Mapeh7 1st Quarterly Assessment

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Name: ______________________________________ School: ____________________
Grade and Section: ____________________________ Date: ______________________
Directions : Identify the correct term being described by the following
statements. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided in each item.
______ 1. What is the tempo for the Folk Song “Bahay Kubo”?
A. Fast B. Indefinite C. Moderate D. Slow ______ 2. What element is used to
identify the speed of the song “Atin Cu Pung Singsing”? A. Form B. Harmony C. Melody D.
Rhythm ______ 3. Where do we usually hear the song “O Ilaw”?
A. When serenading a girl C. During wedding ceremony B. During
Christmas party D. During birthday celebrations _______ 4. How is Pasyon sung?
A. Chanting a lullaby song C. Chanting verse from the bible B. Chanting
during wedding D. To serenade their loved one ______5. What is the main idea of
the song Pasyon?
A. A narrative story of St. Longinus
B. A devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary
C. a re-enactment of the meeting of Jesus Christ and his mother
D. a narrative story of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus
Christ ______6. Which is the best answer for the musical instrument Angklung?
A. a band that is made up of brass instruments.
B. a band that is composed of different percussion instruments
C. a band who plays bamboo rattle tubes attached in a bamboo frame.
D. a marching band that uses woodwind instrument made with bamboo.
______ 7. What Brass Band played during the proclamation of Philippine Independence on June
12, 1998?
A. Bulacan Brass Band C. Musikong Bumbong
B. Malabon Brass Band D. Pangkat Kawayan
______ 8. The brass band is an ensemble composed of what instruments? A. Brass,
Percussion, Bamboo C. Brass, Percussion, Woodwind B. Bamboo,
Woodwind, Percussion D. Gongs, Bamboo, Strings
______ 9. What instrument is found at the Las Piñas Church that is considered a Philippine
National Treasure?
A. Angklung ensemble C. Musikong Bumbong
B. Bamboo organ D. Pangkat Kawayan
_______ 10. How is a brass band performed to the people?
A. As part of a festival C. As a circus play instrument B. As an
entertainment D. As a drama accompaniment ______11. How can you explain
what is meant by “Musikong Bumbong”? A. A band that is made up of brass
B. A band that uses woodwind instrument made with bamboo.
C. A band that is composed of different percussion instruments.
D. A band who plays bamboo rattle tubes attached in a bamboo frame.

______12. In classifying the instruments, where does the instrument of Pangkat Kawayan Ensemble
belong to?
A. Aerophone & Idiophone C. Idiophone & Chordophone
B. Chordophone & Membranophone D. Membranophone & Aerophone

______ 13. What can you say about the vocal range of the song “Leron-Leron Sinta”?
A. Free range B. Infinite C. Narrow D. Wide
______14. If you are to sing a “Salubong” music, what devotional song will you use? A. Alay
Kay Maria B. Dios Te Salve C. Pasyon D. Regina Coeli ______15. Suppose you can play a
trumpet, what would you do with the instrument to produce the sound?
A. Blow B. Strike C. Strum D. Shake

______16.It is an earthenware jar crafted by skillful potters with the use of potter’s wheel and kiln
and locally known as banga or tapayan. What is it?
A. Burnay B. Labba C. Lingling-o D. Vakul
______17.What do you call a handwoven fabric of Bontoc that are characterized by different
geometric and linear shapes of things from nature and it is also a fabric that’s been used in
wanes, lufid and ginaspala?
A. Inabel C. Kain
B. Kadangyan D. Siniwsiwan
______18. Which of the following is the headdress or the headgear for Ivatan women of Batanes
that is used to protect them from heat of sun and rain?
A.Batok C. Vest
B.Vakul D. Vuyavuy
______19. Which statements support the materials used in making jewelry? A.
Mud, gravel and sand
B. Different kinds of wood
C. Water, charcoal and thorns
D. Precious stones, gold and silver
______20. The following are the different kinds of weaving techniques. Which technique is used
in siniwsiwan?
A. Habi B. Ikat C. Inabel D. Wanes
______21. If you are planning to have a three-dimensional structure of an animal with the use of
soap. What would be the best technique of doing it?
A. Weave it to make basket
B. Sewing, same to your design
C. Carving technique, carve it to your desired design.
D. Molding, melt the soap and look for a molder that will suits your design
______22. If you are to make your own jar using clay, what element and principles of art is
highlighted in your work?
A. Line and unity C. Texture and variety
B. Shapes and balance D. Form and proportion
______23. What elements of art were shown in the giant lantern or big parol of Pampanga?
A. Color and form C. Color, and texture
B. Line and shape D.Line, shape and color
______24. Which of the following elements of art are shown in Kalinga's tattooing?
A. Color and shape C. Line and Shapes
B. Line and Space D. Shapes and Texture

