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Section 1
Title of the draft legislative act

on the approval and implementation of the National Plan of Measures for the protection
and inclusion of displaced persons from Ukraine, beneficiaries of temporary protection in
Romania, as well as for the modification and completion of some normative acts

Section 2
Reason for issuing the draft legislative act

2.1 Source of the draft normative act

Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/382 of 4 March 2022 establishing the existence of a
mass influx of displaced persons from Ukraine within the meaning of Article 5 of Directive
2001/55/EC and having the effect of introducing temporary protection.

2.2 Description of the current situation

Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022, launching the largest military offensive in Europe
since World War II. Moscow's incursion into the territory of its southwestern neighbour and
attempts to capture major cities - especially the capital, Kiev, have met stiff resistance, thwarting
President Vladimir Putin's plans for a quick conquest and installation of a puppet government 1 .
Nearly a month after Russia's military offensive, Ukraine is facing a worsening humanitarian
situation. On 21 March 2022, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
(OHCHR) documented 2,510 civilian casualties, including 953 deaths, while noting that the actual
figures are likely to be considerably higher. Moreover, since the outbreak of the conflict on 24
February 2022, more than ten million people - almost a quarter of Ukraine's population - have
been forcibly displaced, according to the UN secretary-general's spokesman Stéphane Dujarric.
This figure includes 6.5 million internally displaced people and 3.4 million - almost half of them
children - who have fled Ukraine to neighbouring countries2 .
Romania has established a clear decision-making and coordination structure to enable institutions
with various law enforcement and civil protection responsibilities at all levels of government to
plan, coordinate and interact effectively on the ground in response to this humanitarian crisis.

Source: ERPS, 2022.
Source: UN Security Council Report - from 23 March 2022.

A high-level decision-making Task-Force under the coordination of the Prime Minister was set
up at Government level from the first day of the conflict.
An operational Task-Force, called the "Ukraine Commission", headed by the Head of the Prime
Minister's Chancellery, has been set up to oversee the activities of ministries involved in managing
the flow of displaced persons from Ukraine in all areas of intervention.
A Strategic Coordination Group for Humanitarian Assistance, led by a State Counsellor, has been
established within the Prime Minister's Office to provide the strategic framework for humanitarian
response and to facilitate cooperation between agencies and partners at national, European and
international level.
Romania's response to this crisis is structured on two levels of intervention: the first response,
emergency assistance, and the second response, protection.
The first response, emergency assistance, is basically the emergency response and intervention
provided by Romania for newly arrived displaced persons from Ukraine. The Department for
Emergency Situations (DSU) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs led the operations in this phase,
consisting of the deployment of logistical and operational resources at the main border crossing
points on the way into the country, the provision of humanitarian transport, emergency shelter,
food, basic medical assistance, etc. The efforts undertaken by the Department for Emergency
Situations have been complemented by intensive legislative and administrative work at the level
of the various ministries within the Romanian Government, which have issued a significant
number of normative acts to meet the urgent needs of displaced persons from Ukraine. Local
authorities have also coordinated their efforts with government agencies, developing their own
operational plans based on local needs assessments. The public effort was strongly supported by
Romanian civil society, international non-governmental organisations, UN agencies and private
The second response, the protection response, is a mechanism developed to ensure medium and
long-term protection and inclusion measures for displaced persons from Ukraine who choose to
live in Romania. For the second phase of intervention, the Government has set up six working
groups to develop measures for inclusion and protection policy in the following areas: health,
education, employment, housing, vulnerable persons, children and youth. The working groups
have developed sectoral plans of measures in collaboration with experts from related ministries,
UN agencies and civil society representatives. The sectoral action plans have been integrated into
a National Action Plan, which is Romania's second protection response to this humanitarian crisis
of displaced persons from Ukraine, beneficiaries of temporary protection, which is the subject of
this Ordinance.
As of 17 May 2022, official data showed that more than 986,900 Ukrainian citizens have entered
the territory of Romania since the outbreak of the conflict and so far, of which 86,100 are still in
our country, 39,000 are children. During this period, more than 4,300 asylum applications and
23,500 applications for temporary protection have been registered, and the trend of accessing the


temporary protection status is increasing, given that the legal period of stay of displaced persons
from Ukraine on the basis of tourist passports is approaching expiry3 .
The measures contained in the Ordinance and in the Plan of Measures address the effects of the
displacement of Ukrainian persons on the territory of our country, which are likely to produce
immediate objective consequences, but also medium and long-term consequences on these
vulnerable categories. In this regard, it is urgently necessary to adopt exceptional measures in the
areas of health, education, employment, housing, vulnerable persons and children and young
people in order to facilitate their inclusion in the national social dynamic, bearing in mind that the
failure to adopt these measures, which are likely to create the necessary framework to facilitate
the inclusion of displaced persons from Ukraine, is likely to cause serious damage with long-term,
sometimes even irreparable, effects both on displaced persons from Ukraine and their families,
and on the national population. Thus, failure to take the necessary pro-active measures for the
integration of displaced persons from Ukraine, beneficiaries of temporary protection in Romania,
may generate a social crisis with an impact on public health, but also from the perspective of the
risks associated with the non-integration of displaced persons from Ukraine in the labour market
and education in Romania in the medium and long term. Moreover, in the absence of coherent
protection and inclusion measures, these persons may be exposed to various criminal risks in the
context of their need for decent livelihoods.
The Ordinance also provides for a set of cross-cutting measures aimed at addressing the need for
information, identification and facilitation of access to services for displaced persons from
Ukraine, beneficiaries of temporary protection in Romania, as well as a set of cross-cutting
measures aimed at developing mechanisms to prevent the risks associated with trafficking in
persons, given the context of vulnerability in which these persons find themselves and the fact
that approximately 70% of them are women and mothers with minor children.
Given the dynamics and forms of manifestation of the phenomenon of trafficking in human
beings, it is necessary to constantly adapt efforts to improve the ways of identifying victims of
trafficking in human beings and referring them to specialised services for assistance. In addition
to Romanian victims, in the current context of the war in Ukraine, concerted activities are needed
in all spheres of social life and a prompt response to all unforeseen aspects of the development of
trafficking in human beings.
Thus, at present, the National Mechanism for the Identification and Referral of Victims of
Trafficking in Human Beings is approved by joint order of the Minister of Administration and
Interior, the Minister of Education, Research, Youth and Sport, the Minister of Health, the
Minister of Labour, Family and Social Protection, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Prosecutor
General of the Prosecutor's Office of the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Minister of
Justice and aims at establishing the modalities for the identification of victims of trafficking in
human beings and the procedure for their referral to protection and assistance service providers.

