PC 314 Reviewer

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1. These are the statements that define 8. Graduates will demonstrate the
the expected goal(s) of an educational knowledge required responsible
activity. citizenship, both from their formal
Objectives studies and from community-based
learning. it is an example of
2. What the learner will be able to do as __________________outcomes.
a result of participating in the Institutional
educational activity
Outcomes 9. Education comes from the term
“educare”or “educere”. It means
3. Ability to communicate in writing and ________________
speaking, Mathematical problem- to draw out
solving skill, Skill in identifying
objects with the use of different senses
and Ability to produce artistic or 10. A detailed description of what a
literary works are all examples of student must be able to do at the
__________outcomes. conclusion of a course.
Immediate Outcomes Student Learning Outcomes

4. What students be able to demonstrate 11. It determines the degree to which the
at the end of the subject. students are attaining desired
Course Outcomes learning outcomes and identifies the
data which guides the selection of
5. Which is not a characteristic of assessment tools and what point it will
Outcomes-Based Education? be done.
Teacher centered Outcomes Assessment Procedure

6. In what Domain of Bloom's 12. It changed the perspective in

Taxonomy of Objectives do receiving, education.
responding, valuing, organizing technology
and internalizing belong?
Affective 13. These are examples of Deferred
outcomes EXCEPT: Success in
7. By the end of this unit, students will be professional practice or occupation
able to: describe the characteristics of Promotion in a job
the three main types of geologic faults Success in career planning, health and
(dip-slip, transform, and oblique) and wellness
explain the different types of Awards and recognition
motion associated with each. This is Passing required licensure
an example of _______________. examination
Learning outcomes
14. Graduates will deliver meaningful 20. Outcomes-Based Education come
learning experiences for all from different levels such as
students by integrating their Institutional,
knowledge of content, pedagogy, the _________________________,
learner and the learning environment; Course and Learning Outcomes.
engaging in the reflective instructional Program
cycle of planning, instructing,
assessing, and adjusting based on data. 21. The ability to apply cognitive,
This is an example of psychomotor, and affective skills in
_________________outcomes. various situations many years after
Program completion of the subject, grade
level or degree program.
15. These are competencies/skills Deferred Outcomes
acquired upon completion of the
subject. 22. Used to organize specific topics or
Immediate Outcomes individual learning activities to
achieve the overall learning outcome.
16. After a lesson on bullying, students Objectives
will be able to explain the difference
between a bully and a friend by writing 23. Observing, imitating, practicing,
a short paragraph that includes a thesis adapting and innovating belong to
statement and call to action. This is an what Domain of Bloom's taxonomy of
example of Objectives?
______________________________ Psychomotor
Learning Objective 24. what graduates of particular degree are
able to do after graduation.
17. Remembering, Applying, Analyzing, Program Outcomes
Evaluating, and Synthesizing/Creating
belong to what Domain of Bloom's 25. What the students are supposed to
Taxonomy of Objectives? demonstrate after the instruction.
Cognitive Learning Outcomes

18. What the graduates of an educational

institutions are able to do beyond
Institutional outcomes

19. Educational Objectives should be

expressed in general terms EXCEPT :
Quiz #2
1. Changes, computes, constructs, classifying, summarizing, inferring,
demonstrates, discovers, and comparing, and explaining.
manipulates are all keywords for Comprehension
Applying 11. Use knowledge from various areas to
find solutions to problems.
2. The highest level of thinking and was Applying
thought to require the most complex
mental processes. At this level, 12. Putting elements together to form a
learners are expected to make coherent or functional whole;
judgments about the value of the reorganizing elements into a new
methods or materials presented to pattern or structure through
them. generating,and planning.
Evaluating Creating

3. Judge the value of a work (of art, 13. Combine elements of drama, music,
music, writing) by using internal and dance into a stage presentation.
criteria or external standards of Creating
Evaluating 14. Statements that describe the
knowledge or skills students should
4. This is a Program Outcome : acquire by the end of a particular
Demonstrate mastery of Subject assignment, class, course, or program,
Matter discipline. and help students understand why that
True knowledge and those skills will be
useful to them.
5. At this point, they begin understanding Learning Outcomes
the underlying structure to knowledge
and also are able to distinguish 15. Sketch a picture that relates
between fact and opinion. the feelings about the certain music.
Analyzing Applying

