PO-SHE-001 Covid-19 Policy

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Classification: Public



Document No:
Revision No: 001
Effective Date: 11 May 2020
Next Rev Date 10 May 2021



Location: ORAPA Duration: 2 YEARS


Managing Director: MARTIN COWLEY

Number of employees: 144

1. Introduction

1. The primary aim of the policy is to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, a safe working
environment for all employees and to assist in the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 virus
when returning to work after the “lockdown”.
2. Additionally, this policy aims to provide information to employees on how to best manage their
work situation when working remotely as well as the special requirements over and above the
normal policies.
3. In pursuit of our mission to supply and maintain earth moving equipment
Safely, effectively and responsibly, Komatsu Botswana is committed to:
a. Promote and maintain a safe, healthy and risk managed working and living conditions for
our employees, business partners and visitors as well as the general members of the public
who are likely to be affected by company activities by ensuring adherence to Covid 19
prevention guidelines.
b. Responsibly minimize and control Covid 19 infections risks identified.
c. Conduct activities with due considerations of precautionary measures that will prevent the
spread of Covid 19 amongst employees, business partners, visitors and communities we are
operating within.
d. Avoid and prevent Covid 19 infections, among our employees, business partners and sub-
contractor by following guidelines as laid down by ministry of health and wellness.

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Classification: Public

2. Purpose

The purpose and objective of this policy is to provide guidance in the management of possible infections by:
a. Fully integrating the Covid 19 prevention, precautionary measures into the culture of
Komatsu Botswana and its strategies and service planning process.
b. Ensuring that the benefits of infection control are realized through maximizing on
opportunities for prevention and minimizing Covid 19 risks.

3. Preparedness

1. Availability of adequate potable running water supply and hand washing facilities on site:

To ensure functionality of all available potable supply facilities availed by Debswana at AK1, DK1,
Damtshaa, White and Green area facilities as per the service contract agreement.

2. Availability of soap:

Komatsu Botswana is committed to ensuring adequate supply of hand washing soap and
education of employees on the frequent 20 seconds hand wash procedure recommended

3. Provision of sanitizers:

Komatsu Botswana will ensure adequate supply of recommended hand sanitizers complying with the
Botswana and South African bureau of standards for safe hand cleansing of employees, business
partners, and visitors.

4. Provision of appropriate PPE:

Komatsu Botswana shall procure necessary protective equipment to ensure safer protection of
employees in case of any Covid 19 suspected case.

5. Cleaning/disinfection/sanitisatization of surfaces – define the frequency and who does it:

1. Komatsu Botswana commits to sanitization or cleaning of hands at entry and exit

level of work areas with mechanisms that are self-operated – at all times.
2. Komatsu commits to availing sanitizers to be used at all Operations
3. Komatsu to adhere to cleaning schedule laid out by the host on its facilities.
4. Komatsu to ensure proper sanitization of work spaces – 3 times per day.
5. Komatsu to ensure proper cleaning of work areas where Komatsu provides labour to
clean (Green and White Areas) – 3 times per day.
6. Komatsu to adhere to fumigation plan laid by the host.

6. Define the site-specific social distancing requirements at work and at site offices:

Komatsu Botswana shall ensure appropriate undertaking of social distancing methodologies adopted
by the prevailing time which shall be more than two meter apart at all work sites and the

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Classification: Public
recommended discouragement of gatherings like meetings through the use of technological tools to
converse like skype and where possible, not more than ten people in a meeting boardroom practicing
two meters apart.

7. Define staff transport arrangement and social distancing requirements:

Komatsu Botswana shall comply with current recommended seating arrangements during
transportation where two people diagonal sitting arrangement on sedans and double cabs and one-
meter apart seating arrangement in the buses.

8. Define the methodology of daily temperature checks:

Komatsu Botswana shall ensure compliance to temperature requirements provisions by Debswana at

all entrances, blue area, white area, green area, east gate and west gate entrances respectively. The
forms issued to employees shall be used to populate statistics requirements of the Covid 19
pandemic. Self-body temp check from home and PCC entrance body temp checks.

