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የኢትጵያ ቴክኒካል ዩንቨርሲቲ

Ethiopian Techinical University

Curriculum Relevance and Quality assurance directorate


Faculty of Vocational pedagogy
Department of Vocational Pedagogy
Program Bachelor of Technology
1. Instructor Information
Name TBA
Office Location TBA
Phone Number TBA
E-mail TBA
Office Hours TBA
2. Course Information
Course Name/Title
Inclusion in Education and
Course Code SNIE
Credit hours 2 Cr.Hrs
Work load Lecture Tutorial Lab. Home study Assessment Total
32 hrs - - 60hrs 20 hrs 112hrs
Pre-requisite --/None
Target group 1st year students
Semester Semester II
Course of delivery Semester based
Status of the course Common Course
3. Course Description and Objectives
 Course Description: Development efforts of any organization need to include and benefit people with
various types of disabilities, people at risks of exclusion/discrimination and
marginalization, through providing quality education and training, creating
equity, accessibility, employability, promoting prosperity, reducing poverty and
enhancing peace, stability and creating inclusive society. Unfortunately, this has
not been the practice for the majority of people with disabilities and vulnerable
groups, due to unfavorable attitude, negligence, inaccessibility and exclusion
from all development endeavors. It is obvious that people with disabilities are
the large stand most disadvantaged minority in the world. They are about 15
percent of the global population (about one billion people), and 17.6 million in
Ethiopia, with most extended families including someone with a disability
የኢትጵያ ቴክኒካል ዩንቨርሲቲ
Ethiopian Techinical University
Curriculum Relevance and Quality assurance directorate

(World Health Organization and World Bank and 2011). An exclusion practice
of this large number of persons with disabilities in Ethiopia is an indicator of
violating fundamental human rights that undermines their potential/ability to
contribute to poverty reduction and economic growth within their household,
their community and the country. It is clear that it is not impairment, but, the
exclusion practices that has contributed for insecurity (conflict), poverty
aggravation for persons with disabilities and vulnerabilities, that has highly
demanding inclusive practices. Exclusion practices of persons with disabilities
have a long history, affecting the life of people with disabilities and the society
at large. In the past and even today people have been discriminated due to their
Hence, in this course, the higher education students will learn how to assess,
understand and address the needs of persons with disabilities and vulnerabilities;
and provide relevant support or seek extra support from experts. He/she also
learns how to adapt and implementing services for an inclusive environment that
aimed to develop holistic development such as affective, cognitive and
psychosocial skills of the population with disabilities and vulnerabilities.
Identification and removal/management of environmental barriers would find a
crucial place in the course. The students learn how to give more attention and
support for persons with; hearing impairments, visual impairment, deaf-Blind,
autism, physical and health impairments, intellectually challenged, emotional
and behavior disorders, learning difficulty, communication disorders, vulnerable
persons including gifted and talented, and those at risk due to different reason
(persons who are environmentally and culturally deprived, abused, torched,
abandoned, and orphaned..etc.). All University students should be given the
chance to study the specific developmental characteristics of each group of
persons with disabilities and vulnerabilities. Furth more, they also indentify the
major environmental and social barriers that hinder the development of
individuals; and come up with appropriate intervention strategies in inclusive
የኢትጵያ ቴክኒካል ዩንቨርሲቲ
Ethiopian Techinical University
Curriculum Relevance and Quality assurance directorate

settings of their respective professional environment and any development

settings where all citizens are equally benefited.

Aim / Course At the end of this course, the learner will be able to:
 Brief historical trends of special needs population and their holistic
 Describe the effect of negative attitude on educational and life success of
people with special needs
 Describe the nature of difficulties, preventable causes, identification, and
assessment, of students with various impairments that affect their daily

 Organize and implement inclusion for people with varying special needs
 Demonstrate understanding of the principles of an inclusive environment,
the rationale for inclusion, and its effect on education, and development.
 Define terms associated with inclusion and its practices

 Learn and engage in developing identification tools that would be

applicable in the environment
 Identify different needs among population with special needs and use
various strategies that support their developmental needs.

