Chapter Four Naomi

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3.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses the research design that was applied in carrying out the study. The
chapter further discusses the data collection instruments that were used and the process of
data analysis
3.2 Research Design
Block, P. (1987) defined research design is concerned with turning a research question into a
testing project. In this study, the researcher used a case study research design. The best design
depends on the research questions. The research design has been considered a blueprint for
research, because it outlines; what questions to study, what data are relevant, what data to
collect, and how to analyze the results. It enhances collecting and utilizing data so that
desired information can be obtained with adequate precision to enable the proper testing of
the hypothesis.
3.3 Target Population
A population is a set of individual cases, people or objects which bear common observable
characteristics. Target population refers to a set of entities concerning which statistical
inferences are to be drawn Block, P. (1987). On the other hand, target population refers to the
entire group of individuals or objects to which researchers are interested in generalizing the
conclusions. This study’s target population is comprised of 1520 employees at Machakos
County government. This information is indicated in the table below;
Table 3.1 Target Population
Respondents category Target
Managers 20
Staff members 500
Employees 1000
Total 1520
Source: Machakos County Government (2020)
Census technique was used for the study. For the remaining portion of the population, the
researcher used census implying that all the 1520 employees who was included in the study.
This implies that accessible sample in the population was made up of 1520 respondents.
3.4 Sample Technique
Sample size is a representation of the whole population that seeks to present the qualities of
the whole population. The sample size in this case was made up of 52 respondents. The study
used census sampling to select the sample population since this method is not selective. The
study sample population was 10% thus constituting 1520 respondents who formed the sample
size. According to Block, P. (1987), census sampling is suitable where the population from
which the sample is drawn is heterogeneous.
Table 3.2 Sample Size
Respondents category Sample size

Managers 2

Staff members 10

Employees 40

Total 52

Source: Researcher (2020)

The researcher used both primary and secondary data sources. Primary data was mainly
collected using closed-ended questions in questionnaires which were distributed to
respondents to get their view concerning the study objectives. Secondary data on the other
hand was obtained from published materials, both physical and electronic, related to the study
The researcher acquired a letter from Kenya institute of Management to conduct the research
after which the letter was used to submit the questionnaires to respondents at Machakos
County government Branch. The researcher then collected them immediately after the
exercise to ensure efficiency in collection of the data.
3.5 Validity and Reliability of research instruments
Validity is extent to which differences found with a measuring instrument reflect true
differences among those being tested. The researcher let the supervisor go through the
questionnaires with an aim to ascertain their validity. According to Block, P. (1987), the
reliability of an instrument is measure of the degree to which the said research instrument
yields consistent results or data after repeated trials. The reliability of data collection
instruments was determined from a pilot study where the researcher administered the research
instruments to respondents from another organization in the town.
3.6 Data Analysis
The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics include the
numbers, tables, charts, and graphs used to describe, organize, summarize, and present raw
data. Descriptive statistics provides simple summaries about the sample and about the
observations that have been made. The researcher used frequency tables, and percentage in
analyzing and presentation of data.
4.1 Introduction
Data from the field was coded and edited for completeness. It was then analyzed inform of
percentages and presented inform of frequency distribution tables. Data analysis was done by
use of descriptive statistics where frequency distribution and percentages were calculated and
displayed in tabular form.
4.2 Response Rate
60 were distributed to the respondents and of all the questionnaires, 52 were responded to.
This shows that a large percentage of the respondents were very willing to avail information
towards this study and therefore responded positively by completing the questionnaires given
to them.
4.3 Demographic Information
The researcher saw it worthwhile to find out the demographic information of the respondents
as this would enable the researcher to understand the respondents involved in the study. In the
process of finding out the demographic information of the respondents, the researcher sought
out the gender, age as well as the highest academic achievements of the respondents. The
findings were as follows;
4.3.1 Gender of the Respondents
For this study to be complete, it was important for the researcher to find out the gender of the
respondents involved in the study since gender determines the level of understanding of
individuals as well as the level of conceptualization. Generally, being male or female can in a
great way affect the responses an individual gives when asked given questions. Gender was
also sought to enable the knowledge of who took part in the study and generally deduce the
gender distribution of the people working in the organization. This would enable the
researcher know whether gender equality is held with high esteem there.
Table 4.1: Gender of the respondents

