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now that we have created

users and groups it is time for us to

protect these users and groups
from being compromised so for this we
have two
defense mechanisms the first one is to
define what's called a password policy
why well because the stronger the
password you use the more security for
your accounts
so in aws you can set up a password
policy with
different options the first one is you
can set a minimum
password length and you can require
specific character types
for example you may want to have an
uppercase letter lowercase letter
number non-alphanumeric characters for
example a question mark
and so on then you can allow or not
imusers to change
their own passwords or you can require
users to change their password after
some time
to make your password expired for
example to say every 90 days
users have to change their passwords
finally you can also prevent
password reuse so that users when they
change their passwords don't change it
to the
one they already have or change it to
the one they had before
so this is great a password policy
really is helpful
against brute force attacks on your
account but
there's a second defense mechanism that
you need to know going into the exam
and this is the multi-factor
authentication or mfa
it is possible you already used it on
some websites but
on aws it's a must and it's very
recommended to use it
so users have access to your account
and they can possibly do a lot of things
especially if they're
administrators they can change
configuration delete resources
and other things so you absolutely want
to protect at
least your root account and of hopefully
all your iem users so how do we protect
them on top of the password
well you use an mfa device so what is
mfa is using the combination of a
that you know and a security device
that you own and these two things
together are
have a much greater security than just a
password so for example let's take alice
alice knows her password but she also
has an mfa generating token
and by using these things together while
logging in
she's going to be able to do a
successful login on mfa
so the benefit of mfa is that even if
has lost her password because it's
stolen or it's hacked
the account will not be compromised
because the hacker will need to also get
a hold of the physical device of alice
that could be her phone for example
to do a login obviously that is much
likely so what are the mfa devices
option in aws and you need to know them
going into the exam but
don't worry they're quite simple the
first one is a virtual mfa device this
is what we'll be using in the hands-on
and so you can use google authenticator
which is just working on one phone at a
or using authy which is multi-device
they both work the same way except one
is multi-device
and personally i use offi because i like
the fact i can use it on my computer and
on my phones
so for authy you have support for
multiple tokens on a single device so
that means that
with the virtual mfa device you can have
AWS IAM MFA overview
your root account your IAM user another account another im user it's up to you you can have
as many users and accounts as you want onyour virtual mfi device which make it a very easy
solution to use now we have another thing called a universal second factor or utf security key
and that is a physical devicefor example a ub key by ubico and ubicois a third party to aws
this is not aws that provides it this is a third party and we use a physical device because
maybe it's super easy you put it on your key fobs and you're good to go so this ub key
supports multiple root and im users using a single security key so you don't need as many
keys as users otherwise there will be a nightmare then you have other options you have a
hardware key fob mfa device for example this one provided by gemalto which is also a third
party to aws and finally if you are using the cloud of the government in the u.s the aws
govcloud then you have a special key fob that looks like this that is provided by surepass id
which is also a third party so that's it we've seen the theory on how to protect your account

AWS access keys

so we have seen how to access aws using the management console which is the
web interface that we've done so far in this course but there are actually
 three different options to access aws so the first one
 is the management consoles we've seen and it's protected by your
username password maybe multi-factor authentication then there is the cli
command line interface and this is something we will set up on our computer
and this is protected by access keys and access keys are credentials we're
going to download in a few seconds that will allow us to access aws from our
terminal then finally there is the sdk the aws software development kits
which is use whatever you want to call apis from aws from within your application
code and again these will be protected by the exact same access keys so how do we
generate access keys well we will do this through the management console and
users are responsible for their own access keys and access keys from a user
perspective there are secret just like a password so if you generate your own access
keys do not share them with your colleagues because they can generate their own
access keys as well so really make sure that you treat your access key id just like
your username and your secret access key just like your password you do not
share them with other people so when you go into the management console
you get access key and there's a button to create access keys and then it gives you
the right to download it in the very second and so for example here is a fake access
key id and a fake secret access key and these when loaded into my command
line interface would allow me to access the aws api and we'll do this in the hands-on
in a second so again remember i want to make sure that you don't have any security
issues while doing this course or at work do not share your access keys they are
private to you so if you're new to the cloud and programming and so on or it then you
might not know what's a cli so cli stands for command line interface and the aws cli is
a tool that allows you to interact with the aw services using commands from your
command line shell so whenever you see some code where you type a command
line and then it returns a result for example aws s3 cp and so on this is what we call
the cli and we are using the ado cli because we start every command by the word
aws now with this cli you get direct access to the public apis of your aware services
which is going to be very helpful in this course and then using the cli you can
develop scripts to manage your resources and automate some of your tasks
the cli is open source you can find all the source code on github and it is an
alternative to using the aws management console i know that some people actually
do not even use the manager console they only use the cli for example so what's the
sdk now sdk stands for software development kits and this is a set of library this is
going to be language specifics you're going to have an sdk for different programming
languages and the similarly it will allow you to access and manage your ado services
and apis programmatically but this time the sdk is not something that you use within
your terminal it is something that you embed within your applications that you have
to code so your application will have the error sdk from within them it supports many
different programming languages such as javascript python ruby java go
node.jsc plus plus all of that's our programming languages there's also the mobile
sdk if you're using android or ios and the iot so internet of things device
sdk in case you're using some thermal sensors or bike locks that are connected all
these kind of things so to give you an example of what you can build with the sdk
well the aws cli that we're going to be using in this course
is actually built on the aws sdk for pyt hon named boto so that's it for this lecture
now in the next lecture we're going toractice uh setting up this the cli and
dealing with access keys

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