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submitted by: Jerom V. Ramirez (BPE 3B)

submitted to: Ma’am Corazon Estavillo

lesson plan
health 12
(First Aid: Bandaging Techniques)

Prepared by: Jerom Ramirez

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Identify the parts of a triangular bandage
b. Perform the procedures in doing the act of bandaging
c. Appreciate the importance and aims of different bandaging for injuries
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Bandaging Techniques
References: Safety Practices Booklet pp. 10-12
Materials: Triangular bandage, laptop, projector and speaker
Skills: Cooperative
Values: Appreciating the importance of knowledge about first aid

III. Procedure
 Preliminaries
Checking of attendance

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Motivation
good morning class,

How are you today?

I’m so glad to hear that everyone is fine.

So, before we move on to more interesting
part of our discussion for today, I had
prepared something for you. It has a relevance
to our topic for today so I want you to listen
carefully, because later I will ask you to write
what you observed.

(The vide presentation plays)

(The student will write their observations)

Okay Ana, what did you observed about the

video presentation?

The video presentation talks about the causes

of accidents and how people neglect to make
a solution regarding to the problem.
Nice observation Ana, how about what do
you think happened in the scenario?

The human failure is always identifying as the

major cause why accidents are happening
That’s true class, let us accept the fact that
accidents may happen anytime, anywhere to
Even experiencing it as a bystander, an
accident is not a pleasant scene.
That’s why it is very important for us to have
a basic knowledge about first aid.

B. Lesson Proper
Our lesson for today is all about Bandaging
So, class what do you mean by the word

Yes, Apple?

Sir, it is a process of covering a wound of an

injured person using a piece of cloth.
Yes, that’s correct, bandaging means to blind
a wound or a part of the body with a
protective strip of materials.

What is the importance of bandaging?

(The student will raise their hands)

 To create pressure over the affected

 To immobilize the part of the body
 To support wound and prevent it for
any contamination
Today we will use triangular bandage.  To reduce bleeding

Ella, what do you think is the triangular


A piece of cloth cut in the shape of right-

That’s perfect, but a triangular bandage has angled triangle used to cover an injury on
also its parts. someone’s body.

(The teacher will ask the student to identify

the parts of the triangular bandage)

a. Point
b. end
c. Side
Class bring out your Triangular Bandages d. Base

May I call Leo to come in front so that I can

demonstrate properly the different bandaging
(The teacher shows the learner on how to
bandage the following injuries)

 Triangular Bandage for Head

1. Fold back the base about two inches to
make a hem.
2. Place the middle of the base on the
forehead, while the hem on the outside
(The student will observe the procedure)
3. Let the point fall over the head and
down over the back of the head.
4. Brings the ends of the triangle around
the back of the head above the ears.
5. Cross them over the point
6. Carry them around the fore head and
7. Tuck it over

 Triangular Bandage for Chess

1. Apex at the shoulder of the injured
2. Fold the base to the desired width
3. Carry the end around the back
4. Tie longer ends with apex

 Triangular Bandage for Shoulders

1. Start at the armpit
2. Cross-over at injured shoulder
3. Tie at the opposite armpit.

 Triangular Bandage for Hip and

1. Fold the point, perpendicular to the
2. Tie the two points around the thigh on
the injured side
3. Lift the base up to the waistline.
4. Fold the desired width
5. Carry the end around the waist
6. And tie on the opposite side of the
 Triangular Bandage for Foot and
1. Place the foot at the center of the
triangular bandage
2. Carry the point over the end of the
toes and over the upper side of the
foot to the ankle.
3. Cross the end and tie it in a square

C. Application
Now that you’ve learned the different basic
Bandaging Techniques. I will group you into
five groups and as you can see, I have cards
here and each leader or any representative
will pick one card. There are injuries written
in these cards, and you’ll need to provide the
appropriate bandaging for that injury.
(Each group will pick one card)

(The teacher will group the class into five)

(The student will do the activity)

D. Generalization
So, class before we end our discussion what
can you say about our topic for today? Yes
Sir, I learned that in order to minimize the
further causes of injuries it is better for us to
have a basic knowledge in first aid especially
in treating ourselves or other people who are
in need.

Excellent Fabio let’s call another one. Riza,

the same question what can you say about our
topic for today?
In Bandaging Techniques, we need also
patience and calmness that will help us
maintain our composure that will add easiness
to what we are doing and to whom we are
supporting with.

I would agree to what you’ve said. Great job

class I know that you’ve learned a lot from
this topic.

