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CLE Real Presence through the Eucharistic

prayer Jesus is really present in what was

Sacrament of Eucharist bread and wine.

The Passover is the most solemn feast in Christ is present in many things truly and
the Jewish liturgical year It commemorates really. Only in the Eucharist is he
the release of the Jews from Egypt when substantially present
they passed over from slavery to a new life
of freedom under God’s protection Substance (Essence) - what a thing is,
Normally, the people eat two meals a day Accident (Appearance)- Size, color, shape
only, one around 10 o’clock, and another,
later in the afternoon the paschal meal, was How does Transubstantiation happen?
eaten at night, just at the appearance of the The substance of the bread is changed into
stars. Thus, everyone in Jerusalem begins the substance of the Body, Blood, Soul, and
the meal at the same time and the meal is Divinity of Christ, while the accidents can
celebrated as one family though it is not be seen with our eyes, but must be seen
celebrated in different places. with the eyes of faith.

At the Passover Meal of Jesus and his Kenosis - The emptying of Christ
Disciples, Jesus does the same ritual. He
takes bread into His hands, give thanks and The Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires
breaks it. But He adds something unusual.
August 18, 1996 - Father Alejandro Pezet,
After giving thanks and breaking the bread, Saint Mary Catholic Church, at the center of
He says the words of Consecration (To Buenos Aires. A woman came up to tell him
unite something with our Lord) – This is that she had found a discarded host at the
my Body – thereby changing the back of the church.
unleavened bread into His own Body. “…
take this all of you and eat of it, this is My He placed the host in a container of water
Body, which will be given up for you…” and put it away in a tabernacle to sit so it
could dissolve. He knew that in several days
The Eucharist calls us to share. that it would dissolve and respectfully
dispose of it by watering it on a plant
What does this mean? What are we (practice).
August 26, 1998 - The host had not
● God’s love dissolve but rather it had turned into a
● The Church and its community bloody substance (Christ's heart)
● God’s message
● The body and blood 7 Sacraments

The Sacramental of the Holy Eucharist is Baptism, Eucharist, Penance and

the “body” and “blood” of Jesus Christ (the Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy
chalice and bread). Orders, and Matrimony

The Eucharist is “the source of Christian

life” All of the other sacraments are involved
with the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist

Transubstantiation - It is the sacramental

act by which the substance of the bread and
wine is changed into the substance of the
Body and Blood of Christ. This great
miracle, which happens in every Mass, can
not be rationally demonstrated but is
accepted by faith.
Parable of the Prodigal Son The sign of peace is an important part of
the Mass; is part of the process of
Prodigal - spending money freely and preparation for receiving the Holy Eucharist,
recklessly, wastefully extravagant. preparing our hearts to receive the holy food
of salvation. Thus, we must fully be aware
Summary of all that needs to take place to receive the
In the story, a father has two sons. The sacramental graces that accompany the
younger son asks for his portion of heavenly food.
inheritance from his father, who grants his
son's request. This son, however, is Parable of the Lost Sheep
prodigal, thus squandering his fortune and
eventually becoming destitute. Summary
Jesus tells the parable of the lost sheep to
As consequence, he must now return home show that the Kingdom of God is accessible
empty-handed and intends to beg his father to all, even those who were sinners or
strayed from God’s path.
to accept him back as a servant. To the
son's surprise, he is not scorned by his He uses the example of a shepherd
father but is welcomed back with celebration (God) who has 100 sheep and one goes
and a welcoming party. Envious, the older missing. The shepherd leaves the 99
son refuses to participate in the festivities. others and searches high and low for the
The father tells the older son: "you are ever lost sheep. Jesus stresses that when the
with me, and all that I have is yours, but thy shepherd finds the lost sheep he rejoices
over it more than the 99 who did not go
younger brother was lost and now he is
astray. This is how God will rejoice when a
found." sinner returns to Him.

