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1 Life cycle and morphology of weed


Mirza Hasanuzzaman, PhD
Department of Agronomy
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University

Life cycle: Generally a plant starts its life from seed then it becomes a mature plant and then
produces new germ cells or spores or seeds to create a new offspring. This continuous process is
called the life cycle of a plant.

Objectives of knowing the life cycle of weed

 To determine the correct method of controlling the weeds. There are several methods to control
weeds. Any one of the methods will not effective for every weed. So, the appropriate method of
controlling weed can be selected due to the study of life cycle and morphology of that weed.
 To determine the correct time of controlling weeds. Every weed has a critical time in its life cycle,
when they can be easily controlled with the appropriate method.

Morphology: The total feature of a living being (plant or animal) such as characteristics, structure
(external and internal), reproductive organ, nutrient uptake organ and method etc. is called the
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morphology of that living being.

Objective of knowing the life cycle of weed

 To determine the correct method by studying the morphology of weed for successful crop

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2 Life cycle and morphology of weed

Local name : Durba, Dubla
English name : Bermuda grass, Devils grass
Scientific name : Cynodon dactylon
Family : Poaceae

Habit: Perennial grass, herb, climbing and creeping. Rhizomes and stolons grow deeply in the soil.

Habitat: Dry or moist well-drained soils. Cannot persist in water logged area.

Growing season: Mainly kharif but they are found all over the year. Seeds can germinate throughout
the year if moisture supply is adequate.

Associated crops: Aus rice, jute, sugarcane, maize etc.

Propagating organ: Propagates mainly by stolons and rhizomes; produces few seeds; seeds can
survive submergence up to 50 days.

Leaf: Linear, grey-green, narrow.

Stem: Long, smooth, and cylindrical.

Inflorescence: Finger like spread.

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Root: Shallow, fibrous root system.

Control measures: Difficult to control because detached fragments regenerate easily. Can be
controlled by deep ploughing so that their rhizomes come out under the sun and destroyed.

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3 Life cycle and morphology of weed

Boro Shama
Local name : Shama
English name : Burnyard grass
Scientific name : Echinochloa cruss-galli
Family : Poaceae

Habit: It is an annual weed, resistant to climatic hazard. Similar growth habit with rice; undetectable
from rice plants at early growth stages.

Habitat: Found in wet and flooded soil. Seeds can also germinate under water. Growth becomes
increasingly poor with continued submergence. Required similar environment as by rice.

Growing season: Annual grass; seeds germinate throughout the year.

Associated crops: Mainly rice, then jute, maize and sugarcane.

Propagating organ: Propagated by seed, prolific seed producer.

Leaf: Linear, smooth, dense green; lower side is wide and upper side is narrow, looks like rice leaf.

Stem: Stem culm; hollow inter node.

Inflorescence: Spikelets have long awn, panicle is long, branched.

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Root: Adventitious, fibrous root system.

Control measures: It can be controlled by hand pulling and racking Contact poison may be used as

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4 Life cycle and morphology of weed

Choto Shama
Local name : Choto Shama, khude Shama
English name : Jungle rice
Scientific name : Echinochloa colonum
Family : Poaceae

Habit: It is an annual weed, resistant to climatic hazard. They are multi seasonal.

Habitat: Grows in dryland soil. They cannot persist in water logging condition.

Growing season: Annual grass; seeds germinate throughout the year. Short life cycle and complete
several cycles in a year.

Associated crops: Aus rice, jute, wheat, barley, potato etc.

Propagating organ: Propagated by seed, prolific seed producer; seeds have little or no dormancy.

Leaf: Linear, smooth, dense green; lower side is wide and upper side is narrow, looks like rice leaf.
Has leaf blade and leaf sheath but no ligule or auricle.

Stem: Stem culm; hollow inter node.

Inflorescence: Spikelets have small awn, panicle is short, branched.

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Root: Adventitious, many tillering.

Control measures: It can be controlled by racking and hand pulling. Contact poison may be used as

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5 Life cycle and morphology of weed

Local name : Chapra
English name : Goose grass, yard grass
Scientific name : Eleusine indica
Family : Poaceae

Habit: Annual grass, herb. Profuse tillering habit.

Habitat: Dry to moist soils.

Growing season: Kharif and Rabi but they are found all over the year. Short life cycle; can complete
several cycles in a year.

Associated crops: Aus rice, jute, sugarcane, maize and winter vegetables.

Propagating organ: Propagates by seeds; prolific seed producer. Seeds can germinate throughout
the year if moisture supply is adequate.

Leaf: Narrow, linear and pointed tip.

Stem: Erect, much dense.

Inflorescence: Spike like.

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Root: Fibrous, extensive root system.

Control measures: Can be controlled by hand pulling, ploughing and by using selective herbicide.