Official data Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Thus, the issuance of the Joint Order approving the National Mechanism for the Identification and
Referral of Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings was a first step in the creation of a unitary
mechanism for the identification and referral of victims of trafficking in human beings.
In view of the Romanian Government's assumption of the coordination of the Monitoring
Committee for the implementation of the National Strategy against Trafficking in Human Beings
for the period 2018-2022 by Government Decision no. 104 of 19 January 2022 on the organization
and functioning of the Department for Community Social Responsibility and Vulnerable Groups,
as well as for the amendment of the National Strategy against Trafficking in Human Beings for
the period 2018-2022, approved by Government Decision no. 861/2018, the need to implement
the recommendations made by the US Department of State in the Report on Trafficking in Persons
- Tip Report 2021, as well as the practical need to ensure the adaptation of the working mechanism
to the dynamics and forms of manifestation of the phenomenon of trafficking in persons, including
in the context of the humanitarian crisis of displaced persons in Ukraine, it is necessary to adopt,
as a matter of urgency, the amendment of Law No. 678/2001 on preventing and combating
trafficking in persons, in order to approve the National Mechanism for the identification and
referral of victims of trafficking in persons by Government Decision.
The proposed amendment is necessary in order to adapt to the current context and improve the
National Mechanism for the Identification and Referral of Victims of Trafficking in Human
Beings, thus making it more effective and legally enforceable.
Consequently, the elements presented are of public interest and constitute an extraordinary
situation, the resolution of which cannot be postponed, requiring the adoption of immediate
measures, by means of an emergency ordinance, aimed at establishing the means and procedures
necessary to guarantee the personal, social and economic safety of the population, as well as the
legislative arrangement of additional social protection measures in the context of the humanitarian
crisis of displaced persons in Ukraine.
The plan of measures shall be implemented for the duration of the validity of the temporary
protection measure established by Council Decision (EU) 382/2022, with the possibility of its
extension in accordance with subsequent Council Decisions.
With regard to the extraordinary situation, the regulation of which cannot be postponed, it is held
that the external, objective situation, independent of the will of the Government, requires the
adoption of emergency measures under the conditions and in compliance with the provisions of
Article 115 para. (4) of the Constitution of Romania, republished.
Given that the war in Ukraine has generated a significant flow of displaced persons entering our
country in need of humanitarian assistance, the Government of Romania has established a
coherent decision-making and coordination structure to enable institutions with various law
enforcement and civil protection responsibilities to plan, coordinate and interact effectively in
response to the humanitarian crisis.


Considering that the effects of the displacement of Ukrainians on the territory of our country have
immediate, but also medium and long-term objective consequences on these vulnerable groups, it
is urgently necessary to adopt exceptional measures in the areas of health, education, employment,
housing, vulnerable persons and children and young people in order to facilitate their inclusion in
the national social dynamics.
Failure to take urgent, exceptional measures to create the necessary framework to facilitate the
inclusion of displaced persons from Ukraine in key social areas such as health, education,
employment, housing, vulnerable persons and children is likely to cause serious long-term and
sometimes irreparable harm to both displaced persons from Ukraine and their families and the
national population.
These elements concern a public interest and constitute an extraordinary situation, the regulation
of which cannot be postponed, requiring the adoption of immediate measures, by means of an
emergency ordinance, aimed at establishing the necessary means and procedures to guarantee the
personal, social and economic safety of the population, as well as the adoption of additional
legislative measures for social protection in the context of the humanitarian crisis of displaced
persons in Ukraine.
2.3 Expected changes
In order to ensure the optimal protection framework for displaced persons from Ukraine, the
National Plan of Measures for the protection and inclusion of displaced persons from Ukraine,
beneficiaries of temporary protection in Romania, is approved.
The support measures contained in the Plan of Measures aim to provide an integrated package of
protection measures in the areas of health, education, employment, housing, vulnerable people
and children and young people.
Intervention areas and measures of the Action Plan:
(1) Cross-cutting domain:
a) Facilitating access to official information for displaced persons from Ukraine, beneficiaries of
temporary protection in Romania on the rights, obligations and facilities available;
b) Prevention of risks of abuse and exploitation of displaced persons from Ukraine, beneficiaries
of temporary protection in Romania;
c) Identifying the needs and facilitating the access of displaced persons from Ukraine,
beneficiaries of temporary protection in Romania;
(2) Field of employment:
a) Facilitating access to the labour market for displaced persons from Ukraine, beneficiaries of
temporary protection in Romania;
b) Strengthening the administrative capacity of the public employment service to support the
labour market integration of displaced persons from Ukraine, beneficiaries of temporary
protection in Romania;


c) Targeted measures for the integration of displaced persons from Ukraine, beneficiaries of
temporary protection in Romania;
d) Increase the level of information of Ukrainian citizens on access to the labour market;
e) Increase the level of information and training of Romanian employers on how to employ
Ukrainian citizens;
f) Inventory of skills and qualifications of Ukrainian citizens;
(3) Housing domain:
a) Use of unallocated housing built by the National Housing Agency or through the Social and
Necessity Housing Programme;
b) Use of unallocated housing owned by local public authorities, accommodation owned by
central public authorities and available private rental units;
c) Rehabilitation and/or renovation of unused buildings in which the target group can be
d) The construction of housing of necessity by means of the Programme for the construction of
social housing according to Law no. 144/1996, carried out on the basis of the methodological
norms for the application of Law 114/1996, approved by GD no. 1275/2000, with subsequent
amendments and additions;
(4) Education:
a) Continuation of studies for Ukrainian children and students;
b) Providing the necessary human resources, Romanian and Ukrainian teachers;
c) Providing the material resources necessary for the teaching-learning-assessment process;
d) Improve dialogue within a strong policy framework to support learning for children and
students in Ukraine;
e) Digitization of educational management and information mechanisms for persons benefiting
from temporary protection in Romania;
(5) Health:
a) Inclusion in national public health programmes aimed at prevention, surveillance and control
of communicable diseases in situations of epidemiological risk of displaced persons from Ukraine,
beneficiaries of temporary protection in Romania;
b) Provision of medical services, medical supplies, medicines and medical devices under the
social health insurance system to displaced persons from Ukraine, beneficiaries of temporary
protection in Romania;
c) Integration of displaced persons from Ukraine, beneficiaries of temporary protection in
Romania into the health system;
d) Digitisation of mechanisms for managing health services and information for persons
benefiting from temporary protection in Romania;
(6) Children and youth domain:
a) Protect children in Ukraine from abuse, neglect, exploitation and all forms of violence;


