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Name :_Asher John Catamin_______________________________________Course & Section:

_________BSIT 1-C____

Emotional Trigger Worksheet

The following list includes some of the most common need that when unmet triggers emotional reactions.
Reflect on the list and encircle the most need that creates that strong trigger for you.

acceptance respect be liked

Be understood Be needed Be valued
Be in control Be right Be treated fairly
attention comfort freedom
peace balance consistency
order Predictability Love
safety Feel included Autonomy
fun New challenges independence
Place an X on the emotion likely triggered when this need is not met


Reflection question: Should someone else be looking at your answer, what might they learn about
how you deal with triggers

__________A trigger can cause an emotional reaction before a person realizes why they have
become upset.Don’t fight the inner voice. If you’re being triggered by an inner critic, don’t reply
with an opposing opinion


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