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10-22 17:40:32.

488 1297 3573 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in

10-22 18:31:40.488 1297 2028 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1297_7 identical
6 lines
10-22 18:43:20.488 1297 1445 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-22 18:52:02.734 1297 3548 E _V_InputMethodManagerService: Hide InputMethod for
whatsapp when focus changed from {3fe9d59 com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.HomeActivity}
to {4880c09 com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.Conversation}
10-22 19:29:10.157 1297 24886 E VibratorService: motorModeEnableVibration---motor
mode disable
10-22 19:29:10.158 1297 24886 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: opPkg=com.whatsapp,
effect=Waveform{mTimings=[0, 300, 200, 300, 200], mAmplitudes=[0, -1, 0, -1, 0],
mRepeat=-1}, isSupportTypeLinearMotor=0
10-22 19:29:10.158 1297 24886 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: cancelByInner called,
uid: -1, mPkgName: null, deviceID=0
10-22 19:37:46.488 1297 3562 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-22 19:47:08.488 1297 3442 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-22 19:49:38.488 1297 3573 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-22 19:52:50.488 8368 8368 E _V_ANRManager: mPackageName = com.vivo.browser,
Get anr service = com.vivo.app.anr.IANRManager$Stub$Proxy@9446a7a
10-22 19:53:48.488 12734 12774 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
10-22 20:10:25.358 1297 20488 E VibratorService: motorModeEnableVibration---motor
mode disable
10-22 20:10:25.359 1297 20488 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: opPkg=com.whatsapp,
effect=Waveform{mTimings=[0, 300, 200, 300, 200], mAmplitudes=[0, -1, 0, -1, 0],
mRepeat=-1}, isSupportTypeLinearMotor=0
10-22 20:10:25.359 1297 20488 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: cancelByInner called,
uid: -1, mPkgName: null, deviceID=0
10-22 20:13:55.488 765 765 I wificond: Unexpected empty scan result!
10-22 21:09:04.488 1297 1317 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
3679,uid: 10171
10-22 21:45:59.488 1297 1569 E _V_VivoDisplayOverlayController: sendTransaction
failed ! Exception is : java.lang.SecurityException
10-22 22:58:41.488 1297 1317 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
16644,uid: 10069
10-22 23:06:02.488 1297 2063 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-23 03:09:38.488 374 31139 E vold : idle maintenance started
10-23 06:30:28.488 1297 3502 D _V_NotificationService:
DEBUG_OVERRIDE_NOTIFY:enqueueNotificationWithTag pkg=com.whatsapp
10-23 06:30:28.488 1297 3502 D _V_NotificationService:
shortcut=6282195805192@s.whatsapp.net contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null
defaults=0x0 flags=0x8 color=0xff008069 groupKey=group_key_messages sortKey=1
actions=2 vis=PRIVATE publicVersion=Notification(channel=null shortcut=null
contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x0 color=0xff008069
category=msg vis=PRIVATE internalType=0 internalPriority=0 internalGroupPriority=0
internalFlag=0) internalType=0 internalPriority=0 internalGroupPriority=0
internalFlag=0) userId =0
10-23 06:31:35.488 1297 3564 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 7.6045624E-5
10-23 08:07:00.488 1297 3573 D ConnectivityService: Returning UNBLOCKED
NetworkInfo to uid=10218
10-23 08:10:39.488 1297 3573 E AmsExtImpl: amsBoostNotify getCallerProcessName
exception :java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method
'android.content.pm.PackageManager android.content.Context.getPackageManager()' on
a null object reference
10-23 08:11:32.531 1297 1317 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
4880,uid: 10145
10-23 09:06:38.488 1297 3570 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-23 10:26:22.488 1297 3568 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 1.0
10-23 10:51:58.488 1297 3135 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
10-23 10:57:28.834 1297 1411 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: VCode collect vibrator
Map={start_time=1666490074859, shock=[{intensity=145, times=350, module=null,
pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=80, module=com.android.server.telecom, pattern=-
1}, {intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145,
times=300, module=null, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=300,
module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=300, module=null, pattern=-
1}, {intensity=145, times=80, module=com.android.server.telecom, pattern=-1},
{intensity=145, times=300, module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145,
times=300, module=null, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=300,
module=com.whatsapp, pattern=-1}], end_time=1666493848833, uuid=bb4daa93-e6c5-436b-
10-23 12:12:52.488 1297 3270 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-23 12:18:43.488 1297 1317 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
9147,uid: 10145
10-23 13:47:29.488 1297 3436 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1297_E identical
1 line
10-23 17:22:11.256 1297 3073 E ActivityManager: Service ServiceRecord{dfffc09 u0
com.vivo.faceui/.keyguard.KeyguardService} in process ProcessRecord{86443ec
14889:com.vivo.faceui/1000} not same as in map: ServiceRecord{680e0aa u0
10-23 17:22:11.456 1297 1317 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
14889,uid: 1000
10-23 17:35:26.832 1297 1317 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
19488,uid: 10147
10-23 18:43:40.488 1297 1310 E AmsExtImpl: amsBoostNotify getCallerProcessName
exception :java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method
'android.content.pm.PackageManager android.content.Context.getPackageManager()' on
a null object reference
10-23 18:49:34.488 1297 3439 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
10-23 19:05:41.488 18493 18544 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
