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Product Stage Management Process

Featuring: Kikiamas (Singkamas/Jicama as Main Ingredient)

A Final Term Output

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Product Management

BM MM 2-3


De Leon, Celline Khate M.

June 2022

Market Research

The biggest problem while consuming street foods is that there is no guarantee of healthy

nutrition. An article presented by Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics in 2016 titled, “Nutritional

Issues Concerning Street Foods”, states that street food is one of the major culprits of the wide-

ranging obesity, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer, even earlier mortality rates. One

predicament that constantly turns up while eating street foods is its disadvantages or its long-

term effect on the consumers’ bodies. Changes in lifestyle within the specific classes in the

society have motivated people to continuously engross street foods trade, which usually exists in

large urban areas, as consumers often make difficult access at mealtimes, practicing survival

strategies associated with its affordability.

Today, the mobile trend of street foods represents numerous health problems that may

affect the youth, who are the most exposed to using social media applications. The statistics from

Street Food Research in 2019 present that street food consumption was much less frequently

investigated 30.3%, whereas most of its consumer's ages 16 years old and above. This study

presented the people who are more likely to avail foods found in the street. Most users favor

eating street foods as availability and ready-to-eat feature makes it possible to consume instantly.

This, in a way, has boosted the street food trade widely. But the increased reach of the internet

has an exchange of results whether they benefited or damage the customer health perception in

purchasing street foods.

Therefore, there is a need for innovating and transforming street foods into healthy ones

that everyone can consume safely. This product management process focuses on Singkamas or

Jicama as the main ingredient of our cultural trademark, kikiam street food, which in this paper is

proposed as “Kikiamas”. As Health Specialist Doctor Farrah MD, Singkamas or Jicama offers a

wide array of health benefits that you can filter including Vitamin C, boosts the heart, promotes

digestion, and may reduce the risk of cancer. The findings will offer useful product material that

could contribute to marketing strategies for both consumers and food businesses.

Voice of the Customer (VOC)

In a blog post from Real Life Questing, an experienced writer named Jordan Lawrence

Niango shared his learning in his daily pursuit featuring health and wellness. In this blog, he

renamed a certain street in Sampaloc, Manila lined up with street foods as, “Hepa Lane”. This

term has been associated with the common notion that when you eat street food in the

Philippines, there is a big chance that you will acquire Hepatitis B. A medical condition due to

lack of food safety and frequently poor nutrition attacks the human liver, according to Pub Med

in 2000. A 2013 study classifies the Philippines as hyperendemic for Hepatitis B infection and

appears unchanged over the last few decades. Hence, this blog post raised awareness in the view

of highlighting the possible outcome of continuously eating street foods, additionally, this viable

customer information encouraged this paper to change negative beliefs by creating a healthy

option for all street food consumers.

Market Analysis

In 1963, the Codex Alimentarius was created by the Food and Agriculture Organization

(FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) has its main objective to protect consumer

health by promoting healthy food alternatives and reducing the risk of chronic diseases,

including street foods. In compliance, this product management conceptualized the target market

comprised of a greater population in urban settings. Additionally, young people ages 19 and 22

years old are the main focus of this product. As Coletiva et al. in 2018, statistically presented that

40.1% of the young people ate street food 2-3 times per week, whereas 23.3% were found to eat

it every day. Moreover, in in-depth research about street food vending in the Philippines, the

informal economy, specifically vendors, makes up 72.5%, per a 2019 report by the International

Labor Organization (ILO).

SWOT Analysis


It promotes and secures consumers’ health by assuring that Jicama or Singkamas is the

main ingredient of this proposed street food product. A website presented by the Hello Doctor

featuring 4 Health Benefits of Singkamas states that it offers a wide array of health benefits

including Vitamin C, boosts heart health, promotes digestion, and may reduce the risk of cancer.

In contrast, regular street foods that often outlooked as a major contributor to unhealthy fats,

carbs, sodium, and sugar and are the most possible cause of obesity (Mandial, 2022).

This product is limited only to the overpopulated area in urban settings and differs from

other retail formats of businesses in the market. Another is the perceived product complexity as it

depends only on providing a healthy substitute for unhealthy street foods which made it not too

complex to come up with some unique ideas. Furthermore, this product management process

understands its limitations, so it can adjust its actions appropriately, testing ideas in a limited

way before investing too heavily.


In the arousing food competition in the market, this product highlights consumers who

convert from practicing unhealthy habits to healthy living. Herbalife Nutrition recently released

findings from the 2020 Diet Decisions Survey, which revealed that about 53% of Filipino

consumers are eating more fruits and vegetables. And amid the pandemic people are more likely

to be healthier than before keeping them for a prolonged period during COVID-19.


