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Company Profile

Cosmos Energies is a customer centric company that provides tailored Solar Energy Solu�ons.
Our dynamic team of Self-Leaders feels pride and honor in serving the clients and treat them
as their own Family.

It all started in 2016, when our CEO and Founder had already established and co-established
mul�ple startups and ventures. He was ready for a different phase in his life, but this �me
things were a bit different; he wanted to invest his future �me, accumula�ve experience and
efforts in a vision which can make him achieve the coveted goal of self-realiza�on.
This self-given challenge became a catalyst in commencing a venture which can impact
numerous lives across a wider landscape. That was the moment where Cosmos Energies
sprouted out of this vision and he became a part of the ideology of making God happy. Next
step was to build a TEAM which can effec�vely convert this vision into a reality.

Vision Statement
To leave a be�er world for our future genera�ons than we got from our ancestors.

Mission Statement
Capacity building of Humanity

Our Core Values

Ethical Approach
Product Authen�city
Process Innova�on

Company Profile

Execu�ve Management:

Mr. Shams Kapadia Mr. Zain Ul Abedin

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Mr. Zain Wasim Ms. Naina Mr. Ahad Khan

Chief Engineer National Project Lead Zonal Sales Manager

The Team:
As famous Sufi Rumi said: “You walk on
the path and the path appears.” Our
journey of building a team that can dedicatedly
work towards fulfilling this organiza�on’s
vision started bearing fruits when gradually
but construc�vely we gathered a team of
professionals, who are passionate workers
in their respec�ve fields. Our team
believes in Self-Leadership and Customer
Centricity. All we need from our customer
family is one-�me trust in us and
our passion for our vision will
take care of the rest. Let our work
speak rather than us.

Company Profile
Our Services:

1. On-Grid Solar
Energy System: 2. Off-Grid System:
On-grid or grid-�ed solar systems
It is a system which has no connec�on
are by far the most common and
to the electricity grid hence requires it
widely used in homes and businesses.
to have ba�ery storage. Their design
These systems do not need ba�eries,
requires precision and sound exper�se, so
they use either solar or micro-inverters.
they can work at their op�mal level and
They are connected to the public electricity
generate enough power to meet all your needs
grid. Any excess solar power that you
throughout the year and have enough ba�ery
generate is exported to the electricity grid
capacity to meet the home’s requirements
which results in regular Feed-in-Tariff (FiT)
especially during the winters, when there is less
payments or the equivalent credits.
sunlight available. This system is generally on the
expensive side due to the high cost of ba�eries
and off-grid inverter. Their usage is feasible for
3. Dual PV Solar System: remote areas, where the electricity grid is not
It is the modified installa�on in Solar system available near-by.
installa�ons. Cosmos is one of the very few in the
Pakistani market to provide and install this system for
residen�al, and commercial users. Our team has
already worked on various projects for the Dual PV
4. Hybrid System:
Hybrid solar systems generate power in the
solar system, installing various numbers of Kilowa�s
for our clients. It provides you a 20 – 30% reduc�on in same way as a common grid-�ed solar
the installa�on and maintenance cost, it is a locally system but use special hybrid inverters
made system with local accessories, hence it is easily and ba�eries to store energy for later
available in the market and there are no delays in it’s use. This ability to store energy enables
order comple�on, provides you an early ROI, produc- most hybrid systems to also operate as
es more power per phase, and provides you with the a backup power supply during a
op�on of a stand-by backup inverter in case one blackout, similar to a UPS system.
inverter fails.

Company Profile
Our Solu�ons:
Our team has the exper�se of providing Solar Energy Solu�ons in the following segments:

Households in Pakistan consume overall 44
percent of energy. Our residen�al systems
include both on-grid and ba�ery backup
based solar energy solu�ons. Our
ba�ery-based Intelligent Solar Energy System
ensures that your solar power is available to
you round the clock. Nearly 75% of your
annual electricity consump�on is covered
with self-generated clean energy so less
dependency on power genera�on authori�es.

