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Wiatiaale} READING AND USE OF ENGLISH Clothing and shopping vocabulary 1 casual - formal, clashing ~ matching, cool — unfashionable, Toose — tight, patterned — plain, simple — sophisticated, smart — untidy brightly, casually, Formally, plainly, simply, unfashionably, untidily (and possibly coolly) 5.1 outof stock — not available ina shop; in stock — available in shop 2a bargain—on sale for less than its rel value; poor value {for money ~ costs more than itis worth 3 exchange ~ take it back to the shop where you bought it and change it for something else; a refund - money given back to you because you are not happy with something you have bought 4. launched! ~ made available to customers for the first times sold out ~ no more left 10 buy. 5. imports ~buys products from other countries; exports ~ sends goods to other countries for sale 6 false ~ not real; genuine — real 7. budget ~ very cheap; uncompetitive ~ worse than other prices, services or salaries 8 consumers — people who buy goods or services for their ‘own use; dealers — people who trade in something 9 shopkeepers — people who own or manage a small shop: suppliers ~ companies that sell something 10 purchases — things people buy: sales ~ number of items sold 6 Suggested answers designers, models, stylists, hairdressers, make-up artists, buyers Part 6 T1f 26© 3a 4c Sd 6b 8 Blikethat CThis DThismeans E-That (it, its) F in that way |G Consequently, ti 9 Exam task answers 1D 2G 3E 4B 5A 6F 2 those Position of adverbs of manner and opinion 11it quickly takes off and sells really well they won't let us stock them, unfortunately Obviously, you need tobe really enthusiastic and motivated. think curefully about the target customer Mos of them, sadly alin thei first year. 121 donot speak English well 2 I very much like doing sports or I like doing sports very much, 3. Thad carefully read the store's catalogue. or I acl read the store's catalogue carefully. 4 thankfully they believed me or , thankfully, they believed me or they believed me, thankfully 5 get to know the city better 6 send an email very quickly to the seller or send an email to the seller very quickly or very quickly send an email to the seller 7. naturally [have or , naturally, [have or Thave a bieyele, naturally 8 [learned that I hadn’t passed the examination, unfortunately or [learned that unfortunately I hadn't passed the examination or [eared, unfortunately, that 1 hadn't passed the examination LISTENING Part3 1 Lmall 2uolley 3brand donoffer Soff Gecbeckout Tdebit Bdebt Ycatalogue 10 guarantee Recording seript | always try to get everything | need for the week down at the shops and supermarket at the big shopping mall (on the outskirts of town. At the supermarket, Ifill up my trolley with my favourite items of food, sometimes ‘choosing a different brand from the one | usually buy if it happens to be on offer, for instance ‘Buy 2 and get 1 free’ ‘0r'20% off. At the checkout | normally pay cash or by debit card rather than by credit card, as I don't want to get, into debt by spending more than I can afford. Sometimes I callin at one of the other shops to buy something for the house, though fora big item I usually look it up in the Catalogue first. | always check it has a good guarantee in case anything goes wrong after I've bought it 3 Suggested answer their experiences when shopping 4 A-more, than, intended B good value C someone else, angry Dake, forme E Internet, fisttime F wied, money back G advertisement, not, truthful Hi glad, alternative, paying Exam task answers IF 2B 3D 44 SH answer key §EG Recording script, You will hear five different people talking about shopping experiences. For questions 1-5, choose from the list (AH) what each speaker says. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use. Speaker 1 | was in the computer shop looking for a new printer when a fantastic-looking laptop caught my eye. It was a completely new model, and although it was no bargain | bought it there and then instead of the printer, paying by cheque. The day afer, though, | saw exactly the same ‘model on sale in the supermarket, but for 150 euros less! 'd hardly used mine, 50 shop and. asked for a refund, but the staff sald they couldn't do that. | thought of stopping the cheque but that would've made them angry, and in the end | decided to keep the laptop. It runs well and | wouldn't be without it now, though | wish | still had those 150 euros, too. Speaker 2 | alvays pick up a few things at the weekly street market, and last Wednesday I saw some interesting-looking items ona stall there and asked the seller how much they were. One in particular, a beautiful patterned vase, seemed very expensive and I didn't have enough cash on me, but the friend I was with lent me some, saying | could pay her back later. Delighted with my purchase, though wontied in case I'd paid too much, | took it home and looked carefully atit, To my surprise there was a signature on the base, {and when | looked it up I realised I had a genuine antique, worth far more than the man had charged me. | bet he'd be quite upset if he knew. Speaker 3 ''d been looking for a cabinet that would fit the shape of the bathroom wall, so when | saw one advertised at the furniture store I raced round and pad cash for it. But | wish I'd been more careful measuring the wall because ‘when | got home | found the cabinet was actually half a centimetre too wide. Furious with myself, | went back to the store and asked the salesman whether they had a slightiy smaller one in stock, but they didn't. I could've ‘got my money back but | knew that it was just the kind of cabinet | needed, so when he suggested having one made to fit exactly Lagreed straightaway, though it meant ‘handing over more money, MEE answer ev Speaker 4 I'd bought loads of stuff online before without any problems, so | wasn't pleased when | received an