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Activity #1

“Knowing your Self”

Answer the following question:

1. How can you describe yourself based on your own perspective?

 Everyone has different personalities, especially in the way they think, handle
problems, and do something.Every people have their own view or reflect of Such as:
personality that can be see how much valuable can be created in a specific way.
 Independent. Humans can be independent, capable of carrying out a number of
tasks without the assistance of others or making life tough for others. I enjoy
accomplishing everything by myself without the assistance of others.
 Creative. I enjoy coming up with original and novel ideas. Actually, creativity is a
talent that can be developed rather than just a personality feature. I can be more
productive and myself because of my creative personality.
 A trustworthy individual. I never tell lies to other people and always speak the truth.
Polite. People with a pleasant disposition typically know their manners well and are
aware of the cultural standards that are relevant. But sometimes with a joke of lies.
 Helpful, well you can see my behavior or my attitude that you can see someone
easily how helpful I am in every things or someone in needed of help

2. Write an essay about anything that you wish to share about yourself.
 Describing myself is one of the toughest tasks to do, but it’s fascinating too, to put it
to words. I believe our traits – be they positive or negative – make us the person we
are to the world. When it comes to my personality, people can have different
opinions because they see what they want to see in me, and that’s okay. So, I would
describe myself from the circle I see myself from in different aspects. I like to keep a
smile on my face no matter what I am going through, and that smile keeps me going.
Besides, I was brought up in a multicultural community. Therefore, I am an extrovert,
and I like to meet people, I love to experience their lives, cultures, and traditions,
which makes me happy and cheerful. I may be fat nor skinny but eventually my
health is in a good condition due to work out and others exercise that can increase
your life’s-fan or stamina. Every people has a different story others encounter
unforgettable memories, it’s normal to people that we fell pain, suffer, sadness but
every line of those can opposite if you manage it.
3. What aspect of yourself do you believe you have to improve ?why?

 Firstly the one area of my life i would like to improve: Self-esteem, I suppose. I’m
working on changing different aspects that’ve been holding me back or stopping me,
such as my outlook. I have a very supportive partner in my life, who works hard to
help me see positivity, instead of all the opposite I’ve been used to expecting in my
life. I’m trying to work on myself—learning to love and help myself, instead of
waiting and longing. So, I’ll keep on trying and working to improve my own life, and
hope those certain individuals will one day know the truth.

4. Write an essay. How you would I like other people to see me?

 The majority of people worry about how other people see them. Every day, I spend
time in front of the mirror. It is carefully considered what attire should be worn.
There are efforts made to present a positive front to others. As with all perceptions,
people see you through their own eyes of experience, thus I would like them to see
me whatever they see me. In this manner, they will be drawn to me for the traits
they can identify with, and we can proceed from there. Kindness, patience,
acceptance, empathy, generosity, thoughtfulness, and attention are traits I take
pride in exhibiting. You won't find anyone more dependable than me who will go
above and beyond to assist or make a difference.
“Psychological Perspective of Self ”

Answer the following question:

1. What best describe when your self-concept is being threatened?

 Well, eventually, provided you identify with the self and not your mortal body. No
one can threaten you until you let them threaten you in a dangerous circumstance.

2. What best describe when your self-concept is seeking change?

 In my view, three things—self ideal, self image, and most importantly, self esteem—
can be sought, thought about, felt, and done.

3. Can self-efficacy, self-esteem, self-concept and self-acceptance/rejection affect

ones academic achievement, creativity and skill among millennial and generation
Z? Explain.
 Yes, Self-efficacy, self-esteem, and self-acceptance undoubtedly have an impact on
adolescents' academic success. Because of their judgements and opinion, children
tend to withdraw from others.

4. On the concept of ‘self’ and ‘other’, what is your logical or theorical explanation on
existence of ‘self’ and ‘other?
 Being manifests on its own, and since being is experienced in the eternal "now,"
which is not in time, understanding it does not depend on the passage of time. Since
the mind cannot function outside of time and does not have access to being, thinking
is an ephemeral activity that takes place in existence rather than the other way
around. The self-consciousness, which is life's element of knowing itself, is the one
who is aware that it exists.

5. Is “self-concept orientation” generally understood to be a personality disposition?

 Every person has a stable sense of who they are. It is rated as having a high
sensitivity to rejection and failure in my motivational system. Optimistic, pessimistic,
insecure, and confident are the corresponding personality qualities.