We at Cosmos Energies offer the best possible
solu�ons to all the commercial ventures to
fulfill their high energy consump�on requirements
while avoiding increasing opera�onal costs.
Solar installa�ons also gives an opportunity
to make the best investment with a non-shaded
roof that serves next to nothing in most cases.
With the availability of feed-in tariffs, a business
can sell surplus solar electricity to the grid. Your
solar installa�on makes it easy to lower
down your opera�onal expenses while enabling
you to plan for your future energy requirements.
Heavy peak usage & large available area make
solar a perfect energy solu�on for industries. The
high load requirement and largely available roo�op
area compared to commercial and domes�c consumers
make solar a viable alterna�ve for industries. O�en,
the other incen�ve for many big industries to use
‘industrial solar power’ is to show an increased share
of renewables in their energy por�olio. Solar power in
an industry setup can either be generated from an
in-house solar plant or through an on-site
solar farm. The solar power produced can then be used
for all normal day-to-day opera�ons of the plant.

Company Profile
Our Unique selling Proposi�on:
Engineering Procurement Construc�on (EPC)
1. Planning: 2. Designing: 3. Procurement:
We offer customized designed structures.
Our R&D team takes into account the
It includes pre-planning, mee�ng These designs are based on the following
following considera�ons before providing
with stakeholders, research, surveys factors:
a Go-Ahead to procuring any item which
of the site, and dra�ing and sharing Exterior Factors:
Actual Hours of effec�ve Sun on the Roof. is part of the tailored system for the client:
project �melines. Direc�on of Solar Panels to get maximum Customiza�on and efficiency
Sun hours. Fluctua�ons of voltage
The height of the Solar Panels to adjust
any shades and wind speed on the Roof. Humidity factor
Interior Factors: User Friendliness
Proper layout for all the electrical wiring Safety
routes and the indoor installa�on in order
State-of-the-art Technology
to ensure that they are synchronized with
the exis�ng setup.

4. Execu�on: 5. Monitoring:
Making a theory is another thing, and
To ensure the system's op�mum outputs
prac�cally implemen�ng it is another.
and smooth flow in the long run via an
It needs a blend of experience, fine arts,
intelligent monitoring system working 24/7.
commitment, self-accountability and
self-leadership. We make sure to execute
things as per plan, watch for any minute
devia�on, and rec�fy it.

Company Profile

Our Projects:

Off- Grid
Dual PV
Nazimabad Johar

On-Grid Dual PV

10KW 20KW

Elevated Standard

D.H.A Malir Cant

Hybrid On- Grid

25KW 15KW

Elevated Elevated

Gulshan-e- Malir Cant


Company Profile

Our Supply Partners:

Company Profile


Mr. Farhan Khan:

I contacted the Cosmos Energies Team for Solar Power System installa�on at my house.
Firstly their representa�ves came and meet me to know my exact needs, a�er that their

1 design team came and conducted a survey of my facility in order to customize the
system according to my requirements, and lastly, the installa�on took place. The whole
process was very organized and they did deliver on their commitments. All in all, I am
a very sa�sfied customer.

Mr. Haseeb Rashid:

I needed a 10 KW Solar system installa�on at my place. I inquired about the service

provider, who can install a system tailored to my needs. One of my acquaintances
suggested Cosmos Energies and believe me their sugges�on was 100% accurate.
The team at Cosmos Energies facilitated and guided me at each and every step of
switching to Solar powered electricity and executed the whole project within the
given �melines.

Mr. Danish Aqeel:

I was looking for a service provider, who can work diligently to install my 20 KW Solar

Power System. I got in touch with the representa�ve of Cosmos Energies, a�er
mee�ng with them; I was impressed by their a�en�on to detail, as they explained to
me everything regarding the installa�on of a heavy system like mine, and that’s when
I decided to give them the order of my installa�on. Their service delivery was accurate
to their commitments.

Mr. Kashif Raza:

It gives me immense pleasure to become a contributor to ensuring a sustainable future

for our world through the usage of Solar powered electricity. I thank and appreciate
the team at Cosmos Energies for helping me to switch to a cleaner, greener, and
cheaper source of electricity.

Company Profile

Licensing & Cer�icaton:


WS-4 Third Floor Shahrah -e-Faisal Block 7 & 8,

Central Commercial Area, KCHS, Karachi

Email: info@cosmosenergies.com
Mobile Number: 0319 9(Cosmos)267667

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