b) The participation of Ukrainian children is integrated into the response measures;

c) Registering children in Ukraine in the national child protection system and ensuring access to
essential child protection services, including family monitoring and reunification services;
d) Providing personalised support for Ukrainian children with special needs;
e) Protecting the best interests of children in Ukraine through durable solutions;
f) Developing the skills of child protection professionals;
g) Expansion of activities in existing youth centres;
h) Development of the national network of Youth Centres, including mobile centres;
(7) Vulnerable persons domain:
a) Identification of the needs of vulnerable displaced persons from Ukraine, beneficiaries of a
form of protection in Romania, of the existing human and material resources at national level and
matching them with their needs;
b) Informing vulnerable displaced persons from Ukraine, beneficiaries of temporary protection in
Romania, about their social assistance rights, social services and social assistance benefits;
c) Informing local public authorities on working procedures to increase the capacity and urgency
of the response in managing the response and intervention with regard to vulnerable displaced
persons from Ukraine, beneficiaries of temporary protection in Romania;
d) Simplification and adaptation of legal acts to facilitate access to social services and social
assistance benefits;
e) Facilitating access to social services through the development of working tools and the
expansion of the capacity of existing services;
f) Developing the management capacity of public and private social service providers.
At the same time, it is proposed to regulate the situations in which the centres for adults with
disabilities are occupied at full capacity, the only solution identified to meet urgent needs being
the establishment of new social services dedicated to people with disabilities, accompanied or
unaccompanied, who come from the area of armed conflict in Ukraine and enter Romania, and
who benefit, on request, free of charge, from social services, according to Government Emergency
Ordinance no. 15/2022 on the granting of humanitarian support and assistance by the Romanian
State to foreign citizens or stateless persons in special situations, coming from the area of armed
conflict in Ukraine, as subsequently amended and supplemented.
In order to meet these situations, it is proposed to amend Government Emergency Ordinance No
15/2022 as amended and supplemented by adding two new articles, Articles 2 7 -28 which will
provide the legal framework for the establishment, by public social service providers, accredited
under the law, of social services of the type referred to in Art. 51 of the Law No. 448/2006
republished, as amended, for adults with disabilities from the area of armed conflict in Ukraine,
according to their needs, for a fixed period, but not more than 3 years.
Social services may be established, by decision of the county/local council of the Bucharest
municipality sector, on an emergency basis, under the conditions of Article 178 paragraph (2) of
the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 57/2019 on the Administrative Code, with subsequent
amendments and additions, by derogation from the provisions of Article 51 paragraph (8) of Law
no. 448/2006 republished, with subsequent amendments and additions.

At the same time, the legal framework is created for the provisional emergency licensing of these
established social services for a maximum period of three years.
These measures address emergency situations arising in the work of the General Directorates for
Social Assistance and Child Protection with regard to accompanied or unaccompanied adults with
disabilities who entered Romania from the area of armed conflict in Ukraine.

2.4 Other information

Section 3
Socio-economic impact

3.1 General description of the estimated benefits and costs following the entry into force of
the regulatory act
The effects of the displacement of Ukrainians on the territory of our country have immediate, but
also medium and long-term objective consequences on these vulnerable groups. The legislative
act aims to adopt exceptional measures in the areas of health, education, employment, housing,
vulnerable persons and children and young people in order to facilitate their inclusion in the
national social dynamic. This avoids serious and sometimes irreparable long-term damage to
displaced persons from Ukraine and their families, as well as to the national population.
3.2 Social impact
The normative act contributes to the creation of the necessary framework to ensure an integrated
package of protection measures in the field of health, education, employment, housing, vulnerable
persons and children and youth for displaced persons from Ukraine, beneficiaries of temporary
protection in Romania. It provides medium and long-term protection and inclusion measures for
beneficiaries of protection who choose to live in Romania.
In concrete terms, the normative act outlines the intervention measures that the Government will
take to ensure that persons from Ukraine who benefit from protection in Romania can actually
and effectively access the rights that Romanian citizens have.
Adapting teaching tools in schools, ensuring access to health programmes, offering intensive
Romanian language courses to access the labour market are just a few conclusive examples of
how this draft law regulates an exceptional situation with social impact, which requires immediate
3.3 Impact on fundamental human rights and freedoms
The legislative act aims, inter alia, to establish the necessary means and procedures to guarantee
personal, social and economic security, to provide for additional social protection measures and
thus to ensure respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms in the context of the
humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. The measures in the areas set out in the annex to the normative act
include informing displaced persons from Ukraine who are beneficiaries of temporary protection
in Romania of the rights, obligations and facilities available to them, preventing the risks of abuse
and exploitation of these persons, and facilitating non-discriminatory access to services. The
measures contained in the Action Plan have been designed in compliance with the principle of


non-discrimination and aim at the recognition, use or exercise, on equal terms, of fundamental
human rights and freedoms.
3.4 Macroeconomic impact
This normative act does not deal with this subject.
3.4.1 Impact on the economy and key macroeconomic indicators
This normative act does not deal with this subject.
3.4.2 Impact on the competitive environment and the field of State aid
This normative act does not deal with this subject.
Impact on the business environment
This normative act does not deal with this subject.
3.6 Environmental impact
This normative act does not deal with this subject.
3.7 Assessing costs and benefits from an innovation and digitisation perspective
The act contributes to the implementation of a technical solution for the centralised reception, on
a single number, and management, through a management application, of calls from citizens and
displaced persons from Ukraine for basic information in the fields of health, education,
employment, housing. The technical infrastructure of the single number for children 119 is used
for the field of children and young people.