Gender of respondents Frequency Percentage

Male 28 53.8
Female 24 46.2
Total 52 100
Source: Researcher (2020)
From the study findings, the males at who participated in the study represented 53.8% of all
the respondents included in the study, while women were 46.2% of all the respondents.
Basing on these findings, it is evident that males outnumber females at the Machakos County
government as is signified by the high number of males who were included in the study.
Also, the fact that both males and females were represented in almost the same proportion
shows that organization takes into consideration both genders and equal chances of
employment are availed to both genders.
4.2.2 Age of respondents
The researcher was keen to determine the age of the respondents included in the study at
Machakos County government. Young employees are in a much better position of
understanding and interpreting issues as they arise in the organization since they tend to be
energetic while their elderly counterparts tend to act at a much slower rate though they tend
to have more work experience hence it is very rare for them to make mistakes in their
decisions. Although the young are still resilient, the elderly employees tend to work more
diligently compared to the young and are therefore in a much better position of achieving
results. Findings on age of respondents are presented on table 4.2;
Table 4.2: Age of respondents
Age of respondents Frequency Percentage

18-30years 10 19.2

31-40 years 23 44.2

41-50 years 11 21.2

51 years and above 8 15.4

Total 52 100

Source: Researcher (2020)

On the findings on gender, the researcher found out that a majority of the respondents who
took part in the study are aged between 31 and 40 years and this was represented by 23
(44.2%) of the respondents. 11 (21.2%) were 41-50 years, 10 (19.2%) were 18-30 years and 8
(15.4%) were 51 years and above. These findings show that a very large proportion of the
respondents and hence the staff at Machakos County government are below 40 years. This is
an indication that a large majority of the employees are in their very active ages. These
findings are also an indication that employees in the organiztaion are of all ages being that
both the young and the old are represented. From these findings also, it can be said that study
involved people from across the age devide and there are very few chances of bias in the
4.2.3 Highest academic achievement of the respondents
The level of education is very essential in indicating the level of professionalism in an
individual as well as the ability of an individual to understand and interpret concepts. This
information was sought to give the researcher an insight into the level of education of the
respondents included in the study and as a result enable the researcher to understand the level
of professionalism of the respondents and as a result gauge the findings resulting from the
Table 4.3: Highest level of education
Highest level of education Frequency Percentage

Certificate 12 23.1

Diploma 13 25.0

Degree 27 51.9

Total 52 100

Source: Researcher (2020)

From the findings, most of the respondents, 27 (51.9%) had gone up to the degree level in
their education. 13 (25%) were diploma holders while the least, 12 (23.1%) had gone up to
the certificate level. These findings are an indication that a very large proportion of the
respondents who took part in the study and hence the employees are qualified professionals
with the relevant qualifications in their respective fields. This is indicated by the large
proportion of the respondents who answered to having diplomas and degrees. These findings
also indicate that respondents are well able to tackle the research questions in the
questionnaires with ease since they are well versed with whatever is being asked in the
questionnaires and hence their responses can be held as relevant to the study. These findings
are relayed on table 4.3;
4.3 Specific Information
4.3.1 Influence of community participation on the implementation of water projects at
Machakos County government
The researcher sought to ascertain the influence of community participation on the
implementation of water projects at Machakos County government. The findings of this study
are presented on table 4.4;
Table 4.4 Influence of community participation on the implementation of water projects
at Machakos County government
Strongly Agree (S.A) Agree (A) Undecided (UD) Disagree (D) Strongly Disagree (S.D)
S .A A UD D S. D Total

Wages charged for labor

provided by the community
in the implementation of
water projects under
devolution do influence the 21 10 3 7 11 52
implementation of these (40.4%) (19.2%) (5.8%) (13.5%) (21.2%) (100%)