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6 Life cycle and morphology of weed

Anguli Ghash
Local name : Anguli ghash
English name : Large crabgrass
Scientific name : Digitaria sanguinalis
Family : Poaceae

Habit: Annual grass, herb.

Habitat: Dry to moist soils. Cannot persist in water logged area.

Growing season: Kharif.

Associated crops: Aus rice, maize, tea and cotton etc.

Propagating organ: Only by seeds; prolific seed producer. Short seed dormancy.

Leaf: Lamina and leaf cover hairy, simple.

Stem: Erect or creeping, dense branching.

Inflorescence: Spike looks like finger.

Root: Extensive root system gives it an advantage for below ground competition.
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Control measures: Deep ploughing, narrow leaf selective herbicide.

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7 Life cycle and morphology of weed

Kak paya
Local name : Kak paya
English name : Crow foot grass
Scientific name : Dactyloctenium aegyptium
Family : Poaceae

Habit: Annual grass.

Habitat: Upland conditions; grows well in sandy soils with low moisture.

Growing season: Kharif and rabi

Associated crops: Serious weed of upland rice, groundnut, pulses, and sugarcane.

Propagating organ: Seed, prolific seed producer.

Leaf: Smooth, short hairy, wider base.

Stem: Clustered in the base, erect or creeping.

Inflorescence: Spike like crow foot.

Root: Adventitious root system.

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Control measures: Hand pulling, ploughing, and narrow leaf selective herbicide.

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8 Life cycle and morphology of weed

Local name : Mutha
English name : Nut sedge
Scientific name : Cyperus rotundus
Family : Cyperaceae

Habit: It is a perennial sedge weed.

Habitat: High and medium high land and moist soil condition.

Growing season: Rabi and kharif.

Associated crops: Aus rice, jute and rabi crops.

Propagating organ: Seed, rhizome, rootstock and tuber.

Leaf: Simple, paralleled venation, upper side grooved and dense green.

Stem: Its stem is called pseudostem. Stem triangular, erect, and branchless. Modified to rhizome.

Inflorescence: Simple or compound and umble shape.

Root: Fibrous, modified rhizome and tuber inter connected with each other.
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Control measures: It can be effectively controlled by puddling before transplanting of seedling.

Besides, selective herbicide can be used.

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9 Life cycle and morphology of weed

Holde Mutha
Local name : Holde Mutha
English name : Yellow nut sedge
Scientific name : Cyperus esculentus
Family : Cyperaceae

Habit: It is a perennial sedge weed.

Habitat: Comparatively low land and wet soil.

Growing season: Rabi and kharif.

Associated crops: Aus rice, jute and rabi crops.

Propagating organ: Seed, rhizome and tuber.

Leaf: Erect, paralleled venation, about equal to the stem in long, sessile.

Stem: Its stem is called pseudostem. Stem triangular, erect, and branchless. Modified to rhizome.

Inflorescence: Yellow-brown and umbel shape.

Root: Fibrous, modified rhizome and tuber inter connected with each other.
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Control measures: It can be controlled by racking, hand pulling and deep ploughing and puddling.
Besides, selective herbicide can be used.

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10 Life cycle and morphology of weed

Boro Dhdhia
Local name : Boro karni
English name : Garden spurge, milkweed
Scientific name : Euphorbia hirta
Family : Euphorbiaceae

Habit: Annual herb, broad leaf; grows lying on soil.

Habitat: Dry to moist soil.

Growing season: Rabi and kharif, flowers throughout the year; can complete life cycle within a

Associated crops: Aus rice, Jute, Rabi crops; can reduce rice yield by 30%.

Propagating organ: Propagates by seed; prolific seed producer.

Leaf: Dented edge, opposite.

Stem: Short haired, white milky substance (latex) comes out when scraping.

Inflorescence: Yellow-brown, “head” like, very small flowers bloom together in a branch.
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Root: Tap root system.

Controlling measure: Hand, ploughing and broad leaf selective herbicide.

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11 Life cycle and morphology of weed

Shak Notey
Local name : Khuria shak, Notey shak
English name : Pigweed, Green amaranth
Scientific name : Amaranthus viridis
Family : Amaranthaceae

Habit: Annual broadleaf, herb. Used as vegetables.

Habitat: Grows best in soils with no standing water.

Growing season: Rabi and kharif. Germinates throughout the year if soil moisture is sufficient.

Associated crops: Winter seasonal vegetables, tobacco, wheat, job, sugarcane etc.

Propagating organ: Propagates by seeds; prolific seed producer. Germination occurs from a few
days after harvest to about 5 months.

Leaf: Lens-shaped, long petioled, pointed tip.

Stem: Veined.

Inflorescence: Spike, arises from the top of the stem or leaf axis, flowers are small, dense green.
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Root: Tap root system.

Control measures: Hand pulling, ploughing, flooding and broadleaf selective herbicide.