3.8 Assessing costs and benefits from a sustainable development perspective

The normative act aims to support displaced persons from Ukraine, beneficiaries of temporary
protection in Romania and is in line with the new global framework aiming at eradicating poverty
and ensuring sustainable development assumed by the United Nations on 25 September 2015
through Agenda 2030. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals promote balance between the three
dimensions of sustainable development (economic, social and environmental) and a large part of
them are reflected in the measures and actions contained in the normative act and in the integrated
action plan for the second phase of the response to the humanitarian crisis of displaced persons in
Ukraine: SDG 1 Poverty Eradication (eradicate poverty in all its forms and in all contexts); SDG
3 Health and well-being (ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all citizens, regardless
of age. Increasing life expectancy, reducing child mortality and serious diseases such as
HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB, etc.); SDG 4 Quality education (ensuring quality education and
promoting lifelong learning opportunities); SDG 5 Gender equality (achieving gender equality
and empowering all women and girls); SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth; SDG 16 Peace,
justice and effective institutions (promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, access to justice and
building effective institutions); SDG 17 Partnerships for achieving the SDGs (strengthening the
means of implementation and revitalising the global partnership for sustainable development).
The humanitarian refugee crisis has generated an urgent need for extensive cooperation between
various institutional, private, non-governmental and international actors, the Government has
developed an inter-institutional communication and coordination mechanism based on the
principle of complementarity with the Government's efforts and response mechanism. The annex
to the normative act is the result of sectoral working groups coordinated by the Strategic
Coordination Group at the level of the Prime Minister's Chancellery, in which UN agencies were
involved in the process of establishing measures for medium and long-term inclusion and

protection policy in the areas of health, education, employment, housing, vulnerable persons,
children and youth, as well as cross-cutting measures.
3.9 Other information

Section 4
Financial impact on the general consolidated budget,
both short term, for the current year, and long term (5 years), including expenditure and

- in thousand lei (RON) -

Indicators Current The next Five-year average
year four years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4.1 Changes in budget revenue, plus/minus,
of which:
a) the state budget, from it:
i. corporate tax
ii. income tax
b) local budgets
i. corporate tax
c) the state social security budget:
i. insurance contributions
(d) other types of income (indicate their
4.2 Changes in budgetary expenditure,
plus/minus, of which:
a) the state budget, from it:
i. staff costs
ii. goods and services
b) local budgets:
i. staff costs
ii. goods and services
c) the state social security budget:
i. staff costs
ii. goods and services
(d) other types of expenditure (indicate their
4. 3 Financial impact, plus/minus, of which:
a) state budget
b) local budgets
4. 4 Proposals to cover the increase in
budgetary expenditure
4. 5 Proposals to compensate for the
reduction in budget revenue

4. 6 Detailed calculations on the basis of

which changes in budget revenue and/or
expenditure are justified
4.7 In the case of draft legislation whose adoption entails an increase in budgetary expenditure,
the following documents must be submitted:
a) the financial statement provided for in Article 15 of Law 500/2002 on public finances, as
amended and supplemented, accompanied by the assumptions and calculation methodology used;
(b) a statement that the increase in expenditure concerned is consistent with the strategic
objectives and priorities specified in the fiscal-budgetary strategy, the annual budget law and the
expenditure ceilings set out in the fiscal-budgetary strategy.
4.8 Other information 2,329,408 vulnerable people
88,335,500 Health
24,245,393 children and young people
148.799.000 education
662,520,000 housing
41,698,000 occupancy
Estimated total: 967.917.301 lei = 195.934.676 Euro
All this is done within the budgetary provisions
approved for this purpose in 2022.
Field of employment

Measures and activities UM Cant Justification

Facilitating access to the labour market for the

target group 15,545,000
Information, advice, mediation pers. 500 0
Job exchanges, including online, mini exchanges 10 scholarships*10.0
hips 100,000
14 students*500
Romanian language courses, including online,
course 20 lei/course*20
methodology, course support applied by profession 140,000

Vocational training courses, course support, 14

translators, including at the level of social/integration course 30 learners*4.000/co
enterprises that want to employ the target group urse*30 courses

500 pers.*2.250
Granting subsidies to employers for the integration of
pers. 500 lei/subsidy*12
Ukrainian citizens into the labour market 13,500,000
Mobility allowances pers. 10 premiums*12.50


Strengthening the administrative capacity of the

PES to support the labour market integration of 7,358,000
the target group

42 persons
Hiring of staff, including Ukrainian speakers, similar *8.000
pers. 42
to the facility offered by EO 20/2022 12,096,000 lei/month*18
100 pers.*1.000
Training own staff pers. 100 100,000
1 simultaneous
Technical and logistical support - IT (simultaneous application
translation application, 42 workstations) 1,210,000 1.000.000 lei 42
00 lei/station
Support for the integration of the target group 9,150,000

Mentoring (support networks) and/or guidance during

the socio-occupational integration process in the new 6 tutorials*500
pers. 500
workplace, including at the level of social/integration 150,000 people*50 lei
enterprises that want to employ the target group

15.000 * 400
lei/person (costs
include one 40-hou
module at basic
level + one 40-hou
module in
Romanian languag
Offering Romanian language courses at the specific to the
workplace - basic level adapted to the specific job and occupation,
pers. 15,000
occupation, including at the level of social/integration 6,000,000 learning materials
enterprises that want to employ the target group (manual and
notebook, printed
materials and video
(online or face-to-


5000 *
(costs include
delivery of
Courses for the target group on entrepreneurship in
course modules,
development of
: access to funds, business opportunities, intercultural
elements, legislation and administrative procedures, pers. 5,000
3,000,000 printed and video
business environment in Romania, development of
materials and resources in Ukrainian language (info-
packs, videos, information materials, digital tools)
webinars, etc.),
provision (online
or face-to-face).