Jesus tells us that we need to recapture the Parable of the Lost Coin
love for the lost and celebrate the lost
being found. Summary
The parable of the lost coin is the story
of a woman who loses one of her ten
The parables teach us that God does not silver coins. She looks through her entire
house and rejoices when she finds the coin.
only welcome repentant sinners, but He
After finding this coin, the lady makes it
also goes and seeks them out. And when a seem like one coin has become more
sinner is found again in God’s love, God valuable than all of the other nine coins.
rejoices. God’s joy is the real point of these
parables. God is JOYFUL when a sinner The significance of this story for me was
the recurring theme in these parables of
repents and invites the rest of us (friends
judgment. After the woman has found the
and neighbors) to join the celebration. one coin she lost, it becomes more valuable
than all of the other nine coins even though
How does God search? God searches to they are of equal value in terms of money.
the very end: like the shepherd who
journeys into the darkness looking for his
lost sheep until he finds it or like the woman The characters of the two parables have
who, when she loses her coin, lights a lamp, a common trait:
sweeps the house, and seeks diligently until
she finds it. they were dear and important to the owner
(shepherd and woman) and they all stand
The Church describes the Rite of Peace as for something or someone worth loving.
a sign of conversion and peace-making,
leading us to the Holy Communion of the Both are meant to testify to the bankruptcy
Body of Christ, the Church. Through the of the religious leaders of their sense of
Rite of Peace, we are one with Jesus in mission because their time and effort were
giving a human touch the welcoming and devoted to saving those who were already
merciful joy of the Father who invites us to saved, not the sinners and tax collectors.
celebrate the Eucharist. On the other hand, Jesus came to seek and
save the lost (Luke 19:10).
Parable of the Dishonest Manager

This parable shows a character who has to Born: August 16 1815 in Castelnuovo Don
make a decision. He deals shrewdly with his Bosco, Italy
master’s wealth, and in a surprise twist, the Full Name: John Melchior Bosco
master commends him for his shrewdness. Parents: Margherita Occhiena, Francesco
Jesus compares this to how those in the Bosco
world deal with one another. Then Jesus Siblings: Antonio Bosco, Giuseppe Bosco
brings a twist by pointing out that the Ordination: June 5 1941
manager was commended for valuing -Founder of Society of St. Francis De Sales
relationships over money. -Promoted to Preventive System
Died: January 31, 1888
“Dishonest wealth” in this context equates Canonization: April 1, 1934 by Pope Pius
to the phrase “dirty money.” Not only does XI
Jesus’ commendation of the dishonest Summary:
steward in this parable catches us by As Jesus continued his journey to
surprise but also His encouragement to Jerusalem, he traveled through Samaria
possibly use dishonest wealth to advance and Galilee. As He was entering a village,
ourselves in the kingdom of God. It does ten lepers met him. They stood at a
seem that it is possible to use “dirty distance from him and raised their voice,
money” in ways that are pleasing to God. saying, “Jesus, Master! Have pity on us!”
And when he saw them, he said, “Go show
This teaching of Jesus was not negating yourselves to the priests.” As they were
the Gospel’s condemnation of all forms of going, they were cleansed. And one of
dishonesty. He was teaching practical them, realizing he had been
wisdom on the use of money, even “dirty healed, returned, glorifying God in a loud
money.” Indeed, it is possible to use money voice; and he fell at the feet of Jesus and
in Christ-like ways, by sharing it with those thanked him. He was a Samaritan. Jesus
who need it to live, and giving it to those said in reply, “Ten were cleansed, were they
who beg. Jesus was saying to make wise not? Where are the other nine? Has none
use of our wealth that will be to our true but this foreigner returned to give thanks to
benefit and advantage. God?” Then he said to him, “Stand up and
go; your faith has saved you.”
Jesus too calls us to faithfulness in little
things because most of life is made up of
small things. Our financial resources are a
testing ground. Those who live by kingdom
values in this world gain access to true
riches in the next, but those who fail to do
so are denied access to those riches.

This faithfulness in little things is

demonstrated in our stewardship of money.
The “dishonest wealth” of verse 11 belongs
to God and is entrusted to our stewardship
while we are alive. If we prove to be bad
stewards of God’s riches in this life, how
can we expect God to give us riches in the
next life?

Healing of Lepers

St.John Bosco:

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