been the

subject of several researchers for decades, most of which emphasize the struggles of being a

working student and its effect to academic achievement, there was a scarcity of studies that

explained the phenomenon especially with the newly introduced Senior High School in the

Philippines as the scope of the research. This study attempted to address this gap by focusing on the

adjustments made by the students during work time, as well as the effect of working on the new

curriculum in terms of providing an in-depth understanding of the students' lived experiences.

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Chapter 3

This chapter presents the method of research to be utilized in this study, the participants,

the sampling technique used, the instrument, research locale, together with the procedure


Research Design

The study would use the descriptive survey research design. It is an exploratory or

interrogative research, which aims to go underneath the surface. Further, it aims to learn more

Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

about how the participants live, what they do, how they utilize things, and what they require in their

daily or professional lives (Government Design Service Manual, 2016). As well as, it is a scientific

way of gathering non-numerical data through observation. This form of research is concerned with

the "meanings, conceptions, definitions, traits, metaphors, symbols, and descriptions of things,"

rather than the "counts or measures" of those things (Moltzau, 2019). This research will answer

what and how a certain phenomenon occurs rather than how often. Overall, this study will deal with

the live experiences of working students as participants.

Participants of the Study

The participants of the study consisted of 12 Senior High School students of Biñan

Integrated National High School, who have part time and full time jobs while studying. The

participants were selected utilizing a purposeful availability sampling strategy which involves

selecting a sample from the population because it is accessible. That is to say, individuals are

selected for the research not because they meet some statistical criterion, but because they are

readily available (Ochoa, 2017). Additionally in accessibility, Frey (2018) this accessibility is

normally measured in terms of geographical proximity (e.g., students at the researcher's own or

neighboring colleges), but it may also include other factors such as established contacts. In contrast

to probability sampling, non-probability sampling is a sampling process in which not all members

of the population have an equal chance of participating in the sample. Thus, every individual in the

population has an equal chance of being chosen.

Data Gathering Procedure

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In this section, will state the sequence on how the researchers will gather the data. Initially,

the researchers used letters or emails to obtain permission from the respondents, which were

allowed by the authorities. The respondents in this study are senior high school students in grades

11 and 12 who are working students from various strands and sections. The researchers will

perform an interview with the participants via video call or voice message after gaining access, and

the participants will answer a few questions that the researchers have prepared for them. This

strategy was chosen by the researchers to avoid personal interaction due to the corona virus.

Finally, the information gathered from a sample of survey respondents is comprehensive

information obtained from a target population, and the surveys were reviewed, counted, and

evaluated after the respondents' participation.

Instrumentation and Validation

In gathering data, the researchers utilized open ended interview questions in which the

participants can answer their lived experiences on the phenomenon. The interview questions are

divided into two parts: Part 1 covered the textural questions (what the participants experienced) and

Part 2 covered the structural questions (how the participants experienced the phenomenon).

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Interview Questions:

1. What is your job and what are the common problems you're facing in your work?

2. What are the things that urged you to work while continuing your studies?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a working student?

4. How pressure and stress affects your both commitment?

5. How do you cope with the stress and pressure you are facing right now?

6. How do you manage your time between working and studying amidst the pandemic?

7. How do you maintain your health while handling hardships of being a working student?

8. How this situation helps you grow as a students and a worker?

9. What education system makes it easier for you to manage your work and study at the same

time, is it traditional (face to face) or new normal (online distance learning)? Explain.

10. What are the advices that you can give to someone who is planning to be a working


Treatment and Analysis of Data

We treated and analyzed the data gathered from the online interviews using Allen (2017),

approach. To begin with, we did bracketing, a method of reducing the negative impacts of

assumptions that could contaminate the research process (Tufford and Newman, 2010). The

following step was horizontalization, which involved reading the interview transcriptions

thoroughly and highlighting key points. Further, clusters of meaning were generated from the

relevant statements and utilized to produce a textural and structural description (what the

Republic of the Philippines
P. Burgos St., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, City of Biñan, Laguna

participants experienced) (how the participants experienced the phenomenon). From the structural

and textural descriptions, we wrote a composite description that presents the “essence” of the

participants’ experience in working while studying in the midst of a pandemic. In Addition, we

took the final stage, verification from the participants, after describing the broad "essence" of the

phenomenon under investigation. We met with the participants once again and gave them a hard

copy of the verbatim transcriptions of their responses as well as how they were interpreted. This

allowed the participants to go through their answers again and make any required changes or


Ethical Considerations

In concluding the study, ethical considerations, especially in terms of informing and seeking

permission from the participants, were taken into account. First, we requested permission to Mr.

Allen Montillano, our research adviser, to check the potential harmful impact and risk of the study

to the participants. Written consent was secured to the respective participants to be interviewed. As

to assure the participants of absolute confidentiality, each of them were asked to sign a consent

form prior to the video-recorded interview. Likewise the written consent informed him/her to

withdraw from the study at any time.


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