Increasing awareness of Ukrainian citizens on

access to the labour market

Elaboration, printing and dissemination of

information materials, leaflets, brochures, leaflets on
9.500 leaflets*2
how Ukrainian citizens can access the labour market buc. 9,500
19,000 lei/leaflet
and the rights they enjoy as employees - in Romanian
and in Ukrainian

creation of a TV
spot and a radio
spot-120.000 lei
TV and radio
broadcasting (TV
spot broadcasting
Promoting the measures provided by ANOFM, 5
social/integration enterprises, NGOs, private partners, appearances/day*
spot 1
in the media, including advertising spots, but also in 2,820,000 2 TV stations*60
accommodation centres, local authorities days*2.500
lei=1.500.000 lei;
radio spot
broadcasting 5
radio stations*60
lei=1.200.000 lei

Measure 8: Increasing information and training of

Romanian employers on how to employ Ukrainian

Development, printing and dissemination of

brochures with relevant information on how to brochur 4.000 leaflets*2
employ Ukrainian citizens, including the procedure e 8,000 lei/leaflet
for filling in REVISAL - in Romanian language


2500 employer
(public and
private sector) at
national level
over the next 12
(costs include
Training and support sessions for employers
delivery of
interested in foreign workforce: legislation,
information and
administrative procedures, diversity management in sessions 42 750,000
training modules,
the workplace, integration and accompaniment in the
development of
workplace, intercultural elements.
printed and video
networking and
support etc.),
provision (online
or face-to-face).
Measure 9: Inventory of skills and qualifications of
Ukrainian citizens

Inventory of skills and qualifications of Ukrainian

citizens registered in the ANOFM database at pers 300 0
county/national level - correlation with VET

Centralization of the availability of labour force

represented by Ukrainian citizens (by sectors & skills) site 1 0
at national and county level

Total impact 35,643,000

Housing domain

Estimated quantitative
Measures and activities Estimated budget

Housing allocation Number of dwellings 1.500 lei / month / apartment x

allocated 169 ul = 253.500 lei / month

Allocation of housing units Number of displaced 9,971 accommodation places x
persons from Ukraine, 1,500 lei/month = 14,956,500
beneficiaries of lei/month

temporary protection in
accommodated in
housing units
Identification of buildings owned by central 1.000 ul x 60 sqm x 800 euro =
and local public authorities which may be 48.000.000 euro = 240.000.000
covered by the programme under point 12.1. lei

Ensure an adequate budget for the housing in Supplementary budget 1000 ul x 60 sqm x 800 euro=
need programme to replenish the stock (1,000 48.000.000 euro = 240.000.000
homes nationwide). lei
Total impact 662,520,000 lei

Estimated quantitative
Measures and activities Source of funding
Providing psycho-pedagogical European Funds / State Budget through 200 requests solved
assistance and counselling, with the the Ministry of Education Budget in case monthly
support of people who can facilitate they cannot be settled / Other sources
communication where needed. attracted
Estimated budget: 234,000 lei (6,500
Organisation of introductory courses European Funds / State Budget through Amended and
in Romanian for students and adults. the Ministry of Education Budget in case supplemented regulatory
they cannot be settled / Other sources framework
attracted 1,500 participants per
Estimated budget: month
108.000.000 lei (36.000.000 lei annually,
2.000 lei/course, 6 hours x 36 weeks)
Organise intensive courses for European Funds / State Budget through Amended and completed
learning the Romanian language, the Ministry of Education Budget in case regulatory
including summer schools. they cannot be settled / Other sources framework/Specific
attracted procedure developed
Estimated budget: 826,200 lei (2 Intensive courses/summer
courses/county per year, 8100 lei per 90- schools organised in at
hour course) least 17 counties (with the
highest number of
Food allowance and school supplies, European Funds / State Budget through 500 requests settled
clothing, shoes. the Ministry of Education Budget / LPA monthly
Budgets in case they cannot be settled /
Other sources attracted
Estimated budget: cost/student -
16,6 * 20 * 8,7 (food allowance) + 844
(accommodation)=2888,4 + 844 = 3732.4
500 * 3.732,4 = 1866200 lei monthly
Expansion of the offer of Ukrainian European Funds / State Budget through 50 study courses annually
mother tongue study and mother the Ministry of Education Budget in case
tongue tuition, depending on they cannot be settled / Other sources
demand. attracted
Estimated budget: 49.920 thousand lei


50 study formations result in 80 teachers

paid by the hour 10 months*3 years*65
lei gross/hour
The MoE allocates state-funded 24,667,500 lei for the financial year 2022; Places allocated annually
places for Ukrainian citizens wishing 98,670,000 lei
to continue their studies in state For the financial year 2023
higher education institutions in
Subsidies for the target group March 2022 monthly allocated
accommodated in higher education Estimated budget: 1.817.100 subsidies
institutions of 50 lei/day for lei
accommodation and 20 lei/day for
meals for a period of up to 90 days.
Organisation of Romanian language 6,200 lei/course/28 weeks x 1000 organised courses -
courses. estimated students Minimum 28 weeks
Equivalence of study periods for 100 lei/equivalent dose requests settled monthly
students X5,000 estimated students
Encouraging universities to organise 1500 lei/student x 1000 (estimated) Participants/month
counselling and assessment
activities, InfoPoint information, 1.500.000
induction programmes (Orientation
week), remedial activities, non-
formal activities and integration into
the university community and
Romania, including the
implementation of a buddy system
Accommodation in university 2.430 lei/student accommodated per beneficiaries determined
premises, given priority in the DSU academic year according to the
management system over other X5,000 estimated availability of universities
categories of members of the target 12.150.000
group, for places declared vacant by
Fixed-term employment of retired or European Funds / State Budget through 50 teachers employed per
associated teachers and students with the Ministry of Education Budget in case month during the period of
knowledge of Ukrainian language in they cannot be settled / Other sources the activities
PIUs where Ukrainian attracted
children/students are enrolled as Estimated budget: 11.700.000 lei (6500
auditors. lei/teacher/month)

