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Leveraging Diversity in Work Place

DEMOGRAPHICS Respondent Name: ____KAVITA BIRLA___________________________ City/Town: ___NOIDA__________________________ State: __________U.P.______________________ Phone Number: _______9810756502________________ INCOME LEVEL:_____*1L-5L_____5L-10L____10L-15L INTRODUCTION Good morning / afternoon, We are doing a survey on leveraging diversity in work place. This should not take more than 10 minutes. Please note that your names and all your responses will remain totally confidential. They will not be attributed to you personally or your company. All the information you give us will be studied as a whole.

According to you, diversity in the organization means Willingness to learn from local cultures_and to expand their centric views is wat a best practice is, thats_____bringing variety of values and beliefs to the groups _____will also reduce __ Lack of Communication ___and will bring respect and closeness in the ___ Actual cultural

differences  How would you rate (in terms of %) the role of diversity in the workplace in different organizations taking men, materials, machines and other factors to the consideration?

______ 50% ______*____70% ________90% ______

Do Goals and Objectives of the organizations affect the diversity strategies in a long run? ______________YES _____*______NO__________ dont know Do you think that relationships within organizations are based on valued diversity? ___*____ YES_________NO Does managing diversity in the workplace enhance marketing (cross cultural difference in consumer behaviour)? _____*__ YES_________NO

 According to you, what is more important: ______________ Business Benefits

_____*_________ Leveraging difference According to you, how the strength in the diversity can be developed?
    ___________Research __________Educate ____*_______Both of them __________None of them

Is Mentoring and Methodology acts as an effective plan for designing diversity strategy in the organization? ______*_____YES__________NO__________ dont know

Is organisational flexibility: ______*______ enhances the diversity in the workplace. ____________ decreases the managed diversity in the working group of an organization. ____________No changes takes place in the organization.

 For conducting a diversity audit in the organization, is analysis and developing reports are considered important? __________*_____Yes _________________No If yes, rate the following in terms of (%) ________*___55%_________75%____________95%

Exclusivity of in-group and / or associated access to information & relationships are considered as ____________________BENEFITS ___________*_________CHALLENGES


Do Stereotypes in the Workplace reduce motivation? _____*__ YES_________NO

Do Stereotypes in the workplace encourage managers to perceive risk in employing minority groups?

____*___ YES_________NO
 Is stereotyping applicable to all members of the group working in the organization? This is a particular group or segment of people working in organization, so I guess not applicable for all the groups of organization but will applicable for stereotype group members. _______________ALWAYS_________________NEVER

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