10-23 19:24:58.488 1297 3570 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-23 19:24:59.608 1297 1317 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
31488,uid: 10063
10-23 19:25:35.488 1297 3562 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-23 19:30:36.488 1297 1334 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-23 20:28:49.488 27923 27923 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-23 21:00:33.488 1297 1473 E ConnectivityService: EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED
from NetworkAgent
10-23 21:20:15.488 1297 3570 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1297_1D
identical 1 line
10-23 21:25:05.752 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:25:21.497 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:25:46.488 506 578 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:115750, idx:0
10-23 21:25:46.488 506 578 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:115750 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:506
10-23 21:26:32.370 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:26:47.005 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:27:27.488 506 578 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:115857
hint:25 pid:506 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:115857
10-23 21:27:27.488 506 578 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:115857 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:506
10-23 21:27:27.488 506 578 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:1
10-23 21:28:23.506 10012 10057 E PlayCommon: [48832] agck.j(156): Failed to connect
to server for server timestamp: java.io.IOException: unexpected end of stream on
10-23 21:28:50.370 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:29:16.072 10012 10057 E PlayCommon: [48832] agck.j(239): Failed to upload
logs: java.io.IOException: unexpected end of stream on
10-23 21:29:51.736 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:30:24.150 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:30:26.488 1297 3568 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
10-23 21:30:52.488 772 844 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
akm_log setv_mag(uT) 36.600002, 59.700001, -300.300018 ts 357476966917
10-23 21:30:52.488 772 844 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
akm_err CalcAngularRate Failed
10-23 21:30:52.488 772 844 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
akm_err AKL_CalcFusion ERROR: -1
10-23 21:30:52.488 772 844 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
akm_log akl_getv_mag(uT) calimag: -42.239998, 5.820000, -21.660000, Lv: 3
10-23 21:30:52.488 772 844 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
akm_log akl_getv_mag(uT) offset: 63.239998, 47.579998, -262.019989
10-23 21:31:41.460 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:31:55.060 488 488 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
10-23 21:31:55.060 488 488 D AudioALSAHardware: ++setParameters():
10-23 21:31:55.060 488 488 D AudioALSAHardware:
typec_fix_to_usb_for_voice_mos_test enter,getprop
persist.vendor.audio.dl_mos_test,is_mostest = 0
10-23 21:31:55.060 488 488 D AudioALSAHardware:
typec_fix_to_usb_for_voice_mos_test: normal version return here
10-23 21:31:55.060 488 488 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 6,
mode 1
10-23 21:31:55.065 488 488 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 8,
mode 1
10-23 21:31:55.066 488 488 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 65536,
mode 1
10-23 21:31:55.066 488 488 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
10-23 21:31:56.079 488 3078 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 6,
curMuteFrame 1136 ms, totalMuteFrame 9028656 ms, normalFrame 2966672 ms
10-23 21:32:00.237 528 14880 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:116030,
10-23 21:32:35.490 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:32:52.359 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:32:56.461 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:33:15.611 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:34:16.667 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:34:26.488 530 811 D APM_AudioPolicyManager:
[MTK_APM_Output]stopOutput() output 13, stream 1, session 61681 portId 7557
10-23 21:34:26.488 530 811 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setBeaconMute(1)
mBeaconMuteRefCount=0 mBeaconPlayingRefCount=0
10-23 21:34:26.488 530 811 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevices
selected devices AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE
10-23 21:34:26.488 530 1112 E _V_FeatureManager: erro!!,gFeatureNotifyCallback =
10-23 21:34:26.488 734 734 E _V_FeatureManager: erro!!,gFeatureNotifyCallback =
10-23 21:34:26.488 734 734 E _V_FeatureManager: erro!!,gFeatureNotifyCallback =
10-23 21:34:59.299 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:35:00.727 10012 10057 E PlayCommon: [48832] agck.j(156): Failed to connect
to server for server timestamp: java.io.IOException: unexpected end of stream on
10-23 21:35:05.058 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:35:15.836 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:35:32.700 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:36:08.488 2279 4326 E VivoPush.AbeProcessObserver: (2279)remove pid
error : pids is null
10-23 21:36:16.309 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:36:19.488 1297 3570 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-23 21:36:53.313 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:37:27.488 1297 3578 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-23 21:40:05.810 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:40:38.506 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:41:22.258 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:42:55.316 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:43:58.489 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:44:17.732 506 578 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:116488
hint:25 pid:506 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:116488