6. The lowest level of learning in 16. Locate examples of capitalization in

the cognitive domain in Bloom's the following story.
Taxonomy and typically does not Remembering
bring about a change in behavior.
Remembering 17. An American educational
psychologist who is a Carolina
7. Comprehends, converts, defends, Distinguished Professor Emeritus at
distinguishes, estimates, explains, the University of South Carolina. L.
extends, generalizes, and gives an W. Anderson, once a student of
example are all keywords for Benjamin Bloom has made significant
____________________. contributions to Bloom’s Taxonomy
Understanding (1949).
Lorin Anderson
8. Contrasts, diagrams, deconstructs,
differentiates, discriminates, 18. Make judgments about data or ideas
distinguishes, identifies, and based on either internal or external
illustrates, are all keywords for conditions or criteria.
______________________. Evaluating
19. An American educational
9. This is a Program Outcome for teacher psychologist who as One of Bloom’s
Education : Practice Professional and partners to devise his classic cognitive
Ethical Teaching standards sensitive to taxonomy.
local, national and global realities. David Krathwohl
20. Observe a painting to uncover as many
10. Constructing meaning from oral, principles of art as possible.
written, and graphic messages Analyzing
through interpreting, exemplifying,
21. Combine elements of drama, music,
and dance into a stage presentation.

22. Give reasons for the energy crisis.


23. Learning can generally be categorized

into three domains :
Cognitive, Psychomotor, Affective

24. An American educational

psychologist who made contributions
to the classification of educational
objectives and to the theory of mastery
Benjamin Samuel Bloom

25. Inspect two presidential speeches.

Compare and contrast them in writing.

26. Statements that define the expected

goal of a curriculum, course, lesson
or activity in terms of demonstrable
skills or knowledge that will be
acquired by a student as a result of
Learning Objectives

27. Explain why we have bus safety rules.


28. Appraises, compares, concludes,

contrasts, criticizes, critiques, and
defends are all keywords for

29. Label the parts of a plant.


30. categorizes, combines, compiles,

composes, creates, devises, and
designs, are all keywords for
Quiz #3 13. Reactions that are not learned, such as
1. Stamina that must be developed for a involuntary reaction
further development such as strength Reflex movements
and agility.
Physical abilities 14. This refers to the learner’s sensitivity
to the existence of stimuli – awareness,
2. Being able to perform certain actions willingness to receive, or selected
by memory or following instructions. attention
Manipulation Receiving

3. Response to stimuli such as visual, 15. What is Physical abilities in

auditory, kinesthetic, or tactile psychomotor domain
discrimination. Objectives in this area should be
Perceptual abilities related to endurance, flexibility,
agility, strength, reaction-response
4. This is the intermediate stage in time or dexterity
learning a complex skill. Learned .
responses have become habitual and
the movements can be performed with 16. Being able to perform a skill on one's
some confidence and proficiency. own after taking lessons or reading
Mechanism about it.
5. The ability to use sensory cues to guide
motor activity. This ranges from 17. Displays competence while playing
sensory stimulation, through cue the piano.
selection, to translation. Naturalization
18. Stamina that must be developed for
6. Modifies swimming strokes to fit the further development such as strength
roughness of the water and agility.
Adaptation Physical abilities

7. Use effective body language, such as 19. What is Reflex movements

gestures and facial expressions. psychomotor domain?
Nondiscursive communication Objectives at this level involve one
segmental of the spine and
8. Improvising to complete a task in an movements that may involve more
unfamiliar environment is indicative than one segmented portion of the
of the _____ level of the psychomotor spine .
Adaptation 20. Creating new movement patterns to fit
a particular situation or specific
9. Perform a role in a stage play or play problem. Learning outcomes
in a set of series in a sports game emphasize creativity based upon
skilled movements highly developed skills.
10. Demonstrates a simple dance step.
Mechanism 21. The ability to throw a dart and
consistently hit the bullseye is an
11. Proficiency is indicated by a quick, example of the _____ level of the
accurate, and highly coordinated psychomotor domain.
performance, requiring a minimum of complex over response
energy. This category includes
performing without hesitation, and 22. Estimate where a ball will land after it
automatic performance. is thrown and then moving to the
Complex overt response correct location to catch the ball.
12. Ensure that you draw the most
important information from the related 23. Coordinating and adapting a series of
lesson on the psychomotor domain actions to achieve harmony and
Reading comprehension internal consistency.
24. Observing and patterning behavior
after someone else. Performance may
be of low quality

