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Listening Test

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

A Listen to the dialogues and circle the correct letter.

1. Which is the girl’s suitcase?

2. How many people were there on the boat?

3. Where did you stay on holiday last August?

4. What are the girls going to do?


Listen to the dialogue and complete with the correct information.

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Listening Test

Name of the hotel: Grand Hotel

City: 1. ______________________________________________
Days spent at the hotel: 2. ______________________________
Arrival Day: 3. ________________________________________
Room floor: 4. ________________________________________
Breakfast time: 5. _____________________________________
Laura’s surname: 6. ___________________________________

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Look at question 1.
Which is the girl’s suitcase?
Man: Is this your suitcase, Miss?
Girl: No. it isn’t. Mine is the white suitcase with the black letters.
Man: The suitcase next to the black one?
Girl: That’s right. Is everything alright?
Man: Yes, it’s just a routine check.

Look at question 2.
How many people were there on the boat?
Dad: Did you enjoy your trip to the island, Thomas?
Thomas: Yes. It was really awesome, but we had a problem with the boat. It could only take twelve
people. And there were eighteen of us, so six of us stayed behind.

Look at question 3.
Where did you stay on holiday last August?
Boy: Did you go to London, Anne?
Anne: No, I didn’t. My grandmother doesn’t like flying, so we went to my aunt’s house.
Boy: The nice house in the mountains? Near the lake?
Anne: No, that’s my cousin’s house. We went to Aunt Sophia’s house by the seaside.

Look at question 4.
What are the girls going to do?
Boy: Our hotel is terrific and it’s near the beach! We can go swimming and surfing every day. Are you
going swimming this afternoon?
Girl: We went swimming this morning and I don’t feel like going surfing. Perhaps we’re going to try
some beach volleyball. What about you?
Boy: I’m just going to ride my bike into town and get some ice cream.

At the hotel
Laura: Hello. Is this the Grand Hotel?
Hotel receptionist: Good morning. Yes, this is reception. How can I help you?
Laura: I’m staying in London for work, so I’d like a room for three days. I’ll be arriving next Sunday.
Is that possible?
Hotel receptionist: Let me see… London is very busy this time of the year… Yes! We’ve got one last
room. Room 206, on the second floor, is the only one available.
Laura: Perfect! Is it a sunny room? Is there a view?
Hotel receptionist: Well, yes… There’s a nice view of the park opposite the hotel.
Laura: I have to be at the office quite early. Is it a problem to have breakfast very early in the morning?
Hotel receptionist: Not at all. Breakfast is on the tenth floor and it’s between 7 and 10 o’clock. Lunch
is at one o’clock and dinner is between half past six and nine o’clock.
Laura: Perfect!
Hotel receptionist: Can I have your name, please?
Laura: Laura Nollie.
Hotel receptionist: Nollie? How do you spell that, please?
Laura: N-O-L-L-I-E.
Hotel receptionist: Thank you.
Laura: Thank you. Goodbye.

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Answer Key

A. 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C
B. 1. London 2. three 3. Sunday 4. 2nd 5. between 7 and 10 6. Nollie

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