______25. What element of arts is present in the thin rice wafers of Lucban, Quezon called
A. Color B. Forms C. Line D. Shapes ______26. What element of art is
present in burnay?
A. Color B. Form C. Line D. Shape ______27. What building material was used in
Tumauini Church that has the color of red, rectangular in form and rough in texture?
A. Bricks B. Corals C. Hollow blocks D. Shells ______28. What was the
main idea of tattooing their body in the Kalinga province? A. Represents their
B. Only because of their hobbies
C. Signifies their cultural signature
D. Signifies of life cycle, bravery, heroism, and social status in the
community ______29. Which are the facts about the Parish of the Three Kings in
Gapan, City? A. Administered by the Dominicans
B. Known for the use of Coral stones
C. A baroque church that was built in a 1873
D. Has a mural of the Holy Trinity on the ceiling
______30. Paete, Laguna is considered as “Woodcarving Capital of the Philippines”. What does
this mean?
A. They are famous in Textile weaving
B. They are best in creating Giant Lanterns
C. They are excellent in creating big paper mache like higantes
D. Paete is popular for the carving culture of saints and other religious
images, decorative carvings of floral patterns and geometric designs.

______31. Which of the following is the ability of the muscles to function effectively and efficiently
without undue fatigue?
A. Body Composition C. Physical Fitness
B. Muscular Endurance D. Speed
______32. What is a set of measure designed to determine the level of physical fitness?
A. Agility C. Physical Fitness test
B. Balance D. Push - up
______33. What is the ability of joints and muscle to move through in full range of motion? A.
Agility B. Balance C. Coordination D. Flexibility ______34. When does an individual do
Physical activities in the following?
A. Resting on a couch C. Playing your favorite sports B. Sleeping in the
afternoon D.Watching a TV program at night ______35. How do we compute the Body
Mass Index?
A. Weight in kilograms / Height in meter²
B. Weight in pounds + weight in kilograms
C. Height in inches x Arm span from left to right
D. Arm span in inches + height in meters+ weight in kilograms
______36. Which is a type of exercise that prepares the muscles for active contraction?
A. Static stretching C. Strength exercise
B. Dynamic stretching D. Endurance exercise
______37. What are exercises done by doing gradual stretching activities from upper
to lower extremities?
A. Warm up exercise C. Endurance exercise
B. Strength exercise D. Flexibility exercise
______38. All of these are part of every exercise program should have EXCEPT A.
Cool down B. Junk foods C. Major focus D. Warm-up

