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A issue in science or

By: Gabrielle Jade A Jarrette
Section:IT 1-1a-1
1.What’s the issue or problem depicted in the
• The picture obviously shows the
negative impact of technology to
us people by simply us being
more glued to our gadgets than
actually doing something more
productive or healthy,us being
addicted to only using our
phones than focusing on more
important errands.
2.How does this issue or problem affect the
well being of people?
• Health problems such as fever due
to Malnutrition,obesity because us
humans choose to do nothing that
lounge around all day while playing
on our gadgets,and most likely
heart attacks or seizures because
of how fat a person will get and
how much radiation from the
phone he/she could handle.
3.Importance in studying sts
•Its pretty obvious why we should do such
studying,we need to be more mindful about
the effects on such topics specially the side
effects that it does to us human beings that
may cause severe conscequences.

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