Summative Test in English 9 Quarter 4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Directions: Read the articles below and answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of your answer
on a sheet of paper.

Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Rizal revert to GCQ until April 4

March 22, 2021, Zian Arkanghel, CNN Philippines

The provinces of Bulacan, Rizal, Laguna, and Cavite have been placed under General Community
Qua status along with Metro Manila until April 4.

In line with this the Inter Agency Task Force handling the government pandemic response also
approved new restrictions to slow down the rise in COVID-19 cases.

Under Resolution 104 approved by IATF, only essential and out of Metro Manila and the four
provinces are allowed. Those authorized to go out of their homes include workers in the government
and private sector, health, and emergency front liners, persons traveling for medical or humanitarian
reasons, persons going to the airport for overseas travel, and Filipinos returning from abroad.

Mass gatherings including large religious activities are prohibited. Weddings, baptisms, and funeral
services are allowed but attendance is limited to 10 persons. Restaurants are limited to offering
delivery and takeout services. Outdoor dining is allowed but only at 50% capacity. The private sector
is encouraged to adopt alternative work arrangements for employees and reduce operational or on-
site capacity to between 30%-50% just like in the government executive branch. The IAFT also
discourages visits from persons outside one's immediate family or household. A curfew from 10pm
to 5am is enforced for two weeks.

Malacañang appeals for public understanding since the restrictions will affect some people's holy
week plans. The IATF considers tourism a non-essential activity.

"Sana po maintindihan ng lahat na this is for the common good, alam po natin na nagplano na kayo
at talagang you are looking forward to ahh... this holy week break no... pero kung papayagan po tayo
ng unabated travel talagang mas mapapabilis ang pagkalat ng mga new variants sa ibat-ibang parte
pa ng Pilipinas," Presidential Spokesperson, Harry Roque.

Despite the restrictions, Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque clarifies there is no lockdown in
Metro Manila or the four nearby provinces under GCQ. That is because most businesses and public
transportation are allowed to operate.

"Hindi po tayo nag i-economic lockdown dahil bukas pa rin po ang mga industriya bagamat ini-
encourage nga natin yung work from home kung pupwede. Konti lang yung mga establishment na
ating isinara. Bukas pa rin po ang ating ekonomiya, so pupwede pa rin pong magtrabaho."

Local government units of the areas under GCQ are ordered to ensure compliance with health
protocols as well as quarantine and isolation measures. - Zian Arkanghel, CNN Philippines

1. What is the news about?

A. Economic lockdown among provinces under General Community Quarantine
B. Holy Week break and essential activities allowed to be conducted during the holiday period
C. COVID-19 Inter-Agency Task Force’s new approved resolution to slow down the rise in COVID-19
cases or the Resolution No. 104
D. COVID-19 Inter-Agency Task Force considering tourism as an essential activity in the places
under General Community Quarantine
2. What is the purpose of the news clip?
A. to inform B. to entertain C. to persuade D. to encourage
3. What makes it truthful?
A. It provides factual information. C. It has a convincing broadcaster.
B. It is from a well-known news site. D. It presents prominent government officials.
4. Which of the following makes the news relevant?
A. It states issues that are prevalent nowadays.
B. It provides information that the public needs.
C. It contains pertinent answers on issues.
D. All of the above

1) Its true! At certain point in our lives, we stop and ask this question: How do we turn
challenges to opportunities? 2) Yes, it’s not easy, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible to do. 3) This
means that we need to remember the important ways to put into action. 4) Of course, the first thing
to do is to reflect not in thoughtlessness but we need to start to focus and analyse the composition
taking place between the positive and negative limits of our emotions. 5) Eventually, we ask, “How do
we feel about the challenge? 6) Do we feel hopeless, angry, jealous, worried, inadequate, insecure,
fearful or do we feel their negative counterparts? 7) It’s silly to allow them to overrule our outlook in
life. 9) We must envision always that progress and success come to those who adhere to practice hard
work, determination, courage, perseverance, humility, consciousness, justice, self-confidence, trust,
respect, love and other potent secrets of inner strength and success. 10) We need to be realistic that
we need some if not all of them to turn challenges to opportunities; thereby, this will make us all
contented and happy.

