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Modern India

(Topics of Old NCERT, Bipan Chandra)

Chapte Topic Sub-Topic Page No.
r No.
1. India in the Eighteenth Century ● Decay of Mughal Empire 1
● Indian States and Society 7
● Hyderabad and Carnatic 9
● Bengal 9
● Awadh 11
● Mysore 13
● Rise and fall of the Maratha Power 20
● Social and Economic Conditions of the 25
● Education 28
● Cultural Life 28
2. European Penetration and British ● A New Phase in Europe’s Eastern India 35
Conquest of India ● The Growth of East India Company’s 38
Trade and Influence 41
● Anglo-French Struggle in South India 44
● British Occupation of Bengal 49
● Dual System of Administration of 50
● Expansion Under Warrant Hastings 52
and Cornwallis
● Expansion Under Lord Wellesley 57
● Expansion Under Lord Hastings 57
● Consolidation of British Power 58
3. The Structure of Government and ● Structure of Government 63
the Economic Policies of British ● British Economic Polices 66
Empire in India (1757-1857) ● Land Revenue Policy 75
4. Administrative Organization and ● Civil Services 81
Social and Cultural Policy ● Army 82
● Police 83
● Judiciary 83
● Rule of Law 84
● Equality before Law 85
● Social and Cultural Policy 86
● Spread of Modern Education 89
5. Social and Cultural Awakening in ● Ram Mohen Roy 94
the First Half of the 19th Century ● Derozio and Young Bengal 98
● Debendarnath Tagore and Ishwar 99
Chandra Vidyasagar
● Pioneers of Reform in Western India 101
6. Growth of New India-Religious ● Religious Reform 172
and Social Reform After1858 ● Brahmo Samaj 172
● Religious Reform in Maharashtra 173
● Ramakrishna Vivekananda 173
● Swami Dayanand and Arya Samaj 174
● Theosophical Society 175
● Emancipation of Women 183
● Struggle against Caste 184
7. The Revolt of 1857 ● General Causes 103
● Immediate Cause 109
● The Beginning and Course of Revolt 109
● The Weakening of the Revolt and its 116
8. Administrative Changes After ● Administration 121
1858 ● Changes in the Army 125
● Public Service 126
● Relations with Princely States 127
● Administrative Policies 128
9. Economic Impact of the British ● Impoverishment of the Peasantry 141
Rule ● Ruin of Old Zamindars and Rise of 143
New Landlordism
● Stagnation and Deterioration of 145
● Development of Modern Industries 146
● Poverty and Famines 150
10. Nationalist Movement 1858 to ● Consequence of Foreign Domination 153
1905 ● Administrative and Economic 155
Unification of Country
● Western Thought and Education 155
● Role of Press and Literature 156
● Rediscovery of India’s Past 156
● Predecessors of the Indian National 157
Congress 157
● Indian National Congress 159
● Constitutional Reforms 164
● Administrative and Other Reforms 164
● Methods of Political Work 166
● Rule of Masses 167
● Attitude of Government 167
● Evaluation of Early National 168
11. Nationalist Movement 1905-1918 ● Recognition of the True Nature of 189
British Rule
● Growth of Self-Respect and 190
Self-Confidence 191
● Growth of Education and
Unemployment 191
● International Influence
● Existence of a Militant Nationalist 192
School of Thought 193
● A Trained Leadership
● The Anti-Partition Movement 194
● Swadeshi and Boycott 195
● Role of Students, Woman, Muslims 196
and Masses
● All-India Aspect of the Movement 197
● Growth of Revolutionary Nationalism 199
● Indian National Congress 201
● The Growth of Communalism 203
● The Nationalist and First World War 212
● Home Rule Leagues 213
● Lucknow Session of the Congress 215
12. Struggle of Swaraj ● Montagu Chelmsford Reforms 220
● Rowlett Act 221
● Mahatma Gandhi Assumes Leadership 221
● Gandhiji and His Ideas 222
● Champaran Sataygraha 223
● Ahmadabad Mill Strike 224
● Satyagraha Against the Rowlett Act 225
● Jallianwala Bagh Massacre 225
● Khilafat and Non-Cooperation 227
Movement 239
● Emergence of New Forces
● Boycott of the Simon Commission 243
● Poorna Swaraj 245
● Civil Disobedience Movement 247
● Government of India Act 1935 251
● Congress Ministries 252
● Growth of Socialism Ideas 252
● Peasants and Workers Movements 255
● Congress an World Affairs 255
● Growth of Communalism 257
● Nationalist Movement During the 261
Second World War 266

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