 Appreciate assessments for students with special needs

 Understand potential challenges of using standard assessment tools to
measure the progress of students with special needs
 Modify and create assessments that accurately evaluate the skills and
progress of all students, including those with special needs

 Demonstrate understanding of the individualized services plan for

population with special needs as a means of ensuring that these
population receive services opportunities tailored to their needs
 Describe the purpose of an individualized services plan
 Identify the components of an individualized services plan
የኢትጵያ ቴክኒካል ዩንቨርሲቲ
Ethiopian Techinical University
Curriculum Relevance and Quality assurance directorate

 Implement strategies for managing an inclusive environment effectively

 Describe behavior management modifications in an inclusive

4. Method of Instruction
Class lectures 3 lecture hours every week

In-class Tutorial 
Study of lecture  This is fully the responsibility of the student
Demonstrations -----
Lab assignments ----
Group Assignment  The student shall include him/herself in a group presentation which will take
up with a group of 3 students.
Individual  The student shall perform the given assignment as per the schedule
assignment individually
5. Learning Outcomes
5.1 Knowledge: - After the completion of this course the student will be able to:
5.1.1 Aware the needs of people with special needs, their potential and include all aspects of
developmental needs
5.1.2 Identify population with special needs, their potentials and the learning and working
styles of all population with special needs in their environment.
5.1.3 Describe behavior management modifications in an inclusive environment
5.1.4 Attempt to adapt environments they are working and living in according to the need
and potential of the population with special needs
5.1.5 Develop an accommodative and inclusive attitude help to think for the well being and
development of population with special needs.
5.1.6 Identify and select appropriate support and services method that addresses the life
needs of population with special needs individually and on group bases.
5.1.7 Collaborate with experts and relevant others for the life success of all persons with
disabilities in all environments.
5.1.8 Describe the effect of negative attitude on educational and life success of people with
special needs
5.1.9 Describe the nature of difficulties, preventable causes, identification, and assessment,
የኢትጵያ ቴክኒካል ዩንቨርሲቲ
Ethiopian Techinical University
Curriculum Relevance and Quality assurance directorate

of students with various impairments that affect their daily learning

5.1.10 Understand potential challenges of using standard assessment tools to measure the
progress of students with special needs
5.2 Practical skills
5.2.1 Apply various assessment strategies for evidence-based planning to meet their needs
5.2.2 Implement strategies for managing an inclusive environment effectively
5.2.3 Demonstrate desirable attitude towards all population with special needs in their
learning, working and living environment
5.2.4 Modify and create assessments that accurately evaluate the skills and progress of all
students, including those with special
5.3 Attitude
5.3.1 Appreciate assessments for students with special needs
የኢትጵያ ቴክኒካል ዩንቨርሲቲ
Ethiopian Techinical University
Curriculum Relevance and Quality assurance directorate

6. Detail Course Outline

Chapter Week Topics to be covered (Lecture hours) Learning Assignments/
Outcomes activity
(Tutorial hours)
Chapter: 1
1.1 Definitions of disability and vulnerability Interactive
Understanding lectures
Disabilities and 1.2 Types of disabilities and vulnerabilities 5.1.1
Vulnerabilities Collaborative
1.3 Causes of disability and vulnerability 5.1.2 learning
1.4 Historical movements from segregation to 5.1.5 Independent/self
inclusion learning
1.5 The effects of attitude on the move
towards inclusion 5.1.8

1.6 Models of disability

Chapter: 2 Institutional/
Concept of 2.1. Definition of inclusive environment and school visits and
Inclusion the support system 5.1.1 practicum
2.2. Elements of Inclusive environment 5.1.2 Individual and
5.1.4 group
2.3. Characteristics of inclusive environment assignments and
2.4. Special needs population’s right in the 5.1.8 presentation
inclusive environment 5.1.9 Seminars
2.5. Benefits and Challenges of Inclusion
2.6. Strategies in addressing individual needs.
2.7. Policies, legislations, strategies, legal
framework and other related documents.

Chapter: 3
3.1 Development of checklists for 5.1.1 Expert
Identification of identification of various difficulties. consultancy
population with
special needs 3.2. Procedure of identification 5.1.5 Group
3.3. Identifying learners needs, potentials and 5.1.6
difficulties in learning Guest
5.1.8 practitioners
የኢትጵያ ቴክኒካል ዩንቨርሲቲ
Ethiopian Techinical University
Curriculum Relevance and Quality assurance directorate

Chapter: 4
Assessment in 4.1. Strategy and procedure to develop 5.1.5 Expert
special needs assessment instrument. consultancy
4.2. Relevant components of assessment Group
instrument. 5.1.8 participation
4.3. Progressive assessments Guest
5.1.9 practitioners
4.4. Portfolios
4.5. Implication of assessment 5.1.10


Chapter: 5 Interactive
Differentiated 5.1Content-specific resources for students 5.1.5 lectures
services for
populations of 5.2. Instructional technology 5.1.7 Collaborative
special needs learning
5.3. Individualized service plan
5.1.9 Independent/self
5.4. Interdisciplinary individualized services learning
plan teams
5.5. Curriculum enrichment
5.6. The role and responsibilities of a general ol visits and
education teacher in the practicum