10-23 21:44:17.732 506 578 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:116488 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:506
10-23 21:44:17.781 506 578 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:116488, idx:0
10-23 21:44:17.781 506 578 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:116488 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:506
10-23 21:44:34.982 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:44:48.488 1297 3441 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-23 21:45:07.019 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:45:42.774 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:45:47.344 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:46:30.683 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:46:41.138 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:47:17.886 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:48:19.073 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:48:40.840 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:49:55.488 479 20601 E resolv : dns_fail ipv4, try= 0, timeout_ms =
5003, statp->log_cur_qtype = 1
10-23 21:50:08.082 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:50:56.645 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:51:27.944 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:52:00.671 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:52:34.488 767 32252 E OMXNodeInstance:
getParameter(0xb6352804:MTK.DECODER.AVC, ??(0x7f200405)) ERROR:
10-23 21:52:34.488 767 32252 E OMXNodeInstance:
getParameter(0xb6352804:MTK.DECODER.AVC, ??(0x7f200405)) ERROR:
10-23 21:53:08.158 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:54:00.488 506 578 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:116923, idx:-1
10-23 21:54:31.326 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:54:51.102 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:55:59.922 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:56:03.170 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 21:56:15.133 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:00:00.051 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:00:13.088 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:00:30.057 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:00:38.488 24024 24079 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
10-23 22:01:00.404 488 5899 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
10-23 22:01:19.260 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:02:39.539 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:02:47.282 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:03:05.316 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:03:20.561 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:03:39.215 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:04:44.955 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:06:18.177 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:07:17.877 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:07:23.007 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:07:40.488 479 26698 E resolv : dns_fail ipv4, try= 1, timeout_ms =
5002, statp->log_cur_qtype = 1
10-23 22:07:40.488 1297 1297 E DnsResolver:
resNetworkResult:android.system.ErrnoException: resNetworkResult failed: ETIMEDOUT
(Connection timed out)
10-23 22:07:41.994 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:08:02.828 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:09:28.747 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:09:42.441 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:10:01.550 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:11:08.509 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:12:55.528 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:13:05.180 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:14:11.972 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:14:56.861 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:15:00.785 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:15:45.462 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:15:53.377 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:16:17.612 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:16:54.926 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:17:03.040 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:18:18.433 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:18:47.411 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:19:20.974 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:20:53.872 734 24987 V AudioSink: getPlayedOutDurationUs(1193248879)
nowUs(209714357247) frames(52621240) framesAt(209714333764)
10-23 22:20:54.404 734 24987 V AudioSink: getPlayedOutDurationUs(1193781066)
nowUs(209714889400) frames(52643742) framesAt(209714843980)
10-23 22:20:54.605 488 5899 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 1578 ms, totalMuteFrame 4559488 ms, normalFrame 110612565 ms
10-23 22:20:55.488 734 24987 D NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 3595.31 secs
10-23 22:20:55.488 734 24987 V AudioSink: getPlayedOutDurationUs(1194864818)
nowUs(209715973162) frames(52691249) framesAt(209715921246)
10-23 22:20:55.488 734 24987 D NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 3595.33 secs
10-23 22:20:55.488 734 24987 D NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 3595.35 secs
10-23 22:20:55.488 734 24987 D NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 3595.38 secs
10-23 22:20:55.488 734 24987 D NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 3595.40 secs
10-23 22:20:55.508 734 24987 V AudioSink: getPlayedOutDurationUs(1194885305)
nowUs(209715993615) frames(52694043) framesAt(209715984568)
10-23 22:21:32.488 29388 29429 E NPTH-TERM: start sig pending attach
10-23 22:21:32.488 29388 29429 E NPTH-TERM: TMonitor start check lockFd
10-23 22:21:32.488 29388 29429 E NPTH-TERM: TMonitor success check waitLock
10-23 22:21:32.488 29388 29429 E NPTH-TERM: TMonitor start waitLock
10-23 22:21:32.488 29449 29513 E NPTH-TERM: after request attach this : 29388:
10-23 22:21:32.488 29449 29513 E NPTH-TERM: success request attach this : 29429
10-23 22:21:32.488 29449 29513 E NPTH-TERM: start attach
10-23 22:21:32.488 29449 29513 E NPTH-TERM: notify attach 29388
10-23 22:21:47.675 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:22:51.785 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:22:56.821 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:23:47.225 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:23:50.488 29986 30111 E WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched
10-23 22:24:07.045 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:26:09.749 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:27:00.122 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:27:14.789 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:27:30.977 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:30:37.031 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:31:22.155 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:32:53.488 479 940 E libnetd_resolv: QUERY_RESOLV_NETID
command.uid:10219, nid:0
10-23 22:33:22.146 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:34:10.689 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:34:29.470 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:35:05.728 734 32488 E AudioTrack: getpackName can't get client name
10-23 22:36:07.782 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:36:15.496 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:36:41.719 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:36:53.299 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:38:37.366 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:38:51.768 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:39:43.066 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:40:51.601 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:41:42.183 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:41:56.686 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:41:59.966 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:42:11.667 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:43:10.927 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:43:59.579 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:44:15.149 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:45:06.500 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:45:18.042 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:48:23.683 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:48:35.304 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:48:43.488 479 3473 E resolv : dns_fail ipv4, try= 0, timeout_ms =
5008, statp->log_cur_qtype = 1
10-23 22:49:05.600 488 5899 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 4584106 ms, normalFrame 112278954 ms
10-23 22:49:08.608 488 5899 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 4584106 ms, normalFrame 112281941 ms
10-23 22:49:10.741 734 3256 V AudioSink: getPlayedOutDurationUs(261591141)
nowUs(211411226249) frames(11535227) framesAt(211411204881)
10-23 22:49:59.305 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:50:31.209 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:51:31.076 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:52:30.488 479 940 I chatty : uid=0(root) Binder:479_2 identical 1
10-23 22:53:29.496 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:53:48.159 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:54:33.488 6431 6431 E stagram.androi: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
10-23 22:54:52.428 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:55:21.733 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:56:19.830 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:56:44.726 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:56:55.566 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:57:33.976 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:58:57.940 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:59:39.479 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 22:59:49.580 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:00:12.809 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:00:20.125 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:00:52.602 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:01:24.014 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:01:55.973 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:02:26.365 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:02:41.005 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:02:54.841 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:03:16.135 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:04:42.200 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:05:35.233 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:06:04.828 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:06:41.312 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:06:48.960 488 5899 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 4586922 ms, normalFrame 113339477 ms
10-23 23:07:17.804 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:08:14.464 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:08:49.202 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:10:00.093 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:10:04.583 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:10:21.939 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:10:26.731 488 5899 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
10-23 23:11:05.971 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:12:00.216 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:13:29.781 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:13:30.488 1297 2042 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-23 23:16:29.252 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:17:06.313 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:17:47.554 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:18:27.557 24802 9488 E MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI: getEmbeddedPicture:
Call to getEmbeddedPicture failed.
