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Date Performed: OCTOBER 06, 2022

Date Submitted: OCTOBER 14, 2022


Writer of Introduction

Observer/Answer Report Sheet

Writer of Discussion of Results

Observer/Answer Report Sheet

Writer of Discussion of Results

Writer of Discussion of Results

Writer of Conclusion

The temperature of an object typically fluctuates when heat energy is added to or

subtracted from it; but, during phase shifts, the temperature of an object remains

constant. Since energy is needed for an object to change phases, the temperature

doesn’t change.

The amount of heat energy per mass unit needed for a phase change is known as

latent heat. When considering a substance’s molecular structure, gaseous molecules

vibrate more than liquid molecules. Therefore, by increasing the temperature of a

liquid, you are actually making its molecules vibrate. The energy needed to alter

molecular mobility is known as latent heat. The latent heat of each substance varies.

Latent heat is calculated as follows:


The heat Q required to add or subtract from an item of mass m in order for it to

change phases is related by this equation. L notes the individual latent heat of the

object. Latent heat is measured in J/kg.

Depending on the type of phase change occurring, latent heat levels can vary:

 The transition from a liquid to a solid is caused by latent heat of fusion.

 Liquid to gas vaporization involves latent heat.

 The transformation of a solid into a gas is called latent heat of

Mass of calorimeter, cup, and cover: 229.4 grams
Initial temperature of warm water: 43 °C
Mass of calorimeter,cup and warm water: 373.2 grams
Mass of warm water alone: 143.8 grams
Mass of calorimeter, cup, cover, warm water, 393.5 grams
and ice:
Mass of ice alone: 20.3 grams
Initial temperature of ice: 0 °C
Final temperature of warm water and ice: 28 °C
Latent heat of fusion of ice 327.4238 J/g
Latent heat of fusion of ice (theoretical): 330 J/g
Percentage error: 78.0667 %
Review Questions & Problems

1. What error occurred by using (a) a single large piece of ice? Or (b) very fine

shavings of ice?

a. It took a long time to wait for the lowest temperature when using a large

piece of ice because it dissolved slowly in the mixture.

b. With a very fine ice shaving it affected the initial temperature of the ice

because it was very easy for it to gain heat from the surroundings and it

would also easily melt as it was used in the process.

2. Recalculate the latent heat of fusion, assuming that 5.0 grams of water were

transferred to the calorimeter on the surface of the ice. Is thus the expected result?

Discussion of Results

The containing result has undergo trough measurement of mass, temperature, and

percentage to identify the exact value of Latent heat of fusion of ice . We have noted

each of the following given required units. A mass of a calorimeter, cup and cover has

229.4 grams, an initial temperature of the warm water has 43 °C, a mass of

calorimeter,cup and warm water has 373.2 grams, the mass of a warm water alone has

143.8 grams, a mass of calorimeter, cup, cover, warm water, and ice has 393.5 grams,

the mass of the ice alone has 20.3 grams assuming the initial temperature

0°temperature and a final temperature of warm water and ice which has 28°C. This is

also observed the changes from solid ice to liquid water, we have also calculated the

energy that required to melt the ice. Now that the acquired necessary data, we can

now identify the value of the Latent heat by the given formula;
M(ice) Lf(ice) + M(ice) x Cp ( 4.184) (Tf-Ti of ice) = M(water) (4.184)(Tf-Ti

of water).

Substituted the given values, came up with an equivalent of 327.4238 J/g in

Latent heat of fusion of ice (experimental). The theoretical value has already been

given which is 330 J/g. Afterwards, found the the percentage of error by the use of

formula Percentage Error = the absolute value of experimental minus the theoretical

all over theoretical x 100l and got 78.0667 %.


We conclude that latent heat is the change of phase of matter . Latent heat has 3

types depending on the phase change . It can be the latent heat of fusion,

vaporization and sublimation. We can calculate the latent in the formula of;

Q= m times +-Lf; ( wherein Q is the quantity of heat m is mass and Lf can be positive

or negative depending on the phase change). We also conclude that latent heat and

specific is interconnected, once material reach a specific temperature, it will change

in phase. This equation is noted in the formula;

M(ice) Lf(ice) + M(ice) x Cp ( 4.184) (Tf-Ti of ice) = M(water)

(4.184)(Tf-Ti of water)
Computations/Table and Figures:

Latent Heat: Definition, Formula & Example” by Amy Lange. Retrieved on October 14,

2022 from


Saint Louis University Baguio Chemical Engineering Department: Chemistry for

Engineers Laboratory

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