email saying that | stil owed a seller for three blouses. She was quite reasonable about it, but | knew I'd only ordered one. and ithadn't arrived yet anyway. | was just about to send her an angry reply saying she could keep the blouse and I'd keep my money, when there was a knock at the door The postman handed me a large package, and inside were the three most gorgeous blouses I'd ever seen. | tried fone on, and it fitted me as if I'd had it made to measure. {knew instantly thet L wouldn't be sending any of them. the seller rn Speaker 5 By the time | reached the checkout queue I'd spent over {an hour shopping and my trolley was full ofthe usual stuf. For once I hadn't seen any special offers but everything I'd picked up was essential, though | should've realised the total bill would be a bit higher this time, Because when at last I'd got to the counter and all my fish and fruit and veg and everything had gone through, my debit card was declined. itwas just as well had cash on me or else | ‘would've held up all the other customers waiting behind ‘me, and | know how annoying that can be. Just the other day | was saying how | wish people would check they have enough money before they go shopping. Grammar Review of wish and if only 11 (past perfect simple) 2 (vould) 3.a(present simple) all of them 2 L.wish you'd /you had been 2 could find or would find 3wish T/T had bought 4 wished I hadn't answered Sifonly Thad known 6 you would come 7 wish I could spend 8 wish I hadn't decided to wear 3 Example answers 2 wish 'd bought the shirt on Friday. If only Tadn’t waited until Monday. 3 wish [hadn't come here on a Saturday. I wish people ‘would stop pushing. 4 IFonly I didn't have to go to work tomorrow. I wish I could go tothe sales. 5 I wish she wouldn’t keep borrowing my things. 1 wish she ‘would ask me before borrowing my things. -w of causative have and get no 2have 3 past participle Lhave ... repaired or get... repaired 2 having ... wasted 3 "lMwill have ... cut or “Iwill get... cut 4 have ... cleaned forget... cleaned Shave... tested or get... tested 6 have so delivered or get ... delivered 6 Example answers hhave my hair styled differently every week, have an expensive suit made, have my room tidied, have some exotic dishes cooked, have my appointments booked SPEAKING Parts 3 and 4 1 wep Recording seript To bring the conversation towards a conclusion, you ‘can say Which do you think would be best? or So which shall we choose?, and to try to reach a decision you can use expressions such as Well, are we both in favour of this one? or Shall we go for those two, then? If you both decide on the same one or ones, say something like Right, we're agreed or OK, those are the ones we'll go for, but If you can't reach a decision, just say to your partner Let's just agree to disagree or Let's leave it at that. 2 six things 1 talk together about what might be good or bad about buying things in each of these shops 2. decide which two are the best to go shopping in READING AND USE OF ENGLISH Phrasal verbs with out 1 1 finished the supply of, none left 2 get rid of 3 have none left 4 see what it’s like S get 6 doesn’t come into the hhouse Tare found 8 be unavailable, no more to buy 2 L breathe out 2 rushed out 3cross (it) out 4 back out S shutout 6 worn out Part 4 3: I should've (gone) — wish I'd (wish + past perfect), gone for a ride on it tried out (phrasal verb with out): F/T had | tried 4 Lwish 2causative have 3 wish + phrasal verb 4 ifonly + phrasal verb 5 causative ger Grwish + causative have Exam task answers 1 wishes she hadn't /had not | spent 2 may have your luggage | searched 31 hadn’t /had not | stayed out A hadn't / had not | (been) sold out orrun out $T'Il get it sent 6 “dad / had had his tytes | checked WRITING Extreme adjectives 1 angry - furious, big — massive, bright - vivid, pleasant — delightful, silly — absurd, strange ~ bizarre, suitable ~ ideal, surprising ~ breathtaking 2 all ‘very good’ except disgraceful, dreadful, severe 3 A furious 2 vivid 3absurd, bizare 4 ideal S breathtaking, stunning, superb 6 dreadful 7 severe 8 stunning, fine Part 1 essay 41 You have been talking in your English class about the advantages and disadvantages of buying things on the Internet rather than getting them in the shops. 2. write an essay for your English teacher 3 which is cheaper, and e: 1 2 disagrees, Sth paragraph Note 1: 3td paragraph — young people may not have debit for credit cards, card details can be stolen Note 2: 2nd paragraph ~ goods may be late or not ative, buyer has to post faulty or unsuitable items back Note 3: 4th paragraph — going to the shops can be fun, you can try clothes on 3. a also, In conclusion 'b however, On the other hand, though, in contrast € Increasingly, Certainly, Worse still «d_ massive, enormous, tremendous having your purchases delivered, having your card details stolen 6 Model answer 1 don't agree that shopping online is better than going to the shops. It is certainly not easier for anyone without a computer or for those with limited computer skills, However, Ido feel that sometimes shopping online is the only real option. ‘When choosing clothes and books, I don’t always know exactly what I want to buy beforehand. ike to browse before making my choice. In clothes shops, you can try things on. And in bookshops, you can browse the shelves and clisplays, and choose something that appeals to you. I accept that shopping online is generally cheaper, but in my view the cexra expense I may incur is worthwhile, ‘So when is online shopping the only option? Here's an example, My father loves opera. However, the major music store in my city has recently closed down and the others only have a small selection of opera CDs. My father has had no choice but to buy his CDs online. {In conclusion, I would always choose fo go shopping if this ‘option is available to me.

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