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2_1+2_11: Talk about music

Music is a wonderful companion of mankind in every generation, and it can be said

that it is a spiritual food that is indispensable to everyone. I also have a great
passion for music, so listening to music has become my habit for a long time. I
listen to many different types of music. ballad is my favorite kind of music and I
love listening to it in my spare time. it relieves stress. Whenever I feel depressed or
tired, I usually listen to ballad music to relax or fall asleep. After that, my feelings
really got better. In my university, I made many new friends with the same passion
for music. In our free time, we often talk about a song and sing together. Music
also helps me be more productive. It is true that I am lazy to clean my room, but
when I listen to a song, I do it well and fast. I can't sing well but I can make music
by playing an instrument. The piano is an instrument that I especially like ,I always
dreamed of having an instrument, then I would perform my favorite songs. Music
is an important part of my life. It brought many changes to me, it helps reduce
stress, love life more, so I consider music as my friend.

2_2+2_12+2_20: Talk about transport

Transportation is an essential part of daily life. it serves the needs of commuting

and transportation. I live quite far from the school, every day I go to school by
motorbike. sometimes it's difficult to move because of traffic jam. Sometimes
when I go out, I will take the bus to save fuel costs. Using the bus saves you some
money. If you compare the cost of gas, parking, and car maintenance with the cost
of a bus or train pass, you'll find that the monthly commuter pass is much more
economical. Using buses is a method of reducing air pollution and traffic
congestion. Especially in cities, where more and more vehicles make the roads
crowded, public transport systems are developed to solve traffic jams and reduce
pollution caused by gasoline-powered vehicles cause. Going by bus is very
convenient and comfortable. Buses can be found anywhere in the city. Most trains
and buses run on a set schedule that you can schedule your commute to work onOn
the other hand, there are some disadvantages . Waste of time waiting for the bus.
Usually, people need to wait a few minutes to catch the bus, so they need to arrive
on time so as not to miss. The fare is cheap so many people want to use it, many
people squeeze together on the bus, convenient for pickpockets guilty.Currently,
my country is developing another kind of public convenience equipment, which is
high-speed train. Hopefully it will work soon to avoid traffic jams and pollution

2_3: Talk about the Leisure time

Leisure time is quite important. My favorite things to do in my free time is

hanging out with my friends and playing sports. I spend 2 hours a day on
them. It helps me relax my mind after stressful working and studying hours.
Entertainment after stressful working hours helps me relieve stress to start a
new job and complete my work better. When I was a child, I used to play
soccer in my spare time. I am a very outgoing person, so I love to meet and
have relaxing times with my friends at the weekend. I like to spend my free
time with others to share the joy together. We usually sit at a coffee shop to
chat about our week . Those times are when I feel comfortable to talk about
me, and it really helps me to reduce the pressure from the works of the entire
week. When all of my friends are busy, I choose to go to the park and play
some sports such as badminton and shuttlecock kicking. There are always
people that want to play with me, so I do not need a partner whenever I want
to play a sport.Most of them have one day off a week in Vietnam. That's
Sunday. They usually take the time off to go out with their family.
2_4: Talk about the Internet

Internet is very common in our society. Most people use the Internet for purposes
like education, entertainment, etc. The Internet can be said to be a storehouse of
enormous knowledge. It helps us easily and quickly find information and news
whether new or old. It helps us to easily learn and capture a lot of important
information. Learn a lot more knowledge, hone skills to help you improve
yourself further. I often use the Internet to study and work. In my spare time, I
can go online for entertainment. I use the Internet 6-7 hours a day for education
and entertainment. Wikipedia is my favorite site because it's like a book that
really helps me learn a lot. There is a lot of useful information on the Internet,
but there is information that can distort children's thinking, they can be taken
advantage of by people with bad intentions. Using the internet too much causes
waste of time and distracts from studying and working. too Focusing on social
media easily makes people forget the real purpose of life
2_5: Talk about TV

Television is an indispensable medium in life. It provides us with information

about life and society. I also like TV, I spend 2 hours a day watching. When I was
a child, I liked to watch cartoons, but now I am interested in news programs that
tell about the events happening around me during the day. It is very informative,
when you using television you can a lot of news happening in the world.During
breaks, movies make me extremely interested, especially films about the animal
world of foreign countries. I think that children should not watch too much TV
because it can make them forget to do other things, which is not good for their
eyes. With that time, they can do something more beneficial or learn new skills.

