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DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions based on your own opinions.

1. Create a written scenario for moral valuation, moral issue, moral decision and moral
judgment and moral dilemma.

2. Why do we need punishments? Explain briefly.

3. Explain what kind of attitude you had.

4. Discuss the Moral and Ethical doings.

5. Make a poster showing similar examples of an “Etiquette”

6. How do you know if a punishment is acceptable and unacceptable.

7. Make your own principle in 2 to 5 sentences.

8. Why people are having fear of punishments?

9. Make your own list of right and wrong doings of a person (10 each list will do)

10. Write a moral lesson in your life. (5 to 10 sentences)


1. People articulate a moral judgment, for example, when they say that an
action is right or wrong, that a person is good or bad, or that a situation is
just or unjust. Athletes frequently make moral judgments about moral
issues that arise in sports, and such judgments have been investigated
by sport psychologists.
2. Punishment is a process by which the state inflicts some pain to the
persons or property of person who is found guilty of Crime. In other
words punishment is sanction imposed on an accused for the
infringement of the established rules. People are punished for a purpose.
Often the aims of a punishment overlap, e.g. the death penalty acts to
deter people from committing similar crimes and it aims to protect the
public from the individual who is guilty of the crime.
3. The attitude I have is I am easily get bored with things that I do and also
I have a short patience. And I easily get angry.
4. Ethics and morals relate to “right” and “wrong” conduct. While they are
sometimes used interchangeably, they are different: ethics refer to rules
provided by an external source, e.g., codes of conduct in workplaces or
principles in religions. Morals refer to an individual’s own principles
regarding right and wrong.
6. It depends on the reasons that they have on why did they commit such a
crime. For example of person is guilty on killing another person then they
deserve a heavy punishment like lifetime imprisonment or worst death.
Like here in the Philippines we have this infamous saying that the justice
is only serve to the rich people. When a grandfather steal a manggo fruit
they immediately jailed the person but when a rich man run over the
guard by his car the police has many alibi in order to not to get jailed that
rich man
7. My principle in life is I will stand still on what I believe specially when I’m
in a right side. I will not tolerate any unacceptable sins even though they
are my relatives.
8. First is because they afraid that the punishment might be in forever life.
Second, they will ashamed to the people they know that they commit
such crime that has / need to get punishment.

 Lie
 I sometimes he coins
 Cheat in exam (sometimes)
 Be a good daughter
 Wash dishes
 Working
 Giving money to parents
10. The moral lesson in my life is whatever you always choose the
right thing and don’t get swayed by the devil. Because at the end of the
day you are the who will get suffer to the consequences and you are the
only one who can help your self

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