Installation Manual 11

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High Temperature.


M555 Spyromter4 TM
Dual wavelength, Infrared (IR) non-contact Pyrometer and Imaging System

Installation, Operation &

Maintenance Manual

M555MAN001|Issue 8


This chapter describes how to properly evaluate an installation location and install the Imager.
Read this entire chapter before installing any components. The installation sequence is
important and all steps must be understood. For details on system components other than the
Imager, this chapter will refer to the applicable product manual. This chapter describes the
general installation steps for the Imager that must be considered for all possible heat process
applications. Contact a qualified Service Representative if there are any questions regarding
installation for a specific heat process application.

A list of Spyrometer System components is given in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 System Components

System Component Purpose

Main process instrument. The Lens is part of the
Lens Transmits the optical signal to the Imager
Provides support and protection to the Imager, via
Mount Pipe
a Bracket Mount or Retract
This closes the lens port when the Imager lens is
Gravity Door (optional)
Cleans and dries the cooling air for the Imager
Cooling Air Filters
and lens
Provides for powered retraction of the Imager.
Retract System (optional) Comprises the Retract Controller, Retract Rail and
associated cables and hoses.
Provides a moderate store of compressed air to
Air Reservoir (optional) permit a single retract cycle in the event of plant
cooling air pressure loss.
Provides interface between the operator and the
Displays the video image and temperatures from
the Imager

Figure 2-1 shows the interface connections of all these components.

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Figure 2-1 System Interconnections

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2.1 Personnel and Equipment Safety Notes

To avoid injury or equipment damage, anyone handling the Imager should be aware of the
following safety notes:
• The rear of the Imager has a Vortex Cooler. This can be very hot, use caution when
working around the back of the Imager.

• The Lens Cooling Air can blow considerable dust and debris into the air. Use eye
protection when installing or removing the Imager.

• The intense heat of most industrial processes will damage the Lens if cooling air is
not present. Never insert the Lens into the heat process without cooling air.

• Even with cooling air applied; extending the Lens past the process wall can
damage the Lens. Never insert the Lens past the inner wall of the heat process
without closely monitoring the temperature of the Lens.

2.2 Installation Steps

Outlined below are the main steps of the installation procedure. The steps follow the preferred
sequence of events. The main goal is to have all Imager support components functioning
before inserting the Imager into the heat process. Inserting the Imager into the heat process
without Lens cooling air will damage the Lens. Installation consists of the following steps:
1. Select the Imager view port location
2. Create a view port if necessary
3. Install the Cooling Air Filters
4. Install the Retract System (ignore this step if a Retract System was not purchased)
5. Install the Imager power
6. Install the video cable
7. Install the Imager Mount

Tools for welding, pipe fitting and electrical cable installation are assumed to be available on
site. No special tools beyond the items supplied with the system components will be needed
for Imager installation. However, a portable video monitor and short BNC cable will make the
Imager installation easier.

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2.3 Selecting and Preparing the Imager View Port

The selection of the Imager viewing port is the first and most important step of the installation.
The location of the Imager determines where to install all the other pieces of the Imaging
System and can greatly affect Imager performance. A poor mounting location can cause the
following problems:
• Lens or Imager damage
• Increased Imaging System Maintenance
• Poor Image
• Reduced Imaging System life span

The selected Imager mounting position must ensure good

clear access to the mains power inlet, because the power
inlet plug and socket serve as the Power Disconnecting

The most important factor in selecting the Imager location is what you want to see. Locate the
Imager so that the Optical Centreline is pointing at the objects or area that you want to see,
refer to Figure 2-2, Figure 2-3 and Figure 2-4. If you only want to see a single object or a small
area, this can be as easy as finding a convenient view port and pointing the Imager at the
object. In cases where you want to see multiple objects or a large area, it can be helpful to
develop a drawing or sketch similar to the figures. Follow these guidelines when producing your
• Using the plans for your specific heat process, identify the areas or objects that you
want to see.
• Draw the Optical Centerline from likely mounting locations to the center of the area
or objects that you want to see.
• Using the Lens option of your Imager (all product options are listed on the Model
Number Label on the back of the Imager) and the Field of View (FOV) data from
Table 2-2, determine the Horizontal and Vertical Fields of View.
• Overlay the FOV onto the drawing, centered over the Optical Centerline.
• Adjust the Imager Angle and inclination as necessary until the area of coverage is
over what you want to see.