Involving teachers/students who European Funds / State Budget through 50 teachers/students

know Ukrainian in educational the Ministry of Education Budget in case involved per month during
activities in the IPU, palaces and they cannot be settled / Other sources the activities
children's clubs. attracted
Estimated budget: 11.700.000 lei (6.500
Training of teachers to teach European funds / State budget through the 100 teachers trained
intensive preparatory Romanian Ministry of Education budget if they annually
language course for Ukrainian cannot be settled / Other sources attracted
children Estimated budget: 300.000 lei (1.000
Continuous training of teachers for European funds / State budget through the 50 teachers trained
socio-emotional support of Ministry of Education budget if they monthly
Ukrainian children/students and cannot be settled / Other sources attracted


communication with their parents to Estimated budget: 1.800.000 lei (1.000

facilitate integration. lei/learner)
Recognition by CNRED, European funds / State budget through the 50 requests solved per
ENIC/NARIC Centre of the IS Ministry of Education budget if they month
qualifications of persons from cannot be settled / Other sources attracted
Ukraine who have acquired a form Estimated budget: 180.000 lei (100
of protection and who can be lei/dose = 5.000 lei/month)
documented, including bachelor,
master, doctoral level qualifications,
which can lead to the exercise of the
teaching profession.
Working with local authorities to European Funds / State Budget through Approximately 20
provide, to the extent of available the Ministry of Education Budget / LPA premises identified
resources, space and logistical Budgets in case they cannot be settled / monthly
support to children who want to Other sources attracted
attend courses in the Ukrainian Estimated budget: Approximately 20
system or want to participate in other premises identified monthly
learning activities, based on the good For 50 students *150lei/month *3
practices already developed. years=270.000 lei for 1 location
accommodation + meals
Mapping of pre-school, pre-school European Funds / State Budget through Database developed
and school children, both registered the Ministry of Education Budget in case
and unregistered, to monitor the they cannot be settled / Other sources
situation of children attracted
Estimated budget: 100.000 lei
Total impact 148,799.200
Children and young people
Source of
Measures and activities quantitative Deadlines
Ukrainian and Russian translations of European funds / Safe internet use 2 months
the guide to safe internet use by State budget guide translated into
children, adapted to different age through MFTES Ukrainian and
levels. budget in case Russian
they cannot be
settled / Other
sources attracted
14,112 lei
Provide mobile IT terminals (phones European funds / 300 terminals 2 months
or tablets) needed to operate the State budget purchased
application provided for in activity through MFTES
3.4. budget in case
they cannot be
settled / Other
sources attracted
150.000 lei
Activity 3.6. Training of designated European funds / 150 people trained 3 months
representatives supporting the rights State budget
of unaccompanied children, foreign through MFTES
citizens or stateless persons, including budget in case
those seeking asylum or benefiting they cannot be
from international protection in settled / Other
Romania, under the terms of Law sources attracted
no.122/2006, as amended. 240,624 lei


Expanding the capacity of family- European funds / 200 childminders During the implementation
type services to take in State budget of the action plan, if
unaccompanied children from through MFTES necessary
Ukraine. budget in case
they cannot be
settled / Other
sources attracted
8.516.235 lei/
Expansion of the capacity of existing European funds / 500 Ukrainian During the implementation
day care services (day centres, State budget children of the action plan
rehabilitation centres, counselling through MFTES
centres) and, where appropriate, budget in case
establishment of new services in they cannot be
administrative territorial units where settled / Other
the demand for services exceeds the sources attracted
capacity of existing services. 10.695.000
Training child rights professionals European funds / 200 people trained 2 months
working with displaced children in State budget
Ukraine. through MFTES
budget in case
they cannot be
settled / Other
sources attracted
288,624 lei
Employ specialised staff in youth European funds / 50 people employed During the period of
centres to provide psychological State budget implementation of the
counselling, information and advice, through MFTES action plan
legal advice, vocational counselling, budget in case
career counselling, etc. to the target they cannot be
group settled / Other
sources attracted
2.798.174 lei/
Training of youth professionals European funds / 100 people trained During the period of
working with young people in the State budget implementation of the
target group through MFTES action plan
budget in case
they cannot be
settled / Other
sources attracted
192,624 lei
Expansion of the capacity of youth European funds / Youth centres with During the period of
centres in border counties and big State budget extended capacity in implementation of the
cities, by re-compartmentalisation, through MFTES border counties action plan
equipping to provide services to budget in case
young Ukrainians (painting, changing they cannot be
furniture, equipping with equipment, settled / Other
partitioning spaces according to the sources attracted
services offered). 600.000 lei


Organisation of summer camps for European funds / Organised camps During the period of
young people from the target group inState budget implementation of the
leisure centres and tourist bases. through MFTES action plan
budget in case
they cannot be
settled / Other
sources attracted
37.500 lei/year
Extend leisure facilities at leisure European funds / Leisure During the period of
centres/tourist bases by providing State budget centres/tourist bases implementation of the
additional facilities. through MFTES with additional action plan
budget in case facilities
they cannot be
settled / Other
sources attracted
37.500 lei/year
Establishment of youth centres, European funds / Youth centres set up During the period of
including mobile centres, especially State budget in all counties implementation of the
in counties where they do not exist. through MFTES action plan
budget in case
they cannot be
settled / Other
sources attracted
675,000 lei
Total impact 24.245.393

Measures and activities Source of funding Estimated quantitative indicators

Conducting epidemiological screening in European funds / Daily numerical report by DSP to INSP,
camps with displaced persons in Ukraine for State budget via MS centralization and sending to MS (number of
acute communicable diseases budget in case they sick persons identified/day in camps with
cannot be settled / displaced persons from Ukraine)
Other sources
18.000.000 lei
Screening for communicable diseases linked European funds / Nominal report according to Ord. MS
to the influx of people from Ukraine State budget via MS 883/2007
through the syndromic surveillance system budget in case they (name/number of sick persons
set up both in camps with displaced people cannot be settled / identified/day)
from Ukraine and in the whole population. Other sources
3.000.000 lei
Vaccination/recovery of Ukrainian children European funds / Weekly numerical reporting of vaccinations
is carried out according to the Romanian State budget via MS of Ukrainian children by DSP to INSP, their
National Vaccination Programme budget in case they centralization and sending to MS
cannot be settled /
Other sources
900.000 lei
Vaccination records will be kept in the European funds / RENV report on vaccination status (number
National Electronic Vaccination Register State budget via MS of vaccinated persons by type of vaccine in
(RENV) or in separate records, with the budget in case they the NSP)
cannot be settled /