10-23 23:18:28.073 24802 9488 E MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI: getEmbeddedPicture:
Call to getEmbeddedPicture failed.
10-23 23:18:28.172 24802 9488 E MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI: getEmbeddedPicture:
Call to getEmbeddedPicture failed.
10-23 23:18:28.428 24802 9488 E MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI: getEmbeddedPicture:
Call to getEmbeddedPicture failed.
10-23 23:18:40.488 9504 9559 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
10-23 23:18:40.488 9504 9559 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
10-23 23:20:06.488 1969 1969 E PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr]
getCarrierPackageNamesForIntentAndPhone: No UICC
10-23 23:20:06.748 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:20:40.760 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:21:00.698 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:22:10.999 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:22:37.952 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:23:00.480 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:23:51.948 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:24:10.908 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:24:27.377 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:24:48.692 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:25:20.573 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:26:34.967 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:26:53.766 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:27:34.394 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:28:08.432 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:29:03.477 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:29:09.878 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:31:26.883 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:32:40.583 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:35:16.913 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:36:23.792 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:36:38.776 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:38:08.055 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:38:30.404 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:39:53.676 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:40:24.428 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:40:28.266 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:41:59.873 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:42:09.125 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:42:50.595 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:42:54.935 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:42:59.255 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:43:24.488 1297 1334 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-23 23:44:18.440 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:44:35.858 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:45:16.315 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:45:50.135 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:47:11.541 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:47:20.273 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:47:26.529 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:47:41.244 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:49:56.782 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:51:23.558 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:51:46.240 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:52:19.904 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:52:41.160 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:52:55.618 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:52:59.367 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:53:34.320 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:53:59.558 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:54:51.701 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:54:58.559 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:56:34.996 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:58:23.758 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:58:57.482 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:59:31.153 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:59:46.047 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-23 23:59:56.517 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:00:05.927 1654 4887 E _V_SecurityKey: com.vivo.abe: check collect data
10-24 00:00:05.928 1654 4887 E _V_SecurityKey: com.vivo.abe: check collect data
10-24 00:00:24.236 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:00:43.494 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:02:09.954 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:03:02.454 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:03:20.281 2033 4882 I chatty : uid=1000(system) rms_memory_cana
identical 1 line
10-24 00:03:26.529 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:04:33.566 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:05:04.694 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:05:41.983 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:05:56.653 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:08:25.934 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:08:57.384 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:09:58.662 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:10:33.959 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:11:00.851 719 31727 E installd: Failed to free up 1048576000 on /data;
final free space 737488896: Success
10-24 00:11:00.887 719 31727 E installd: Failed to free up 1048576000 on /data;
final free space 737488896: Success
10-24 00:11:06.956 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:12:01.029 719 31727 E installd: Failed to free up 1048576000 on /data;
final free space 737488896: Success
10-24 00:12:01.066 719 31727 E installd: Failed to free up 1048576000 on /data;
final free space 737488896: Success
10-24 00:14:15.139 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:14:31.382 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:15:45.895 488 5899 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
10-24 00:16:04.589 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:16:17.460 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:16:44.577 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:17:42.325 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:18:47.488 2279 4326 E VivoPush.AbeProcessObserver: (2279)remove pid
error : pids is null
10-24 00:18:47.488 1297 1317 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
16564,uid: 10174
10-24 00:18:54.387 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:19:30.148 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:20:31.691 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:20:36.361 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:20:45.760 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:21:28.828 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:21:53.933 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:22:07.225 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:22:34.879 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:24:16.589 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:25:05.438 488 5899 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
10-24 00:25:31.019 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:25:45.974 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:26:05.277 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:26:09.343 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:27:02.247 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:27:27.334 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:27:48.245 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:28:27.043 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:30:08.528 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:30:17.302 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:31:19.889 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:31:36.948 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:32:06.946 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:34:10.936 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:36:31.218 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:37:04.076 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:37:08.777 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:39:12.452 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:39:15.924 488 5899 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
10-24 00:39:30.079 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:39:38.938 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:41:38.893 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:42:48.353 488 5899 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 4641152 ms, normalFrame 119044608 ms
10-24 00:43:01.277 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:43:12.732 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:43:28.166 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:44:29.324 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:45:10.488 1297 3547 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.topinfo from system 20173:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
