Characterisation of Friction Loss in Pipe Flow

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REP: Fluids lab

July 5



Venkata Sai subhash, R Roshan, Ujjawal, Busi Swathi Priya, Lohith reddy, Yash Bharti
Department of Aerospace

ABSTRACT fluid. There are two types of friction named skin friction and
In this experiment we determine the friction factor of the form friction. Skin friction is generated in unseparated bound-
pipe and friction loss in pile flow. In laminar flow, the friction ary layers such as straight pipes. When any surface is in con-
factor is a function of Reynolds Number while in turbulent flow, tact with a fluid and relative motion exists between the surface
the friction factor is a function of both Reynolds Number and and the fluid, the transfer of momentum results in a tangential
relative roughness. Relative roughness is the average roughness stress on the surface that is parallalley oriented to the direction
or depth of the surface irregularities. In a fluid flowing through a of flow. Form friction is form of energy dissipation that occurs
pipe the amount of the mechanical energy is equal to its pressure when the boundary layer is separated and form wakes such as in
head. Determining heald loss(h f ) and velocity of flow we can flow through valves.
determine friction factor by using Darcy – Weisbach formula. When a fluid flows through a pipe the energy loss will oc-
From the results of the experiment, we can say that the trial that cur in the form of heat or sound. The losses in energy are re-
has a greater Reynolds number, has the lower friction factor. ferred as head losses, which are derived from Bernoulli’s equa-
tion. Head losses are classified as major and minor head losses.
Minor head losses is defined as the energy lost due to bends and
valves present in the system, where as major head losses is de-
h f head loss (m)
fined as loss of energy due to the frictional resistance which acts
A Area of tank (m2 )
against the flow of the fluid, which can be calculated using the
ρ Density (kg/m3 )
Darcy-Weisbach equation given below;
µ Viscosity (Pa.s)
f Friction factor
C f Skin friction factor
τw Wall-shear stress (N/m2 ) f LV 2
hf = (1)
∆h Height of water collected in tank (m) 2gD
t Time required to collect the water up to a height ∆h in the
tank (s)
Q Discharge through pipe (m3 /s) where,
h f = head loss
f = friction factor
1 INTRODUCTION L = lenght of pipe
In every engineering process involving pipes, pressure drop V = average velocity of the fluid
is affected by the kinetic energy loss and friction. The friction D = diameter of the pipe
produces the pressure drop, which introduces the flow of the g = acceleration due to gravity

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2 Experimental setup and methodology The wall shear stress can be found out using:
The the purpose is to determine the friction factor of the pipe
corresponding to the flow conditions mentioned. In this experi-
ment various pipes of different diameters are used with a fixed
tapping center so that the U-tube manometer can be fitted be- f=
tween the tapping centers to record the pressure. The flow of ρV νg
water through the pipe is regulated by operating a control valve
which is provided in the main supply line, for measuring the head
loss. The length of the pipe is considered as a distance between Skin friction coefficient is given by:
the two-pressure tapping, to which a U – Tube mercury manome-
ter is fitted. Actual discharge through pipe line is calculated by
collecting the water in collecting tank and by noting the time for
collection. f
cf =

3 Procedure for conduct of experiment

1. Note down the diameter of pipe (d). and density of mano-
metric liquid and that of fluid (water) flowing through the
2. Connect the U – tube manometer to the corresponding pipe
in between two pressure tappings.
3. Start the pump and adjust the control valve in pipe line for
required discharge.
4. Measure the pressure difference at two points 1 and 2 of a
pipe by means of a U– tube manometer.
5. Note the time taken for H cm rise of water in the collecting
6. Determine the velocity of flow (V) and frictional head loss
The flow velocity is given by: (hf) by using appropriate equations.
7. Determine the friction factor (f) in pipe by using Darcy –
Q A∆h Weisbach formula.
V= =
a ta 8. Change the flow rate by adjusting the control valve and re-
peat the process for different flow rates.
Darcy Weisbach’s Equation is given by:

f lv2
hf =
2gd 3.1 Parameter variation and approximations
In this experiment, the discharge rate of the fluid flowing
The hf can also be obtained using Bernoulli’s equation at the two through the pipes is being varied in order to obtain corresponding
points, friction factors. An assumption is taken that the flow is hydro-
dynamically fully developed in order to use the formula relating
p1 − p2 ρm the friction factor and wall shear stress. The tapping centres are
hf = = Hm [ − 1]
ρg ρw assumed to be at equidistant points. This may not be the case
always, so there may be error associated with it. These approx-
The Reynolds number is given: imations and assumptions will provide friction factors that are
slightly different from the actual values. These obtained friction
ρV D factor coefficients are hence compared with their corresponding
Re =
µ friction factor values in Moody’s chart.

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Density of water 997 Kg/m³
Density of mercury 13600 Kg/m³
Area of tank 0.25 m3
Rise of water in tank 0.05 m
Value ε for GI pipe 0.00015
Length of pipe 2m
Dynamic viscocity 0.001 pa s FIGURE 2. plot showing h f vs V 2 /2g for 0.015m dia.