In the example portrayed in Figure 2-2, a single Imager is used to view product in the burn zone
of a kiln. For most kiln installations, the best view is obtained by mounting the Imager under the
burner on the opposite side of the kiln discharge. This allows the Imager to see under the flame,
and up into the burn zone, while still being able to see the product exit the kiln. In this case, a
Wide FOV Lens was needed to provide complete coverage. The Imager Angle and Inclination
were determined by overlaying the Imager’s Horizontal and Vertical FOV (Refer to Table 2-2 for
FOV information on all Spyrometer lenses) over a diagram of the kiln.

In the example portrayed in Figure 2-3, a single Imager with an Oblique Angle Lens is used to
view the product entrance and first cooling stage of a Clinker Cooler. The Imager Angle was
determined by pointing the Optical Centreline so that the amount of Cooler Wall visible was
roughly the same on both sides of the image. Then the Imager was rotated so that the Vertical
FOV covered the product entrance and as much of the Cooler Floor as possible.

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In the example portrayed in Figure 2-4, two Imagers are used to view the burners on the sides
of a power boiler. Two Imagers with Narrow FOV Lenses were selected instead of one Imager
with a Wide FOV Lens. This allows the Imagers to view a smaller area and give a better image
of each individual burner. The rear (or front) wall was selected because an Imager installed
on the side wall would have its image of the far wall obscured by the bright light of the near
burners. The Imager Height was determined by overlaying the Imager’s Horizontal FOV (refer
to Table 2-2 for FOV information on all Spyrometer lenses.) over the boiler plan so that the FOV
was centered over the burners. The Imager Inclination was determined the same way using
the Vertical FOV information from table 2-1. In addition to the Angle and Inclination
adjustments, these Imagers are rotated so that their Optical Centerlines point down slightly,
instead of pointing directly to the left or right. This helped to center the Imager’s FOV over the

Once you have determined the general location of the Imager, you can locate or make the
specific mounting port. When determining the port location, consider the following questions:
 Are there any obstructions created by existing structures? Refer to Figure 2-5 for
typical Imager dimensions.
 Will material from the process being viewed build up in front of the Imager or on the
 Is the Lens long enough to place the Lens Window at the edge of the inner wall or
 Will there be adequate room to easily remove the Imager from its mount and set it
down in a safe area with the Lens Cooling Air Hose still attached?
 Is there enough surface on the process wall to support the Imaging System Mount?
Refer to Figure 2-5 for typical Mount dimensions.
 Does the area around the port provide a safe operating environment for the Imager
considering ambient temperature, protection from physical shock, and any other

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Figure 2-2 Typical Kiln Installation

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Figure 2-3 Typical Clinker Cooler Installation

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Figure 2-4 Typical Boiler or Furnace Installation

If the selected location of the view port happens to coincide with an existing port, no change
to the existing structure need be made. If not, you must create a view port. A detailed
description of how to create a view port is impossible for this manual. Even for a single
application, the structure of a kiln or boiler can vary. If you sufficiently answer the above
questions, there should be no problem creating a sufficient view port from your specific
structural drawings. If there are any questions about creating a view port, please contact a
qualified service representative for assistance.

