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4.What are your hobbies?

In my free time, I like reading book. Because It helps me relieve from stress after a long day and also give
me new knowledge about the cultures and people from all over the world.

5.When do you usually do these hobbies?

I often read book every night after a long day at work. And specially, I really like reading book at the
coffee shop at the weekend.

6.What new hobbies would you like to try and why?

Actually, I’d like to spend more time to try new hobbies is football. Because when I play football, I know I
can improve my health, relieve from stress and make me look energy more.

11. Do you think it’s easier to work on a project by yourself or with a

group of people?

In my opinion, I think it’s easier to work on a project with a group of people. Because It has several

Firstly, employees can increase productivity when they work together. This is a good thing, because they
can help each other.

Secondly, employees can support together with a group of people. When you has difficulty at work,
everyone will help you to overcome difficulties.

Finally, employees can feel excited when they work together. They will feel happy when they work with
many people.

In conclusion, with these above reasons, I think companies should encourage work on a project with a
group of people.

4. Do you prefer a backpack or a shoulder bag?

To me, a shoulder bag is a best choice. Because It’s easy to carry and convenient whether I am
walking, standing, or sitting.
5. What are somethings you carry in your bag everyday?

My bag usually contains a lot of things i need everyday such as my wallet, sun glasses, a notebook and
pen, smart phone, and ear phone, credit cards n some cash.

6. What is the most important feature when buying a bag?

For me, the important things I care about when I buy a bag is size, material, quality, style, comfort,
zipper,... it depends on each person to make decision. But for me the most important thing is style.
Because It help me look like fashionista.

11. Some people think a good relationship between coworkers is good

for business.

In my opinion, I totally agree that a good relationship between coworkers is good for business. Because
it has several reasons.

Firstly, coworkers helps employees work well together and feel more connected.

Secondly, close relationship with coworkers makes employees have a good mood to work better.

Finally, the development of relationship between coworkers promotes the development of company.

In conclusion, with these above reasons, I think that a good relationship between coworkers is good for

4. What did you do last weekend? Any where did you do it?

Last weekend, I just spend time at home with my family watch TV and do housework. After that, I went
to the coffee shop to gossip with my friends.

5. And what about your plans for next week?

Sure, next week, I have a plans to go to the cinema with my friends. After that, we wanna go to a coffee
shop to drink somethings and then I’m comeback and do housework.
6. I don’t have anything planned, but I want to do something with my
family next weekend. What do you suggest I do with them?

I suppose that your family should go to the Ben Thanh market where you can buy something. After that,
you should go to a restaurant. And then try to get a movie or drink something at the coffee shop, maybe
you can hang out in the park. Have a good time for you.

11. Schools should require that students learn how to play a musical

In my opinion, I totally agree schools should require that students learn how to play a musical
instrument. Because it has several reasons.

Firstly, Play a musical instrument can help students relieve strees after a long day at school. They feel
happy and comfortable when they play musical instrument.

Secondly, music helps students develop math skills, quick thinking and creativity.

Finally, play a musical instrument can help students make new friends. They can sharing and learning
new something together.

In conclusion, with these above reasons, students should learn how to play a musical instrument at

4. How long do you use personal or work computer a day?

I just use personal computer about 3-4 hours a day when I have work need to do. Moreover, I usually
use smart phone to connect Internet.

5. What is the most important feature when you buy a computer?

For me, the most important feature when I buy a computer is my budget. Sometimes I really like this
digital computer but I can’t buy because I don’t have enough money. So reasonable price for a computer
is the most important thing.

6. What do you spend most of your time doing on the computer?

I usually use computer to study English or something new. Because computer help me to find a large
amount of knowledge. A computer is connected internet. Document is looked up easily.
11. One of your important work partners is coming from Switzerland to
visit your country for business. When he arrives, what tourist attractions
or tourist destinations would you recommend to him and his family?
If you’re planning to visit Vietnam with family. I have several recommend tourist destination for you and
your family.

Firstly,  If you like it warm, the only option is Ho Chi Minh City. Daytrips are possible to visit Ben Thanh
market where can buy something you need, or Duc Ba Church is a best popular church in Vietnam.

Secondly, Definitely Ha Noi Capital. It will give you and your family an interesting view to Vietnamese
culture. Specially, you must try street food and riding motorbike.