The marketplace is already very crowded and full of newcomers every day. It is hard to

succeed for any length of time as this product is new to the market. Another thing is the food

colonization, as a study conducted by the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA)

Manila revealed that 49% of Filipinos are frequently consuming Korean products mainly, street

Competitive Analysis

The street food market in the Philippines is growing by over 72.5 to the Philippines

Dietary Shift Analysis released in 2022 which is a threat to this product, as the broader market

offers the same way of food category. While researching on the internet about businesses that

sell Kikiam made of vegetables or specifically Singkamas or Jicama here in the Philippines are

found nothing, so it means that this product is unique. Although a product named, “Veggie Fish

Roll Kikiam”, from Malaysia exists but it is found that it contains artificial flavoring that made it

unhealthy. Puregreens Nutrition Health News website, states that artificial flavoring can cause

serious problems including nervous system depression, fatigue, genetic effects, and many other

types of cancers. This product does not contain any artificial flavorings as it claims that it is

100% made of Singkamas or Jicama which has its aroma flavor.

Business Case

Strategic Context

This product may persuade people who are practicing unhealthy food habits as per Manila

Standard Net News statistically announced that the Philippines faces obesity and overweight

prevalence of 5.1% and 23.6%. It may improve nutrition and fight severe diseases that are found

in foods mainly on the street.

Economic Analysis

As following a report by PSA in 2018, showed that 41.5% of total families are spending

their budget on allocating food. Moreover, based on the website named, Nielsen IQ 2014, reports

the majority of Filipino respondents gathered about 74% viewed healthy snacks primarily as a

source of nutrition. Hence, this product targets people who have the intention to consume healthy

foods that can lead to promotion, thus boosting to transact within the economy.

Commercial Approach

Creating a digital poster and uploading it on social media platforms as a commercial

approach allow this product to spread its brand image and brand identity. Along with images, the

founder proposed a video teaser for Marketista’s Trade Fair in 2022 to feature in-depth quality of

the actual product name, “Kikiamas”. As Idea Fit website 2016, revealed that posting about food

on social media can inspire smarter food choices, where consumers think of it as “word of

mouth” for food.

Financial Case

The overall expenditure to create this product was not too much costly as it is limited to

only a few ingredients mainly meat and singkamas. The capital that is used to launch the product

came from the savings of the producer. Also, spending is budgeted to prevent excessive funds

that can affect the future revenue of the said product.

Management Approach

This product management is composed of only one person whose task is to design, plan,

and launch this chosen product. The producer-only limits herself to creating and innovating this

kind of healthy food as she believes that this generation needs a product that will end people’s

unhealthy habits.

Positioning Plan

The target market of this product management process is young people ages between 19

and 22 years old as it is found that 40.1% of the young people ate street food 2-3 times per week

(Coletiva et al., 2018). In addition, street foods are very close to Filipinos’ hearts but tolerating

unhealthy habits can lead to severe diseases like hepatitis B and obesity, in a result we must

make healthy about our nutrition. As Jicama or Singkamas offers a wide array of benefits

including Vitamin C, boosts heart health, promotes digestion, and may reduce the risk of cancer

(Farrah MD, 2018). Where you cannot sustain ordinary kikiam that is made from flour and

artificial flavorings. Mainly, it is found out that none of the businesses in the Philippines are

presenting this kind of food which is an edge for this product to compete in the market. Online

marketing promotions such as video teasers and food posters are the main promotional tools of

this product management. While it will be positioned in the market by raising awareness that bad

reputations in street foods can be transformed into a purposely healthy idea.

Market Requirements Document (MRD)

In a website post of DOH in 2022, they strongly advocate all Filipinos in concerned with

their health and nutrition as nutrient deficiencies are rampant among vulnerable groups such as

children, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly. It proves that the market still needs to

comply and innovate foods that will support a healthy diet among Filipinos. This paper believes

that pursuing good nutrition will result in the decrease of communicable diseases and health

problems caused by unhealthy goods like street foods. It is also found that people who suffer

from food illness like to convert to a healthy diet which gives a potential revenue for this

product. To solve the problem of emerging street eaters this paper will encourage them to shift

into consuming healthy food yet tasty.


