Study-Choice-Check-VU-Cristina-International Business Administration

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Report Study

Choice Check
Respondent: Gomero Seguí, C
Education: International Business
Date of entry: 23-10-2022

Below you will find the results of the questionnaire. You will see your answer compared to the
average of the answers given by all prospective students at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Per
item you can score high, low or somewhere in between. There are no bad scores. The results
give an idea of what is important to you now. The challenge is to find that in the study you have

Top 3 study choice

You have specified that this is your top-3 of best studies at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
International Business Administration
Business Administration
Business Analytics

Here you will find the results of the questions about what you find interesting. They are broken
down by scientific domain. Does the study you have chosen fall into the domain you find most

Domain Behavioural and Educational Sciences

This includes the studies of Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences.


Not interesting at all Very interesting

Domain Economics and Business Administration

This includes the study programmes Business Administration, Business Analytics,
Econometrics and Operations Research, Economics and Business Economics, and
International Business Administration


Not interesting at all Very interesting

Domain Humanities
This includes the study programmes Ancient Studies, Archaeology, History, Greek and Latin
Language and Culture, Literature and Society, Media, Art, Design and Architecture,
Philosophy, Theology, and Theology and Religious Studies.


Not interesting at all Very interesting

Domain Law and Administrative Sciences

This includes the study programmes Criminology, Law in Society, Law, Notarial Law, Political
Science, and Public Administration and Organisation Science.


Not interesting at all Very interesting


Domain Life Sciences, Medicine and Health

This includes the study programmes Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Health Sciences, Human
Movement Sciences, Medicine, Health and Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Medical
Natural Sciences, and Dentistry.


Not interesting at all Very interesting

Domain Science and Technology

This includes the study programmes Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Mathematics,
Earth Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, and Chemistry.


Not interesting at all Very interesting

Domain Social Sciences

This includes the study programmes Communication and Information Studies, Communication
Science, Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, and Sociology.


Not interesting at all Very interesting

Domain Interdisciplinary
This includes the study programmes Philosophy, Politics and Economics, Earth Sciences,
Economics and Sustainability, Science, Business and Innovation, and Liberal Arts and


Not interesting at all Very interesting

What drives you

Here you will find the results of the questions about what drives you. What drives you says
something about your motivation, attitude, preferences and values. Your drive can change
during your life. The more your drive is reflected in your studies, the better you will feel at

Striving for connectedness

How important is it for you to be accepted in personal relationships and to get along well with

Average VU student

Not important at all Very important

Striving for status

How important is it to you to gain social status?


Average VU student

Not important at all Very important

Striving for autonomy

How important is it to you to have control over what to do, when to do it and how to do it?

Average VU student

Not important at all Very important

Striving for achievement

How important is it for you to complete things in a timely, careful, efficient way and “get things

Average VU student

Not important at all Very important

What drives you

Social effectiveness
How important is it to you as a citizen to be able to contribute to society?


Average VU student

Not important at all Very important

Social Motivation
How important is it for you as a citizen to be aware of what is going on in society and to
contribute out of a sense of responsibility?

Average VU student

Not important at all Very important


Below are the results of your answers about your personality. Your personality, which tells us
about who you are, can be broken down into different parts or characteristics. We use the
famous Big-5 theory of personality, which consists of the following parts:

Your score on this scale shows your need for contact with other people. Introverts prefer to
work on their own and extroverts need contact with others and like variety.

Average VU student

Covert Spontaneous

Your score on this scale shows the extent to which someone is naturally more concerned with
their own interests or more concerned with the interests of others. A lower score on this
scale makes someone more competitive, less accommodating. A higher score means that you
are generally more social and mild-mannered.

Average VU student

Stubborn Compliant

Your score on this scale shows whether you are someone who is naturally very orderly, always
on time and works in a structural and systematic way. Or are you more someone who is a bit
more flexible and sometimes a bit chaotic?

Average VU student

Chaotic Careful

Negative Emotionality
Your score on this scale shows whether you are naturally calm and not easily disturbed. Or are
you naturally more sensitive and more easily (over)worried?

Average VU student

Calm Panicky

Your score on this scale shows to what extent you are open to new experiences. Are you
naturally imaginative, brimming with ideas and curious about how things can be done
differently? Or are you more traditional and do you prefer to keep things as they are?


Average VU student

Restrained Curious
The interpretation of this report

The Study Choice Check of VU Amsterdam consists of questions on: "What interests me?",
"What drives me?" and "Who am I?".

Of course - and fortunately - it is not possible to give advice about the study that suits you
based on the outcomes of these questions.

So what can you do with this data? The answers to the questions are a snapshot in time; you
are at the beginning of a new phase in your life. VU Amsterdam believes it is important that
you continue to discover and develop your qualities during your studies. Our society requires
people who are open-minded and have an eye for society. At VU Amsterdam, you will take
important steps in that direction.

You are invited to discover whether the answers you have given fit with the content of your
chosen study programme. This is a process; you will not know right at the start of your study
programme whether there is a match between you and the study programme - you will find
out in the course of time.

Save this report! The results may be useful later on in your studies, for example, during
mentoring interviews in which we guide your development.

We wish you a wonderful and instructive time at VU Amsterdam.

Kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Jeroen Geurts

Rector Magnificus Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

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