Jacinto Ramirez - 11217978 - Medical Certificate, D&A Test

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GAS CLINICAL LABORATORY RAMOS BUILDING, D,SILANG ST, BATANGAS CITY NO): (04 990-76 72-26-78 ‘AMULTI- SPECIALTY CLINIC AND DIAGNOSTIC CLINICAL LABORATORY” The Only and Nunuber One Free Standing Clinical Laboratory ix Batongns Ciky using a High Tesh Fully Automated Machine for Clinical Chenistry, Hematology and ther Laboratory Procedures. MEDICAL CERTIFICATION Nan: JACINTO RAMIREZ AGE:_44_SEX:_M__ Date: 12.15.20 | NAME OF COMPANY: S68 UK.LID. IMPRESSION / DIAGNOSIS, ovenwercur RECOMMENDATION: _FOR WEIGHT REDUCTION; FoR: AND LIFESTYLE MODIFICATION Wi, REMARKS. Dasa Physical feral peso work No Physi defects note Ease Pyscaly forall types of work Masa minor linen defect. Easily curator ofers no tana to ob appear. Dlasse Employment atthe risk and dsreton of management. enmider D reno Forarther vation a Downe CA tanginestion E] mhotrressure EI xray Rest TD eccest — E)Nospecnen Ue.No.151078 <&"% BATANGAS CLINICAL LABORATORY t % Ramos Bulling. 820. Silang St, Batangas City 2 Tal No, (43) $80:5076 Ter Tear aC ATA ESS ; TN oP eee Doman Ramee Tcnd Anda ef baciot Sete. ober. Pehocee, SEX | AGE T OMcSTATS TELNO ‘OCOURATION, re Sete leg | om wo era-ryny [TRATA La fron TS prewth LZ LMENCAL STORY «Hos yk sf ne i a ay contin ws 1 we 40 ws 10 ees pe emma 0 ents OF : { imma 0G om : Sete creetme 1) 1 Hheorenennoey 0) 3 a Oracan 0) 7 ike 8 Sistine” (1 6 keer vo Of} ee) Bean BB Leet Seomton RiSerteen 1) tomes, (hci + Seer |e ieee 0) 5 Bio eh wom} CS Seer La Ripweemeen Ooo Beeman) 6 Beware sete 0} so Seemcnpanerent () 409 nent Ames nahin the corey may aed pragma ai anteaters es wet dary ea them ar ayaa ns apr) SOM 01a cr ly ese NY coved abe. 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Fema 7 NEGATE PASSED NEGATIVE PASSED ‘Approved By Test Conducted By ANLEEN J. fLONZO DepED enTEs end of Laboratory “al Vals Wehin £2 Mont rom Tranestion Date Thi is @ DOH.008 1DTOMIS generated report BATANGAS CLINICAL LABORATORY Ramos Building 32 D. Batangas City ‘Tel No. (043) 722 - 2362 or 980 - 5076 “To Provide Accurate: And Premium Healt Cate Serie (Clients To Our Desire ALCOHOL TEST REPORT Repor Dae: 12182520 Tie: 200M Genes Requesting Parties $865 (UK) LTD. Resa [Renee ] InccaTne PASSED 1 Test Conducted By cz Avprove By Fead of aboaton BATANGAS CLINICAL LABORATORY Ramos Building 520. Siang St, Batangas Cay Tel No. (043) 900.5076 HEMATOLOGY NAME: - Date: DecS2029 sige 21949M REQUEST Roguesing Physian SU: o Examinations: Nomal Value Result Examinations: Normal Valve Result WBC Count Hemoglobin: Child: 120-1409 Childrens 68 Male: 140 180 9 153 Adult: 48 = 115109, Female : 120 160 1 Different Count Leukocyte Frastion ost) RBC Coun a + Sepmentes Male: 49 -63x10!2), “e Tish Female 24.3 2 58x 1012)1 = Eosinoghe Team TBacphils —=.00- 07 Male: 0.40 -0.50 ae Symposia = 2040) 038 Female : 037-047 * Monees 6308 Childsen: 0:38 - 0.68 Hinod Ty L ESR Male =O = Orie Platelet Count - 150,000 Female: 0 = 26mm 350.000 per cum, 208,000 MICH 2634 Cloning Time T= ms NCW 80-1077 BledingTine_~_T'~ Sins] MCHC: 310360 gp DA. kor PATHOLOGIST BATANGAS CLINICAL LABORATORY Ramos Building, 32 D. Silang St, Batangas City Tel. No. (043) 980-5076 NAME: JACINTO A, RAMIREZ. ‘Age.4 Sex Male Date: December 18,2020 ECGREPORT HALL 25 mvs oes JA Se ave PI pad esr eraTi| ELA Sle SL wy ae oF hia po F J ol ery rt Talal tA Ly LL PI} i f / | | cite Jah ‘Aurcular Rate Ventricular Rate__76 rh Rhythm OM intervals, P-R DIDS on__Onlvte at axis_ MO. p. (Ipagni ons: Upm pit T:_Teaebehn ST: fox athe Concusion” Within —ptme — Lion te mark totes AN H. MACLANG, CE? PRYSICIANTECG TECHNICIAN et SEY, ATANGAS CLINICAL LABORATORY OQ) RAMOS BUILDING, 2. SILANG ST. BATANGASCITY TEL.NOs (043) 702-6289 3 Se in OF 16566 CASENO.: pare; 12-15-2020 NAME OF PATIENT; RAMIREZIACINTO A AGE: 38 REQUESTING PHYSICIAN: _SG5UKLTO DIAGNOSTIC X-RAY REPORT ‘The lngs are clear “The heart is normal ins. ‘ther chest structures are unremarkable. IMPRESSION: ESSENTIALLY NORMAL CHEST CAPARAS. MD, FI RADIOLOG! 2%, BATANGAS CLINICAL LABORATORY Ramos buiing 820. Siang St, Batangas City Tel No. (43) 990.5076 “6 tt No, ono. DATE: DocSaO0C twe _7aravany [FULL NAGE URNALYSS ~~ mIGROSCOPIC EXAM JwciiTO A RAMIREZ Come Yetow wae: O1ro! SEE Teansoaeney C88 gC: tonotgh Peer Eee] Reacton 60 pineal Cal jaooREss sr. oR: _ 10 = Amorphous Utes: — Faw TIERRA VERDE PALLOCAN WEST.20 Protein: ——Nepatne Poni Sugar Negative Mucus Treads Feces Exait Bactnia ctr exaninarions = a casts *occutt 2.009 oniionsy Se cre Red Blood Cols “ronete eae Resut: Puscels :__roneheh Bacera | Barer “PREGNANCY TEST: Fe Gicbued Fone Resut Paresies . "NOOVAOR PARASITE SEEN. warissife. AGUDA RMT ey S65 UK LID die S197? cx1s0 sffasos wo. rose EDUESTING PHYSTORNS TEDIAL TECHNOLOGIST PRC NO 28258 PATHOLOGIST

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