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Name Junaid khan

Submitted to Sir Haider

Subject English

REG NO 2018-KIU-5639




I HAVE A DREAM is a public speech that was deliveverd by American civil rights activist luther
king jr.during the march on Washington for jobs and freedom on august 28,1963,in which he
called for civil and an end to racism in the united state.This speech ,delivered in front of the
Lincoln memorial at a centennial celebration of the emancipation proclamation ,moves us as
deeply on paper today as it did when it was delivered with martin luther kings powerful skills of
oratory.It points the way to a world free from the burden of racism.


The emphasis is on the negation of racial segregation in the society.A nation cannot enjoy the
glory of democracy without treating all the section of community,rich and poor ,high and low
equally ;and is judged not by the colour of their skin but by the contents of their character.

(Copyright 1963, MARTIN LtrTHER KING, JR.)

Speooh by the Rev. MARTIN LuTHER KING At the "March on vYashington"

I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greates• t
demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. Five ~core years ago a great
American in whose symholic shado·w we stand today signed the Emancipation
Proclamation. This momen:tous cleeree is a great beacon light of hope to millions of
Negro slave·s who had been ~e.arrd in the flames o[ withering injushcc. It came as a
joyous daybre,ak to end the long night of their captivity. But 100 years late<r the Negro
still is no•t fre·e. One hundred years later the 1i.fe of the Negro is still badly erippled by
the manacles of s-t•grPg-ation and the chains of discriminatio11. One hnndred years later
the Ne,gro live·s on a lone,Jy i:"]and of poverty in the mids1 t of a va1S1t ooean of
matE>.rial prospc·rity. Out> hundred years later the ~egro is still larugui~hed iu the
comer~s o.f Ame·rican ~oci. ety and find;:; himself in exile in his own land. So wo'''<' come
hf'rP torlay to r1r.amatize a s,hameful condition.

In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a eheck. Whrn the a. rebit ects of our
Re:publie wrote the magnificent. wonls of the Constitution a.nd the Declaration o1
Independence, they we·re signing· a promiss'Cl<ry note to which eve·ry American wa:" to
fall heir. 'I'his no,te was a promise that all nwn-yc::;, bla,ek men as we11 as white rmm-
wonld he g1mnmtPt'd the unalienable rights of life, liherty a]l(l the pnrsni1 of ha.ppine'Ss.
It is obvious today tha.t Amcri(·a lms <lcfaulted on this promissory note insofar as hP>r
citi7.ens of co.Jo,r arr concP:rned. Instead of

honoring ih1s sacn'd ohli,gation, America ha.s given the Nngro p0ople a bad check, a check
which has come back marked ''insufficient fnnds.''

But we refus.e to helieve that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We rp.fnse to belie\·~~ t.ha.t
there are insufficient fuwls in the grea.t vaults of opportunity orf this nation. So we've
come to cash this check, a check that will give ns upon oemand the rirhes of freedom and
the s·ecurity of justice.

\Ve haYe come to this hallowed spot to remind Ame.rica of the fipJ·ce urgency of now.
'l'hi:-; is no time to l'llgagc in the luxury of cooling off or to t.ake the tranquilizing dmg of
graduali::;m. Now is the time to make real the promi~r·s of democracy. Now is the time to
rise from the dark nnll clrsolate valley of segregation to the ,.unlit path of racial justi<·P.
Now is the time to li.ft our uation from the quicksands of raeial injustice to the solid r()ek
of brotherhood.

Xow is t.he time to mak0 justice a reality for all of God's children. It would be fatal for the
nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. This swelt.ering summer of the i\eg:ro's
legitimate disconte.nt. will not pass until there is .an invigorating autumn of freedom and
equality -1963 is not an (md but a beginning. Tho>se who hope that tl1e Xegro needed to
hlow off steam and will now be l'Olltent will ha\·e a ruoP awakening if the na:tion
return1'1 to bu,;ine~;.; as usua.I.

'l'here will be 11eitht'T rest nor tranquility in Ame.rica until the Negro i~ granted his citizenship
rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of onr nation until
the bright days of justice emerge.

(Copyright 101i3, MARTI:-< Lt:THFR KIKc, JR.)

