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Famous Explorers

Name of explorer:

Curriculum Links
The journey(s) of at least one world navigator, explorer or trader up to the late
18th century including their contacts and exchanges with societies in Africa, the
Americas, Asia and Oceania, and the impact on one society (ACHASSK084)

Stories of the First Fleet, including reasons for the journey, who travelled to
Australia, and their experiences following arrival (e.g. treatment of convicts,
daily lives, social order) (ACHASSK085)

Name: _____________________
Famous Explorers Research Project
We have been learning about famous explorers in class. Using what you
have learned, along with your own extended research, you will complete
a research project on the explorer you have chosen.

The name of your explorer is:

Even though you will be completing this project on your own, some of
your classmates will be learning about the same explorer. It is important
to be helpful and share the resources that you find.

This explorer's project has three parts.

1. Famous explorers research
2. Information report
3. Famous explorer presentation

It is important that you gather as much information as people during the

research project, as this will help you later when writing the information
report and the presentation.

You will have class time to read and research, but you may need to
spend more time outside of school researching. It is important to use
multiple sources and be sure to find information that comes from good

All research and notes due: 31st of October 2022 (31/10/22)

Rough draft for information report due: 2nd of November 2022


Final copy of information report due: 8th of November 2022 (8/11/22)

Explorer presentation draft: 14th of November 2022 (14/11/22)

Explorer presentation due: 25th of November 2022 (25/11/22)

Famous Explorers Research Project
Before you move on to the next step, you need to have Mr Varady check
what you have done and be signed off.

Section Completed Date Completed Teacher Initials

Research and notes

Information report

Revise and edit

rough draft

Information report
final copy

Presentation planner

Final presentation
Famous Explorers Research Outline

Introduction Introduce your famous explorer. Which expedition are they most famous

Early Years Where was your famous explorer born? When were they born? Briefly
discuss their childhood.

Sponsorship Which country or countries sponsored your famous explorer? How was the
connection made? How much money or what compensation did they offer
your explorer?

Goals Which trip is your explorer best known for ? In which year did your
explorer travel? Where was your explorers intended destination? What
was the intended purpose of the expedition?

Achievements What was your explorer able to accomplish during his expedition? Did they
meet his goals? What did they find when they reached land?

Positive What were some positive impacts of your explorers expedition? What
Contributions were they able to add to the world map?

Negative impacts What were some of the negative impacts of your explorers expeditions?

Legacy How do people remember your explorer? Does your explorer currently
have anything named after them?

Interesting facts What are some facts about your famous explorer that you found

Conclusion A short paragraph to wraps up what you have learnt about your explorer.

Sources used A list the website that you have used to find your information.
Famous Explorers Research

Early Years
Where was your famous explorer born?

When were they born?

Briefly discuss their childhood.


Which country or countries sponsored your famous explorer?

How as this connection made?

How much money or what compensation did they offer your explorer?
Famous Explorers Research

Which trip is your explorer best known for?

In which year did your explorer travel?

Where was your explorers intended destination?

What was the intended purpose of the expedition?


What was your explorer able to accomplish during his expedition?

Did they meet their original goals?

What did they find when they reached land?

Famous Explorers Research

Positive Contributions
What were some positive impacts of your explorers expedition?

What were they able to add to the world map?

Negative Impacts
What were some of the negative impacts of your explorers expeditions?
Famous Explorers Research

How do people remember your explorer?

Does your explorer currently have anything named after them? (make
a list)

Interesting Facts
Famous Explorers Research

Sources Used
Famous Explorers Presentation Planner
The next part of this project is your presentation. Using the planner, you
will need to plan out each slide for your presentation, including:
1. What you are going to say
2. What information is going to be included on the slide
3. Any pictures that are going to be on the slide

Slide One
• Explorer name
• Life span
• At least one picture
• Your name
• Date

Slide Two
Early Years
• Date of birth
• Birthplace
• At least one picture
Famous Explorers Presentation Planner

Slide Three
• Sponsor country
• Photo of sponsor
• Map of sponsor

Slide Four
• Year of trip
• Destination
• Purpose
• Photo or map
Famous Explorers Presentation Planner

Slide Five
• Map of expedition
• At least one picture

Slide Six
• Contributions
• At least one picture
Famous Explorers Presentation Planner

Slide Seven
Negative Impacts
• Negative impacts
• At least two

Slide eight
• Places named after
• At least three
Famous Explorers Presentation Planner

Slide nine
Interesting facts
• Interesting facts
about your explorer
• At least two

Slide ten
List of the sources you
used throughout this
Famous Explorers Presentation Planner

Tips for Success

• Make sure to use your planning to help you create your final

• Use colourful and engaging pictures, drawing and maps to engage

your audience.

• DO NOT add too many animations/ sound effects/ music

(especially if your using Canva) as this will distract people from the
information you are presenting.

• Use your time in class to practice presenting – remember, good

presenters make eye contact and do not continuously read from
their slides.

• Make sure your voice is loud and clear so that everyone can hear

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