______39. What is the oldest sports that originated in Athens, Greece that involves running,
throwing and jumping?
A. Athletics B. Archery C. Cycling D. Table tennis ______40. The size of the track
oval for running events in Athletics is?
A. 100m B. 400m C. 5000m D. 800m ______41. Where is the starting
position of the runners in the 400m run?
A. At the steeple area C. At the starting line of 100m B. After the finish line D. At the
staggered position of 1500m ______42. Which of the following is not used for running
A. Baton B. Iron shot C. Spike shoes D. Starting gun ______43. What is an individual or
team racing sports that requires the use of one’s entire body to move through water?
A. Diving B. Snorkeling C. Swimming D. Sunbathing ______44. Which of the following
stroke in swimming is popularly known as FREESYLE? A. Back stroke B. Breaststroke
C. Butterfly D. Front crawl ______45. How many minutes is required in the
cardiovascular endurance test? A. 1 minute b. 2 minutes C. 2.5 minutes D. 3 minutes
______46. It is the best way to improve your mental well-being.
A. Be secretive C. Sleep late at night
B. Eat junk foods D. Tell yourself something positive ______47. Dimension of health
that is a state of well- being when all internal and external body parts can function properly as
they are supposed to function.
A. Social Health C. Mental Health
B. Physical Health D. Moral- Spiritual Health
______48. Which of the following help an individual in promoting and developing emotional
A. Praising and praying C. Eating and drinking healthy food B. Studying and learning D.
Handling stress in positive ways ______49. Dimension of health that is understanding and liking
yourself as well as accepting and learning from your mistakes.
A. Social Health C. Physical Health
B. Emotional Health D. Moral- Spiritual Health
______50. What is the best way to improve your mental well-being?
A. Sleep late at night
B. Tell yourself something positive.
C. Show respect and affection for others
D. Spending quality time with your family and friends
______51. Leonard is a loner. He is always at the side; he never wants to join any of the school
activity. What is the health dimension being neglected by Leonard?
A. Emotional B. Mental C. Physical D. Social ______52. Which dimension of holistic
health does this belong when you go to church and attend mass with your family?
A. Emotional B. Mental C. Physical D. Spiritual- Moral ______53. The following are
practices of holistic habit to achieve holistic health EXCEPT: A. Using stairs in going up and
down is good to our lungs.
B. Jogging and walking is a good substitute to fitness gym activities.
C. Riding motorcycle on a short distance is a good way to save energy
D. Having a good relationship with the neighborhood helps you to become a good
person. ______54. How might someone demonstrate intellectual wellness?
A. Through religion C. Through social connection B. Through critical
thinking D. Through emotional control

______55. Tom is confident and exhibits a good sense of self-esteem. These characteristics
mark Tom as someone with____.
A. Social wellness C. Spiritual wellness
B. Intellectual wellness D. Emotional wellness
______56. What stage of psychosocial development where you are in state of exploring personal
relationships, developing closeness, and committing relationships with other people? A.
Adolescents B. Childhood C. Infancy D. Old Age ______57. Height taking gives you an idea
about your growth rate; Weight taking: Keeps you A. Check unusual lumps.
B. Informed of your visual acuity.
C. Informed of any dental problems.
D. Aware if you are within your ideal weight at your age.
______58. The following are procedures on breasts examination of female
EXCEPT: A. One shoulder blades are more prominent.
B. Lie down on your back and place your right arm behind your head.
C. While standing in front of a mirror with your hands pressing firmly down on your hips,
look at your breasts for any changes of size, shape, contour, or dimpling, or redness of
the nipple or breast skin.
D. Move around the breast in an up and down pattern starting at an imaginary line drawn
straight down your side from the underarm and moving across the breast to the middle of
the chest bone.
______59. The following are health services commonly available in your school EXCEPT:
A. Deworming C. Nutritional program
B. School feeding D. Pharmacy services
______60. The following are healthy advises in relation to social changes experienced by
teenagers and must be followed EXCEPT:
A. Ask permission from parents if you have change of plans.
B. Communicate only to your closest family and friends.
C. If you’re out with friends, let your parents know where you are.
D. If you disagree with someone on something, listen to what he/she has to say and let
him/her know your point of view.

Prepared by:


Teacher – MUSIC MAPEH 7 Teacher – ARTS San
Mateo National High School San Mateo National
High School

MAPEH 7 Teacher – HEALTH Pintong Bukawe NHS Jose F. Diaz Memorial National High

Validated by:


Master Teacher I
San Mateo National High School Reviewed by:


Principal MAPEH Consultant

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