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Name:________________________________ Grade & Section:________________

Name of Teacher:_______________________

Pasay –M9 – Q1- W1–02

Department of Education- National Capital Region

Schools Division of Pasay City

First Quarter / Week 1 / Day 2

OBJETIVE: Solves quadratic equations by extracting square roots and factoring.


 Solving quadratic equations by extracting square roots.
 Solving quadratic equation by factoring.

This module provides the students with opportunities to relate and connect previously
learned mathematics concepts to the new lesson, solving quadratic equations by extracting
square roots and by factoring. As you go through this lesson, you will think of this important
question: “How does finding solutions of quadratic equations facilitate in solving real-life
problems and in making decisions?”


 Activity 1: Find My Roots!

Find the square roots of the following expressions.

1. √16 = ________ 6. √−4 = _________

2. − √25 = ________ 7. − √9 = _________

3. √81 = ________ 8. ±√100 = ________

4. ±√64 = ________ 9. √121 = _________

5. −√49 = ________ 10. ±√144 = _________

1. How did you find the square roots?
2. How many square roots does a number have?
3. Does a negative number have a square root? Why?

Note: How to extract the square roots?

√𝑥 2 = x take the positive value
- √𝑥 2 =-x use the preceding symbol
±√𝑥 2 = ± 𝑥 use the preceding symbol.

Solving Quadratic Equations by Extracting Square Roots

Extracting Square Roots is more appropriate to use when the equation is in the
form of ax2 + c = 0. This quadratic equations can be written in the form x2 = k and can be
solved by applying the following properties:

1. If k > 0 , then x2 = k has two real solutions or roots: x = ± k.

2. If k = 0 , then x2 = k has one real solution or root: x = 0.
3. If k < 0 , then x2 = k has no real solutions or roots.
Name:________________________________ Grade & Section:________________
Name of Teacher:_______________________

Illustrative examples:
Solve each quadratic equation by extracting square roots.

1.) x2 = 36 3. ) 3x2 – 12 = 0
Solution: Solution:
extract both sides since 3𝑥 2 12
√𝑥 2 = √36 it is written in x2 = k 3
= 3
divide 3 by the
coefficient of x

x=±6 the value of x x2 = 4 in the form x2 = k

√𝑥 2 = √4 extract the square roots
2 solutions number of solutions x = ±2 value of x
2 solutions number of solutions

2.) x2 + 5 = 5 4. ) x2 = - 4
Solution: Solution:
x2 + 5 = 5
+(-5)= + (-5) addition property of equality x2 = √−4 extract the square
√𝑥 2 = √0 extract the square roots x = √−4 value of x
x = 0 value of x no solution
1 solution

Note: The above equations has two real solution because the value of k > 0.
Checking: x2 = 36
If x = 6 and x =-6
x2 = 36 ; x2 = 36
(6)2 = 36 ; (-6)2 = 36
36 = 36 ; 36 = 36
Thus , x = ± 2 are the solutions of the equation.

Solving Quadratic Equations By Factoring

Some quadratic equations can be solved easily by factoring. When a quadratic
equation is in standard form ax2 + bx + c = 0. It may be possible to solve it by factoring. By
setting each factor equal to 0 and solving the resulting first degree equations, we find the
roots or the solutions to the quadratic equation. This process is based on the principle of
Zero Products.

Suggested steps to solve quadratic equations by factoring:

1. Write the quadratic equation into standard form.
2. Factor the quadratic expression.
A. For ax2 + bx = 0 : factor by common monomial factoring.
B. For ax2 + bx + c = 0 : Use the ac method.
 Multiply the value of ac
 Find the factors of ac whose sum is b.
 Use the factors of ac whose sum is b as the value of b in the equation
 Factor by groupings.
3. Apply the zero property by setting each factor of the quadratic expressions equal to
4. Solve each resulting equation.
5. Check the values of the variable obtained by substituting each in the original
Name:________________________________ Grade & Section:________________
Name of Teacher:_______________________

Illustrative examples:
Solve the following quadratic equations by factoring
1. 5x2 + 10x = 0
5x2 + 10x = 0
5x ( x + 2 ) = 0 get the common factor

5x = 0 ; x + 2 = 0 equate each factor to zero

𝟓𝐱 𝟎
= ; x+2=0 solve for x
𝟓 𝟓

+ (-2) = -2

X=0 X=-2 the roots or solutions

If x = 0 : If x = - 2 the roots

5x2 + 10x = 0 : 5x2 + 10x = 0 the original equation

2 2
5(0) + 10(0) = 0 : 5(-2) + 10(-2) = 0 replace the value of x

5(0) + 0 = 0 : 5(4) + ( - 20 ) = 0 simplify

0+0=0 : 20 + (-20) = 0
0=0 true : 0=0 true the roots are correct

2. 3x2 + 7x + 2 = 0
a=3 , b=7 ,c=2 identify the value of a , b and c

ac = (3)(2) = 6 get the product of ac

6=(6)(1) ;6+1=7 factor of ac whose is b

3x2 + 7x + 2 = 0
3x2 + 6x + x + 2 = 0 replace the factors of ac instead of b

( 3x2 + 6x ) + ( x + 2 ) = 0 factor by groupings

3x ( x + 2 ) + ( x + 2 ) = 0 get the common for each factors.