5.7. implementation of the individualized

5.8. Planning group intervention

Chapter: 6 5.1.3 Expert

Promoting 6.1 Behavior management modifications 5.1.9 consultancy
Behaviors 6.2. Classroom management for inclusive Group
Institution-wide environment participation
6.3. Social relationships and collaboration in Guest
an inclusive environment practitioners
የኢትጵያ ቴክኒካል ዩንቨርሲቲ
Ethiopian Techinical University
Curriculum Relevance and Quality assurance directorate

Chapter: 7 5.1.1 Interactive

Resourcesfor the 7.1 Modification of environment and materials lectures
Inclusive 5.1.4
environment 7.2. Adapting learning and working process Collaborative
according to the needs 5.1.6 learning
7.3. Identifying human material and other Independent/self
resources that help inclusive environmental 5.2.3 learning
7.4. Accessing adapted technologies Institutional/scho
ol visits and
7.5. Accessing communication through
various means such as Sign Language

Chapter: 8 5.1.2
Collaborative 8.1 Collaboration to successfully move Interactive
Partnerships with towards inclusion 5.1.5 lectures
8.2. Planning Inclusive development in all 5.1.7 Collaborative
sectors learning
8.3. Implementing inclusive 5.2.2 Independent/self
8.4. Individualized support as per the law, 5.2.4
policies and directives Institutional/
school visits and
8.5. Evaluation and monitoring practicum
Individual and
assignments and

Exams and
Final Examination period

6. Suggested texts and reference materials

Text Book
Reference References:
የኢትጵያ ቴክኒካል ዩንቨርሲቲ
Ethiopian Techinical University
Curriculum Relevance and Quality assurance directorate

1. Alemayehu Teklemariam and Temsegen Fereja (2011). Special Need Education in

Ethiopia: Practice of Special Needs Education around the World. Washington: Gallaudet
University Press.
2. Alemayehu Teklemariam (2019). Inclusive Education in Ethiopia: WILEY and
Blackwell: Singapore
3. A Teachers Guide (2001). UNESCO. Inclusive Education and Classroom Practice in
Secondary Education (2004).
4. Berit H. Johanson and Alemayehu Teklemariam (2006). Towards Special Needs
Education as a University Discipline: An Important step on the way to Education for All.
In When All Means All. Hakapaino Oy: Helsinki
5. Tirussew Teferra and Alemayehu Teklemariam (2007). Including the Excluded:
Integrating disability into EFA Fast Track Initiative Process and National Education Plans
in Ethiopia. World Vision
6. MOE (2007). School Improvement Program
7. MOE (2010). Special Needs Program strategies implementation guide.
8. MOE (Ministry of Education). (2006). Special Needs Education Program Strategy.
Addis Ababa
9. Understanding and responding to children’s need in inclusive classroom (2010).
10. ዓለማየሁ ትክለማርያም (2009). በመተባበር መማር፡- አንድ ለሁሉም፣ ሁሉም ለአንድ፣ አዲስ አበባ፡-
ፋርኢስት አታሚ

11. ዓለማየሁ ትክለማርያም (2011). አካቶ ትምህርት ለምን፣ምን፣ለነማን እንዴት፤ አዲስ አበባ፡- ፋርኢስት አታሚ

10.Assessment methods
Type Weight submitting date Behavior and Criteria/
Assessment for Learning
Mid semester Exam 30%
Final semester Exam 50%
Individual Assignment 10%
Group assignment 10%
Total 100%
11. Academic Honesty
In all cases i.e. in performing assignments,quize and examinations, copying from others and using others’
work as own is considered to be cheating and cheating is forbidden by the law of the academic principles
and regulation of the institute. Failure to do so will lead to take disciplinary action starting from canceling
የኢትጵያ ቴክኒካል ዩንቨርሲቲ
Ethiopian Techinical University
Curriculum Relevance and Quality assurance directorate

the results of the assignments; project works, laboratory activities and examination up to the dismissal of the
institute in consultation with the concerned body.
12. Submitting Date
All assignments reports should be submitted to the instructor according to the timetable provided. All
assignments, quize and exam results will be invalid if they are not submitted on time and will be reported to
the concerned body as miss conduct of the student.
13. Classroom Behavior
Classroom discipline is primary for healthy teaching learning process. Therefore, it is the responsibility of
the class to avoid disturbing behaviors and activities that competes the attention of the class and the
instructor. Switching off the cell phone is vital in the class. Failure to do so will lead to take disciplinary
14. Approval
Name Signature Date
Section Head:
Department Head:

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