The failure to access raw

materials by devolved
governments from the
beneficiary community does
not influence the 15 19 7 6 5 52
implementation of water (28.8%) (36.5%) (13.5%) (11.5%) (9.6%) (100%)

The involvement of the

community in water projects
implementation by the
county government makes
31 15 2 1 3 52
these projects sustainable.
(59.6%) (28.8%) (3.8%) (1.9%) (5.8%) (100%)

Source: Researcher (2020)

Table 4.4 relays the findings on the influence of community participation on the
implementation of water projects at Machakos County government. From the table, it can be
ascertained that Wages charged for labor provided by the community in the implementation
of water projects under devolution do influence the implementation of these projects as is
shown by 21 (40.4%) of the respondents who strongly agreed and 10 (19.2%) who agreed. on
the same note, 3 (5.8%) were undecided, 7 (13.5%) disagreed and 11 (21.2%) strongly
disagreed with the statement. The study also revealed that failure to access raw materials by
devolved governments from the beneficiary community does not influence the
implementation of water projects. This is shown by 15 (28.8%) of the respondents who
strongly agreed and 19 (36.5%) agreed, 7 (13.5%) were undecided, 6 (11.5%) disagreed and
5 (9.6%) strongly disagreed indicating that statement is true. There is involvement of the
community in water projects implementation by the county government makes these projects
sustainable of Machakos County Government. This is shown by 31 (59.6%) of the
respondents who strongly agreed with the statement. On the same note, 15 (28.8%) of the
respondents agreed, 2 (3.8%) were undecided, 1 (1.9%) disagreed and 3 (5.8%) strongly
4.3.2 Influence of financial resources factors on the implementation of water projects at
Machakos County government
As part of the research study, it was important to find out the influence of financial resources
factors on the implementation of water projects at Machakos County government. The
findings are as presented on table 4.5;

Table 4.5: Influence of financial resources factors on the implementation of water

projects at Machakos County government
Strongly Agree (S.A) Agree (A) Undecided (UD) Disagree (D) Strongly Disagree (S.D)
S .A A UD D S. D Total

The rate of flow of water projects‟

funds under devolution does not
30 8 5 6 3 52
influence the implementation of these
(57.7%) (15.4%) (9.6%) (11.5%) (5.8%) (100%)
Disbursement procedural delays of
projects‟ funds allocated for the
implementation of water projects do
16 13 1 11 11 52
influence the implementation of water
(30.8%) (25%) (1.9%) (21.2%) (21.2%) (100%)

The sufficient allocation of funds for

the implementation of water projects
does not facilitate decreased cases of 17 15 2 11 7 52
water borne diseases. (32.7%) (28.8%) (3.8%) (21.2%) (13.5%) (100%)

Amount of money allocated for the

implementation of water projects does 18 23 1 8 2 52
influence the implementation of these (34.6%) (44.2%) (1.9%) (15.4%) (3.8%) (100%)
Source: Researcher (2020)
For the completion of the study, it was essential to find out the influence of financial
resources factors on the implementation of water projects at Machakos County government.
These findings are relayed on table 4.5 above and according to the table, The rate of flow of
water projects‟ funds under devolution does not influence the implementation of these
projects. To this, 30 (57.7%) of the respondents strongly agreed, 8 (15.4%) agreed, 5 (9.6%)
were undecided, 6 (11.5%) disagreed and 3 (5.8%) strongly disagreed implying that most of
the respondents either strongly agreed or agreed with the statement. From the study, 16
(30.8%) of the respondents strongly agreed, 13 (25%) agreed, 1 (1.9%) represented the
undecided, 11 (21.2%) of the respondents disagreed and an equal number strongly disagreed
that Disbursement procedural delays of projects‟ funds allocated for the implementation of
water projects do influence the implementation of water projects. The researcher also
discovered that The sufficient allocation of funds for the implementation of water projects
does not facilitate decreased cases of water borne diseases. This statement was echoed by 17
(32.7%) of the respondents who strongly agreed as well as 15 (28.8%) who agreed. On the
same note, 2 (3.8%) were undecided, 11 (21.2%) disagreed and 7 (13.5%) strongly disagreed
indicating that retaining talented employees ensures that organization has a good relationship
with customers. The study further indicated that Amount of money allocated for the
implementation of water projects does influence the implementation of these projects.. To
this, 18 (34.6%) of the respondents strongly agreed, 23 (44.2%) agreed, 1 (1.9%) represented
the undecided, 8 (15.4%) disagreed and 2 (3.8%) strongly disagreed.
4.3.3 Influence of government policy on the implementation of water projects at
Machakos County government
The study sought to find out the influence of government policy on the implementation of
water projects at Machakos County government. The findings on this are presented on table
Table 4.6: Influence of government policy on the implementation of water projects at
Machakos County government
Strongly Agree (S.A) Agree (A) Undecided (UD) Disagree (D) Strongly Disagree (S.D)
S .A A UD D S. D Total

