ANWPR Worksheet

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Proficiency Ability Modifier Base Level Race Kit Total

Acting Cha -1
Administration Int +1
Agriculture Int 0
Alchemy, Potion Int -2
Alchemy, Toxin Int -2
Alchemy, Acids Int -2
Alertness Wis +1
Alms, Religious Cha 0
Ambidexterity Dex 0
Ambush Int 0
Anatomy Int 0
Ancient History (Choose Type) Int -2
Animal Handling Wis -1
Animal Lore Int 1
Animal Noise (Choose Type) Wis -1
Animal Rending Dex +2
Animal Training (Choose Type) Wis 0
Appraising, Gems and Jewelry Int 0
Appraising, Art Int O
Arcanology Int -3
Armorer Int -2
Armorer, Crude Int -1
Artistic Ability (Choose Type) Wis 0
Assimilation Int 0
Astrology Int 0
Bartering Int -2
Begging Cha 0
Blacksmithing Str 0
Blind-FIghting Wis 0
Boating Wis 1
Boatwright Int -2
Bookbinding Int 0
Bowyer / Fletcher Dex -1
Bowyer / Fletcher, Crude Dex 0
Brewing Int 0
Bureaucracy Int 0
Burial Customs Int 0
Camouflage Wis 0
Carpentry Str 0
Cartography Int -2
Ceremony Wis 0
Chanting Cha +2
Charioteering Dex +2
Cheesemaking Int 0
Close-Quarter Fighting Dex 0
Clothesmaking, Crude Int -1
Cobbling Dex 0
Concentration Wis -2
Cooking Int 0
Craft Instrument (Choose Type) Dex -2
Proficiency Ability Modifier Base Level Race Kit Total
Crowd Working Cha 0
Cryptography Int -2
Dancing Dex 0
Danger Sense Wis +1
Deep Diving Con 0
Detection: Approximate Depth Underground
Wis 0
Detection: Grade or Slope Wis +4
Detection: New Tunnel / Passage Wis +4
Detection: Sliding / Shifting Walls Wis +2
Detection: Stonework Traps, Pits and Deadfalls
Wis 0
Diagnose Wis -1
Diplomacy Cha -1
Direction Sense Wis 1
Direction Sense, Underground Wis +2
Dirty Fighting Wis 0
Disguise Cha -1
Distance Sense Wis 0
Dwarf Runes Int +2
Endurance Con 0
Engineering Int -3
Etiquette Cha 0
Falconry Wis -1
Fast-Talking Cha 0
Fire-Building Wis -1
Fishing Wis -1
Folklore Cha 0
Foraging Int -2
Forgery Dex -1
Fortune Telling Cha +2
Fungi Recognition Int +3
Gaming Cha 0
Gem Cutting Dex -2
Glassblowing Dex 0
Healing Wis -2
Healing, Veterinary Wis -3
Heraldry Int 0
Herbalism Int -2
Hide Objects Wis 0
Hunting Wis -1
Hypnotism Cha -2
Information Gathering Int 0
Inquisitor Wis 0
Intimidation: Menacing Str 0
Intimidation: Coercion Cha 0
Investigation Int -2
Juggling Dex -1
Jumping Str 0
Languages, Ancient (Choose Type) Int 0
Languages, Modern (Choose Type) Int 0
Law Wis 0
Proficiency Ability Modifier Base Level Race Kit Total
Leadership Cha 0
Leatherworking Int 0
Local History (Choose Type) Cha +2
Locksmithing Dex +1
Mining Wis -3
Mountaineering Wis -2
Musical Instrument (Choose Type) Dex -1
Navigation Int -2
Necrology Wis 0
Netherworld Knowledge Wis -3
Observation Int 0
Omen Reading Wis -2
Oratory Cha 0
Orienteering Wis -2
Painting Int 0
Papermaking Int 0
Persuasion Cha -2
Poetry, Lyrical Int 0
Poetry, Narrative Int 0
Pottery Dex -2
Reading / Writing (Choose Type) Int +1
Reading Lips Int -2
Religion (Choose Type) Wis 0
Riding, Airborne (Choose Type) Wis -2
Riding, Land-based (Choose Type) Wis 3
Riding, Sea-based (Choose Type) Dex -2
Rope Use Dex 0
Running Con -6
Scribe Dex +1
Sculpting Dex 0
Seamanship Dex +1
Set Snares Int -1
Shipwright Int -2
Signaling Cha +2
Signaling, Underground Cha 2
Singing Cha 0
Smelting Int 0
Spellcraft Int -2
Spelunking Int -2
Stonemasonry Str -2
Survival (Choose Type) Wis 0
Swimming Str 0
Tailoring Int 0
Tightrope Walking Dex 0
Tracking Wis 0
Trail Marking Wis 0
Trailing Int 0
Tumbling Dex 0
Undead Lore Int -1
Ventriloquism Int -2
Proficiency Ability Modifier Base Level Race Kit Total
Weaponsmithing Int -3
Weather Sense Wis -1
Weaving Int -1

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