Finally, If you and your family wanna go to beach. I think Nha Trang beach is best choice. Because It is a
popular destination for international tourists.

In conclusion, I have many destination to recommend for you and your family. I hope you and your
family have enough time to experience VietNam.

4. In the past three months, how many times have you gone shopping for
clothes, and did you buy?
For me, I buy new clothes on average of every 2 weeks. I usually buy dress, skirt, t-shirt and bag, maybe
new shoes.

5. How do you decide which store to visit when you go clothes shopping?
It depends on what I want to buy. But sometimes I usually go shopping at the mall central. Because It
has many things I need.

6. Do you enjoy shopping for clothes? Why or Why not?

Yes, of course. I am a big fan of shopping. Because when you go shopping, you have to take a walk a lots
and it release energy. So It can helps you improve your health. And It also help me relaxing after a long
day work.

11. Some movies deal with serious topics. Other movies are designed to
amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you think is better for
people to watch?
In my opinion, I think movies are designed to amuse and entertain is better for people to watch.
Because I have several reason for this.
Firstly, amuse and entertain movies can help me release stress after a long day at school and work. I feel
happy and comfortable to watch entertain movies.

Secondly, amuse and entertain movies can make me laugh. Laugh is important for the soul and good for
your health.

Finally, amuse and entertain movies suitable for the whole family to watch movies together. It help my
family become better connected.

In conclution, for these above reason, I think movies are designed to amuse and entertain is better for
people to watch.

4. How often do you eat out in a typical week, and what kind of
restaurant do you go to?
Well, I usually eat out in every weekend. And Italian restaurant is best choice for me when I wanna eat

5. What are some advantages of eating out?

The biggest advantage of eating out is save time. Because I don’t need to take time to prepare my meal.
And maybe I go eating out with my family and it helps my family become better connect.

6. Think about a memorable meal. What did you like aboyt it and why?
The most memorable meal is my first mom birthday. It is not mean my mom was 1 old. It mean the first
time I was preparing for my mom birthday. I want to give her the surprise things. And I remember I
planned for this party before a month. So when the party took place, my mother was very surprised.
And I can see the happiest thing in her eyes.

11. Face-to-face communication is better than other types of

communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls.
In my opinion, I totally agree that face-to-face communication is better than other types of
communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls. Because I have several reason for this.

Firstly, using face to face communication, people can get responses immediately without
misunderstanding. It help they talking easily during conversation.

Secondly, using face to face communication can help people express their feeling, ideas much better.
Morover people can use eye contact, proper language in order to show their opinions.

Finally, using face to face communication can help you save money because you don’t need to pay
telephone bill, internet bill, post office bill,….
In conclusion, for these above reasons, face-to-face communication is a best choice for communication.

4. In what situations do you usually use a mobile phone?

I usually use a mobile phone when I wanna talk with some people who are not present right now. And
mabye surfing the Internet.

5. What are the advantages of having a mobile phone?

Mobile phone can help you communicate with friends, family, or other people in other country. Its so
small and convient. It can take a pictures to save memory. And maybe help you learn and search new

6. When is it not approprite to use a mobile phone and why?

First, When someone is talking to you. Its really impolite.

Second, While you are at a job interview or a meeting room. If you use your mobile phone at the job
interview, maybe you will lost the chance to get thẹ job.

11. Some people say that physical exercise should be a required part of
every school day. Other people believe that students should spend ….
(giống bài musical instrument)

4. In your free time, when and where do you typically read?

I usually read book at coffee shop at weekend. It help me relax after a week at work.

5. In your free time, what kinds of materials do you like to read?

I read all kind of things, as novels, newspaper, magazines, and english book. It help me improve my

6. What kinds of reading materials do you NOT enjoy reading and why?
I don’t like reading romantic book. Because it is not real. It make people live beautiful dream and so hard
to take them comback real life.
11. Advanced in technology have made the world a better place.
In my opinion, I totally agree that advanced in technology have made the world a better place. Because I
have several reason for this.

Firstly, we use computer and internet everywhere, everywhen. It help me can conncet many people all
over the world. Example media social is mail, facebook, instagram…

Secondly, with the development of technology, the machine is programmed and completely automated.
It make the life easier.

Finally, Advanced in technology help people save money, save time, and spend more time for family.

In conclusion, for these above reasons, I think that advanced in technology have made the world a
better place..

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