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12 Life cycle and morphology of weed

Kata Notey
Local name : Kata notey, kata khuria shak
English name : Spiny amaranth
Scientific name : Amaranthus spinosus
Family : Amaranthaceae

Habit: Annual broadleaf, herb.

Habitat: Grows best in soils with no standing water.

Growing season: Rabi and kharif. Germinates throughout the year if soil moisture is sufficient.

Associated crops: Aus rice, winter vegetables, pulse crops, tobacco, wheat, barley, sugarcane etc.

Propagating organ: Propagates by seeds; prolific seed producer. Germination occurs from a few
days after harvest to about 5 months.

Leaf: Lens-shaped, long petioled with two long spines, pointed tip.

Stem: Veined, spiny.

Inflorescence: Spike, arises from the top of the stem or leaf axis, flowers are small, dense green.
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Root: Tap root system.

Control measures: Hand weeding, ploughing, raking, flooding and broadleaf selective herbicide.

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13 Life cycle and morphology of weed

Local name : Bathua
English name : Lambsquarter
Scientific name : Chenopodium album
Family : Chenopodiaceae

Habit: Annual, erect herbaceous broad leaf weed.

Habitat: It grow well in low temperature and dry land.

Growing season: Rabi.

Associated crops: Wheat, barley, maize, sorghum, mustard, winter vegetables, potato etc.

Propagating organ: Seed. Prolific seed producer. Seeds have long viability.

Leaf: Greenish or grayish green, glabrous. Simple and alternate.

Stem: Smooth and branched.

Inflorescence: Arises from the leaf axils and terminus of the stem and branches.

Root: Tap root system.

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Control measures: Hand weeding, ploughing and foliage applied herbicides.

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14 Life cycle and morphology of weed

Local name : Nunia
English name : Common Purslane
Scientific name : Portulaca oleraceae
Family : Portulacaceae

Habit: Annual herb which grows erect and prostrate.

Habitat: Moist soils and irrigated areas.

Growing season: Rabi and kharif.

Associated crops: Rice, wheat, barley, maize, sorghum, mustard, potato etc.

Propagating organ: Seed and stem fragments.

Leaf: Shiny and simple. Spirally arranged or opposite, sessile with smooth margin.

Stem: Succulent, fleshy and freely branched.

Inflorescence: Flowers are yellow, sessile and found solitary in the leaf axils.

Root: Tap root system.

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Control measures: Hand weeding, ploughing and post emergence herbicides.

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15 Life cycle and morphology of weed

Local name : Kanachora, Kanaibashi
English name : Tropical Spiderwort
Scientific name : Commelina benghalensis
Family : Commelinaceae

Habit: Creeping annual/perennial broad leaf, herb.

Habitat: Grows best in moist soil.

Growing season: Kharif.

Associated crops: Mainly T. Aman and boro rice; sugarcane, maize, jute etc.

Propagating organ: Propagated by seed and stolon; vegetative growth from stem cutting is rapid.

Leaf: Simple, wide lamina slightly waved; leaf sheath reddish-brown and hairy.

Stem: Succulent, long, branched.

Inflorescence: Flowers are blue, funnel like.

Root: Fibrous and adventitious.

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Control measures: Difficult to control because vegetative fragments regenerate easily and are
resistant to many herbicides. Hand pulling, deep ploughing, puddling and broadleaf selective

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16 Life cycle and morphology of weed

Local name : Dholpata, Kanshira, Kanainala
English name : Spider wort
Scientific name : Cyanotis axillaris
Family : Commelinaceae

Habit: Annual herb, grows lying on soil.

Habitat: Moist and mud as well as water logged soil.

Growing season: Rabi and kharif.

Associated crops: Transplanted aman rice, aus rice and jute.

Propagating organ: Seed and stolon.

Leaf: Linear, simple, sword like elongated pointed tip; fleshy leaf sheath encircled the stem.

Stem: Creeping, branched, fleshy and slight violet.

Inflorescence: Light violet flower arises from leaf axis.

Root: Fibrous and adventitious root system

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Control measures: Hand weeding, ploughing and selective herbicides.

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17 Life cycle and morphology of weed

Pani kochu
Local name : Pani kochu
English name : Monochoria
Scientific name : Monochoria vaginalis
Family : Pontederiaceae

Habit: Annual or perennial broadleaf, herb.

Habitat: Sub aquatic to aquatic conditions.

Growing season: Kharif and rabi.

Associated crops: Deep water rice, jute, taro etc.

Propagating organ: Seed, stolon and sucker; seeds can germinate throughout the year.

Leaf: Arises from the stem as cluster and long petiole.

Stem: Smooth, rounded and covered by leaf petioles.

Inflorescence: Spike. Flowers are white or bluish violet.

Root: Tap root system.

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Controlling measure: Hand pulling, ploughing, and broadleaf selective herbicide.

© 2015 Mirza Hasanuzzaman Also available at:

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