5. The main point of the article is best expressed in sentence no. _______.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 5 D. 10
6. The generalization or statement about life or human experience the passage make is to ______.
A. bring out the best in you C. struggle against the odds
B. stand up for one’s belief D. take strength to bear up the odds
7. This article would most probably interest a/an _____________.
A. adolescent B. biography C. personal essay D. persuasive essay
8. The passage is an example of __________.
A. anecdote B. opinion C. reason D. statistics
9. The strongest evidence used by the author about turning challenges to opportunities is stated in
sentence no. ____.
A. 3 B. 6 C.7 D. 9
10. What is the purpose of the author in writing this?
A. to entertain B. to persuade C. to agree D. to give advice

Directions: The following are the resources where information can be taken. Write A if it a valid
source and B if invalid in a separate answer sheet.
11. Site ending with .gov 14. Educational institutions and their websites
12. International journals 15. Rants from social media
13. Post from unknown site

Directions: Evaluate the truthfulness of the information. Analyze the situations below and decide
if you can get factual information or not. Write / if yes and X if no.
16. Amarah saw a viral Twitter post from unknown source who asserted that a medicinal plant is
being used to cure Covid-19 patients.
17. Your friend saw a cryptic news headline and shared it in her timeline, but it does not present
any details about the whole story.
18. A resource speaker in the webinar mentioned names of credible authors while expounding his
19. You are reading an article about the number of new positive cases of Covid-19. Then you found
out that the article is already out of date.
20. A social media influencer said, “Filipinos have no right in the West Philippine Sea.” However, he
failed to cite any source to prove his claim.

Directions: Complete the table below by providing the valid and relevant information from the comic
strip above. Choose the answer from the box. Write the letter of your answer on your paper.

A. April 2, 2021 F. Municipal Health Office; Mayor

B. April 4, 2021 G. There is a big possibility that it was
C. Delfin T. Mallari, Jr. caused by a UK variant but there is
D. Facebook no confirmatory test performed yet.
Needed Information Answers
Source 21.
Supporting details 22.
Author 23.
Supporting Sources 24.
Date 25.

Directions: Write A for JUST if the following situation is reasonable and B for UNJUST if it is not.
26. The elderly are often rejected to work due to their age.
27. There are still several parts of the world where girls are not allowed to enter a school.
28. You refused a friend who is pushing you to join an immoral activity.
29. When it comes to occupational wages, there is a significant difference between men and women.
30. You help someone who is being bullied by a classmate.

Directions: Read and analyze the headlines and identify the issue being depicted. Write A if social
issue, B if moral issue and C if economic issue.
31. PH jobless rate worst in emerging Asia (Philippine Daily Inquirer, May 24, 2021)
32. Abortion, affairs top moral no-no’s for Filipinos (Rappler, January 14, 2015)
33. Philippine Economy to decline further in 2020 amid COVID-19, with recovery in 2021 (Asian
Development Bank, September 15, 2020)
34. COVID-19 Pandemic may have increased mental health issues within families (Science Daily, April
15, 2021)
35. DILG orders barangays to prevent mass gathering (Philippine Daily Inquirer, May 29, 2021)

Directions: Write whether the following statements use descriptive or prescriptive value judgment.
Write A for Descriptive and B for Prescriptive.
36. Learners who work alone on their modules are inspiring.
37. Parents support their children’s mode of learning during pandemic.
38. Additional activities may be given to learners to enrich learnings.
39. Health protocol should be implemented in every establishments.
40. Plantitos and plantitas become popular during lockdown.
41. Plant lovers suddenly appear during lockdown to take away boredom.
42. Conserve electricity to save energy.
43. Teachers and parents should work together to ensure their children’s learning.
44. Learners can ask their teachers to clarify the lessons that they do not understand.
45. The weather has been hot for several days now.

Directions: Identify if the statement gives objective value judgment (based on facts) or subject value
judgment (based on feelings or emotions). Write A for objective and B for subjective.
46. Most COVID-19 vaccines are given in two doses.
47. Some people are afraid to be vaccinated due to some side effects.
48. The government is being alarmed that many COVID-19 patients are children.
49. Following health protocol is still the best way to prevent from infectious disease.
50. The third dose of vaccine against COVID-19 is being given in some countries.

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