Assignment No 1

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Short Activity No. 1

Base from the given information (video) and from your own understanding, make a short
explanation (in NOT more than 10 sentences) that discusses the Earth’s climate system.
You are expected to participate and share your output through recitation during our
Google Meet. Make your output using MS Word (or other word processing programs)
and submit your file on Google Meet (entitled “Assignment No. 1) part.

Three primary feedbacks that affect the state of the climate system are water
vapor, ice albedo, and radiation. Evaporation and temperature rise when more
water vapor is released into the atmosphere, which in turn increases the amount
of evaporation. It's similar to the temperature, evaporation, and water vapor cycle
in that respect. Due to its low albedo (the amount of reflectivity it has), the ocean
surface will absorb more than it reflects in sunlight, resulting in a net loss of solar
radiation to the atmosphere. Surface albedo is reduced in the polar regions due
to a decrease in snow and ice coverage, which is further exacerbated by
increasing solar heating. Last but not least, climate change is affected by
radiation feedback. Changing surface temperatures and variations in the area
radiating into space, particularly in the upper troposphere, affect the greenhouse
effect's ability to cool the atmosphere at different altitudes.

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