Today there are hundreds of newspapers around the world. Everywhere there is a
desire to learn more and more deeply about the problems of the world. This is
partly a result of the popularity of an education that increases one's curiosity to
learn about faraway lands. Newspapers As a source of news, the newspaper is
almost indispensable for those with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. They
contain news about events in the far corners of the earth. Information about such
events came almost immediately. As a result, people everywhere are informed
about the world's most important event very quickly and almost at the same time.
Furthermore, continuous newspaper reading improves one's outlook on life and
makes one a more rational person. The importance of the newspaper is therefore
2_7: Talk about sport

The convenience of amusement parks and health care centers today has been
meeting the entertainment needs of most customers. However, playing sports is
still considered the most effective and popular way because of the great benefits of
sports. First of all, sport is an important factor affecting our health. Playing sports
is known to prevent disease, develop healthy muscles as well as improve our
cognitive ability. Likewise, playing sports aids us in keeping fit and controlling
body weight. Sports are also passion of many people. As a child, I loved to play
sports, especially football. I don't have much time right now, but I still make time
for sports. In my country people play a lot of sports like badminton, volleyball,
etc., but the most popular sport is football. Sports not only bring good health to
everyone, but also bring joy and improve life. Therefore, everyone should exercise
regularly to stay healthy.

2_8: Talk about pets

Today, pets are very common in the home. Common pets such as dogs, cats... they
can be considered as a family member. Many people keep them for fun, which
helps them feel less lonely. Pets are intelligent, useful animals, they know how to
please their owners. Some even see them as emotionally compatible people, like
significant friends. Having a small pet in the house has many physical and
psychological benefits, which will help you reduce stress, improve blood pressure
and good for your heart. We also have two dogs. I've had them since I was a kid. I
consider them my friends and play with them when I'm bored. I sometimes take
them for a walk to help me exercise and relieve stress
2_9: Talk about shopping

Shopping is one of the most popular hobbies in the world. I like it but I think it's
quite expensive. My favorite store is uniqlo, it's a brand name store that always has
sale days and I can buy things cheaper than usual. I like to go shopping with my
friends because they can help me choose things. sometimes I don't want to shop
outside, I usually choose to shop online. my favorite online shopping site is
shoppe. it has everything i need.. Online shopping allows people to have more
choices because they can compare different brands and products. Users can save
time and travel costs. People can buy what they like without leaving home.

2_10: Talk about reading

Reading is a favorite activity of many people in their spare time. When we are
reading, we are living in another world. When I was a kid I read comics and when I
grew up I mainly read science fiction books and novels. They are mostly electronic
books. Reading opens up a whole new world for anybody and is the basis for a
good education. Reading also fosters imagination,, deeper understanding of life
around you. It is a quiet activity that can be a lot of fun, and you learn a lot from it.
I believe that reading can be both entertaining and educational. So, reading a book,
a little work, but bringing us a lot of benefits. please encourage children to
read.Reading opens the door to child’s early academic success, imparts a love of

2_12.Talk about advantages of public transport

There are many advantages to using public transport.
Firstly, using public transport helps you save money. If you compare the cost of gas,
parking, and car maintenance with the cost of a bus or train pass, you'll find that the
monthly commuter pass is much more economical. If you live in an urban area and use
buses or trains as your primary source of transportation, you'll save even more on car
payments, insurance, and repairs.
Convenience is the next advantage: Most trains and buses run on a set schedule that you
can schedule your commute to work on. No more scrolling around looking for parking or
sitting in traffic. Using this can reduce pollution as there will be less driving on the road,
which means less smoke and also avoid traffic jams. Especially in cities, where an
increasing number of vehicles makes the roads crowded, public transport systems are
developed to solve traffic jams and reduce pollution caused by gasoline-powered

2_13.Talk about the leisure time activity/ activities

My favorite things to do in my free time is hanging out with my friends and playing
sports. I am a very outgoing person, so I love to meet and have relaxing times with my
friends at the weekend.
We usually sit at a coffee shop to chat about our week . Those times are when I feel
comfortable to talk about me, and it really helps me to reduce the pressure from the
works of the entire week. When all of my friends are busy, I choose to go to the park and
play some sports such as badminton and shuttlecock kicking. There are always people
that want to play with me, so I do not need a partner whenever I want to play a
sport.thinking of the free and good time to do whatever I like gives me more strength and
energy to finish it.