And that is something that I mus.t say to my pBople who ~tand o.n the worn threshold whieh
leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not he
guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not "eek to sati:sfy our thirst for freedom by drinking
from the cup of biMe·n:le·s,s a.nd hatred.

\Ve must forever conduct our s.truggle on the high plane of dignity and diseiplin e. \Ye must
not allow our creative protests to degen e·rate into physical violence. Again and again we
must ri se to the maje,stic heights of meding physical fo.rce soul for-ce. rl'he
marvelous new militancy whi-ch has cn.gulfE>d the Negro community must not lead us to
distrust all white people, for many o[ our white hrotlwrs, as evidcncc•J by the·ir prese.nce
here today, have eome to realize tha.t their destiny is tied up with our de~tiny.

They have come to re.alize that their freedom is inextt·ieably hound t.o o~1r \\'e
cannot walk alone. And as we walk we must make the pledge t~hat we shall always march
ahcarl We cannot turn hack. There are those who are .asking the rlevotee·s of civil rights,
"When will you be sa.t.isfied 1'' \Ve can never be satisfied as l<mg ns the Negro i~ the
victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality.

\\!e never be satisfied as long as our bodie,s, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain
lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities.

\Ve cannot be satisfied as long as the Negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a Larger
one. We <·an never be satis:fie<l as long as our children are stripped of their adulthood
and robbed of their dignity by s1gns ~tating ''For \'TJ1ites Only."

( Copyright 1963. :\:fAR TI!\' LUTHF.R KING, JR.)

We oannot be satisfied 3lS long as the Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and the Negro in New
York believes he has nothing for which to vote.

No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will nOit be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and
righteousness like a mig·hty stream.

I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and t.ribulation. Some
of you have eome fresh from narrow jail <!.ells. S ome of you have oome from are-as
where your quest for freedom left you battered by the storm.s of persecution and
staggered by 1hf' winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of erea tive
Continue to work with the faith that un-earned suffering is redemptive. Go hack to Mississippi,
go back t.o Alaharna., go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go hack to Louisiana,
go back to the slums and ghet.tos of our .:'\ orthern citie·s, knowing that somehow this
situation oan and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley ot' des.pai·r. ·

I say to you today, my friends, though, even though we face the difficult~es of today and
tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dl' I have
a dream that one day this 11ation will rise up, live out the h·ue meaning of its creed: ""' e
hold the~e truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Geo·rgia son~ of former slan' s and t.lw :-;ons of
forml:'r ~lave-owners will be able to sit do\vn together at the table of brotherhood. I have
a dream that one day even the state of Jli~sissippi, a state sweltering with the h eat of

(Copyright 19o.l. MARTI;'\1 LuTHER KING, JR.)

l'iweltering with the heat of oppression, will be trans!'ormed into an oasis of fre·edom and

I have a dream that my four little chi1dre!Il will one day live in a nation \Vhere they will not be
judged by the color of their skin but by the conte·nt of the,ir cha.ra{!.te,r.l I have a
dream ... I have a dream tha,t one day in AJ,abama, with its vicious racists, with its
governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, one day
right tl~e-re in Alabama little black boys a.nd black g.·ids will he abl e to join hands with
lit.tle white boy's and white girls as sisters anrl brothers.

I have a dre·am today ... I have a dream that one day every vaUey shall be exalted, e\·e-~·y hill
and mountain ;.ohall be made lov.-. 'l'he rough places will be made plain, aad the crooked
IJlaces will be made straight. ,.And the ~lory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh
shall see it together. This is onr hope. This is the faith that I go back to thC' South with.
With this faith we will be ahh~ to hew out of the mountain of de·spair a stone of hope.
With this fait.h we ,,·ill he ahle to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a
beautiful symphony <;f brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work togother, to
pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail togethN, to stand up for freedom
together, knowing that we will he fn•e one d.ay.
This will IH' the clay when all of God's children will be nble to sing with new meaning. "My
country, 'tis of thee, ~weot land of libt>l't.y, of thee I ~ing. Land where my fathers died,
land of th<.' pilgrim 's pride, from every mountain side, let. freedom ring.'' And if America
is to he a. great nation, this mn::..t become true. So let freedom ring from tlH' prodigious
hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New

(Copyright 1963, MARTIN LunrER KING , JR.)