The experiment was done and the following readings were

TABLE 1. given data

Dia h1 h2 t1 t2
29.4 39.7 14.37 14.3
20 31.3 37.8 16.5 17.5 FIGURE 3. plot showing Re vs f for 0.02m dia.
33.2 35.5 29 29.83
18.3 50.8 18.5 18.35
15 20.9 48 17.97 16.83
32.1 36.8 39.96 40.8


From the given table using required formulas, the following
table is made and the graphs are plotted.

FIGURE 4. plot showing Re vs f for 0.015m dia.

FIGURE 1. plot showing h f vs V 2 /2g for 0.02m dia.

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Time for 10 cm Frictional Friction factor
Sl. Actual Velocity of Friction Reynold’s
DIA (m) Manometer readings rise of water in Head from
No. Discharge flow factor Number
collecting tank Loss moody’s chart
h1 h2 hm=h2-h1 t1 t2 Q act
tmean (s) hf (m) V (m/s) f Re f
cm Hg cm Hg m of Hg Sec Sec mˆ3/s)

1 29.4 39.7 0.103 14.37 14.3 14.335 1.2978 0.000871992 2.775636 0.033051 55346.17 0.035746
2 d=0.02 31.3 37.8 0.065 16.5 17.5 17 0.819 0.000735294 2.340514 0.029333 46669.85 0.035971
3 33.2 35.5 0.023 29 29.83 29.415 0.2898 0.000424953 1.352668 0.031075 26972.2 0.036978
1 18.3 50.8 0.325 18.5 18.35 18.425 4.095 0.000678426 3.839106 0.040884 57413.83 0.03913
2 d=0.015 20.9 48 0.271 17.97 16.83 17.4 3.4146 0.000718391 4.06526 0.030403 60795.97 0.038683
3 32.1 36.8 0.047 39.96 40.8 40.38 0.5922 0.000309559 1.751747 0.028398 26197.37 0.03864

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The following table shows the error associated with each Qac
velocity of flow,V = = 1.751746663m/s
friction factor found. π( 0.015
2 )

TABLE 2. friction factor and its error

friction factor error 2 ∗ 9.81 ∗ 0.015 ∗ h f
friction factor, f = = 0.02839789
L ∗V 2
0.033050793 0.004928927
0.029333269 0.003829388
0.031075263 0.003002019 ρV d 997 ∗ 1.751746663 ∗ 0.015
reynolds number, Re = =
0.040884053 0.006119351 µ 0.001

0.030403485 0.005360259
0.02839789 0.00431934 = 26197.37135


In this experiment we have seen how to find the friction fac- The uncertainties used for the error analysis is shown in the
tor experimentally and how to compare the friction factor from table below. As a sample, error analysis of reading 3 of diameter
moody’s chart. The values got from the experiment were seen 0.015 is done.
close to that from moody’s chart. Also we have plotted the graphs
for Re vs f and h f vs v2 /2g.Friction factor represents the pres-
sure or head loss during a pipe flow.So, we have to minimize the hm 0.001m
friction factor by choosing the ideal condition of operation. d 2 ∗ 10−5
t 1s
REFERENCES ∆h 0.001m
[1] MEC2404 Frictional Flow in Pipe Lab Report Done by
Md Kabir.
Frictional-Flow-in-Pipe-LabR eport − Done − byr/,2014.
we have,
h i
Appendix A: Sample calculation 2∗ ρm
− 1 ∗ g ∗ d ∗ hm
We will the sample calculation for the third reading for di- f=  2
ameter 15mm from Table 1. here A∗∆h
L∗ πd 2
t∗ 4

hm = h2 − h1 = 0.047m
Substituting the values, we get

t1 + t2 1219.94 ∗ d 5 ∗ t 2 ∗ hm
tmean = = 40.38s f=
2 ∆h2


ρm 1219.94 ∗ d 5 ∗ t 2
frictional head loss(h f ) = ( − 1) ∗ hm = 0.5922m Uhm = ∗ uhm
ρw ∆h2

0.25 ∗ 0.05 1219.94 ∗ 0.0155 ∗ 40.382

actual discharge, Qac = = 0.000309559m3 /s = ∗ 0.006 = 0.0003625
tmean 0.052

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1219.94 ∗ 5 ∗ d 4 ∗ t 2 ∗ hm
Ud = ∗ ud

1219.94 ∗ 5 ∗ 0.0154 ∗ 40.382 ∗ 0.047

= ∗ 0.0001 = 0.00018932

1219.94 ∗ d 5 ∗ t ∗ 2 ∗ hm FIGURE 6. plot showing error bands of h f vs V 2 /2g for 0.02m dia.
Ut = ∗ ut

1219.94 ∗ 0.0155 ∗ 40.38 ∗ 2 ∗ 0.047

= ∗ 1.07 = 0.000756

1219.94 ∗ d 5 ∗ t 2 ∗ 2 ∗ hm
U∆h = − ∗ u∆h

1219.94 ∗ 0.0155 ∗ 40.382 ∗ 2 ∗ 0.047

= ∗ 0.001 = 0.001136

Uf = Uh2m ∗Ud2 ∗Ut2 ∗U∆h

= 0.001

friction factor = 0.02839789 ± 0.001.

FIGURE 5. plot showing error bands of h f vs V 2 /2g for 0.02m dia.

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