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A Straight View Lenses A Oblique Angle Lenses

1 (20.5) 24” /L24 508 (20) 24” /OAL24

851 (33.5) 36” /L36 813 (32) 36” /OLA36

156 (45.5) 48” /L48 118 (44) 48” /OLA48

Figure 2-5 Typical Imager and Mount Dimensions

Table 2-2 Lens Field of View Information

Horizontal Field of Vertical Field of

Lens Style Lens Option*
View ±5° View ±5°
Wide Field of View /LxxW or /OALxxW 80° 60°
Medium Field of View /LxxM 60° 45°
Narrow Field of View /LxxN 35° 26°
*xx -- Specifies Lens length

2.4 Installing the Imager Cooling System

Once you have determined the location of the Imager view port, you can install the cooling
system. There must be 1.5m to 3.0m (5’ to 10’) of slack in the cooling hoses to the Imager. This
will allow the Imager to be removed from its mount and set down without disconnecting the
hoses. The cooling hoses must remain attached so that the Lens can continue to cool after
removing the Imager. For example, the typical Air Filter system has two 6m (20’) hoses, one for
lens cooling, and one for Imager cooling. To use these hoses, place the Air Filter System within
3m to 4.5m (10’ to 15’) of the Imager view port. Refer to the applicable Air Filter Operations
Manual for Air Filter System installation details.

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2.5 Installing the Retract Control System

The Retract System consists of two main components: the Retract Rail and the Retract
Controller. Refer to Figure 2-1. The Retract Rail consists of the Retract Cylinder, coupling
channel, and Retract Rail refer to Figure 2-9. The Cylinder provides the motive force to move
the Imager along the rail, thus implementing the retract function. The Retract Controller
monitors the air pressure being supplied to the Imager lens and uses a pneumatic solenoid to
control the Retract Cylinder accordingly. The systems includes an air reservoir to allow at least
one retract cycle to occur in the event of loss of plant air pressure.

Section 2.8 covers the installation of the Imaging System Mount.

The installation of the Retract Controller is similar to the installation of the Imager cooling filter
system. The distance between the Retract Controller and the Imager view port should allow
for 1.5m to 3.0m (5’ to 10’) of slack in the hose. In addition, the Controller will require various
electrical interfaces, including power. Refer to the applicable Retract Operations Manual for
details about installing the Retract Control System.

2.6 Installing the Power Cable

The Imager requires a 100-240V, 50-60Hz, grounded outlet. The

power cable should be protected by a 5A slow blow fuse, type
T5AH250V, or a 5A type C circuit breaker.

The power inlet plug and socket on the rear of the Imager serve as
the Power Disconnecting Device.

Any additional Disconnect Device must consist of a 2 pole switch

with a minimum contact distance of 3mm, or a plug and socket. It
must be near to the equipment and easily accessible.
The power cable supplied with the Imager has a three-socket
connection for the Imager and a standard plug to connect to the
power system. The three Imager power leads are AC supply, AC
return, and ground. Usually the electrical power supply is brought
to the Imager location. If an optional retract controller is used, then
this can provide a suitable glanded and switched mains outlet.

The cable should allow for the 1.5m to 3.0m (5’ to 10’) of slack to
the Imager.

2.7 Installing the Video Cable

For video cable runs less than 300 m (1000 feet), use RG-59/U coaxial cable. For longer runs,
up to 900 m (3000 feet), use RG-11 coaxial cable to reduce video signal loss. Video cable runs
in excess of 900 m (3000 feet) are not recommended.

Install the video cable in conduit or route with other low current cables to reduce the chances
of picking up noise along the video cable run. Similar to the installation considerations for the
hoses, there should be 1.5m to 3.0m (5’ to 10’) of slack in the video cable to allow for retraction
and removal of the Imager. After fitting the video cable, place UHF male connectors (type PL-
259) onto each end of the cable. Mirion kit KT6109 contains all of the necessary connectors for
RG-59/U cable, and KT6109-998 contains all of the connectors for RG-11 cable.

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2.8 Installing the Imaging System Mount

2.8.1 Overview

There are two methods available for installing the Imaging System Mount. The first method is to
weld the mount pipe directly to the structure surrounding the view port. This method is simple
and it can be accomplished without any additional hardware. It has the disadvantage of
requiring temporary support while aiming the Imager and welding the mounting pipe. If
choosing this method of mount installation, refer to Section 2.8.2 to install the Imaging System

The second method is to attach a Collar Mount, refer to Figure 2-8, onto the structure
surrounding the view port. The advantage of this method is that it allows for positioning the
Imager after installation of the mount. It also makes it possible to easily remove the entire
Imaging System Mount during kiln or cooler maintenance. The disadvantage is that it requires
that a Collar be custom manufactured at the installation site. If choosing this method, refer to
Section 2.8.3 to install the Imaging System Mount.