“Sexsual Self”

Answer the following question:

1. How will you suppress teenage pregnancy?

 There are 10 tips for to supress teen pregnancy:

1.Discuss sex and love with your children frequently and early. Be precise.
2.Know your own sexual attitudes and ideals.
3. Become familiar with the friends and family of your kids.
4. Keep an eye on and supervise your kids' activities.
5. Encourage a slow, steady pace when it comes to dating.
6.Take a strong stand against teens dating people who are significantly older or
younger than they are.
7. Emphasize how much you value education.
8. Know what your kids are watching, reading and listening.
9. Give your teenagers options for the future that are far more alluring than
becoming pregnant young and being a parent.
10. Aim for a partnership that is kind and affectionate, strict with rules and full with
 2. What is your reservation about RA 10354 or Responsible Parenthood and
Reproductive Health Law. Give at least 10.
Well as far as I Know there are parts that about rules and guidelines how Republic
Act No.10354 or know as The Responsible Parenthood And Reproductive Health to
facilitate in specific way of purpose.
1.Interpretation Clause-These Rules shall be liberally construed to ensure the
provision, delivery and access to reproductive health care services, and to promote,
protect and fulfill women’s reproductive health and rights.
2. Guiding Principles for Implementation- Respect for protection and fulfillment of
reproductive health and rights which seek to promote the rights and welfare of
every person particularly couples, adult individuals, women and adolescents;
3. Definition of Terms- Abortifacient refers to any drug or device that primarily
induces abortion or the destruction of a fetus inside the mother’s womb or the
prevention of the fertilized ovum to reach and be implanted in the mother’s womb
upon determination of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
4. Service Delivery Standards- . This Rule shall describe the provision of information
and services related to responsible parenthood and reproductive health. Within six
(6) months from the effectivity of these Rules, the DOH shall review existing and/or
develop introductory materials key messages for Community Health Teams, among
others on responsible parenthood and reproductive health care.
5. Hiring of Skilled Health Professionals for Maternal Health Care and Skilled Birth
Attendance-The LGUs shall endeavor to hire an adequate number of nurses,
midwives and other skilled health professionals for maternal health care and skilled
birth attendance to achieve an ideal skilled health professional-to-patient ratio
taking into consideration DOH targets: Provided.
6. Health Care Facilities- Each LGU, upon its determination of the necessity based on
well-supported data provided by its local health office shall endeavor to establish or
upgrade hospitals and facilities with adequate and qualified personnel, equipment
and supplies to be able to provide emergency obstetric and newborn care.
7. Access to Family Planning – All accredited public health facilities shall provide a
full range of modern family planning methods, which shall also include medical
consultations, supplies and necessary and reasonable procedures for poor and
marginalized couples having infertility issues who desire to have .That the person is
not in an emergency condition or serious case as defined in Republic Act No. 8344.
8. Maternal Death Review and Fetal and Infant Death Review – All LGUs, national
and local government hospitals, and other public health units shall conduct an
annual Maternal Death Review and Fetal and Infant Death Review in accordance
with the guidelines set by the DOH. Such review should result in an evidence-based
programming and budgeting process that would contribute to the development of
more responsive reproductive health services to promote women’s health and safe
9. The Philippine National Drug Formulary System and Family Planning Supplies –
The National Drug Formulary shall include hormonal contraceptives, intrauterine
devices, injectables and other safe, legal, non-abortifacient and effective family
planning products and supplies. The Philippine National Drug Formulary System
(PNDFS) shall be observed in selecting drugs including family planning supplies that
will be included or removed from the Essential Drugs List (EDL) in accordance with
existing practice and in consultation with reputable medical associations in the
Philippines. For the purpose of this Act.
10. Procurement and Distribution of Family Planning Supplies–The DOH shall
procure, distribute to LGUs and monitor the usage of family planning supplies for the
whole country. The DOH shall coordinate with all appropriate local government
bodies to plan and implement this procurement and distribution program. The
supply and budget allotments shall be based on, among others, the current levels
and projections.
3. What is your stand about same sex marriage? Justify your answer.
 Well for me, Our country does not approve about same sex marriage because due to
belief according to the book of Leviticus homosexuals relations are prohibited.
Beside to opposite gender they legally adapt the same sex marriage. Other country’s
performed the “same sex marriage” because they have a law agreed to freely do

4. Are you in favor of including “sex education” in senior high school curriculum?
 Eventually due to covid in 2 years we did not discuss about sex education but on my
opinion I would accept about sex education to prevent pregnancy and how we
control ourselves. But others did not approve because the cause of affect of it may
not be calculated due to others behavior.

5. What is your opinion about abortion?

 My opinion about abortion is that the term called “Accident” because in the first
place why do abortion? Why be a murderer. Abortion is the most unhuman being
that killed an innocent child while others want to have children. Well people have a
right to there want because its there life. For me someone should published about
abortion can be punish in circumstance way.

“Physical Self”

Choose the must beautiful picture of you then explain why its beautiful for you.

I choose this picture because I treat her as a sibling. Taffy was her name, my sister
giver that a name due it suitable. Her species is called K9 which our close relatives
gives us one of his hybreed dog. Whenever I’ll go I bring her to a place or our
barangay to walk and play. I also teach him to do a human physical movement In our
home, What I eat what she also eat but I buy a food dog that increase there body
and many vitamins. We sleep together and shower in the morning, Taffy was the
only dog that I ever care and love because he show me hope that they are a loveable
creature and respectful. But the saddest part that god take him from me and left
with only memories that I could not be ever forget until death. We spent months but
worth it. Respect and love is the most what comes in my mind.



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