IV. Evaluation
(The teacher will use rubrics for evaluation)
Presentation 10
Proper execution of bandaging techniques 15
Teamwork 5__________
Total 30 points

V. Assignment
answer the following question in one-half cross wise and answer it briefly.
1. Define the word Burns.
2. what is the classification of Burns?

lesson plan
p. e 12
individual and dual sport
(Pole Vault)

Prepared by: Jerom V. Ramirez

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to;
a. learns the history and the background of playing pole vault event
b. adapts the correct method in performing field events particularly in pole
c. appreciates the importance of pole-vaulting event by executing their steps
d. relate the role of characters as a player in performing the four combined
skills in a pole vaulting
e. works cooperatively and productively within a group to perform a short
dance routine; and
f. performs a short dance routine using the four combined skills in pole

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Pole Vault
Materials: Laptop, printed materials, speaker
References: wikiHow, athletics. Com, everything tracks and field, books

III. Procedure
 Preliminaries
Checking of attendance
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Motivation

Good morning class,

Good morning sir!
How are you today?
We’re good sir
So today class I will going to present a short
video presentation in connection with our
lesson for today and after watching I will ask
some question. Is it okay class?

(the teacher play the video) Yes, sir!

B. Presentation

Mr. Maltizo kindly stand, what did you

observe in the video?

Sir! I see a man holding a pole and trying to

Nice observation Mr. Maltizo move upwards using it.

Can I also hear a word from Ms. Ganabban?

It shows the jumping position of the player

Very good!

Who else have an idea? Yes, Mr. Malata

It shows the proper way of jumping

All your answers are excellent so our topic for

today is all about pole vault. Are you familiar
with this event?

C. Lesson Proper
Yes, sir!

So now class we will going to take a look first

about the history of pole vaulting. Mr. Urbi
kindly please read the history of our lesson?

Pole vault is a track and field event in which

the player jump over an obstacle with the aid
of the pole. It is the most demand athletic
events because it combines the skills of
Yes, class it started it Germany and the first gymnastics, weight lifting, sprinting and
pole that they used was a bamboo in the year jumping. Pole vault was first introduce in
1904 and do you know that it takes 56 years 1950 at Germany
before they start to discover a pole that are
still using for today and that is called fiber
glass poles so the year it was officially used
was 1960

Class who among you have encountered a real

life playing event like this? And what are
your reaction towards it?
none sir!

okay because it is present in some other

countries right!

Yes, sir!

In today’s generation the modernization of

pole vaulting has already began just like in
their equipment and tools that they are using
and here are some equipment’s of pole vault

So class let’s have a game called “MATCH

MY WORD” as you can see there are some
unknown picture posted on the board and may
I ask who among you volunteer to find each

(The teacher discuss the different equipment (student’s do the activity)

and its purpose)
Class are you excited to watch another video
presentation? But this time this is all about the
proper way on how to do a pole vault event
all you can do class is to take down important
details because I will ask a question again

Is that clear class?

(The teacher play a video)

Possible Questions:

Possible Answers:
1.) What is the thing that we need to
consider when playing pole vault?
1.) The player physical attribute such as
weight, height, speed, agility, and strength of
2.) Why does a player need a tape measure a player and also the condition of the weather.
to perform the task?

2.) To measures each individual steps to

3.) What happen if the vaulter land off to lead a player in a successful vault
cross bar?

3.) The player will make 0ne to two

4.) How many times does a vaulter need to adjustments and try the move in the same
clear their bar? way.

4.) 3 times

Since you are now fully familiarized with the

pole vault game and its history now is the
time to reveal the different terminologies
behind this sports game.

I will be going to show different

terminologies and I will call some body to
give its meaning. Are you all ready?
(The teacher show the different terminologies
and call a student to recite)


 Bar
 Box
 Drive knee
 Grip
 Jump foot
 Pit
 Pole
 Standard
 Steps
 Swing leg or trail leg
 Volzing

(The student’s give the meaning of the

different terminologies)
D. Valuing/ Generalization

Before we proceed to the final activity

Who can give the summarization of today’s

lesson? Yes! Mr. Ruiz

Pole vault is a track and field event in which

the player jump over an obstacle with the aid
of the pole. The player must have physical
attribute such as weight, height, speed, agility,
and strength of a player and also the condition
of the weather. And in order to do this event
we need to start discipline first in ourselves to
come up with a beautiful result of games not
just only for pole vaulting but also to other
sports or any events that you are need to

Very well said Mr. Ruiz you have a great

point! You may now take your seat

Yes, sir
So class did the summarization of Mr. Ruiz
caught your attentions?

I hope class that you learned for today’s

lesson but for now brace yourself because we
will be having your final activity.

IV. Evaluation
Let’s enrich your knowledge on pole vault sport event. Let’s name your final activity “LET’S
VAULT IN”. I will divide the class into six group and each group will perform a Zumba routine
using the four combined skills of pole vaulting which is the gymnastic, weight lifting, sprinting
and jumping. I will give 15 minutes for you to practice for only one to two minutes Zumba steps,
you are free to use any music that makes your Zumba session work lively, and please be guided
on how your performance will be scored with the aid of rubrics.

Creativity 10 points
Timing 10points
Performance level 20 points
Cooperation/ Discipline 10 points

Total 50 point

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