2.8.2 Mounting Pipe Installation

For systems with a Collar Mount, skip this section.

Depending on the Imager options ordered, the Imaging System Mount may not be fully
assembled. Check that all parts of the Imaging System Mount are assembled completely, refer
to Figure 2-6. If you will be using a Retract Control System with the Imager, do not attach the
Retract Cylinder to the Imager until the Imaging System Mount installation is complete. Section
2.8.4 describes the Retract Cylinder installation.

A sufficient amount of light to provide an image is required to

properly aim the Imager. If the heat process is not in operation,
place a flood lamp at the area of viewing interest to provide
sufficient light to aim the Imager.

After assembling the Imaging System Mount, follow these installation steps:
1. Connect the lens cooling air hose to the Lens Cooling Air Fitting, refer to Figure 2-7.
2. Adjust the lens cooling regulator to provide proper air pressure as measured at the
lens air gauge. Different Lens styles have different cooling air requirements, refer to
Table 2-3.
3. Connect the Imager cooling air hose to the Air Inlet, refer to Figure 2-7
4. Adjust the Imager cooling regulator to provide 420-700kPa (60-100psi) as measured
at the regulator gauge.

The rear of the Vortex Cooler can be very hot, use caution when
working around the back of the Imager.

5. Verify there is cooling air escaping from the Vortex Cooler, refer to Figure 2-7.
6. Connect the Imager power cable to the Power Connection, refer to Figure 2-7.
7. Attach the video cable to the Video Cable Connection, refer to Figure 2-7.
8. Connect the video cable to a monitor. It is very helpful to have a monitor at the
Imager installation site (as opposed to in the Control Room) while performing the
mounting pipe installation. You can use the monitor normally supplied with the
Imaging System for this, but it is not necessary. Any composite monitor will do.

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9. For Bracket Mounted Imagers, refer to Figure 2-6, perform the following:
a) Loosen the Knurled Knobs and slide the Imager onto the Bracket Mount.
b) Push the Imager against the Sealing Flange Gasket and tighten the Knurled
c) Make sure that the Mounting Pipe is not visible in the on-screen image. If
necessary, trim the Mounting Pipe.
10. For Rail Mounted Imagers, refer to Figure 2-6, perform the following:
a) If the Imaging System has a retract cylinder, ensure it is in the inserted position.
Refer to the applicable Retract Operations Manual for a detailed description.
b) Slide the Imager onto the rail and push forward until it presses against the
Sealing Flange Gasket.
c) Make sure that the Mounting Pipe is not visible in the on-screen image. If
necessary, trim the Mounting Pipe.
11. Lift the Imaging System Mount, with the Imager attached, and slide the Mounting
Pipe into the Imager viewing port while watching the image on the monitor. Insert
the Imaging System Mount until the edges of the process wall disappear from the
monitor image. Then insert the Imaging System Mount another 20mm (3/4in). This
extra distance will reduce the affect that build up around the Mount will have on
the image.
12. Move the Imaging System Mount until it is in the desired viewing position. Hold it in
position while forming a tack weld on the left and right sides of the Mounting Pipe.
Check the Imager view on the monitor. If you need to change the view, cut one
of the tack welds and bend the Imaging System Mount against the other weld until
the Imager view is in the desired position. Tack-weld the Mounting Pipe again to
hold the Imaging System Mount in place. When the Imager view is correct,
continue with the next step.
13. Remove the Imager from the mount and complete the weld on the Mounting Pipe.
14. If a Retract Control System is part of the system, go to Section 2.8.4 to complete the
Imager installation.
15. If a Retract Control System is not part of the system, refer to Section 3.3 for a
detailed description of placing the Imager into operation.
16. The Imager installation is complete. Connect the output of the Imager to the input
of the M200 Processor. Refer to the applicable Processor Installation and Operation
Manual for details of the Imager connections and instructions for setting up the
Processor to obtain the best image.