9. Describe the visitors screening process:

Visiting shall be suspended during the Covid 19 epidemic and any possible visitors shall be mandated
to individual clinical screening guided by the Covid 19 screening requirements. Alternate
communications are advised to be used. (Teleconferences, Video calling, etc.)

10. Define the methodology of Isolation of suspected case:

Komatsu shall avail isolation rooms at Green and White areas. Orapa Blue Area and Damtshaa Blue
Area are catered for by Debswana.

4. Response

1. Define the management of sick employees:

1. Komatsu Botswana shall and will always encourage all sick employees to seek
medical help for appropriate decision making and disease management advised by
the medical practitioner attending the employee.
2. Employees who exhibit symptoms of Covid 19 are required to seek medical
treatment and diagnosis urgently.
3. Komatsu Botswana requires employees with symptoms to inform their line manager
who in turn must report any potential case to KB-MD and Crisis Management Team

2. Define the communication process to all the stakeholders i.e. hospital, PMO

Komatsu Botswana will follow the existing communication process of employee to supervisor,
supervisor to manager and from Sectional manger to Operations Manager who shall disseminate all
information to the host & contracts office inclusive of the hospital.

3. Describe the response process/action in case of a confirmed case:

1. Komatsu Botswana shall comply with the policy requirements of emergency

preparedness and response by ensuring appropriate reporting of any confirmed case
to relevant stakeholders.

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Classification: Public
2. Adherence to recommended isolation requirements of the case (Self- Isolation or
Quarantine and working from home)
3. Provision of counselling services to all employees and appropriate contact tracing
requirements fulfillment.
4. Adherence to after case management processes will also be fulfilled by satisfying the
after-case management plan adopted from the Ministry of Health.

5. Define the duties of the;

1. Supervisor:

1. Ensure the safety of subordinates by ensuring functionality of hand washing

provisions, availability of soap and sanitizers.
2. To ensure regularly cleaning and sanitizing of work stations as scheduled.
3. To emphasize high personal hygiene practices (use of clean PPE daily, discourage
sharing of utensils etc.)
4. Sharing of appropriate Covid 19 information with employees.
5. Ensuring compliance to health screen monitoring requirements stipulated to identify
any emerging risks of infections.
6. Ensure management of employee attendance to minimize the risk of crowding in the
7. Enforce Komatsu Botswana Covid 19 response plan procedure.

2. SHE Officer:

1. Ensure that all employees adhere to stipulated requirements to combat the

possible infection by Covid 19 virus.
2. Facilitates implementation and adherence to site prevention measures that shall
ensure elimination of possible exposure of employees to infections.
3. Ensure availability of hand sanitizers, hand wash soap and surface sanitizers.
4. Coordinate the fumigation of work areas timeously.
5. Provide moral support to those who have mostly been affected by COVID-19.

3. Hygiene Rep:

1. Ensure that all Covid 19 infection prevention requirements are fulfilled.

2. Report any identified deviations to Supervisor for immediate remedial actions.

4. Employees:

1. Comply with Covid 19 infection prevention guidelines.

2. Ensure regular hands cleaning with availed soap and hand sanitizers as per WHO
hand washing process.
3. Adhere to high hygiene practices and safe keeping of hand washing facilities and
keeping the workplace safe and clean at all times.
4. Refrain from sharing of food and utensils.
5. Declare their health conditions to medical practitioners when not feeling well.
6. Inform their immediate supervisor when not feeling well and visiting a health

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Classification: Public
7. Declare their travel to high risk areas to medical officer and supervisor for
quarantine and testing arrangements upon return to work.
8. Comply with the Public Health Act stipulated Covid 19 infection prevention


ORIGINATOR Oreeditse Operations 11 May 2020
Ngakaemang Manager
APPROVAL Martin Cowley Managing Director
Nicolas SHE Attaché 15/07/2020
Galaletsa SHE Attaché 15/07/2020
ng Tlhako

Keits SHE Attaché 15/07/2020

eng Xomae

Otsweletse SHE Attaché 15/07/2020


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