10-24 00:45:38.824 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:45:45.592 2033 4882 I chatty : uid=1000(system) rms_memory_cana
identical 1 line
10-24 00:46:00.099 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:46:32.665 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:46:48.199 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:47:27.142 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:48:25.120 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:48:59.918 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:49:34.155 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:51:06.302 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:52:54.918 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:53:08.643 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:53:35.866 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:54:21.145 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:55:20.170 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:56:45.205 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:58:40.793 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:58:53.996 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 00:59:38.948 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:00:52.726 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:01:17.180 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:02:11.380 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:02:24.418 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:02:57.204 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:03:23.339 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:03:56.159 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:05:56.897 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:06:52.578 488 5899 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 4644096 ms, normalFrame 120485888 ms
10-24 01:06:58.069 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:10:35.678 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:10:44.117 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:11:09.670 734 19793 V AudioSink: getPlayedOutDurationUs(1621511776)
nowUs(219930155294) frames(71508383) framesAt(219930148801)
10-24 01:12:28.957 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:15:06.416 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:15:21.019 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:15:26.178 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:15:51.234 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:16:07.181 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:17:26.892 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:18:33.094 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:19:05.182 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:19:19.950 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:19:26.488 427 433 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup25: Permission denied
10-24 01:19:30.967 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:20:14.938 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:20:56.833 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:21:17.499 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:21:52.335 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:22:08.040 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:22:35.718 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:22:59.085 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:23:22.781 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:24:19.166 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:24:22.264 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:24:34.782 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:25:45.393 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:26:25.295 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:27:00.100 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:27:18.318 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:27:46.480 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:28:24.133 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:28:46.488 427 433 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup28: Permission denied
10-24 01:30:28.578 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:30:38.230 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:33:10.967 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:33:30.267 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:33:33.530 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:34:21.283 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:36:05.652 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:36:32.746 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:36:51.096 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:37:57.701 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:39:02.980 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:39:26.449 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:39:33.932 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:40:35.861 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:41:02.375 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:41:29.261 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:41:53.059 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:41:59.944 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:42:09.488 427 433 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup26: Permission denied
10-24 01:42:47.070 488 5899 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 4655445 ms, normalFrame 122628821 ms
10-24 01:43:38.505 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:44:53.773 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:45:00.836 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:45:32.388 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:45:35.932 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:48:40.221 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:49:04.552 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:49:10.837 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:49:30.696 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:51:05.607 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:51:49.331 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:52:44.718 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:53:58.442 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:54:55.976 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:55:06.035 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:55:10.277 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:55:59.433 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:56:54.301 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:57:04.102 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:58:30.091 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:58:42.267 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:58:57.138 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 01:59:50.838 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:00:31.861 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:01:20.007 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:01:40.684 29986 29999 I .gms.persisten: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 72079(2928KB) AllocSpace objects, 94(4888KB) LOS objects, 41% free,
8605KB/14MB, paused 186us total 166.010ms
10-24 02:01:56.766 488 5899 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 4678272 ms, normalFrame 123755690 ms
10-24 02:02:08.878 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:02:12.742 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:02:55.192 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:03:21.093 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:03:38.914 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:04:16.472 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:04:41.165 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:05:38.841 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:05:59.279 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:06:54.560 488 5899 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 4678272 ms, normalFrame 124053461 ms
10-24 02:07:42.985 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:09:02.825 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:09:43.117 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:10:21.675 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:10:38.587 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:11:53.592 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:12:16.195 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:12:19.364 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:12:39.129 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:12:48.124 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:12:57.876 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:14:41.173 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:15:03.368 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:15:26.488 3235 3282 E NotificationAccessor: Cannot delete notification
channel. Channel not found.
