Sample Survey Power Point Charts

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Part 1: Quantifying cloud usage

Gauging current – and anticipated future – use of cloud, multiple cloud
and hybrid cloud technology

Headline goes here
Q101. Is your organization currently using the following types of technology? Please select all that apply.









10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%


Hybrid cloud Multiple cloud Single cloud Cloud edge I'm not sure N/A - my organization
technology technology technology technology if/which are is not using any of these
being used in
my company

Base: TOTAL 01: Quantifying cloud usage 3

Headline goes here
Q102. How, if at all, did your organization’s use of any of the following change over the course of the pandemic?

Single cloud Hybrid cloud Cloud edge

Multiple cloud technology
technology technology technology

Decreased significantly 10% 10% 10% 10%

Decreased somewhat 10% 10% 10% 10%

No change 10% 10% 10% 10%

Increased somewhat 10% 10% 10% 10%

Increased significantly 10% 10% 10% 10%

Base: TOTAL 01: Quantifying cloud usage 4

Headline goes here

Q102a. Would you say the reason your Q102b. Would you say the reason your Q102c. Would you say the reason your
organization increased its use of multiple organization increased its use of hybrid organization increased its use of cloud
cloud technology during the pandemic cloud technology during the pandemic edge technology during the pandemic
was primarily…. was primarily…. was primarily….

57% 54% 56%

In response to the pandemic itself In response to the pandemic itself In response to the pandemic itself
and the business changes it and the business changes it and the business changes it
necessitated necessitated 1% necessitated
1% Don’t know 1%
Don’t know
Don’t know

42% 46% 43%

A strategic decision that pre-existed the A strategic decision that pre-existed the A strategic decision that pre-existed the
pandemic, or emerged for reasons pandemic, or emerged for reasons pandemic, or emerged for reasons
largely unrelated to the pandemic largely unrelated to the pandemic largely unrelated to the pandemic

Base: Q102a: USING MULTIPLE CLOUD MORE (Q01/C2/R4- 5) Q102b: USING HYBRID MORE (Q01/C3/R4- 5) Q102c: USING CLOUD EDGE MORE (Q01/C4/R4-5)

01: Quantifying cloud usage 5

Headline goes here
Q104. Would you say the reason you anticipate that your organization will increase its use of multiple clouds in the next
year to two years is primarily driven by…

A general expansion of the
amount of cloud capacity
we need

Both of these

A decision to bring on
additional clouds for specific
purposes (e.g., an additional 0%
cloud just for AI) Don’t know

Base: EXPECT IUSE OF MULTIPLE CLOUD TO INCREASE (Q103/R3/C4-5) 01: Quantifying cloud usage 6
Headline goes here

Q201. How many provider(s) do you currently work Q203. How satisfied are you with your
with to provide cloud services? current primary cloud provider?

Extremely satisfied 10% Extremely satisfied 10%

Very satisfied 10% Very satisfied 10%

Satisfied 10% Satisfied 10%

Dissatisfied 10% Dissatisfied 10%

Very dissatisfied 10% Very dissatisfied 10%

Extremely dissatisfied 10% Extremely dissatisfied 10%

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Base (for both charts): ALL WHO USE AT LEAST ONE TYPE OF CLOUD (Q101/R1-4) 02: Exploring cloud provider relationships 7
Sample Description: Demographic characteristics

Census Region Gender Generation

100% 100% 100%

90% 90% 90%

80% 80% 80%

70% 70% 70%

60% 60% 60%

50% 50% 50%

40% 40% 36% 40%
25% 30% 30%

15% 20% 20%

10% 10% 10%
0% 0% 0%

South Northeast West Midwest Male Female Millennials Gen X Boomers Gen Z
(Age 25-40) (41-56) (57-75) (Age <25)

Base: TOTAL Sample Characteristics 8

Sample Description: Work Characteristics
S2a. Which of the following is the closest to S2b. Which of the following, if any, come close to
S4. In which of the following industries do you
describing your current title within your describing your current title or role within
company or place of work? work?
your company or place of work?

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 10% IT engineer (or similar) 10% Cloud technology 10%

Chief Technology Officer (CTO) 10% IT security specialist (or similar) 10% Private cloud technology 10%

Chief Information Officer (CIO) 10% IT support (or similar) 10% Public cloud technology 10%

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) 10% Database manager (or similar) 10% Hybrid cloud technology 10%

Chief Operations Officer (COO) 10% Benefits administrator 10% Use of multiple clouds 10%

Chief Security Officer (CSO) 10% Data analyst 10% Cloud edge technology 10%

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) 10% Talent acquisition partner 10% I am not familiar with any of these 10%

Other C-suite 10% Graphic / creative designer 10%

Managing Director 10% None of these describes my work/title 10%

Executive / Senior Vice President 10%

Vice President 10%

Director 10%

Senior Manager 10%

Manager 10%

Skilled Labor Professional 10%

Base: TOTAL Sample Characteristics 9

Headline goes here

S5. Do you have decision making authority over the following? S7. Would you say that
you work in an IT
related department
I have no influence I have influence I have primary or group within your
nor decision-making
and/or some decision-
making authority
89% 11%
Yes No

Finance/budgeting 17% 36% 47%

Marketing/sales 25% 37% 38%

Tech systems/ S7a. Hidden Classification

software/services/ 2% 27% 71%
hardware 25%
Business strategy/ 39%
organizational 11% 35% 55% IT Pros

14% 35% 51% 36%

Base: TOTAL Sample Characteristics 10

Headline goes here

S1a. Across all locations, approximately how many total S1a. Is your company part of…
employees work for your company or organization?
If you are not sure, please provide your best estimate.

250 to 499 12% Fortune 100 7%

500 to 999 23% Fortune 500 42%

1,000 to 2,499 20% Fortune 1000 15%

2,500 to 4,999 14% Not sure 15%

5,000 to 9,999 12% Not applicable 22%

10,000 to 49,999 9%

50,000 or more 12%

Base: TOTAL Sample Characteristics 11

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