If you are connecting your Imager to an existing Processor, you

must make sure that the processor is configured correctly to
NOTE receive the color signal from the Imager. If the processor is not
configured correctly, you will see thin, vertical lines in the bright
portions of the process image.

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Figure 2-6 Imaging System Mounts

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Figure 2-7 Lens Cooling Requirements

Table 2-3 Lens Cooling Air Requirements

Lens Style:
Straight Viewing (Narrow FOV) 14-17psi 100-120kPa
Straight Viewing (Med. & Wide FOV) 7-10psi 50-70kPa
Oblique Angle 20-25psi 140-175kPa

2.8.3 Collar Mount Installation

For systems without a Collar Mount, skip this section.

Systems that use a color mount still utilize the components shown in Figure 2-6. However the
Mounting Pipe is held in an additional collar instead of being welded in place.

Depending on the Imager options ordered, the Imaging System Mount may not be fully
assembled. Check that all parts of the Imaging System Mount; refer to Figure 2-6, are
assembled completely. If you will be using a Retract Control System with the Imager, do not
attach the Retract Cylinder to the Imager until the Imaging System Mount installation is
complete. Section 2.8.4 describes the Retract Cylinder installation.

A sufficient amount of light to provide an image is required to

properly aim the Imager. If the heat process is not in operation,
place a flood lamp at the area of viewing interest to provide
sufficient light to aim the Imager.

After assembling the Imaging System Mount, follow the steps below to install it:
1. Manufacture the Collar Mount as specified in refer to Figure 2-8 using the parts
listed; refer to Table 2-4. If you expect the Imager will be mounted at an angle,
create the collar mount with the appropriate angle by using one of the following
* Manufacture the Collar Mount so that the collar is at an angle.
* Mount the Collar Mount over the viewing port at an angle.

2. Weld or bolt the Collar Mount in place over the selected viewing port.
3. Connect the lens cooling air hose to the Lens Cooling Air Fitting, refer to Figure 2-7.

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4. Adjust the lens cooling regulator to provide proper air pressure as measured at the
lens air gauge. Different Lens styles have different cooling air requirements; refer to
Table 2-3.
5. Connect the Imager cooling air hose to the Air Inlet, refer to Figure 2-7.
6. Adjust the Imager cooling regulator to provide 420-700kPa (60-100psi) as measured
at the regulator gauge.

The rear of the Vortex Cooler can be very hot, use caution when
working around the back of the Imager.

7. Verify there is cooling air escaping from the Vortex Cooler, refer to Figure 2-7.
8. Connect the Imager power cable to the Power Connection, refer to Figure 2-7.
9. Attach the video cable to the Video Cable Connection, refer to Figure 2-7.
10. Connect the video cable to a monitor. It is very helpful to have the monitor at
the Imager installation site (as opposed to in the Control Room) while performing
the mounting pipe installation. You can use the Monitor supplied with the Imager
System for this, but is not necessary. Any composite monitor will do.
11. For Bracket Mounted Imagers, refer to Figure 2-6, perform the following:
a) Loosen the Knurled Knobs and slide the Imager onto the Bracket Mount.
b) Push the Imager against the Sealing Flange Gasket and tighten the Knurled
c) Make sure that the Mounting Pipe is not visible in the on-screen image. If
necessary, trim the Mounting Pipe.
12. For Rail Mounted Imagers, refer to Figure 2-6, perform the following:
a) If the Imaging System has a retract cylinder, ensure it is in the inserted position.
Refer to the applicable Retract Operations Manual for a detailed description.
b) Slide the Imager onto the rail and push forward until it presses against the
Sealing Flange Gasket.
c) Make sure that the Mounting Pipe is not visible in the on-screen image. If
necessary, trim the Mounting Pipe.
13. Lift the Imaging System Mount, with the Imager attached, and slide the Mounting
Pipe into the Collar while watching the image on the monitor. Insert the Imaging
System Mount until the edges of the refractory wall disappear from the monitor
image. Then insert the Imaging System Mount another 20mm (3/4in). This extra
distance will reduce the affect that buildup around the mount has on the image
14. Using the bolts on the Collar Mount, adjust the Imaging System Mount until it is in
the desired viewing position. If you cannot attain the desired view, you will have
to move or modify the Collar Mount. Once the desired view is correct, continue
with the next step.
15. Insert high temperature packing material between the Collar and the Mounting
Pipe to prevent hot air from blowing on the Imager.
16. If a Retract Control System is part of the system, go to Section 2.8.4 to complete
the Imager installation.
17. If a Retract Control System is not part of the system, the Imager installation is
complete. Connect the output of the Imager to the input of the M200 Processor.
Refer to the applicable Processor Installation and Operation Manual for details of
the Imager connections and instructions for setting up the Processor to obtain the
best image.