( x + 2 ) ( 3x + 1) = 0 factors the quadratic equation

1 is the coefficient of ( x + 2 )
x+2=0 ; 3x + 1 = 0 equate each factor to zero

x =-2 ; 3x = - 1 solve the resulting equations

𝟑𝒙 −𝟏
= 𝟑
x= 𝟑

X=-2 −𝟏 the roots or solutions

x= 𝟑
Name:________________________________ Grade & Section:________________
Name of Teacher:_______________________


Solve the following quadratic equation by factoring.

1. x2 – 6x + 9 = 0
Note: Solving quadratic equation in the form:
 a2 - 2ab + b2 = 0 a2 + 2ab + b2 = 0

( a - b )2 = 0 ( a + b )2 = 0
a–b =0 a+b = 0
a=b a = -b
Perfect Square Trinomial
 The first and last terms of a trinomial are perfect square.
 The middle term is twice the product of the square roots of the first and
third terms.
x2 – 6x + 9 = 0
(x+3)2= 0 factor the trinomial as the square of a binomial

x+3 = 0 equate one factor (since it has the same factors) and solve
x=-3 the roots or solutions
2. 4x2 – 20x + 25 = 0
4x2 – 20x + 25 = 0
( 2x – 5 ) 2 = 0 factor the trinomial as the square of a binomial
2x – 5 = 0 equate one factor ( since it has the same factors)
2x = 5 simplify the equation
x = the roots or solutions

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct value, terms or phrase.
1. The form of quadratic equation that is extracting is appropriate to use:______
2. The value of k in x2 = k has only one real solution:______________________
3. How many solution/s does x2 = k have, when k > 0? ___________________
4. The factors of 3x2 + 6x is _________________________________________
5. The first step in factoring:_________________________________________
B. Solve the quadratic equations by extracting or by factoring method whichever is
1. x2 = 25 : x = _________ , x = __________
2. ( x + 1 ) ( x – 2 ) : x = _________ , x = __________
3. x + 3x = 0 : x = _________ , x = __________
4. ( x – 4 )2 : x = _________ , x = __________
5. ( x – 3 ) ( 2x – 5 ) = 0 : x = _________ , x = __________

Match the quadratic equation in column in A with its roots in column B. Write the
letter of the answer in the space provided before each item.
_______1. x2 – x = 0 a. x = 5 , x = - 1
_______2. 3x2 = - 6x b. x = - 5 , x = 1
_______3. x2 – 4x – 5 = 0 c. x = 0 , x = 1
_______4. 4x2 + 1 = 2x2 + 17 d. x = 7 , x = - 1
_______5. 3x2 – 6x – 7 = 2x2 e. x = 0 , x = 2
f. x = - 7 , x = 1
Name:________________________________ Grade & Section:________________
Name of Teacher:_______________________

 Extracting Square Roots is more appropriate to use when the equation is in the
form of ax2 + c = 0.This quadratic equations can be written in the form x2 = k and
can be solved by applying the following properties:
1. If k > 0 , then x2 = k has two real solutions or roots: x = ± k.
2. If k = 0 , then x2 = k has one real solution or root: x = 0.
3. If k < 0 , then x2 = k has no real solutions or roots.
 Factoring is one method of solving some quadratic equations. When a quadratic
equation is in standard form ax2 + bx + c = 0 , it may be possible to solve it by
factoring. By setting each factor equal to 0 and solving the resulting first degree
equations, we find the roots or the solutions to the quadratic equation. This
process is based on the principle of Zero Products.

1. What is wrong with the solution of the student?
x( x + 3 ) = 9 So, the roots are 9 and 6
x=9 :x+3=9 Answer: ______________________________________
x=6 ______________________________________
2. Your classmate solved ( x + 5 ) ( x – 1 ) = 2
x+5 = 2 : x–1=2 Explain what is wrong with your classmates solution.
x=2–5 : x=2+1 Answer: ____________________________________
x=-3 : x=3 ____________________________________

Integrated the Development of the Following Learning Skills:

1. Communication Skills 3. Creativity
A. Understanding of words / vocabulary A. Problem solving
B. Following instructions / directions: B. Writing
C. Reasoning 4. Character
D. Responding to ideas A. Honesty D. Patience
2. Critical Thinking B. Accuracy E. Perseverance
A. Observation C. Explanation C. Working independently
B. Analysis

Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the best answer before the item number.
_____1. What are the roots of x2 = 100?
A. – 10 B. 10 C. ±10 D. ±100
_____2. Which of the following equation has only one solution?
A. x2 = 1 B. x2 – 1 = 0 C. x2 + 1 = 1 D. x2 – 1 = 1
_____3. For which value k will make x2 + 18x + k = 0 a perfect square trinomial?
A. 9 B. 18 C. 36 D. 81
_____4. Solve the quadratic equation ( x – 7 )( x + 2 ) =0?
A. x = - 7 , x = - 2 B. x = - 7 , x = 2 C. x = 7 , x = - 2 D. x = 7 , x = 2
_____5. What are the roots of x2 + 3x – 4 = 0?
A. x = - 4 , x = - 3 B. x = - 4 , x = - 1 C. x = - 4 , x = 1 D. x = -4 , x =3

Name of teacher: EDGAR D. ARIZA

Name of School: Pasay City South High School
References for further enhancement:
1. Grade 9 Mathematics Learners Material By; DepEd Materials pages 18 – 36.
2. Grade 9 Mathematics Patterns and Practicalities By: Gladys C. Nivera. pages 8 – 12.

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