25. Access the knowledge you've gained

regarding what the psychomotor
domain is.
Information recall

26. The early stages in learning a complex

skill that includes imitation and trial
and error. Adequacy of performance is
achieved by practicing.
Guided response

27. Readiness to act. It includes mental,

physical, and emotional sets. These
three sets are dispositions that
predetermine a person's response to
different situations

28. Develops a new and comprehensive

training programming.

29. Mastering a high level performance

until it become second-nature or
natural, without needing to think much
about it.

30. Use your knowledge to answer

questions about the areas of the
psychomotor domain and how they're
knowledge application
Quiz #5 11. In order to change behavior, a student
1. The following terms refer to must be willing to __________ new
performance objectives except _____. information.
Teachers Accept

2. The final outcome of the affective 12. From the following, which one is the
domain is which of the following? most acceptable performance term for
Positive habits use in writing an overt objective?
3. Read the following objective carefully
" After listening to a group report on 13. At this level of the affective domain,
ecology, the students are expected to the individual has a value system that
defend their position on the issue." To has controlled his behavior for a
what domain does it belong? sufficiently long time for him to
Affective develop a characteristic life style.
4. Which of the following will more than
likely change behaviors? 14. Given ten photographs of biological
Repetitive practice in a laboratory cells, the pupils will be able to identify
or simulator setting six of them as either plant or animal
cells. The underlined phrase is a
5. “will a person do it freely without any condition for learning
type of coercion?” This is :
A. A cognitive question 15. Which of the following verbs can be
B. An affective question used in the characterization area or
C. A psychomotor question level of the affective domain?
D. A behavior question. Influence
An affective question
16. Objectives developed from the
6. Which objective below is not specific? affective domain are intended to
To know the life cycle of a moth. change what?
7. "to make statement" is an objective in 17. It is concerned with bringing together
an English lesson that is : values, resolving conflicts between
Unclear them, and beginning the building of an
internally consistent value system.
8. Give the main difference of these two Organizing
1. To teach the importance of proper 18. Statements that describe what the
nutrition for good health. student will be able to do upon
2. To give the importance of proper completion of an instructional
nutrition for good health experience are called _____
The first objective is teacher Instructional objectives
behavior while the second is student
behavior 19. Propose a plan to social improvement
and follows through with
9. This affective domain employs commitment- belongs to
arranging values into priorities, ___________________________.
creating a unique value system by Valuing
comparing, relating and synthesizing
values. 20. According to the classification system
Organizing presented in the text, which of the
following is at the highest level of the
10. It refers to active participation on the psychomotor domain?
part of the student. At this level he not Create
only attends to a particular
phenomenon but also reacts to it in 21. Revise judgments and changes
some way. behavior in light of new evidence -
Responding belongs to
22. Which one of the following contains 33. According to the classification system
an overt behavior that could be presented in the text, which of the
included in a measurable learning following is at the highest level of the
outcome? affective domain?
explain the similarities between the showing behaviors that demonstrate
American and Russian revolutions the internalization of values

23. What phrase below is standard of 34. Which objective below needs
performance? improvement?
Solve the puzzle correctly within 20 To develop skill in embroidery
35. When writing instructional objectives,
24. It refers to the student’s willingness to the anticipated measurable student
attend to particular phenomena or performance is the part of the objective
stimuli (classroom activities, textbook, referred to as the ___________.
music, etc.). Terminal behavior

25. Ms. Ortega tasked her students to show

how to play basketball. What learning
target is she assessing?

26. Which of the following sets of

behaviors represents higher-order
thinking skills?
designing a stage set; judging a
fashion show

27. 15. Which objective below is not

To respect places of worship.