10-24 02:15:35.659 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:16:06.223 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:17:28.816 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:17:33.174 2033 4882 I chatty : uid=1000(system) rms_memory_cana
identical 1 line
10-24 02:17:44.222 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:18:20.737 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:19:13.232 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:19:17.134 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:20:12.665 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:21:29.811 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:23:10.271 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:23:18.632 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:23:33.495 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:23:49.072 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:23:51.073 734 4883 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
10-24 02:23:51.073 734 4883 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
10-24 02:23:51.081 734 4883 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
10-24 02:23:51.088 825 4884 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
10-24 02:23:51.101 734 4880 E AudioTrack: getpackName can't get client name
10-24 02:23:51.177 488 5899 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
10-24 02:24:03.537 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:25:15.014 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:25:34.819 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:27:37.685 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:27:41.881 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:30:38.687 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:31:07.015 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:33:26.439 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:33:40.731 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:33:52.807 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:34:16.932 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:34:28.642 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:35:51.299 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:36:49.668 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:36:58.005 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:37:04.714 2033 4882 I chatty : uid=1000(system) rms_memory_cana
identical 2 lines
10-24 02:37:13.504 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:37:27.467 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:38:20.908 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:39:28.981 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:40:50.273 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:41:14.064 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:42:49.465 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:42:49.820 488 5899 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 4698240 ms, normalFrame 126188757 ms
10-24 02:43:25.832 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:44:27.211 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:45:29.946 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:46:35.595 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:47:05.027 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:47:26.488 427 433 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup28: Permission denied
10-24 02:47:32.917 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:47:38.264 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:50:10.441 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:50:17.147 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:50:43.101 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:52:33.609 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:52:46.488 1297 3442 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.topinfo from system 20173:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
10-24 02:53:01.352 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:57:12.278 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:57:21.426 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:57:24.619 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:57:57.726 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:59:04.658 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:59:15.446 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 02:59:39.488 427 433 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup29: Permission denied
10-24 02:59:49.178 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:00:18.536 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:00:35.271 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:01:10.044 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:01:40.443 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:02:24.199 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:03:13.650 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:03:48.549 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:05:12.047 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:05:22.901 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:06:04.210 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:06:30.165 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:06:57.488 734 5320 V AudioSink: getPlayedOutDurationUs(2294003868)
nowUs(226877972726) frames(101163342) framesAt(226877922191)
10-24 03:06:57.488 734 5320 D NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 2294.34 secs
10-24 03:06:57.488 734 5320 D NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 2294.36 secs
10-24 03:06:57.488 734 5320 D NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 2294.39 secs
10-24 03:06:57.488 734 5320 D NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 2294.41 secs
10-24 03:06:58.078 488 5899 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 4709674 ms, normalFrame 127625514 ms
10-24 03:07:20.090 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:08:59.929 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:09:43.094 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:10:16.735 488 5899 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 4715520 ms, normalFrame 127818325 ms
10-24 03:10:17.469 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:10:44.458 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:13:44.294 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:14:12.990 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:14:42.488 1297 3573 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 20173:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
10-24 03:14:42.488 1297 3573 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 20173:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
10-24 03:15:49.328 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:15:53.264 2033 4882 I chatty : uid=1000(system) rms_memory_cana
identical 1 line
10-24 03:16:08.325 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:16:53.876 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:17:39.983 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:17:46.549 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:18:10.951 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:19:00.375 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:19:04.462 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:19:45.631 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:19:51.384 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:20:24.575 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:20:48.484 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:21:28.327 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:21:38.858 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:22:04.119 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:23:22.851 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:25:33.861 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:25:44.178 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:26:09.838 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:26:45.073 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:28:46.584 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:29:00.707 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:30:21.869 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:30:49.896 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:31:55.164 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:34:57.113 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:38:15.386 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:39:14.577 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:40:53.240 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:41:02.488 427 433 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup21: Permission denied
10-24 03:41:52.142 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:42:00.161 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:42:30.052 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:43:16.383 488 5899 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 4729386 ms, normalFrame 129784106 ms