Bureaucracy in tendering of water

projects under devolution does not
influence the implementation of these 29 18 1 3 1 52
projects. (55.8%) (34.6%) (1.9%) (5.8%) (1.9%) (100%)

Funds allocated for the

implementation of water projects does
influence the implementation of these 17 15 6 11 3 52
projects. (32.7%) (28.8%) (11.5%) (21.2%) (5.8%) (100%)

The sustainable implementation of

water projects by the county
government leads to economic 19 9 1 5 18 52
empowerment of the Machakos (36.5%) (17.3%) (1.9%) (9.6%) (34.6%) (100%)

Source: Researcher (2020)

Table 4.6 shows the study findings on the influence of government policy on the
implementation of water projects at Machakos County government. From the findings on the
table, Bureaucracy in tendering of water projects under devolution does not influence the
implementation of these projects as indicated by 29 (55.8%) of the respondents who strongly
agreed. On the same statement, 18 (34.6%) of the respondents agreed while 1 (1.9%)
represented the undecided, 3 (5.8%) disagreed and 1 (1.9%) strongly disagreed with the
statement pitching those who agreed and strongly agreed on the higher side compared to
those who disagreed and strongly disagreed. A very small proportion of the respondents were
undecided, pointing to the truthfulness of the statement.
The study also found out that Funds allocated for the implementation of water projects does
influence the implementation of these projects. To this, 17 (32.7%) of the respondents
strongly agreed, 15 (28.8%) agreed, 6 (11.5%) were undecided, 11 (21.2%) disagreed and 3
(5.8%) strongly disagreed with the statement. Further, from the study, 19 (36.5%) strongly
agreed that practice of fairs and exhibitions The sustainable implementation of water projects
by the county government leads to economic empowerment of the Machakos Populace. 9
(17.3%) agreed, 1 (1.9%) was undecided, 5 (9.6%) disagreed and 18 (34.6%) of the
respondents strongly disagreed with the statement.
4.3.4 Influence of technical competence factors on the implementation of water projects
at Machakos County government
The researcher sought to ascertain the influence of technical competence factors on the
implementation of water projects at Machakos County government. The findings of this study
are presented on table 4.4;
Table 4.7 Influence of technical competence factors on the implementation of water
projects at Machakos County government
Strongly Agree (S.A) Agree (A) Undecided (UD) Disagree (D) Strongly Disagree (S.D)
S .A A UD D S. D Total
Technical competence
factors leads to 21 10 3 7 11 52

transparency. (40.4%) (19.2%) (5.8%) (13.5%) (21.2%) (100%)

Technical competence
factors leads to election of 15 19 7 6 5 52
members. (28.8%) (36.5%) (13.5%) (11.5%) (9.6%) (100%)

Technical competence
31 15 2 1 3 52
factors leads to
(59.6%) (28.8%) (3.8%) (1.9%) (5.8%) (100%)