28. Which aim below does not belong to

the group?
To express opinion politely

29. The goal of the valuing area or level of

the affective domain is which of the
Being willing to be perceived as

30. Which of the objectives below show

overt behavior?
To recite the Preamble of the

31. Which one of the following behaviors

is covert?
will know

32. Cooperate in group activities (displays

teamwork)- is an example of
Quiz #6 12. Examples of these are the static
1. Knowledge utilization selecting strength, overall body
alternatives, making choices and equilibrium,wrist finger speed, and
predicting outcomes. arm hand steadiness.
Decision-making Foundational procedure

2. A Self System Thinking wherein it 13. These are the data deposited in a
identifies emotional responses working memory via sensory memory
associated with knowledge. that must be translated into structure
Examining emotions and format of information
3. These are examples under Analysis
EXCEPT : 14. In the story, what is the Information
Thinking when the teacher is asking about the
generalization and moral lesson of the
4. Part of Analysis that involves story?
predicting, judging arguing. Principle
15. It is the activation and transfer of
5. Another significant similarities is the knowledge from permanent memory
New Taxonomy’s inclusion of to working memory.
psychomotor procedures as a type of Recovery or Retrieval
knowledge akin to mental procedures
and information. 16. One of the types of memory that deals
False with the temporary storage of data
from the senses.
6. Psychomotor Procedures includes sensory memory
these procedures EXCEPT:
Imitation 17. Combining all steps in a dance music,
Playing actual game of basketball,
7. These are parts of gathering Singing and strumming guitar
Information EXCEPT: together, these are examples of
Drills _______________________.
Complex combination procedure.
8. A type of memory that uses data from
both sensory and and permanent 18. These are all parts of gathering
memory. It is where data are actually information EXCEPT :
processed. Strategy
working memory
19. If Information is to "what" of human
9. One similarity, however, between the knowledge, Mental procedures can be
New Taxonomy and Bloom’s described as to "
Taxonomy is their respective ___________________"
delineations of informational types. how-to
20. In the story of Ibong Adarna, what part
10. It is examining own beliefs to improve of Information when a teacher is
integration of knowledge. asking the characteristics of the bird?
Examining efficacy Facts

11. The degree to which physical 21. These are 3 Domains of Knowledge
procedures figure into learning varies according to Marzano and Kendall
greatly by subject area. The physical EXCEPT :
requirements necessary for reading Attitude
may consist of no more than left-to-
right eye movement and the minimal 22. Example of these are shooting a free
coordination needed to turn a page. throw, running at slow speed, spiking
Psychomotor Procedure a ball and more...
Simple combination procedure
23. In the story "Ibong Adarna", what
Information is it when a teacher is 33. The reasoned extension of knowledge,
asking about the sequence of events in an elaborate on the knowledge as
the story? comprehended.
Time sequences Analysis

24. Type of recovery or retrieval that 34. A type of recovery to complete task or
determine whether the provided complete procedure.
information is accurate. Executing
35. It consists of organizing ideas, such as
25. An educational researcher in the principles, generalizations, and details,
United States. He has done educational such as vocabulary terms and facts.
research and theory on the topics of Information
standards-based assessment,
cognition, high-yield teaching
Robert J. Marzano

26. It can range from complex processes,

such as writing a term paper to simpler
tasks such as tactics, algorithms, and
single rules. Tactics, like reading a
map, consist of a set of activities which
do not need
Mental Procedure

27. It is responsible for monitoring,

evaluating and regulating the
functioning of all types of thoughts.

28. It determines whether an individual

will engage in or disengage in a given
Self-thinking system

29. A Knowledge utilization wherein

students are going to distinguish exact
features, take results and do reasearch.

30. Part of Analysis that involves

categorizing, comparing, contrasting
and differentiating.

31. A senior director in research at

McREL with current research and
technical assistance efforts include
working with clients to establish
performance standards for the
classroom, developing standards for
principals, and identifying the
knowledge and skills that help
students learn.
John S. Kendall

32. It contains all information, organizing

ideas , skills, and processes that
constitute the domain of knowledge.
Permanent memory

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