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If you are connecting your Imager to an existing processor, you

NOTE must make sure that the processor is configured correctly to
receive the color signal from the Imager.

Figure 2-8 Collar Mount

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Table 2-4 Parts List for Collar Mount

Item Quantit Size or Dimensions

# y Standard (inches) Metric (mm)
1 Steel Plate 1 9 x 9 x 3/8 Thick 229 x 229 x 10
2 Schedule 40 or 80 Steel Pipe 1 4 Dia x 6 Long 102 Dia x 152
Nipple Long
3 Stainless Steel Nuts 6 7/16 or 1/2 UNF M12 Fine
4 Stainless Steel Bolts 6 7/16 or 1/2 UNF x 2 M12 Fine x 51 min.

2.8.4 Retract and Imager Connection

Check that the installation of the Retract Controller is correct according to the applicable
Retract Control System Installation Manual, and perform the following steps to complete the
Imager installation.

1. Connect the Retract Controller Sense Hose to the Retract Controller Sense Line on
the Lens, refer to Figure 2-7.
2. Ensure the Retract Cylinder, refer to Figure 2-9, is in the inserted position. Refer to
the applicable Retract Operations Manual for a detailed description of the Retract
3. Insert the piston rod of the Retract Cylinder into the Coupling Channel and insert
the Lock Pin, refer to Figure 2-9.

Perform these steps before attaching the Coupling Channel to

the Imager.

4. Slide the Imager onto the rail and push it against the Sealing Flange Gasket, refer
to Figure 2-6.

Never insert the Imager lens into the heat process without cooling
air applied to the Imager Enclosure and Lens.

5. Make a mark on the Coupling Channel at the back edge of the Imager slider feet.
6. Remove the Lock Pin and slide the Coupling Channel out from under the Imager.
7. Remove the Imager from the rail.
8. Align the coupling channel under the Imager to the mark made in step 4, and bolt
the Coupling Channel to the base of the Imager using the bolts supplied in KT6511-
9. Place the Retract Cylinder in the retracted position. Refer to the applicable Retract
Control System Operations Manual for a detailed description of the Retract
10. Slide the Imager, with the Coupling Channel attached, onto the rail.
11. Insert the piston rod of the Retract Cylinder into the Coupling Channel, and insert
the Lock Pin.

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12. Operate the Retract Controller to insert the Imager. If the Imager does not press
against the Sealing Flange Gasket, retract the Imager, reposition the Coupling
Channel, and repeat steps 8 through 11.
13. Once the Imager presses against the Sealing Flange Gasket, the Imager installation
is complete. Connect the output of the Imager to the input of the M200 Processor.
Refer to the applicable Processor Installation and Operation Manual for details of
the Imager connections and instructions for setting up the Processor to obtain the
best image.

If you are connecting your Imager to an existing processor,

NOTE you must make sure that the processor is configured correctly
to receive the color signal from the Imager.

Figure 2-9 Installing the Coupling Channel

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