2_14.Talk about the website that you enjoy entering

My favorite site on social media is definitely Netflix. I usually spend about 1-2
hours on the website to watch my favorite movies. I always spend 2-3 days a week
- in my free time, I often go to the website to surf and watch movies. Netflix -
where there are many good movies, movies from many countries such as: America,
Korea, China, .... with diverse movie content such as: romance, horror, science
fiction, love Feeling ..... what I like about Netflix is that the movies are all
translated into English. that makes it possible for me to improve my reading
comprehension in English. The site also allows you to download movies to your
device to watch when you lose the internet - which is also what I like about
Netflix. it also helps me learn many different languages, helps me relax

2_15.Talk about advantages of watching TV

Nowadays, there is television in every family. So what benefits does television bring to
our life? Television is an indispensable medium in life. It provides us with information
about life and society. I also like TV, I spend 2 hours a day watching., when we are stress
television can helps us to relax. Besides, which help us enrich our knowledge through
some programs teach some necessary soft skills such as swimming, cooking, home
decorating, financial management, .... It is very informative, when you using television
you can a lot of news happening in the world. Moreover, TV actually has some positive
impacts on us because when watch we we do not need to worry too much about receiving
false information or harmful content when watching TV, all we need to do is choose
programs that are suitable for age and interest. Watching TV also helps family members
stick together, closer to each other. Watching TV together as a family will help you save
good memories in the family . So, television is very important and necessary for us,
however you should use it in effective way and do not let it take up too much your time

2_16.Talk about online newspapers

In the age of technology, the appearance of the internet changes the habit of updating
news from online newspapers
Online news is more up-to-date and easy to convey while newspapers are published. The
strength of the Internet is that it can bring information from all over the world to your
location through a computer with an internet connection. the completeness and ease of
access to the Internet creates communication opportunities for a number of people with
similar interests without the constraints of time and time. It also offers friendly
interactions such as videos and live images. .Those people can also express their opinions
to provide a diverse perspective that the reader can then easily dive into.
However, it cannot be denied that there are some points that need to be corrected such as
the censorship stage, it is easy to give false information to benefit readers.

2_17.Talk about football

Soccer is one of my favorite sports. It is played by two teams consisting of 11 people
each team. The general rule is that the ball is kicked by leg and the players get score
when having the ball in their goal post.
Football is known as "king" among other sports. First, it integrity when applying several
techniques to create strong power. Second, it does not only reduce stress and bad
cholesterol of body but also relaxes out spirit after a hard working day. I often play with
you guys on weekends. Moreover, football is not simply one kind of sport, it is an art
because of the popularity.
Since there is an increasing number of football team over the world such as: Manchester
United, Barcelona, Arsenal with professional players. , I love watching football matches
as they are interesting and we can also learn from their technique.
Furthermore, football is public concern as well as heated debate. Football is now popular
through women, who are thought not able to play this kind of sport.
2_18.Talk about online shopping
Currently, people are increasingly doing their shopping on the Internet instead of going to
it is a quicker and cheaper way to shop since people can buy products at home without
having to go to stores or shopping malls. As a result, consumers can save time and the
costs of travelling. online shopping allows people to have a wider range of choices as
they can compare different brands and products.
On the other hand, online shopping can be negative in several ways. The first drawback is
that customers cannot try products before making a purchase. . Furthermore, products
sold online are often less reliable, and the product that people finally get delivered to their
house might have a poorer quality than expected. Finally, because online shopping is
easier and cheaper, people tend to buy too much, which would lead to a large waste of
money. This is less likely to happen if shopping in stores is more popular.
2_19.Talk about reading books
Books are learning tools. They not only teach you things, they take you to places you
could never otherwise go. They open your imagination and you are free to view the
characters in them any way you can conjure them up. On television or in a play, you
pretty much view the characters as the writer scripted them.
Reading opens up a whole new world for anybody and is the basis for a good education.
If one can’t read, one can’t learn. Reading also fosters imagination, writing skills,
vocabulary growth, deeper understanding of life around you and better communicative
skills. It is a quiet activity that can be a lot of fun, and you learn a lot from it.
I’m really into reading because I believe that reading can be both entertaining and
educational. Reading broadens my knowledge by opening up the whole world to me.
While I’m reading, I can be visiting another country or a different time period, or
traveling through space. I can find out how people solve problems or think up new ideas.
2_20.Talk about travelling by bus
Choosing to travel by bus is a good idea
Using the bus saves you some money. If you compare the cost of gas, parking, and car
maintenance with the cost of a bus or train pass, you'll find that the monthly commuter
pass is much more economical. Using buses is a method of reducing air pollution and
traffic congestion. Especially in cities, where more and more vehicles make the roads
crowded, public transport systems are developed to solve traffic jams and reduce
pollution caused by gasoline-powered vehicles cause. Going by bus is very convenient
and comfortable. Buses can be found anywhere in the city.
On the other hand, there are some disadvantages . Waste of time waiting for the bus.
Usually, people need to wait a few minutes to catch the bus, so they need to arrive on
time so as not to miss. The fare is cheap so many people want to use it, many people
squeeze together on the bus, convenient for pickpockets guilty.

