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INTRODUCING POWERPOINT 2007 AND STARTING A PRESENTATION In this topic you will: be introduced to the PowerPoint screen learn

learn about PowerPoint views learn to navigate between slides learn to create a new presentation and a new blank slide learn to change a slide layout learn to add notes to a slide

The PowerPoint screen When you open PowerPoint in Normal view you will see a screen like the one below. If you are not in Normal view it will look different. See PowerPoint views below. Tabs

Command ribbon Slide panel Slides preview/ Outline view

Slide number

Notes pane

Zoom control

PowerPoint views Normal view The slide in the image above is in Normal view. It displays the slides individually and can be used to work on or view the presentation. The Normal view screen contains three panes: Outline pane displays an overview of the presentation. 1

Notes pane allows you to input any notes that you want to make about the slide, this will be helpful when you are delivering a presentation. Slide pane displays one slide at a time, you can use this view or Normal view to create or edit slides. Outline view

You can get into Outline view by clicking on the Outline tab at the top of the pane on the left-hand side of the screen, in this pane you can switch between Outline view and Slide view. Slide view This view shows your slides in miniature. In the Slide view pane you can use the miniature slides in the left panel to navigate around your presentation. You can get to a slide by just clicking on it in the Slide view pane.

You can get into Slide view by clicking on the tab at the top of the left hand pane. Use this to switch between Slide view and Outline view. Slide Sorter view

You can view all of your slides as miniature thumb nails in this view. Zoom in and out for more detail using the Zoom control at the bottom right hand corner of the screen (see Page 1). 3

Sort the slides into a different order by clicking on them and dragging them to where you want them to be. hem Add a new slide by placing the pointer between the slides where you want the new slide to appear and clicking on the New Slide button. Delete a slide by selecting it and clicking on the Delete button.

Slide Show view This view shows your slides on a full screen as they will appear when you set a slide show in motion. 1. First select the slide by clicking on it. 2. Click on the Slide Show button at the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

3. To view the next slide click the mouse button. 4. When you have got to the end of the slide show the screen will go hen black. Click the Escape key on your keyboard to return to the previous view. Switching views You can switch between the different views using the Slide Show buttons at the bottom right hand corner of the screen, or the View menu. d

Normal view

Slide Sorter view

Slide Show view

A more comprehensive list of views can be found by clicking on the View tab and exploring the buttons available to the left hand side of the command ribbon.

Moving between slides

Scroll bar

Scroll bar buttons

You can move between slides in presentations in two ways: Click on the scroll bar arrow buttons (use the top one to move to a previous slide and the bottom one to move to the next slide). Click on the slide that you want to get to in the Slide or Outline pane. Creating a new presentation When you open PowerPoint, unless you open an existing presentation you will find that a new presentation has been started for you and it will open with the title slide ready for you to use.


All slides have placeholders, these are where you type your text. Click in a placeholder and type in the text. To create a new slide click on the New Slide button on the command ribbon. Changing the slide layout On opening a new presentation a title slide will be presented by default if you do not want to include a title slide you can change the slide type 1. Click on the Layout button. 2. Select the layout type that you want from the drop-down menu.

Enter text into the slide. Whenever you hit the Enter key on your keyboard a new bullet point will be added. It is suggested that a maximum of seven lines of text should be included in any one slide. If you exceed that the text size automatically becomes smaller to accommodate it and the slide becomes crowded. Four lines is probably a good number. Creating a new blank slide When you have finished the slide you are working on you can create a new one. To create a new slide with the same layout as the current one click on the New Slide button and a new slide will automatically be added.

To create a new slide with a different layout to the current one, e.g. a two column slide, click on the tiny arrow on the New Slide button and select the layout that you want from the drop-down menu.

Adding notes to a slide You can add notes to a slide to help you to remember what you wanted to say about it when you give the presentation.

Notes pane

Click in the Notes pane at the bottom of the screen where it says Click to add notes and type in your notes. The pane will expand to accommodate them.

OTHER TOPICS IN POWERPOINT 2007 Printing slides in PowerPoint 2007 Formatting text in PowerPoint 2007 Aligning text and working with placeholders in PowerPoint 2007 Changing bullets and numbering in PowerPoint 2007 Line spacing in PowerPoint 2007 Using WordArt in PowerPoint 2007 Master Slides and Templates in PowerPoint 2007 Organising slides in PowerPoint 2007 Checking spelling in PowerPoint 2007 Adding shapes in PowerPoint 2007 Working with ClipArt in PowerPoint 2007 Adding charts to presentations in PowerPoint 2007 Using tables in slides in PowerPoint 2007 Inserting a background onto a slide in PowerPoint 2007 Creating a slide show in PowerPoint 2007 Adding hyperlinks in PowerPoint 2007

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