York. Let freooom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania. Let freedom ring from
t.hB snowcapped Rookies of Colorado. Let freedom ring from the curvaeeous s.lopes of

But not only that. Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia. Let freedom ring from
Lookout Mountain of Tennessee. Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of
M~ssissippi, from every mountain side. Let freedom ring . . .

When we allow freedom to ring-when we let it ring from every city and eYery hamlet, from
every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all (If God's children,
black men and white men, Jews and G(>.nt.iles, Prot.B.stants and Catholics, will be able to
join hands and sing in the word·s of the old Negro spiritual, "FI'ee at last, Free at last,
Great God a-mighty, "\Ve are free at"

(Copyright 1963, MARTIN LuTHER KING, JR.)

  "I Have a Dream" Speech Summary

             Martin Luther King powerfully begins his speech by recalling to our
memories those famous words spoken by Abraham Lincoln in his Emancipation
Proclamation that declare all slaves "forever free" from January 1st, 1863 onward.
Of course this was not the end of black persecution. In fact, slavery was not
officially ended until October of 1865 with the addition of the 13th amendment to
the constitution. King reminds us that even today, 100 years later, the black
American lives under alienation and segregation. He metaphorically places the
Negro on an island of poverty amidst the seas of wealth and justice that America
has to offer.
             With the history of the black plight in mind, King leads us into his
empowering purpose for presenting this argument. He brings the Constitution and
backbone of our nation into play and tells that his people are come to "cash a
check." The check is written for the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of
happiness that all men are entitled to under our Constitution and Declaration of
Independence. Yet he tells that instead of being granted their rightful earnings as
American citizens, the Negro people are given back a check marked insufficient.
King tells that his purpose is to bring to pass the time where his people will be able
to cash this check, and that time for them is now! Furthermore, he instills
determination in the hearts of his brethren with words of fellowship and
encouragement. His goal is to instill brotherhood and a sense of urgency unto
everyone that today is our day. He announces that there will be no turning back
and no giving up until they reach the peak of the hill which ends their summer of
discontent and brings on an autumn of tranquility.
             As King concludes his purpose he begins to paint a vivid picture in our
eyes. His famous words, "I have a dream,"


A Dream of Racial Progress

Hey, Shmoopers: you better get to know this speech. Not because you're getting tested
on it, or because you want to throw around kick-butt quotes at a party, or even because
you want to expand your mind. When it comes to "I Have A Dream, " we get even more
fundamental than that.
You better get to know this speech because you're a person with a heart. (Any people
without hearts, you can go on your merry way.)
And, as a person with a heart, you're super invested in everything that MLK has to say
in "I Have A Dream."
You want proof? No problem. In the beginning, MLK references the Emancipation
Proclamation, which ended slavery. You read that right: hundreds of shameful, brutal
years of slavery ended with one incredibly important stack of paper. That better get your
heart beatboxing.
After setting the stage with this reference, MLK discusses the problem of the day: racial
discrimination. And we're not even talking about the massive amounts of racial
discrimination that still plagues the U.S. of A. We're talking about an even worse chapter
(ugh, history is depressing) that included rampant segregation, Jim Crow laws, and
most of white America doing its best to pretend that nothing bad was going on.
("Persecution towards the Black community? I don't know anything about that.")
At this point, your heart should be thumping with anger.
But then, MLK starts riffing (we mean really riffing) on his "dream," a vision of the future
of American race relations. The speech fast-forwards from the past to the present to the
future. In MLK's dream scenario, racism would not prevent African Americans from
holding jobs, exercising their rights as citizens, or pursuing the American Dream. Kids
wouldn't be held back from opportunity based on their skin color. Descendants of slave
owners and descendants of slaves could put their differences aside.
And that, folks, is why "I Have A Dream" is so momentous. Because MLK guides your
little blood-filled human heart on a journey from historical relief to then-present day
righteous rage to a feeling of hope, possibility, and the potential goodness of
humankind. You'll walk away from this speech on wobbly legs, tears in your eyes, and
your heart filled.

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