issue of documents proving that Other sources

vaccinations have been carried out. attracted
30.000 lei
Vaccination of Ukrainian children and European funds / Number of people vaccinated by type of
adults with optional vaccines (influenza, State budget via MS optional vaccine
SARS-CoV-2, others). budget in case they
cannot be settled /
Other sources
900.000 lei
Strengthening environmental surveillance in European funds / Number of samples tested (290 samples in
the context of the risk of importation of State budget via MS 2022)
diseases that are no longer notified in budget in case they
Romania (surveillance for poliovirus in cannot be settled /
sewage). Other sources
5.350.000 lei
Health information and education among European funds / Number of printed information materials
displaced persons from Ukraine, State budget via MS (10,000)
beneficiaries of temporary protection in budget in case they Number of information materials
Romania, including actions to increase cannot be settled / disseminated (10,000)
acceptance of vaccination. Other sources Number of information education actions
attracted (500)
75.000 lei
Information and education for healthy European funds / Number of printed information materials
behaviours: breastfeeding, child nutrition State budget via MS (3,000)
among the target group. budget in case they Number of information materials
cannot be settled / disseminated (3,000)
Other sources
18.000 lei
Intensify information and education European funds / Number of printed information materials
activities also among the local population, State budget via MS (1,000)
especially in border counties, in order to budget in case they Number of information materials
increase acceptance of vaccination. cannot be settled / disseminated (1,000)
Other sources Number of information education actions
attracted (50)
7.500 lei
Intensify information to the target group on European funds / Number of brochures/flyers printed (10,000)
available health services: State budget via MS Number of brochures/flyers disseminated
1. Production and distribution of brochures budget in case they (10,000)
and leaflets with information on health cannot be settled / Number of books printed (10,000)
services (list of health services (emergency, Other sources Number of booklets disseminated (10,000)
primary health care packages and vaccine attracted
preventable diseases) beyond border 120.000 lei
crossing points and in border counties
2. Production and distribution of a
multilingual health booklet with personal
history to be used in Romania, but also in
other countries, either digital/paper or both.
Identify barriers and obstacles to accessing European funds / -
available health services, including State budget via MS
vaccination, among the target group; budget in case they
identify early unmet health needs among the cannot be settled /
target group, including LGBTIQ people. Other sources

300.000 lei
In-patient screening for multidrug resistant 30.000 lei Number of patients tested (1,000)
germ (MDRO) carriage of patients
transferred from Ukraine.
Standardized website (also visible on every 215,000 lei Number of reports
DSP website) with health services
(vaccination, waves etc.) and medical
services available (from MF clinics to
hospitals) to maternity and TB dispensaries,
Simple infographics/patient profiles by 300.000 lei Printed
category (preventive, chronic, infectious, Online
etc.) (Video)
Securing the necessary funds to cover the European funds / Rectification of the State Budget Law or
costs of medical services. State budget through Reserve Fund at the disposal of the
MS budget / UNFASS Government
in case they cannot be
settled / Other sources

Of the approximately
600,000 people who
entered Romania as a
result of the armed
conflict in Ukraine,
2438 accessed
medical services,
medical devices and
medicines provided
under the social health
insurance system.
Accordingly, the
granting of these
entitlements was
carried out within the
UNFASS budget
approved for the year
2022 by the State
Budget Law no.

Estimate for 3 years

of implementation of
the action plan

Patient pathway for acute and chronic European funds / Platform (website) with useful
conditions (dedicated website in Ukrainian State budget via MS functionalities (search/filtering, distribution)
language with healthcare providers, budget in case they with info guides, contact details for medical
especially for the treatment of chronic cannot be settled / services, additional materials
pathologies/navigator network - correlation Other sources
with FEP. attracted
500.000 lei


Removing communication barriers in the 3.000.000 lei Support materials for information,
doctor-patient relationship - increasing the education, prevention, training (print, online,
capacity of health professionals to video).
communicate interpersonally with patients,
including non-discriminatory practices.
Providing emergency medical services State budget Number of beneficiaries

Screening for mental disorders in the target State budget Number of beneficiaries
group NGO
500.000 lei
Prevention of chronic acute stress disorders, European funds / Number of beneficiaries
focus on depression (special attention to State budget via MS
vulnerable people children, young people, budget in case they
people with premorbidities, LGBTIQ+ cannot be settled /
people). Other sources
500.000 lei
Psycho-emotional, psycho-social support - European funds / Number of beneficiaries
crisis management and stabilisation, State budget via MS
including for LGBTIQ+ people budget in case they
cannot be settled /
Other sources
500.000 lei
Hiring Ukrainian health mediators for the European funds / Number of mediators employed
duration of the conflict to liaise between State budget via MS
displaced persons from Ukraine who are budget in case they
beneficiaries of temporary protection in cannot be settled /
Romania and the authorities so that the Other sources
measures introduced meet their real needs. attracted
3.000.000 lei
Identification in counties (priority border 3.000.000 lei Number of medical staff employed
with Ukraine and centres for displaced
persons) of medical staff (doctors, nurses)
and psychologists among displaced persons
from Ukraine, beneficiaries of temporary
protection in Romania. They can be hired in
the first stage, not as medical staff, but as
medical navigators, support staff for
communication (a) doctor-patient/displaced
person from Ukraine; (b) communication of
information to the families of interned
displaced persons from Ukraine when they
request information in hospitals, at the DSP,
at the single dispatch for medical assistance.
ICAR - Migrant Health Resource and Service 1.000.000 lei Number of beneficiaries
Centre (created through EEA grants, contract
RO2013_C4_021): Reactivation of the
centre, intersectoral collaboration, medical-
psycho-social intervention, facilitating access
to prevention and treatment programmes.
Training of interpreters/cultural mediators in European funds / Training course
the medical/psychological field. State budget via MS Number of participants
budget in case they

cannot be settled /
Other sources
500.000 lei
Training for family doctors "The European funds / Training course
particularities of working with interpreters in State budget via MS Number of participants
providing health care for migrants" with budget in case they
CME credits awarded. cannot be settled /
Other sources
500.000 lei
Training for psychologists "The European funds / Training course
particularities of working with interpreters State budget via MS Number of participants
in providing health care for migrants" with budget in case they
CP credits. cannot be settled /
Other sources
500.000 lei
Developing the skills of frontline workers European funds / Training course
(border police, NGOs, local authorities and State budget via MS Number of participants
medical navigators) in receiving and budget in case they Support materials for information,
managing trauma situations among the cannot be settled / education, prevention, training (print, online,
target group (trauma-informed approach). Other sources video).
500.000 lei
Digital platform for information and European funds / Digital data visualisation platform
visualisation of relevant health data to State budget via MS
integrate the target group. budget in case they
Depending on the data collected, the type of cannot be settled /
visualisation/display and other Other sources
functionalities (search, filtering, download, attracted
distribution, etc.) will be determined. Development496
.000 lei
Maintenance (3 years)
495,000 lei

Unified information/communication platform European funds / Unified information/communication

(website) with information guides, State budget via MS platform (website)
national/local campaigns, contact details and budget in case they
location of health services, other additional cannot be settled /
materials. Other sources
Easy to use, accessible, understandable, attracted
adaptable to any display device (mobile Development250
phone, TV, tablet), with useful functionalities .000 lei
(search/filtering, distribution, etc.). Maintenance (3 years)
495,000 lei
Create, validate and update diagrams/logic European funds / Diagrams - mapping workflows and
diagrams of workflows and State budget via MS processes (identifying needs, obstacles,
work/operational processes. budget in case they determining target group, responsible
Provides a clear overview and a cannot be settled / entities)
structured/organised system that can be Other sources
derived on the needs of the target group and attracted
those providing aid, but also on the

interaction between entities (institutions - 250.000 lei

local NGOs - international organisations).