Source: Researcher (2020)

Table 4.7 relays the findings on the influence of technical competence factors on the
implementation of water projects at Machakos County government. From the table, it can be
ascertained that Technical competence factors leads to transparency as is shown by 21
(40.4%) of the respondents who strongly agreed and 10 (19.2%) who agreed. on the same
note, 3 (5.8%) were undecided, 7 (13.5%) disagreed and 11 (21.2%) strongly disagreed with
the statement. The study also revealed that Technical competence factors leads to election of
members. This is shown by 15 (28.8%) of the respondents who strongly agreed and 19
(36.5%) agreed, 7 (13.5%) were undecided, 6 (11.5%) disagreed and 5 (9.6%) strongly
disagreed indicating that statement is true. There are technical competence factors leads to
accountability of Machakos County Government. This is shown by 31 (59.6%) of the
respondents who strongly agreed with the statement. On the same note, 15 (28.8%) of the
respondents agreed, 2 (3.8%) were undecided, 1 (1.9%) disagreed and 3 (5.8%) strongly

5.1 Introduction
This chapter contains a summary of the findings obtained from the collected data, from which
conclusions are then drawn with a view of answering the research questions and then the
researcher provides recommendations on what should be done and further suggests areas in
which further study should be carried out.
5.2 Summary of findings
In this section, a summary of findings is carried out starting with the background information
and further to the specific objectives of the study.
5.2.1 Background information
It is evident from the study findings that males outnumber females at as is signified by the
high number of males who were included in the study. In spite of this, both genders were
represented in the study. Majority of the respondents who took part in the study are aged
between 31 and 40 years and the least were 51 years and above. These findings show that a
very large proportion of the respondents and hence the staff at Machakos County government
are below 40 years. A large majority of the respondents had gone up to the diploma level in
their education and the least had gone up to the certificate level. These findings are an
indication that a very large proportion of the respondents who took part in the study and
hence the employees are qualified professionals with the relevant qualifications in their
respective fields. This is indicated by the large proportion of the respondents who answered
to having diplomas and degrees.
5.2.2 Influence of community participation on the implementation of water projects at
Machakos County government
It was ascertained that Wages charged for labor provided by the community in the
implementation of water projects under devolution do influence the implementation of these is shown by 40.4% of the respondents who strongly agreed and 19.2% who
agreed. on the same note, 5.8% were undecided, 13.5% disagreed and 21.2% strongly
disagreed with the statement. The study also revealed that failure to access raw materials by
devolved governments from the beneficiary community does not influence the
implementation of water projects. This is shown by 28.8% of the respondents who strongly
agreed and 36.5% agreed, 13.5% were undecided, 11.5% disagreed and 9.6% strongly
disagreed indicating that statement is true. There is involvement of the community in water
projects implementation by the county government makes these projects sustainable of
Machakos County Government. This is shown by 59.6% of the respondents who strongly
agreed with the statement. On the same note, 28.8% of the respondents agreed, 3.8% were
undecided, 1.9% disagreed and 5.8% strongly disagreed.
5.2.3 Influence of financial resources factors on the implementation of water projects at
Machakos County government
For the completion of the study, it was essential to find out the influence of financial
resources factors on the implementation of water projects at Machakos County government.
These findings are relayed on table 4.5 above and according to the table, help the
organization fulfill its vision with the help of efficient and promising talented people. To this,
57.7% of the respondents strongly agreed, 15.4% agreed, 9.6% were undecided, 11.5%
disagreed and 5.8% strongly disagreed implying that most of the respondents either strongly
agreed or agreed with the statement. From the study, 30.8% of the respondents strongly
agreed, 25% agreed, 1.9% represented the undecided, 21.2% of the respondents disagreed
and an equal number strongly disagreed that Disbursement procedural delays of projects‟
funds allocated for the implementation of water projects do influence the implementation of
water projects. The researcher also discovered that The sufficient allocation of funds for the
implementation of water projects does not facilitate decreased cases of water borne diseases.
This statement was echoed by 32.7% of the respondents who strongly agreed as well as
