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Bus Stops

There are bus stops on the street. You can imagine the street as a line with the coordinate system. The
coordinates of the bus stops are , where is the distance in meters from the bus stop
to the beginning of the street. The first bus stop is located at the beginning of the street and the last is
located at the end of the street.

There is exactly one bus route. A bus goes from the beginning to the end of the street every minutes
with speed meters per minute, starting at time . A bus stops at each stop. Stopping takes no time.

There are people who want to reach the end of the street. The person starts at point at time
and has walking speed meters per minute. For each person, you should find the minimum time when
this person can reach the end of the street.

Complete the function minimumTimeToEnd that takes in the array of coordinates of the bus stops and
three integers , and (the meanings of which are explained in the statement) and prints real
numbers, the of which denotes the minimum time when the person can reach the end of the street.
The description of the people should be taken from the standard input as described in the input format

Input Format

The first line contains a single integer .

The second line contains space-separated integers .

The third line contains two space-separated integers and .

The fourth line contains a single integer .

The next lines contain the description of people. The of these lines contains three space-separated
integers , , .


Additionally, for 1/3 of the total points:

Output Format

Print lines. The line should contain the minimum time when the person can reach the end of the

The output is considered correct if it has an absolute error of at most from the answer.

Sample Input 0

0 10 40 100
20 10
15 10 1
40 2 16

Sample Output 0


Explanation 0

The first person can take a bus at the first bus stop at time , so the final time will be .

The second person can go to bus stop number , wait and take a bus there at time , so the final time
will be .

The third person can take no bus and just walk to the end of the street, so the final time will be .

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