2_21.Talk about reading comic books

In my spare time, I often read comic books. It's like a childhood friend of mine. My
favorite story book is probably Conan and Doremon. When I was a child, I often sat
down with my friends to read Conan, we felt like we were immersed in the characters to
be able to experience and my favorite character in the Conan series is Kid. Comic books
with vivid images and colors easily attract the attention of readers. In my opinion, reading
comic books is quite good for young children because it helps to relax after stressful
school hours. especially for the current time - covid epidemic, almost all activities are
used and used online, so reading comics is the best thing for young children is after every
hour of online learning, avoiding eye diseases such as nearsightedness , eyestrain
2_22.Talk about online magazines
I am a person who loves reading online magazines because it saves me time and money. I
usually spend half an hour a day scrolling through online magazines to look at topics that
I love. The topics that I watch most often technology. The thing that made me choose to
read the magazine online is because it's fast and convenient, I can read it anywhere with a
phone with a network because now is the age of technology. When I read like this, I will
have more knowledge about the culture, people, and education of other countries,
moreover it helps me with vocabulary knowledge at work. Reading magazines also helps
me relax and feel happy after tiring working hours.

2_23.Talk about disadvantages of watching TV

Watching too much TV is not good for health. Watching too much TV (more than
3 hours a day) can also contribute to trouble sleeping, behavioral problems, lower
grades, and other health problems. When we watch too many TV shows, our eyes
get tired. Television makes us antisocial, displacing family and friends, which can
ruin your relationships. Many TV shows are considered indecent to us. Viewers
sometimes imitate the violent, criminal or other dangerous behavior they see on
television... and as a result get into trouble, going to jail or to the hospital.
Watching television fills up the time one could otherwise spend doing important,
enriching things. I think that children should not watch too much TV because it can
make them forget to do other things, which is not good for their eyes. With that
time, they can do something more profitable or learn new skills.
2_24.Talk about your experience of owning a dog
When I was little, I had a dog - his name was Max. MAx's favorite food is fish, so every
weekend Max and I go to the nearby pond to fish. These animals are very active, like to
run and jump everywhere, if not exercised, they will easily become obese. so i usually
take Max to walk around the village everyday. Spending 30 minutes a day on running and
catching the ball Max will be quite good for health as well as mental. Dogs with a
lifespan of 11 to 13 years in the process of raising you need to pay attention to health
issues, especially the intestines. Dogs are prone to intestinal diseases, eye diseases such
as retinal atrophy, epilepsy, obesity.. Having a dog as a pet requires you to spend time
taking care of and playing with them to create attachment and closeness . Because I have
to study away from home, the time to see Max again is quite short - but when I come
back Max is always wrapped around me, when sad Max is always beside me to comfort

2_25.Describe a beautiful dream that you have had.

Dreams will come to us unexpectedly. And I love my dreams. Each dream has a different
color. I used to have a beautiful dream. In the dream, I met the old friends again. We
talked together. I ask about the work and life of everyone. It's been a long time, we met
and talked like this. Perhaps this is my wish so my subconscious brought it to the dream.
When I woke up, I thought about my dream. Perhaps we are very busy worrying about
our own lives that we forget each other. We used to be close, but the pressure of life
made us forget each other. I picked up the phone and called my friends. It's great,
everyone has the same opinion with me. Then we arrange an appointment. Thanks for my
great dream.

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