28.8% who agreed. On the same note, 3.8% were undecided, 21.2% disagreed and 13.5%
strongly disagreed indicating that retaining talented employees ensures that organization has
a good relationship with customers. The study further indicated that Amount of money
allocated for the implementation of water projects does influence the implementation of these
projects.. To this, 34.6% of the respondents strongly agreed, 44.2% agreed, 1.9% represented
the undecided, 15.4% disagreed and 3.8% strongly disagreed.
5.2.4 Influence of government policy on the implementation of water projects at
Machakos County government
Table 4.6 shows the study findings on the influence of government policy on the
implementation of water projects at Machakos County government. From the findings on the
table, Bureaucracy in tendering of water projects under devolution does not influence the
implementation of these projects as indicated by 55.8% of the respondents who strongly
agreed. On the same statement, 34.6% of the respondents agreed while 1.9% represented the
undecided, 5.8% disagreed and 1.9% strongly disagreed with the statement pitching those
who agreed and strongly agreed on the higher side compared to those who disagreed and
strongly disagreed. A very small proportion of the respondents were undecided, pointing to
the truthfulness of the statement.
The study also found out that Funds allocated for the implementation of water projects does
influence the implementation of these projects. To this, 32.7% of the respondents strongly
agreed, 28.8% agreed, 11.5% were undecided, 21.2% disagreed and 5.8% strongly disagreed
with the statement. Further, from the study, 36.5% strongly agreed that practice of fairs and
exhibitions The sustainable implementation of water projects by the county government leads
to economic empowerment of the Machakos Populace. 17.3% agreed, 1.9% was undecided,
9.6% disagreed and 34.6% of the respondents strongly disagreed with the statement.
5.2.5 Influence of technical competence factors on the implementation of water projects
at Machakos County government
It was ascertained that Technical competence factors leads to is shown by
40.4% of the respondents who strongly agreed and 19.2% who agreed. on the same note,
5.8% were undecided, 13.5% disagreed and 21.2% strongly disagreed with the statement. The
study also revealed that Technical competence factors leads to election of members. This is
shown by 28.8% of the respondents who strongly agreed and 36.5% agreed, 13.5% were
undecided, 11.5% disagreed and 9.6% strongly disagreed indicating that statement is true.
There is technical competence factors leads to accountability of Machakos County
Government. This is shown by 59.6% of the respondents who strongly agreed with the
statement. On the same note, 28.8% of the respondents agreed, 3.8% were undecided, 1.9%
disagreed and 5.8% strongly disagreed.
5.3 Conclusions
Implementation of water projects leads to the involvement of the community in water
projects implementation by the county government makes these projects sustainable of
Machakos County Government. Implementation of water projects also affects organizations
sales volume. Wages charged for labor provided by the community in the implementation of
water projects under devolution do influence the implementation of these projects. The rate of
flow of water projects‟ funds under devolution does not influence the implementation of
these projects. The sufficient allocation of funds for the implementation of water projects
does not facilitate decreased cases of water borne diseases. Amount of money allocated for
the implementation of water projects does influence the implementation of these projects.
Bureaucracy in tendering of water projects under devolution does not influence the
implementation of these projects. Fairs and exhibitions enable the establishment of good
relationship with potential customers. Fairs and exhibitions enhance the purchase of
organization products by the consumer.
5.4 Recommendations
Based on the study findings and conclusion, the study recommends that;
Implementation of water projects should be improved in the organization to enhance the
realization of increased county performance.
Staff officials should be trained to improve their professionalism as this will impact
positively on the way the organization.
Implementation of water projects strategies should be tailored to customer needs in order to
meet customer needs and improve customer satisfaction.
The organization should endeavor to attain customer loyalty by providing quality services to
the customers.
The organization, in order to improve customer retention, should ensure that all the products
and services availed to the customers are of the right quality
5.5 Suggestions for further study
Further study should be done on the role of implementation of water projects on county

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