Professional creation (visual 720,000 lei Support materials for information,

communication) of information materials in education, prevention, training (print, online,
different formats (print, video, online) for video)
specific target groups, with an appropriately
tailored message.
Total impact 88.335.500
Vulnerable persons domain
Measures and activities quantitative Estimated budget
Developing the management capacity of
public and private social service providers

Financing management and logistical Number of specialists 1 person x 11 (5 counties + 6
activities of public and private social employed in Suceava, sectors) x 6,172 LEI/month (gross
service providers for the management of Bihor, Maramureș, Iași, salary) X minimum 12 months =
activities and material, human and financial Galați, 6 sectors in 814,704 lei
resources for the target group, including for Bucharest
the development of specific procedures, for
evaluation, monitoring and reporting, for
ensuring mobility, etc.
Facilitating access to social services

Training of specialized human resources 10 training cycles Total 10 training cycles with
(social worker or other specialized staff) in unforeseen expenses for 2,000
public and private social service providers people = (12,900 EUR + 1,100
providing services to target group EUR) x 10 = 14,000 EUR x 10 =
beneficiaries 700,000 lei

Expansion of the capacity of existing 500 disabled and 500x25.439=12.719.500/an

day care services for the elderly and dependent elderly
people with disabilities (day care centres people
for the elderly, day care centres for originating in Ukraine
people with disabilities) and, where
appropriate, establishment of new
services in territorial administrative
units where the demand for services
exceeds the capacity of existing
Financing of specific activities of
general interest, of a permanent nature,
of the NGOs referred to in Article 98 of
Law 448/2006 for the management of
activities, material and human resources
for the target group, including for the

development of specific procedures, for

evaluation, monitoring, reporting, for
ensuring mobility, communication, etc.
Total impact:

Measures and activities quantitative Estimated budget
STS Activities: Current year The next four Average
years on
5 years
Operationalisation of a single 778.600 346.600 x 4 433.000
number for basic information
in the field of health,
education, employment,
housing, vulnerable persons
and children, for displaced
persons from Ukraine,
beneficiaries of temporary
protection in Romania
Total impact: 1,211,600 lei

Section 5
Effects of the draft legislation on existing legislation

5.1 Regulatory measures necessary for the implementation of the provisions of the draft
normative act:
- Law No 678/2001 on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings, published in the
Official Journal of Romania, Part I, No 783 of 11 December 2001, is hereby amended and
- Government Emergency Ordinance No 15/2022 on the granting of humanitarian support and
assistance by the Romanian State to foreign citizens or stateless persons in special situations from
the area of armed conflict in Ukraine is amended and supplemented.
5.2 Impact on public procurement legislation

5.3 Conformity of the draft legislation with EU law (in the case of drafts transposing or
implementing EU law):

5.3.1 Regulatory measures needed to transpose EU directives

5.3.2 Regulatory measures needed to implement EU legislation

5.4 Judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union


5.5 Other legislation and/or international documents containing commitments

Other information

Section 6
Consultations carried out for the preparation of the draft legislative act

6.1 Information on the non-application of the participation procedure in the drafting of

The provisions of Article 7 para. (13) of Law No. 52/2003 on transparency in decision-making in
public administration, as amended.
- emergency procedure
6.2. Information on the consultation process with non-governmental organisations, research
institutes and other bodies involved
Non-governmental organisations participated in the working sessions of the groups set up at
ministry level on the basis of an open call for civil society delegates.
6.3 Information on consultations with local government authorities
Local authorities' associative structures were consulted and feedback was collected from the
relevant institutions.
6.4 Information on views/opinions issued by statutory advisory bodies
6.5 Information on endorsement by:
a) Legislative Council
b) Supreme Council of National Defence
c) Economic and Social Council
d) Competition Council
e) Court of Auditors
This draft legislative act has been approved by the Economic and Social Council by Opinion
no.3948/28.06.2022 and by the Legislative Council by Opinion no. 751/28.06.2022.
6.6 Other information
The mechanism for developing the Action Plan involved inter-institutional consultations in the
context of six working groups organised at the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, the
Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity, the Ministry of Development, Public Works and
Administration and the Ministry of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities with representatives
of non-governmental and intergovernmental organisations, experts from ministries and
international organisations.
The process is coordinated by the State Counsellor responsible for strategic coordination of
humanitarian assistance in the Prime Minister's Office.

Section 7
Public information activities on the development
and implementation of the draft normative act

7.1 Informing civil society on the drafting of the normative act


7.2. Informing civil society about the possible environmental impacts of the implementation
of the draft legislation and the effects on the health and safety of citizens or on biological

Other information

Section 8
Measures for the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the draft legislation

8.1 Implementing measures of the regulatory act

8. 2 Other information

In view of the above, the present Government Emergency Ordinance on the approval and
implementation of the National Plan of Measures for the protection and inclusion of displaced
persons from Ukraine, beneficiaries of temporary protection in Romania, as well as for the


modification and completion of some normative acts, has been promoted and we submit it to the
Government for adoption.

Head of the Prime Minister's Chancellery Secretary General of the Government


Minister for the Interior Minister for Family, Youth and Equal

Minister for Development, Public Works

and Administration Minister for Labour and Social Solidarity


Minister of Education Minister of Health


President of the National Health Insurance House



Deputy Prime Minister


Director of the Special Telecommunications Service


Minister of Finance Minister for Investment and European


Minister of National Defence Minister of Justice



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