10-24 03:43:23.139 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:43:30.121 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:43:43.511 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:43:48.541 2033 4882 I chatty : uid=1000(system) rms_memory_cana
identical 1 line
10-24 03:44:03.131 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:44:24.744 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:45:24.300 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:46:12.170 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:47:30.821 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:47:42.392 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:48:02.151 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:48:52.965 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:49:21.462 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:52:07.012 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:52:19.714 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:52:27.091 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:52:44.666 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:52:49.924 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:53:56.581 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:55:17.229 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:55:53.792 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:56:29.667 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:58:02.146 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 03:58:27.898 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:00:13.483 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:00:50.393 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:01:57.703 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:02:29.181 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:03:49.151 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:04:07.187 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:04:45.095 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:05:05.727 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:05:20.073 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:06:06.171 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:07:00.988 734 11162 V AudioSink: getPlayedOutDurationUs(2942495636)
nowUs(230481472849) frames(129762998) framesAt(230481448822)
10-24 04:07:01.343 488 5899 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 4735573 ms, normalFrame 131202858 ms
10-24 04:08:08.110 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:08:24.791 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:08:59.609 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:09:13.929 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:11:38.943 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:11:51.024 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:12:13.105 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:12:50.069 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:12:54.435 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:13:06.488 1297 3547 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 20173:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
10-24 04:13:13.039 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:14:02.529 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:14:07.101 2033 4882 I chatty : uid=1000(system) rms_memory_cana
identical 1 line
10-24 04:14:16.525 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:14:56.390 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:15:10.974 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:15:23.871 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:16:37.404 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:16:46.389 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:17:15.684 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:17:34.950 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:17:43.946 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:18:17.777 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:18:35.807 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:18:42.511 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:18:54.553 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:20:38.747 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:21:08.832 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:21:56.767 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:22:22.626 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:22:36.748 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:24:41.936 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:24:50.610 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:25:54.331 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:26:20.669 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:26:27.552 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:27:36.155 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:30:36.870 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:30:41.724 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:30:50.798 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:31:06.709 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:31:33.075 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:31:46.755 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:31:59.264 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:32:03.488 722 6657 E VivoMPEG4Extractor: No width or height, assuming
worst case 1080p
10-24 04:32:53.398 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:33:25.402 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:33:55.805 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:34:04.488 1297 3073 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
10-24 04:34:11.407 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:35:14.218 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:35:27.504 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:35:42.488 427 433 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup27: Permission denied
10-24 04:36:36.202 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:36:55.470 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:36:56.488 1297 3562 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1297_1A
identical 1 line
10-24 04:39:36.589 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:39:45.999 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:40:03.632 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:42:15.129 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:43:35.565 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:45:09.688 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:45:18.733 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:47:33.105 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:47:54.104 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:48:12.423 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:48:15.916 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:48:46.352 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:49:38.297 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:49:56.876 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:51:04.256 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:52:35.226 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:53:02.101 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:55:35.799 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:56:51.672 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:57:06.517 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:57:56.908 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:58:10.776 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:58:20.154 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:58:25.318 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:59:07.751 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:59:12.777 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:59:30.491 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 04:59:59.350 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 05:01:29.893 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 05:01:55.630 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 05:03:00.085 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 05:03:15.134 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 05:03:51.967 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 05:04:39.617 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 05:05:30.328 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 05:06:25.578 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 05:06:29.389 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!
10-24 05:07:03.391 488 5899 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 4768810 ms, normalFrame 134771669 ms
10-24 05:07:04.877 2033 4882 E _V_RMS : cat /d/ion/proc/stat failed!!!

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