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Type of Learner

Describe extensively what type of learner you are, based on McCarthy’s classification. Cite your
thinking patterns, your behavior, and your attitude. Give personal examples, and you may
include your photos to concretize your ideas.

Based on what I have learned in the discussion about the 4 types of learners according
to Bernice McCarthy, I can say that I am a common-sense learner. According to the National
Extension Water Outreach Education (2022), common sense learners are mainly curious about
how things function. They gain knowledge by reflecting on their experiences and evaluating the
value of what they come across. They enjoy tinkering to make things work or to find solutions to
issues, and they seek utility and results. They require resolution, adherence to deadlines, and
staying focused. They enjoy making things useful and testing theories as well as want to create,
experiment, and build. Understanding its concept made me realize that when I want to learn
certain things, I prefer learning from them through experience rather than staying out of it. As
per the discussion, I agree with the fact that common-sense learners are those that prefer to get
their hands dirty instead of just watching. In my own experience, to be honest, when studying I
tend to enjoy more laboratory works rather than just listening in classes. This is because I
believe that people will learn more when they personally experience things. Also, in my day-to-
day life, I am an explorer which means I really love to do various things because through this I
will be able to discover the things that I am capable of. For example, during my summer
vacation, I usually prefer to do summer job which is related to the things that I want such as
being a frontline when it comes to teaching or sales. In this case, due to the fact that I am
trained and I was able to experience the actual field, I was able to gain knowledge as well as
skills that I can use in the future. Furthermore, I strongly rely on kinesthetic participation and
comprehension, continually seek usability, and quickly absorb learning as I experience them
Lastly, as a common-sense learner which is known to be curious about “how” things
actually work, I love to judge things myself through personal experience as well as to be a
flexible learner by getting involved, being useful, meeting the deadlines and tasks on time, and
solving problems through active participation and/or collaboration.

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