Product Requirements Document (PRD)

Due to the booming of street foods on online platforms, this product envisions to stand out

by promoting natural benefits by transforming ready-to-eat foods similarly found in the streets

into a healthy option. This product's goal is to disseminate it to young people ages 19 and 22 who

are most likely to be exposed to eating street foods (Coletiva et al., 2018). It features Singkamas

or Jicama a vegetable that is known for having lots of water content and nutritional benefits

which you can filter out (Farrah MD, 2018). Making it a main ingredient of Kikiam a well-

known street food here in the Philippines. Although it still needs to be in process of performance

testing in the market since it is new and non-existing. Product researching, raising awareness,

and educating consumers is its way to promote it and make it happen.

Product Roadmap

In making this product happen this paper follows phases to lead on the right path and

direction to reach its consumers. The first stage is policy formulation, as its objective is to shift

customers’ minds from unhealthy habits into healthy living through transforming nutritional

street food. In the second stage, the producer manager conducted preliminary research on

specific vegetable crops that has many benefits to collaborate with unhealthy street food namely

kikiam. Stage three is the feasibility of the product in which the product manager tests its

financial viability and lists future critical problems to establish an overall solution and

foundation. Stage four is design development which formulates the taste, quality, and physical
attributes of the specific product. Stage five is prototype development wherein preparing,

cooking, and presenting of the ingredients are done to testify its viability to compete in the

market. Stage 6, postings, and advertisements for targeted viewers that can help to generate

revenue and to assess social engagement. Stage 7 is the last stage for launching it to the public

mainly panels and judges that will critically give feedback, recommendations, and adjustments

for future purposes as it will eventually, reach its targeted consumers.

Development Plan

In this phase, the product manager has a picture in mind of the product, “Kikiamas”, which

changed the lives of the people by having healthy nutrition. To make that happen this product is

developed in such a way of having specific tasks to be accomplished daily and weekly,

especially for a longer-term project, to meet agreed specific objectives. Also, metrics for

controlling and measuring the progress are the accountability of the product manager to provide

the best for its consumers. As resources like marketing mix are needed to accomplish specific

objectives and facilitate task completion. For manpower, it is comprised of one person

organizing its raw materials specifically meat and singkamas using a step-by-step method. In that

way, it can budget the money proposed for producing a product that is less in expenditures.

Finally, a time for task completion such as finalizing the dish by arranging it and disseminating

Financial Plan

The product manager allotted capital that perfectly fits the budget of spending on the right

ingredients for this product. Proper canvassing in the market helps to assess what products are

best to minimize expenditures. Also, it implements a just-in time-strategy that tends to overview

moving raw materials making it countable and measurable so that it is in control of shortages and

future implications. Another is to have a rotation capital which can help this product to earn and

stabilize its fund from the beginning, preventing bankruptcy and loss of capital.

Marketing Strategy

The strategy used to promote this product management is by creating a food poster and

video teaser that is scheduled to be posted on the created Facebook page named, “Marketista’s

Trade Fair”, founded by Mr. Gil Castillo. It allows us to share our products under the mechanics

of sharing them with other people and get their reactions to our food posting. In this, way it helps

us to highlight and raise brand awareness for our products making it feasible to market


Launch Plan

At this point, product launch is not yet still given by the professor, but he gives an ideal

week of complying mainly on the 2nd week of June 2022. He also added that groups are needed

to be prepared and must finalize every detail of this product. Because it will be presented to 3

panels of judges that will critique our paper based on its potential.
Product Management Plan

This product will be launched in the 2 nd week of this month, thus the product manager

setting its vision by promoting healthy option among street foods that causes severe problems or

communicable disease. The execution of the product will be based on the marketing research that

it conducts mainly focusing on a targeted age group and urban settings. The variance of the

product is first and new to the market making it more feasible and non-competitor. Although

recommendations and future supports are open to improving this product, especially in the time

of judging it by the panelists.


Product Design Documents

It takes a lot of time for the product manager to figure out how kikiam and singkamas will

be executed together to make a tasty and healthy dish. But through the help of research along

with the proper way of putting cooking skills. The main ingredient that was chopped and blended

come out looking like an actual kikiam but a healthy version of it. As people disregard food that

is physically made out of vegetables, especially children, so the product manager assesses that

kind of situation to make it look just an ordinary yet tasty dish. Additionally, this kikiam was

way bigger than street foods, resulting to look like an authentic kikiam that originated in China.

It will be also served in slices so the consumer will easily eat it by using sticks or small utensils.

Pricing Plan

Table 1 Costings

Raw Materials Unit Cost

Singkamas 2 pcs ₱ 30.00

Ground Pork ¼ kg ₱ 70.00

Eggs 3 pcs ₱ 21.00

Regular Flour ¼ kg ₱ 20.00

Oil 1 bottle ₱40.00

Condiments 2 sachets ₱ 10.00

Packaging 10 pcs ₱ 50.00

Overhead Costs -- ₱ 50.00

Total Expenses: -- ₱291.00

Overall, the costing presented above has an outcome of 5 kikiamas rolls. The product’s

cost in the market will be based on the total expenses (₱291.00) divided by 5 pcs (rolls) is

₱58.00 multiplying it by 20% to get the profit of ₱12.00 per roll. Additionally, it will receive by

its consumers as a sliced roll comprise of 6 slices per roll.


Product Documentation

Figure 1 Kikiamas Product Documentation

The physical view of this product is served as a roll with 6 slices that has a diameter of 5-6

inches and 2 inches wide. This product promotes healthy option among people who eats street

food which can cause severe diseases and communicable diseases. It intends to shift peoples’

minds towards practicing unhealthy habits to encourage them to have a healthy diet. As Jicama
or Singkamas offers a wide array of health benefits including Vitamin C, boosts heart health,

promotes digestion, and may reduce the risk of cancer.

Pricing Finalization

In varying its size and diameter of 5-6 inches in height and 2 inches in width, it will be

sold out to the public for ₱ 70.00. The pricing is justifiable as prices of raw materials are

continuously rising in the market, also following the minimum profit percentage of 20% for the

food business affects the pricing. In the future, it can be adjustable if the value of goods and

commodities decreased.

Launch Decision

As following the marketing professor at the university, the specific product launch will be

on June 15, 2022, at noon. The time allotted to present was 12 minutes maximum which is a

perfect proposed period to highlight the key features of our products. It will be held at Cavite

State University in Bacoor Campus. For the product manager, it is not just a typical product

launch, but she takes it as an opportunity to showcase her intention to make a better living for

Filipino consumers.

Product Messaging

In this product management process, the product manager was able to promote and raise

awareness by providing an innovative street food healthy option. The main objective of this

paper is to shift peoples’ minds toward having a healthy diet because we have no guarantee of

street food’s healthy nutritional benefits. In the proposal, specific street food in the Philippines

which is known as, “kikiam”, is transformed into, “kikiamas”, wherein the main ingredient is

singkamas. It provides a wide array of health benefits including Vitamin C, promotes digestion,

boosts heart health, and may reduce the risk of some types of cancers. Furthermore, this

innovation is also a way for the product manager to help the country for fighting obesity and

other health problems. If this product continuously evolved this can be a major impact on the

whole nation as a healthy diet is needed to have a prolonged life amid COVID-19.

Competitive Messaging

Kikiamas is new to the market as there is no found same product and ingredients to produce this

kind of kikiam. The product manager considers the competition among the street food vendors

since the target market of this product is the people in urban areas. Although this product assures

everyone that this food is made of 100% singkamas making it away from additives that can cause

severe problems.
Launch Events

At this point, the product was already launched. It can make it happen the marketing

management professor from the Cavite State University in Bacoor Campus. All groups attended

and presented the product face to face. In product launch, highlights our products by food tasting

and introducing them to panelists. All in all, it was great and meaningful competition among

students as we make our best products.


The promotional tool that was used is a food poster and video teaser that reached tons of viewers

from a social media platform. It has its mechanics, tagging your friends and sharing it with a vast

audience makes our product see its potential. While promoting it gives us the chance to show our

efforts and talents as a future marketing professionals.


Customer Feedback

The first customer of this product is the panelists and our professor. In product launches, they

can taste and judge it based on their physical appearance and unique style. The feedback was

they are shocked as it is new to their taste and perspective. Some questions made our interaction

interesting like the seasonality, way of preparation, and final pricing. All in all, the product is

good as there is no violent reaction among the panelists.

Lessons Learned

The lesson learned by the product manager is to have patience and accountability as this product

management process is not easy to do alone. As you have to have proper time management

especially, she was a working student but her ability to be flexible made her product successful.

Although the road she was taking was a bit rough like creating ideas, editing, and food

preparation. But she believed that this product could make a difference to the people who are

practicing unhealthy habits such as eating street foods every day. Finally, the product manager

was able to launch it and the results were good as all tests passed.

 Coletiva, S. et al. (2018). A Study About the Young Consumers’ Consumption Behaviors

of Street



 Beltran, M. (2019). Swept Aside, Where Are the Philippines’ Street Vendors to Go. The



 Gomez, E. (2021). Filipinos’ Spending on Food to Rising Until 2025. The Manila Times.


 n.a. (2016). Clinical Nutrition. Wiley Online Library.
 Farrah, MD. (2018). Jicama Health Benefits. Health Line.

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